Sunday, July 22, 2018

forest of secrets: part two

Fireheart goes back to camp and finds Graystripe, who had snuck off with Silverstream. Graystripe tells him that tomorrow they will go see Graypool. The next day Graypool refuses to speak to Fireheart in front of others. After they leave she admits that the kits Oakheart brought her smelled of ThunderClan but she does not know why he had them. She also insists that Mistyfoot and Stonefur are never to know the truth.

Fireheart immediately goes back to camp to talk to Bluestar. After Tigerclaw leaves he asks to speak with her. He tells her all about sneaking out to see Ravenpaw and Oakheart's accidental death - even admitting to getting the story verified by a RiverClan cat who was there. Bluestar is troubled and begins to believe him - until he mentions the ThunderClan kit story. She suddenly changes her attitude to one of fury and forbids Fireheart from ever speaking of this again.

He goes to collect herbs with Cinderpaw and Cloudkit and once again Cinderpaw tells Fireheart that she does not know what to do, but she cannot stay with Yellowfang for forever. Fireheart has no answers for her. That night, Fireheart dreams of a cat nursing her kits - but she fades away leaving her kits crying. Fireheart wonders if this dream is prophecy or what happened to Mistyfoot and Stonefur. Fireheart, Sandstorm, and Brackenpaw go out to hunt - and save Cloudkit from a badger. Tigerclaw blames Cloudkit even though it was an accident and sentences him to caring for the elders.

Yellowfang tries to make friends with Brokentail but he is uninterested. Fireheart sees Tigerclaw sneak out of the camp and decides to follow him. He fears that Tigerclaw might go to Twoleg place and attack Princess. He runs into Tigerclaw who angrily demands to know what he is doing there. Fireheart says hunting. Unable to prove him wrong, Tigerclaw angrily leaves. Fireheart tracks Tigerclaw's scent to an area with many scents of rogue cats, but he cannot prove that Tigerclaw was actually meeting with them so he leaves.

I feel more then ever now that those kits were Bluestar's - but why would she give them up? And I understand if she doesn't want anyone to know her secret but her attitude all around makes no sense. The only cat she seems to trust more then Fireheart is Tigerclaw. And in some ways she seems to trust Fireheart more. Fireheart knowing her secret should not be the end of the world, yet it seems to be to her. And it is making her willfully blind to his information about Tigerclaw. Up until he mentioned the ThunderClan kits Bluestar believed him. So why now is his story suddenly a lie? That makes no sense.

And I would like to know what Tigerclaw is doing at Twoleg place. He hates twolegs, he hates kittypets, and he hates rogues. What business could he possibly have there? And why should he be so upset over the possibility of Fireheart seeing him. That alone implies he is doing something wrong - though what I don't know.

As for Cloudkit and Cinderpaw he is a bit selfish and headstrong. Hopefully caring for the elders will make him realize he needs to be more of a clan cat then he is. And she needs to realize she does have a place in the clan - as Yellowfang's apprentice.

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