Thursday, July 19, 2018

fire and ice: part six

The cats go to The Gathering but it is an angry one. Hostilities run high. RiverClan says they will not stop hunting in ThunderClan territory since they are angry over their warriors death. ShadowClan insists they are not hunting in ThunderClan's territory even though their scent markers have been found everywhere. WindClan also makes the accusation that ShadowClan has been hunting in their territory. Meanwhile RiverClan accuses ThunderClan of spying in them since they can smell one of their warriors in their territory. Darkness covers the clouds and the medicine cats say it is because StarClan is angry with them - these gatherings are supposed to be of peace, not anger and hostility.

The clans leave Fourtrees. Fireheart and Graystripe are still fighting but talk. Graystripe says he won't stop seeing Silverstream but he will meet her at Fourtrees from now on. Bluestar warns the clan that they might receive an attack by both RiverClan and ShadowClan so they must up their patrols. Tigerclaw makes a veiled threat to Fireheart about Cloudkit. One good thing, though, is Brindleface is beginning to love Cloudkit as her own.

The previous patrol is not back yet, but Fireheart leaves on a patrol with some other warriors. While out they find fresh kill done by ShadowClan. Something about the smell seems familiar to Fireheart but he cannot place it. They return with the bones to the camp. Tigerclaw calls for an immediate raid on ShadowClan territory. He takes everyone with him but Fireheart, Sandpaw, Dustpaw, and Brackenpaw. Fireheart suddenly realizes just how undefended the camp is. Yellowfang sees the bones and smells Brokenstar's scent. Fireheart realizes what is happening but refuses to send any possible warriors to stop Tigerclaw, knowing be will need them all and soon. Instead he sends Brackenpaw to bring Tigerclaw back. Then he climbs onto Highrock - much to the shock and dismay of everyone in the camp - to tell them to prepare for an immediate attack.

Before he can finish his speech Brokenstar arrives with his warriors and a fight breaks out. Cinderpaw tries to fight but Dustpaw angrily sends her away. Things go bad for Fireheart as he fights Clawface but suddenly Graystripe is there to save him, accidentally killing the rogue cat and avenging Spottedleaf. Fireheart hopes that Graystripe being here means Bluestar is back but she isn't. Graystripe said Bluestar too found bones and realized it meant Brokenstar was back. She sent Graystripe to camp to summon Tigerclaw.

All the enemy cats run off but Brokenstar. Fireheart finds him with Yellowfang standing over his body, refusing to kill him. She admits that Brokenstar is her son by Raggedstar. That Brokenstar was the only kit to survive so she gave it to a queen to care for. She thought that was her punishment for having kits as a medicine cat. She blinded Brokenstar in the fight so she would not have to kill him.

Fireheart thanks Graystripe for saving him and Graystripe responds that he would give his life for Fireheart. Fireheart hopes their friendship can be saved. Bluestar has returned and he gives her his report on what happened. Tigerclaw returns and is filled in. He insists they should kill Brokenstar, not heal him and guard him. Yellowfang makes the case that if they do that then they are no better then Brokenstar. Bluestar agrees to let him stay for now and renames him Brokentail.

I have to say it was pretty obvisous that Brokenstar and his rouges were the ones hunting in everyone's territory. They still need to survive and they will want revenge, especially against ThunderClan. And, hunting in WindClan's territory further divides the clans.  I am curious to see how Brokenstar's story will wrap up since he is now blind - and I don't remember.

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