Wednesday, July 25, 2018

forest of secrets: part five

Nightstar and Tallstar (especially when Bluestar tries to remind him of bringing WindClan home) are angry with Bluestar. Crookedstar is willing to give Bluestar a chance to explain. She points out that the warrior code calls for compassion as well as strength. An argument ensues, alligences shift again, and once more the moon is covered cutting the fighting off. Tigerclaw angrily asks Bluestar if she is happy and she reminds him that this is no place to argue amongst themselves. Fireheart is shocked since he just saw Tigerclaw sharing tongues with Brokentail. As everyone leaves Nightstar informs them that they will not be allowed to pass through their territory on the way home. Bluestar is shocked. Crookedstar overhears this and gives ThunderClan safe passage. Bluestar takes this opportunity to talk to Mistyfoot and Stonefur - causing Fireheart to realize she how much alike the three look.

A couple of days after The Gathering, Fireheart takes Brackenpaw hunting. Brackenpaw scents ShadowClan and WindClan coming. A fight ensues in the camp as WindClan and ShadowClan try to reach Brokentail. They do not succeed, but after they leave there is clear dissension in the camp over sheltering Brokentail. As they clean up Fireheart realizes that Bluestar might be Mistyfoot and Stonefur's mother.

Graystripe had missed the fight because he was off with Silverstream and Tigerclaw is angry for this. Fireheart warns his friend to stay in the camp for the next few days where Tigerclaw can see him. He then recommends that Graystripe ask Bluestar to make Brackenpaw a warrior, because without him they never would have known the other clans were coming. Graystripe asks Bluestar and she agrees, giving Brackenpaw the warrior name Brackenfur. Everything is fine for a few days but then Graystripe sneaks out again. Fireheart follows him, telling everyone that they are going hunting. But when he reaches the two cats he finds Silverstream in pain and in need of a medicine cat. He runs back and unable to find Yellowfang instead grabs Cinderpaw. Realizing something is up Tigerclaw follows them, finding Cinderpaw trying to save a dying RiverClan warrior who is giving birth to kits. Silverstream screams like in Fireheart's dream and dies. Graystripe stays behind to mourn her while Cinderpaw and Fireheart carry the kits back to camp to the disbelief of Tigerclaw.

Graystripe buries Silverstream, with the assumption that her clan will want nothing to do with her now since she betrayed them. Bluestar asks Goldenflower to nurse the kits. Speckletail is angry - in her eyes both Silverstream and Graystripe are traitors, and their kits have bad blood. She feels the kits should be thrown out of the camp but Goldenflower agrees. In private, Fireheart asks Bluestar what will happen to Graystripe. She tells him she needs time to think on it. He asked her if she knew and she said she suspected, but that she had hoped Graystripe would come to his senses and remember his loyalty to his clan before anything serious happened. But she knew that one way or another it would have to end, and that she wasn't sure how Graystripe could have coped with watching his kits grow up in another clan. Fireheart finds himself asking Bluestar how she coped, and she confesses that yes, Mistyfoot and Stonefur are her kits. Meanwhile Cinderpaw is struggling with the death of Silverstream and blames herself for not saving her.

Tigerclaw's anger over Brokentail at The Gathering is further proof, in my mind, that something more is going on there - but I still cannot figure out what. It's not like Brokentail can help Tigerclaw kill Bluestar - and I doubt Brokentail would willingly sacrifice himself as a villain in her death. The clan would never forgive him and without Bluestar there to protect him he would definitely die (over and over if necessary) for his crime. 

As for Graystripe and Silverstream, like I said, I am glad to finally see this story line over. And I am glad the clan is taking the kits in - despite how angry some in the clan are. Their affair could not have gone on forever and was already causing divided loyalties.

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