Friday, July 13, 2018

into the wild: part six

The final four chapters!

Firepaw and Graypaw find Yellowfang easily enough, just beating a ThunderClan patrol looking for her. She says she ran to find the kits and bring them back. They find out from her that Brokenstar is training kits to be warriors and even killed two of them, framing Yellowfang. She also admits that he has been taking kits from other clans. She will not admit, though, why she would not speak against Brokenstar. She only said that he is the son of Raggedstar so his word is law but she is clearly holding back.

Yellowfang goes to get help from ShadowClan cats who want Brokenstar gone while Firepaw hopes to convince the ThunderClan cats who are out hunting for Yellowfang to listen. He is relieved to find Whitestorm leading the group and asks where Tigerclaw is. Whitestorm admits that Bluestar insisted Tigerclaw stay behind, and also hinted that Whitestorm might find some help. He realizes now that she meant Firepaw. He agrees to Firepaw's plan to give Yellowfang and her old clanmates the benefit of the doubt. Yellowfang arrives with some ShadowClan cats and they all go together to recuse the kits.

They arrive at the camp, the ShadowClan cats pretending to bring Yellowfang in as a prisoner. A fight breaks out and the ThunderClan cats join it. Brokenstar admits to killing the kits and framing Yellowfang, as well as killing his father Raggedstar. This news is a heavy blow for Yellowfang but it rouses the ShadowClan cats who are tired of Brokenstar's rule. They throw him out but Brokenstar tells Firepaw that things are not over between them. Whitestorm offers the enemy clan a month to repair their clan with no problems from ThunderClan. The kits are saved and everyone, including Yellowfang, go back to Thunderclan.

When they arrive home and Yellowfang's bravery and honor is spoken of she is finally accepted into the clan and made their medicine cat. Ravenpaw's death is shared by Firepaw, who boldly tells Tigerclaw his friend was no traitor. Graypaw and Firepaw are also made full warriors with the new names Graystripe and Fireheart. Tigerclaw sees an enemy in Fireheart, but Fireheart is unafraid. Some how, some day, he will tell Bluestar the truth and expose Tigerclaw.

Pretty much every plot point but Tigerclaw was resolved. Yellowfang is finally with a clan that loves and respects her. Ravenpaw is safe from Tigerclaw and has been cleared as a traitor. The kits are found. ShadowClan is broken. Fireheart and Graystripe are now full warriors. All is good in the world.

Except... Tigerclaw roams free - and possibly even suspects that Fireheart knows the truth. Brokenstar has promised Fireheart revenge. And Yellowfang... well, I'm beginning to suspect that Bokenstar might be her kit. Why else would she refuse to speak out against him? Or hurt him? Why else would she refuse to have more kits? Why else would the news that he killed his father hurt her so? I am convinced that Brokenstar was her kit and she gave him up because medicine cats are not supposed to have kits and that even Brokenstar does not know the truth. Only time will tell whether or not this plot point is even gone back to. For now, book one is done and Tigerclaw is the bigger threat.

Since we are at the end of book one I will, however, confess half of my spoiler. It is Tigerclaw = evil. I do not, though, remember which book he is defeated in but now that I reflect on it I do remember at least part of his fate. And I do remember the fate of another cat, one that makes me feel sorrow to remember it. But all of that is in the future.

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