Sunday, July 29, 2018

rising storm: part two

WindClan refuses to let them pass through their territory so they might journey to Highstones. Bluestar is upset, confiding in Fireheart that StarClan is no longer sharing dreams with her.

Fireheart continues to have problems with Cloudpaw, and begins to realize that he no longer trusts him. In a desperate attempt to make Cloudpaw listen and obey he bars him from going to the next Gathering. When time for the next Gathering does come Bluestar leaves it up to Fireheart who goes and who stays. He makes his choices and leaves Whitestorm in charge of the camp. When the cats ask her if she will mention Windclan's behavior she says no and there is some discontent. 

On the journey there Sandstorm finally voices what the rest of the clan must be wondering - and what Fireheart, with Whitestorm's help, has been desperately trying to hide: Bluestar's condition. Fireheart tries to reassure her that everything is fine. At the Gathering the sick clan is revealed to be ShadowClan, but they are trying to hide it. Nightstar in particular looks bad, but he was already an elder. Bluestar refuses to answer any questions about Tigerclaw's fate.

The next day two ShadowClan cats come to ThunderClan, sick and in need of help. Bluestar seems dazed and in fear of them. Yellowfang insists that they must leave at once - the disease has no cure and she does not wish it to spread to ThunderClan. Trying to ignore the desperation of the sick cats, Fireheart and Sandstorm escort them to the border, where they see the sick cats enter a secret tunnel to ShadowClan. Fireheart excitedly tells Bluestar about it but she is angry and worried that ShadowClan will retaliate. Fireheart is puzzled, as always, by her irrational mood swings. 

He decides to take Cloudpaw out for training. Sandstorm offers to come but Fireheart declines. She amusingly points out that Cloudpaw is getting as fat as Willowfur (who is pregnant) and Fireheart realizes something is going on. Training does not go well with Cloudpaw - he seems fat and slow. Cloudpaw offers to go hunting and Fireheart agrees, deciding to spy on him. To his horror, he sees Cloudpaw go to Twoleg place and start yowling at a house.

Well, now that we know the truth about Cloudpaw. I do not see this ending well. Everything he is doing flies in the face of the warrior code. If his clan ever found out they would be furious. And to add to Fireheart's problems, some cats are starting to notice Bluestar's odd behavior. And her refusal to help the sick ShadowClan cats is unlike her. Bluestar takes the warrior code very seriously, with almost an obsession with honor and doing the right thing. I can understand her not wanting the sick cats in their camp, but sending them off to their death is so unlike her. I would like to believe that Bluestar is going to recover here and turn into her old self, but I have a feeling that is far from the case and instead she will only slowly get worse.

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