Saturday, July 7, 2018

into the wild: part one

I bought a new book by Erin Hunter, book one in a new series that takes place on the plains of Africa. I didn't realize that only book one was out. While I like starting new series I don't like starting them when there is only one book out. There needs to be at least three. If I get drawn in I like to move on to the next book, not wait an entire year before the next adventure. Usually, by then, I've forgotten what is going on. With three books firmly established in my mind I don't mind walking away for a bit because everything is more deeply ingrained. But I did really want to read my new book so I decided to revisit the world of Warriors. I only ever read the first series and a few graphic novels. I never ventured beyond that. And this was more then ten years ago so I all really remember is- well, that would be spoilers. (But I'll confess it by the end of the series. I will give you two names as hints: Firepaw and Tigerclaw.)

While this book follows Rusty/Firepaw it doesn't start with him. It starts with a clan fight.

RiverClan, in search of food, has invaded ThunderClan territory. A fight ensues led by Oakheart of RiverClan and Redtail of ThunderClan (both a deputy of their respective clans). In the end ThunderClan calls a retreat, a part of their territory lost. Back at their camp Bluestar, leader of Thunderclan, searches for answers. A meteor streaks across the sky and Spottedleaf, their medicine cat, tells her it is a message from StarClan: Fire alone can save our clan.

Meanwhile a young cat named Rusty awakens from a dream in which he was hunting a mouse. He is a kittypet who lives with the Twolegs. He is both happy with his life and upset with with. Both content and discontent. He likes his life but his heart yearns for the woods outside of his home and the fresh taste kill of mouse. He finally braves the woods only to be attacked by another cat. That cat is Graypaw, warrior in training for ThunderClan. After their fight they strike up a sudden friendship and are discovered by Bluestar and Lionheart (a warrior who is Graypaw's mentor). Bluestar decides to extend an invitation to join their clan to Rusty. There have not been many kits, their territory is being overtaken, their clan is failing. They need more warriors and Bluestar was impressed by the kittypet's courage and skills.

The next day Rusty leaves his home behind, escorted to the clan home by Lionheart and Whitestorm (another warrior). He receives a mixed welcome, even needing to fight another warrior to prove his worth, but ultimately he is accepted and given the name Firepaw.

But then Ravenpaw (another apprentice) arrives with the news that Redtail is dead. He passes out from his wounds and Tigerclaw arrives dragging Redtail's body. He brings the news that Redtail was slain by Oakheart, and he himself slew Oakheart in return. And the Riverclan cats have fled their part of the forest. While everyone mourns Redtail's passing, Graypaw shows Firepaw around and instructs him on clan life - including that there is a StarClan that all clans are a part of. That is where clan cats go when they die, to the white band (called Silverpelt) in the sky to look down on clan cats below. Bluestar names a new deputy (Lionheart) and gives young Dustpaw a new mentor (since Redtail was his) in Darkstripe. Firepaw and Graypaw turn in for the night.

Now, thoughts. This was a good introduction. The story has been well set up on both ends.

In the case of Rusty/Firepaw we see him both at his home and in the woods. We see him make the choice between kittypet and warrior. And he is well aware that either choice is final. If he picks kittypet the offer will never be extended again. If he picks warrior he must prove he is worthy of it or forever be scorned and hated. The laws, ways, and traditions were laid down for Firepaw, who has officially walked away from his life as a kittypet. He has made some friends and earned the respect of many cats, but he also has had a few run ins with those who feel they should not have a kittypet among their ranks.

On the other hand we see a failing clan that is desperate. Their numbers are not growing at the rate they should, they are losing territory, and food is scarce. A prophecy has been delivered and, of course, Bluestar clearly feels that Rusty is the "fire" that will save their clan. And things only get worse with the death of their deputy. Just how much sorrow must this clan face? Will things ever get better? And how, exactly, will "fire" save them? I doubt it's by knocking up every female cat in the clan and/or forcing the mice to have more children so that implies that their problems are more then they seem.

I really do not remember what the main story arc is fully, just the one spoiler I don't want to reveal so I am eager to read on and discover more.

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