Monday, July 9, 2018

into the wild: part two

Firepaw's adventures continue for another five chapters.

Without a mentor of his own, Firepaw is jointly trained by both Lionheart and Tigerclaw. Tigerclaw can't seem to make up his mind when it comes down to Firepaw. Sometimes he seems to approve but other times he seems to mock the young cat. Lionheart is stern with Firepaw, but fair and very approving (and sometimes shocked) when Firepaw does something right. The two warriors show Firepaw (and Graypaw since Lionheart is his mentor) the boundaries of their land. They also train the two young cats, along with Ravenpaw once his wound heals enough to resume his training. However, Ravenpaw does not seem to enjoy his training and is in fear of Tigerclaw - though this could just be because Tigerclaw is a harsh mentor.

Time passes and Firepaw grows into his role as an apprentice. One day, while out gathering food for the clan, he finds an enemy cat in their territory and attacks it. At the end of the fight the cat surrenders her life but Firepaw does not take it. Instead he realizes that the cat is sick and so hungry she won't last long without food. Instead he breaks warrior code and catches her some food and shares it with her. As they talk the warrior patrol comes across them and Firepaw is found out - both for helping an enemy cat since she is Yellowfang, formerly of ShadowClan and now a loner, but also for eating before feeding the clan first.

The warriors, led by Bluestar herself, lead the prisoner back to camp. One there Bluestar informs everyone that WindClan is missing and their territory smells of ShadowClan alone. She also tells them that Yellowfang is now their prisoner. In private, Tigerclaw is unhappy with this because he feels that Yellowfang will betray them to ShadowClan but Bluestar admits that she hopes instead Yellowfang will betray ShadowClan. She also announces that she will take Firepaw on as her apprentice. This is a huge honor as Bluestar normally does not take apprentices. As punishment for breaking the warrior code Firepaw must tend to Yellowfang while she is healing.

Lastly of note, everyone is sticking close to the camp or patrolling in larger groups then normal. This is both because of the mystery of WindClan but also because a fox is in the area. They worry that the fox might get into the den where the kits live and that ShadowClan will try to drive them out of their own land.

It seems Yellowfang is somewhat of a legend. Not a big one, but she was a warrior who chose to become a medicine cat which is unheard of. Females are queens, warriors, queen/warrior, or medicine cat. There are no other options - and it is even revealed by Yellowfang that medicine cats do not have kits so there is no option for a medicine cat to also be a queen. Yellowfang also freaks out on a kit who comes to close to her and yells at Firepaw to keep them away. Firepaw asks her if she had kits and this is when she reveals to him that medicine cats do not do that. He points out that she was once a warrior, but she sadly remarks that accidents happen to kits around her. So perhaps she does not have a hatred of kits, but rather a sorrow of the tragic loss of either her own or ones she was in charge of.

While taking care of her Firepaw finds himself spending time with Spottedleaf to get the necessary medicines to heal Yellowfang seems to start to develop feelings for her. Whether anything will come of this is unknown since Spottedleaf is a medicine cat, not a queen. However, it seems that the feelings might be mutual.

As for Ravenpaw, he is constantly in fear though from what is unknown. He seems to fear ShadowClan and attacks coming from anywhere. He is also in fear of his mentor, but, like I said before, Tigerclaw is harsh. However, as harsh as Tigerclaw is he does give praise where praise is due, and even praises Ravenpaw for catching a crow - though I imagine it was grudgingly.

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