Saturday, July 21, 2018

forest of secrets: part one

This book opens in the past, with Oakheart bringing kits to his clan from an enemy clan. Refusing to say where he got them or why, he asks Graypool to care for them. She agrees.

The story moves to the present with the cats getting ready for The Gathering. Fireheart decides to sneak away after The Gathering to see Ravenpaw and ask him again about what happened with Redtail. Graystripe agrees to go with him. When they arrive Fireheart asks what they should say about Brokentail. Bluestar says no one is to say anything - either about the attack on their camp or keeping Brokentail prisoner. She decrees this to be ThunderClan business and ThunderClan business alone. While at The Gathering, Fireheart hears the elders talk of a leaf-bare (winter) many years before, and how when the thaw came the river swelled so bad many cats and prey drowned - and also how Bluestar's kits disappeared. After The Gathering Fireheart lies to Sandstorm and tells her he and Graystripe are going to go look for fresh-kill.

They leave and reach Ravenpaw who tells them that Oakheart's death was an accident. While fighting with Redtail rocks crushed him. So while Redtail did kill Oakheart, it was an accident. Then Tigerclaw killed Redtail. Ravenpaw did remember one odd thing. While Redtail was fighting Stonefur, a RiverClan cat, Okaheart pulled him off saying no ThunderClan cat will harm that warrior.

They get back to camp but they are in trouble for eating mouse (with Ravenpaw) but not bringing anything back to the clan. They go to sleep and Fireheart dreams of Spottedleaf and a large body of water. Spottedleaf warns Fireheart that "water can quench fire." Fireheart awakens uneasy since Spottedleaf once told him that fire would save their clan.

Fireheart checks in with Cinderpaw and is glad she is adjusting well to living with Yellowfang, though he still feels sorrow over her accident and determination to bring Tigerclaw to justice. He and Graystripe sneak to the RiverClan camp to seek a cat that can tell them about Oakheart's death. Silverstream brings Mistyfoot to talk to Fireheart. She confirms that Oakheart's death was an accident, but she cannot shed any light on why he would say what he did about Stonefur - whi is her brother. But she offers to bring Graypool, their mother, to talk to Fireheart soon.

I feel like things are now in motion for Tigerclaw. All Fireheart has to do is get a RiverClan cat to tell Bluestar the truth about Oakheart's death. 

I also suspect that Stonefur and Mistyfoot are ThunderClan cats - though why Oakheart would have them I don't know. But perhaps these are Bluestar's missing kits?

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