Saturday, July 28, 2018

rising storm: part one

A sickness sweeps through one of the clans, killing many. Their medicine cat is overwhelmed as he focuses desperately on trying to save their leader. StarClan speaks to him, telling him that all is well, a great future awaits them. But it also warns him that the great future that is promised will come with a high price.

Fireheart is exasperated with Cloudkit, who acts very arrogant and spoiled. He does not understand why Cloudkit is struggling to adapt to clan life, why he does not honor the warrior code more, and why he cannot seem to get through to him. Fireheart is also having a hard time as deputy. Some of the clan resist him and others are uneasy with his unusual naming ceremony. But he himself struggles to keep all of his responsibilities straight - especially since he has also taken over most of Bluestar's responsibilities as well. She seems dazed and unsure of what to do, even leaving the naming of mentors to Fireheart. But her mood swings very abruptly, sometimes swinging to paranoia and anger without any provocation. She also is refusing to eat. Meanwhile Whitestorm tries to help Fireheart as much as he can, volunteering to help him decide schedules for the patrols, hunting parties, and training for the apprentices. 

Meanwhile Goldenflower fears for her kit, Bramblekit. Everyone can see he is the spitting image of his father, Tigerclaw. Fireheart feels uneasy looking at the kit but knows he is unfairly judging him for his father's crimes. And Cinderpelt is struggling with Silverstream's death, which is causing her to question every decision she makes. Fireheart tries to calm her by asking her to help him pick mentors for the apprentices - which Yellowfang is shocked that Bluestar is not doing it. In the end they pick Dustpelt and Darkstripe - choices that Fireheart is not fully comfortable with.

He dreams of Spottedleaf, but it is not a good dream as usual. Spottedleaf avoids him as he chases after her, dodging cats from his clan who are begging him for help. He awakens fearing that Spottedleaf is abandoning him. Fireheart tries to run the camp but Bluestar makes it difficult with her rapid mood swings. She insists that he alone accompany her to Highstones, and that Whitestorm run the camp in their absence.

I don't remember who the sick clan is, but I do know we haven't seen the last of Tigerclaw so I can't help wondering if somehow he is tied to this sick clan. 

I do feel bad for Fireheart. Between Bluestar's odd behavior, Couldpaw's arrogant indifference, and his failed naming ceremony everything seems to be stacked against him. It is good that Whitestorm is helping Fireheart, but it is worth noting that with Bluestar currently out of commission they are acting more like deputy and clan leader, respectively. 

And the choices of Darkstripe and Dustpelt were completely logical. Dustpelt was a supporter of Tigerclaw but his loyalties are completely with ThunderClan. Giving him an apprentice shows great trust in him. The only other choice would have been Longtail, but Darkstripe was a far bigger supporter of Tigerclaw so it shows clan life resuming as normal and a full acceptance of Tigerclaw's friends.

As for Bramblekit, I do feel bad for him and worry about Tigerclaw's kits being driven from the clan out of fear and paranoia.  

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