Sunday, June 24, 2018

darkness walks: part three

Well, I guess there can't be a new post everyday! I do need to sleep sometime!

So things start off with the last negative chapter involving Shadow People, this one being about Shadow People that attack. This one was more or less the same as the preceding four chapters but there was a couple of noticeable differences. First was a woman who said she felt violated by a Shadow Person who pinned her down to her bed. That was interesting - and somewhat disturbing to read. This woman's mother holds the belief that her daughter was attacked by the spirit of a rapist. Another woman said that the Shadow Person who attacked her was a female - the first claim for this so far. Everyone else either specifically states it is a male or says they are unsure of the gender. Also, in this chapter, another new theory was put forward - namely that these are psychic vampires as opposed to spirits or demons. In the end, all of these shadow attacks were very physical.

Then children who see/saw Shadow People were looked into. This was largely the same as chapters that came before. Some people described good Shadow People, others bad ones. And the idea was tossed around that children are more open to seeing ghosts - and by extension Shadow People - then adults are and maybe that is why they see them so much. Perhaps childhood imaginary friends are a bit more then imaginary.

Shadow Cats were also discussed - however most people who claimed to have seen Shadow Cats didn't actually see them which I found odd. That is to say, they saw small, darting shadows out of the corner of their eye. Very few people actually saw the shape of a cat or even actually saw them full on. Some people saw other animals - the most exotic being giraffes and gorillas. Some thought the Shadow Cats were demons, others that it was their deceased pet back to be with them. Short of aliens and psychic vampires, pretty much every theory that existed for Shadow People existed for Shadow Cats as well.

Lastly Hat Men were discussed. Top hats were mentioned, but the most popular were fedoras and derbys. And these Shadow People were very dressed up. Some people claimed to have been attacked, others just felt fear as they watched the Shadow Man pass through the room, and even others just felt shock at seeing what they believed to be a ghost. One person even claimed his Hat Man was smoking a cigar! In the end it seemed that the Hat Men were just as varied as all the other Shadow People that have walked through peoples lives.

Only four chapters left so I might get the final post up tomorrow night!

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