Tuesday, July 31, 2018

rising storm: part four

Cats come running back to the camp, having just been attacked by an unseen enemy. Fireheart goes back out with them to see what happened. They find Runningwind's dead body and Fireheart finds Whitethroat, one of the sick ShadowClan cats. He confronts Whitethroat, but he is terrified of something and instead of attacking back runs unlooking to the Thunderpath where a monster hits him. 

What he was terrified of is Tigerclaw, who promptly attacks Fireheart as his rogues attack the other clan cats. Suddenly Graystripe and a RiverClan patrol are there to help them, but only Graystripe realizes Tigerclaw was there.

Back at the camp Bluestar is devastated over Tigerclaw killing a former clanmate. She considers giving herself up in the hopes that her sacrifice will sate him but Fireheart refuses, telling her that Tigerclaw has declared revenge on the whole clan. He decides the camp must be guarded at all times and puts Longtail on the first duty. He is uneasy to see Darkstripe studying Bluestar thoughtfully. 

Fireheart confides his fears that Tigerclaw might become clan leader yet. Cinderpelt thinks it is impossible since he is now killing ThunderClan cats, but Yellowfang agrees with him. To Fireheart, Bluestar in her weakened condition - and then dying - could break the clan and Tigerclaw would be a strong leader to a desperate clan. To Yellowfang, Tigerclaw's ambition gives him the strength to do anything neccessary to achieve his goal. Patrols are upped to help keep the clan on guard for an attack from Tigerclaw and everyone starts to grow exhausted.

So, I find it interesting that while Fireheart sees himself as Bluestar's deputy he does not see himself as her replacement. He worries that if something happens to Bluestar the devastated and broken clan will take Tigerclaw back. I don't see that happening, not unless Tigerclaw terrorizes them so much they see no choice - but it could be possible. But what is far more likely is they would turn to Fireheart to lead them in defense against a cat who is trying to destroy them. However, I do agree with Yellowfang. With Tigerclaw's ambition anything is possible. 

I would like to note that Fireheart is starting to trust Longtail, and I think that is a good thing. Fireheart and Dustpelt seem to be slowly trying to patch things up. Now he and Longtail are the same. The only cat who Fireheart still seems to have endless problems with is Darkstripe. Fireheart might be working on his trust issues with Longtail, but for Darkstripe there does not seem to be any attempt on either end to make things better. Darkstripe still clearly hates and resents Fireheart - and he is clearly watching Bluestar closely.

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