Thursday, July 26, 2018

forest of secrets: part six

Bluestar confesses that while she was Bluefur, she and Oakheart had an affair that resulted in kits, which she had intended to raise as ThunderClan kits. A new deputy was needed for her clan, the medicine cat had already told her that StarClan had a great destiny planned for her, and she had to make a choice. She could have never been deputy while having kits and the only other warrior who could become deputy was Thistleclaw - and he was ambitious and felt every problem could only be solved by fighting. Fearing what would happen to her clan if he became deputy - and possibly leader - she asked Oakheart to take the kits so she could become deputy instead. Oakheart took the kits and her clan searched for them, finally giving up, never realizing the truth.

The next day Fireheart sneaks out to go tell Mistyfoot what happened. Back at home, all the cats are angry at Graystripe and feel he is a traitor. Bluestar makes Fireheart mentor to Cloudkit. She also decrees that Silverstream's death is enough punishment for Graystripe, much to Tigerclaw's anger.

Fireheart begins training Cloudpaw over by Twoleg place. He still scents Tigerclaw in the area but cannot figure out why he is there. He also takes Cloudkit to see Princess and tell her the good news about him becoming an apprentice. After speaking to her they smell RiverClan cats in the area. Fireheart sends Cloudkit ahead to warn Bluestar.

Leopardfur arrives with a couple of warriors, asking for Silverstream's kits. Bluestar tells her she must think on this and will give her answer at the next Gathering. Leopardfur is upset but leaves with this news for Crookedstar. Cinderpaw goes to Mothermouth so she can formally start her apprenticeship. She is still upset over her inability to save Silverstream, but she is determined to become the best medicine cat ever so she never fails anyone else. Tigerclaw has Fireheart assess Cloudkit's hunting ability so Fireheart takes him over by Twoleg place. While there Cloudkit comes racing back to him to tell him that he sees Tigerclaw speaking to a group of rogue cats. Fireheart follows him and they watch helplessly and in fear as Tigerclaw brings the cats straight towards the ThunderClan camp.

Finally, a few plot points are beginning to wrap up. Bluestar is the mother to the RiverClan cats, which was so painfully obvious for so long it was a wonder Fireheart didn't figure it out before. While, personally, I disagree with what she did I can to an extent understand it. Thistleclaw sounds just like Tigerclaw - which really makes me wonder how she can not see that! And, in all honesty, in her desire to thwart Thistleclaw's ambition all she did was further her own so I don't really know that she deserves the high horse, here - even if she was the better choice.

And while I understand why Fireheart told Mistyfoot about Silverstream, I wish he had not mentioned the kits. I have a feeling RiverClan is not going to drop this easily.

And lastly, Tigerclaw's ambition is finally revealed - though I'm not sure how Fireheart is going to prove it. Unless everyone sees Tigerclaw arrive with the cats - which would defeat his entire plan of taking over the clan - everyone is going to assume he is on their side - which I am sure he is not going to fight on the side of the rouges but instead on the side of his clan. I now understand why he was talking to Brokentail, but he will have to kill him so Brokentail does not betray him. And this also does not ensure Bluestar's death. She could very well survive the fight - and Tigerclaw is not aware that this is her last life.

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