Thursday, July 12, 2018

into the wild: part five

Things escalated pretty quick these four chapters.

The next morning there is a meeting where Tigerclaw appoints bodyguards (Darkstripe and Longtail) for Bluestar, since she is running out of lives. Due to her bravery during the ShadowClan attack, Bluestar also makes Yellowfang part of the clan. Tigerclaw then goes on to imply that Ravenpaw betrayed the clan to ShadowClan but Bluestar does not seem to notice. Firepaw overhears Tigerclaw telling Bluestar's new bodyguards that Ravenpaw ran off while they were at Moonstone. Tigerclaw implies that Ravenpaw must have told ShadowClan that Bluestar was gone so they would attack. He also tells them to fix the problem. Longtail says nothing, but Darkstripe is furious and agrees. Firepaw is unsure what to do but he knows his friend is in danger.

He stops by to see Spottedleaf but she seems distracted and upset. She tells him the spirits of StarClan are restless. Suddenly she feels the need to tell Firepaw the prophecy that fire will save their clan. Firepaw leaves confused - to him, fire is dangerous. Firepaw wants to confide everything to Bluestar but can never seem to find a chance. He does, however, turn to Ravenpaw for the truth and Ravenpaw admits Tigerclaw's treachery. Firepaw finally resolves to tell Bluestar no matter what, but when he finally gets her alone she admits to Firepaw how relieved she is to have Tigerclaw for such a strong deputy. She admits she once feared his ambition but now sees his loyalty truly is to the clan. Firepaw cannot bring himself to admit his fears or Ravenpaw's secret. She then confides in Firepaw that it was actually life number seven that she lost, not five. She lied so the clan would not worry about her.

Suddenly there is commotion and chaos in the camp. Someone has stolen Frostfur's kits - and murdered Spottedleaf. Suspicion immediately falls on Yellowfang, who is missing, and most of the clan wants to kill her on site. Bluestar is far more calm, though. She admits Yellowfang must be found and questioned but she wants the truth. A storm breaks out and Bluestar forbids anyone to hunt Yellowfang or the kits down until it has passed. She talks to Firepaw privately and asks him to go find Yellowfang immediately so she can get to the bottom of this. On his way Firepaw hears cats talking about how Ravenpaw probably helped Yellowfang since Tigerclaw has all but named him traitor. He decides to help his friend when he gets back. Then he then sees Frostfur chase Ravenpaw away from the nursery, an angry look on her face and realizes Ravenpaw is out of time. He turns to Graypaw for help in hiding Ravenpaw. Graypaw suggests Barley. They gather up Ravenpaw and go to leave when Tigerclaw catches them and reminds them that no one is to leave the camp. But Bluestar intervenes and tells Tigerclaw it is okay, she is sending Firepaw on an urgent errand and he is taking the other two apprentices with him for help. They take Ravenpaw as close to the farm as they can and leave him to find Barley on his own. Terrified of Tigerclaw, Ravenpaw asks what if his mentor hunts him down. Firepaw assures him he will tell Tigerclaw that he died.

A couple of things here. Clearly all the plot points are not going to be resolved. There is Tigerclaw, who we now know killed Redtail. Ravenpaw, who knows the truth and is in danger because of it. There is also Yellowfang's loyalty, which is constantly called into question. And the missing kits. All of these cannot be solved in the next four chapters but most of them should be - just leaving the Tigerclaw problem.

It is good that Ravenpaw is gone - though it is also sad. He gave his life to his clan just for Tigerclaw to poison them against him. But leaving for now is the only real choice before him - before Tigerclaw has him killed.

But it is not just Ravenpaw in danger. Tigerclaw killed Redtail. He knows how many lives Bluestar has left. He has appointed warriors loyal to himself to be Bluestar's bodyguards. And even worse Bluestar admitted to Firepaw that she actually only has two lives left, not the four Tigerclaw believes. She also once feared his ambition but now sees it as a good thing for the clan. She can see only Tigerclaw's loyalty - which I believe is real, but his want for power is stronger and Bluestar cannot see that. If anything which each blow the clan is dealt she seems weaker and weaker which just makes Tigerclaw stronger and stronger...

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