Monday, July 23, 2018

forest of secrets: part three

Fireheart returns from hunting and immediately seeks Bluestar out. She is still upset with him and even more upset when she finds out he was hunting near the Twoleg place, questioning why he always chooses to hunt there. He tells her he smelled strange cats over there and Bluestar's anger faded away to be replaced with concern. He does not mention Tigerclaw's scent. Tigerclaw sends him to check on the RiverClan border so he takes Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Runningwind. They find the river flooded.

They return to report their findings to Bluestar. She is concerned that the flooding could hurt their clan so she orders extra patrols and Tigerclaw orders extra fresh-kill to be stockpiled. Worried, Graystripe needs to slip away to check on Silverstream. Fireheart goes with him but when they get to the river they see two kits about to drown.

They recuse the kits, who smell of RiverClan, and Leopardfur finds them. She is unsure about their story and brings them before her clan. The RiverClan camp is flooded and the enemy clan is seeking refuge elsewhere. Crookedstar accepts their story and while there they find out that the clan is starving. Twolegs poisoned their fish and now with the flood there is nothing to eat. Feeling bad for the cats the two warriors offer to hunt extra fresh-kill for them so they don't all starve but they worry that either Bluestar or Tigerclaw will catch them.

Fireheart and Graystripe keep their word, secretly hunting for RiverClan. One day Cloudkit catches them sneaking out but they send him away by telling him they are going on a secret mission. While in the RiverClan territory Graystripe finds out that Silverstream is pregnant and he will be a father.

Fireheart is shocked by Graystripe's announcement and sees only disaster. But Graystripe insists that everything will be okay. They go home to find out that Cloudkit followed them - and worse he announces all of this to Tigerclaw. Back at camp Bluestar orders Cloudkit back to helping the elders as punishment for sneaking out of camp yet again. Fireheart and Graystripe confess everything (but Graystripe and Silverstream's involvement) to her and she sentences them to apprentice duty. She acknowledges that while their hearts were in the right places they broke the warrior code.

Of all the worst things that could happen, Graystripe and Silverstream having kits is pretty high up there. While Silverstream does not have to say who the father is, Graystripe will have to watch his kits grown up as RiverClan warriors and as enemies. He would never be able to acknowledge them and might one day even have to fight them. Seeing each other in secret was bad enough but I see this ending very bad.

However, as far as their RiverClan activities it was only a matter of time before they were found out.

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