Sunday, July 1, 2018

darkness walks: part four

My final post. I finished the book almost a week ago but have just been so busy I haven't had time for this.

The book moves on to possible explanations. First it looks at things like Ouija boards and seances. It offers the theory that when you open yourself and your home up to things from the other side anything can come in - including Shadow People. People offer stories of never seeing Shadow People until an Ouija board was used. Some people attributed their Shadow People to their attempts to try and use magic. Either way, it seemed that for some people Shadow People never existed until they dabbled in the occult.

Some people offer up other explanations for their visitors. One woman believes that hers protects her, saying that it only shows up in turbulent and stressful times in her life as a way to let her know that it's okay because she isn't alone. Yet others claim they show up then so they can feed on our fears. And then someone else actually offered up the idea that they are not just extraterrestrials, but reptilian extraterrestrials - who breed with humans so they can incite war, famine, poverty, etc so they can feed off of humanity. Others believe that they are the Nephilim from the bible and evil.

The story of a girl named Kaci was shared as well. Kaci claims that she and her friends have special powers and are on the lookout for others like themselves. She also claims that the Shadow People are out to hurt - and kill - herself and her friends.

Lastly, getting rid of Shadow People was discussed. Prayer, religion, visualization, spells, physically attacking it, saliva, confronting it, ignoring it, or countering it's fear and hate with love were all offered as ideas.

But so was the thought that there is nothing one can do. This, after all, is the world of the paranormal. And we are just humans. While most people seem to feel that they are overwhelmingly bad news, some think they are good. And no one can seem to agree on what they are or how to get rid of them. And yet, others feel that the answer is because they are many different things so there is no one answer.

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