Tuesday, July 31, 2018

rising storm: part four

Cats come running back to the camp, having just been attacked by an unseen enemy. Fireheart goes back out with them to see what happened. They find Runningwind's dead body and Fireheart finds Whitethroat, one of the sick ShadowClan cats. He confronts Whitethroat, but he is terrified of something and instead of attacking back runs unlooking to the Thunderpath where a monster hits him. 

What he was terrified of is Tigerclaw, who promptly attacks Fireheart as his rogues attack the other clan cats. Suddenly Graystripe and a RiverClan patrol are there to help them, but only Graystripe realizes Tigerclaw was there.

Back at the camp Bluestar is devastated over Tigerclaw killing a former clanmate. She considers giving herself up in the hopes that her sacrifice will sate him but Fireheart refuses, telling her that Tigerclaw has declared revenge on the whole clan. He decides the camp must be guarded at all times and puts Longtail on the first duty. He is uneasy to see Darkstripe studying Bluestar thoughtfully. 

Fireheart confides his fears that Tigerclaw might become clan leader yet. Cinderpelt thinks it is impossible since he is now killing ThunderClan cats, but Yellowfang agrees with him. To Fireheart, Bluestar in her weakened condition - and then dying - could break the clan and Tigerclaw would be a strong leader to a desperate clan. To Yellowfang, Tigerclaw's ambition gives him the strength to do anything neccessary to achieve his goal. Patrols are upped to help keep the clan on guard for an attack from Tigerclaw and everyone starts to grow exhausted.

So, I find it interesting that while Fireheart sees himself as Bluestar's deputy he does not see himself as her replacement. He worries that if something happens to Bluestar the devastated and broken clan will take Tigerclaw back. I don't see that happening, not unless Tigerclaw terrorizes them so much they see no choice - but it could be possible. But what is far more likely is they would turn to Fireheart to lead them in defense against a cat who is trying to destroy them. However, I do agree with Yellowfang. With Tigerclaw's ambition anything is possible. 

I would like to note that Fireheart is starting to trust Longtail, and I think that is a good thing. Fireheart and Dustpelt seem to be slowly trying to patch things up. Now he and Longtail are the same. The only cat who Fireheart still seems to have endless problems with is Darkstripe. Fireheart might be working on his trust issues with Longtail, but for Darkstripe there does not seem to be any attempt on either end to make things better. Darkstripe still clearly hates and resents Fireheart - and he is clearly watching Bluestar closely.

Monday, July 30, 2018

rising storm: part three

Fireheart confides what he saw to Sandstorm. Sandstorm reminds Fireheart that Cloudpaw is young - but also informs him that Cloudpaw must make a choice. Fireheart confronts Cloudpaw, who insists he is doing nothing wrong. Cloupaw wants the best of both worlds and believes that the Warrior Code is about survival, not the clan, much to Fireheart's horror. Fireheart tells him he might not be able to stop him from accepting kittypet food, but he can prevent him from ever being a warrior.

Fireheart also discovers that Cinderpelt is hiding the sick ShadowClan cats and has actually discovered a cure for their sickness. As for Dustpelt, he and Fireheart both fight and don't fight, causing Fireheart to wonder what is going on with their relationship. 

Meanwhile, he and Sandstorm go out to find Cloudpaw and discover him being kidnapped by Twolegs. Cloupaw calls out to them for help but there is nothing they can do as they watch the Twolegs drive away with Cloudpaw in their monster. Sandstorm tries to comfort Fireheart but he makes her angry when he says that Cloudpaw, being his only real kin, was closest to him.

Back at camp Ashpaw asks Fireheart where Cloudpaw is. Fireheart realizes that Ashpaw knows the truth about Cloudpaw's absences. He tells Ashpaw that Cloudpaw has gone back to his kittypet roots and Ashpaw is upset, insisting that Cloudpaw would never do that. Darkstripe spreads news of Cloudpaw's betrayal through the camp, even informing Bluestar who summons Fireheart. Fireheart told her he had only just found out the truth and was trying to solve to problem on his own. Bluestar tells him that they must respect Cloudpaw's choice, and tells him that if Cloudpaw wants to return to the clan he will find a way.

Fireheart dreams of Spottedleaf warning him of an enemy who "seems to sleep." Fireheart awakens and wonders if the dream is about the ShadowClan cats Cinderpelt is hiding. He wakes her up to tell her the cats must leave immediately. She tells him she will deal with it, but she also tells him to let Spottedleaf go and be with StarClan where she belongs. She also hints to Fireheart that Sandstorm is in love with him.

A drought comes making clan life difficult. And with Twoleg children in the forest it is hard to go to the stream for water. But the cats manage and one day Fireheart sees Graystripe there. As he starts taking to Graystripe about Bluestar and her failing mental health he realizes that he can no longer confide in his friend.

So, a few things. Fireheart's relationship with Dustpelt seems to be full of ups and downs. Dustpelt seems to hate him as a cat, but respect him as his deputy, which is odd. I know Dustpelt is ruled by the warrior code but Darkstripe just plain hates Fireheart - both as a cat and as a deputy. He, too, is loyal to the clan but to him that does not seem to extend to any loyalty to Fireheart. Meanwhile, Dustpelt seems to have feelings for Fernpaw that Fireheart is oblivious to. But seeing the interactions between Fireheart and Dustpelt I can't help but wonder if maybe they are starting to work towards patching things up.

Cloudpaw getting catnapped was upsetting but not overly shocking. Hopefully he makes his way back to the clan and learns to fully respect their way of life. And Sandstorm's reaction to what Fireheart said was both understandable and not. Fireheart does struggle with acceptance from the clan. It is largely over but that doesn't mean it was never there. But, he should not have said that to her since it is pretty obvious that Sandstorm is in love with him - though how he doesn't see it I have no clue.

As for the enemy Spottedleaf warns him about, my money is on Tigerclaw, not ShadowClan.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

rising storm: part two

WindClan refuses to let them pass through their territory so they might journey to Highstones. Bluestar is upset, confiding in Fireheart that StarClan is no longer sharing dreams with her.

Fireheart continues to have problems with Cloudpaw, and begins to realize that he no longer trusts him. In a desperate attempt to make Cloudpaw listen and obey he bars him from going to the next Gathering. When time for the next Gathering does come Bluestar leaves it up to Fireheart who goes and who stays. He makes his choices and leaves Whitestorm in charge of the camp. When the cats ask her if she will mention Windclan's behavior she says no and there is some discontent. 

On the journey there Sandstorm finally voices what the rest of the clan must be wondering - and what Fireheart, with Whitestorm's help, has been desperately trying to hide: Bluestar's condition. Fireheart tries to reassure her that everything is fine. At the Gathering the sick clan is revealed to be ShadowClan, but they are trying to hide it. Nightstar in particular looks bad, but he was already an elder. Bluestar refuses to answer any questions about Tigerclaw's fate.

The next day two ShadowClan cats come to ThunderClan, sick and in need of help. Bluestar seems dazed and in fear of them. Yellowfang insists that they must leave at once - the disease has no cure and she does not wish it to spread to ThunderClan. Trying to ignore the desperation of the sick cats, Fireheart and Sandstorm escort them to the border, where they see the sick cats enter a secret tunnel to ShadowClan. Fireheart excitedly tells Bluestar about it but she is angry and worried that ShadowClan will retaliate. Fireheart is puzzled, as always, by her irrational mood swings. 

He decides to take Cloudpaw out for training. Sandstorm offers to come but Fireheart declines. She amusingly points out that Cloudpaw is getting as fat as Willowfur (who is pregnant) and Fireheart realizes something is going on. Training does not go well with Cloudpaw - he seems fat and slow. Cloudpaw offers to go hunting and Fireheart agrees, deciding to spy on him. To his horror, he sees Cloudpaw go to Twoleg place and start yowling at a house.

Well, now that we know the truth about Cloudpaw. I do not see this ending well. Everything he is doing flies in the face of the warrior code. If his clan ever found out they would be furious. And to add to Fireheart's problems, some cats are starting to notice Bluestar's odd behavior. And her refusal to help the sick ShadowClan cats is unlike her. Bluestar takes the warrior code very seriously, with almost an obsession with honor and doing the right thing. I can understand her not wanting the sick cats in their camp, but sending them off to their death is so unlike her. I would like to believe that Bluestar is going to recover here and turn into her old self, but I have a feeling that is far from the case and instead she will only slowly get worse.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

rising storm: part one

A sickness sweeps through one of the clans, killing many. Their medicine cat is overwhelmed as he focuses desperately on trying to save their leader. StarClan speaks to him, telling him that all is well, a great future awaits them. But it also warns him that the great future that is promised will come with a high price.

Fireheart is exasperated with Cloudkit, who acts very arrogant and spoiled. He does not understand why Cloudkit is struggling to adapt to clan life, why he does not honor the warrior code more, and why he cannot seem to get through to him. Fireheart is also having a hard time as deputy. Some of the clan resist him and others are uneasy with his unusual naming ceremony. But he himself struggles to keep all of his responsibilities straight - especially since he has also taken over most of Bluestar's responsibilities as well. She seems dazed and unsure of what to do, even leaving the naming of mentors to Fireheart. But her mood swings very abruptly, sometimes swinging to paranoia and anger without any provocation. She also is refusing to eat. Meanwhile Whitestorm tries to help Fireheart as much as he can, volunteering to help him decide schedules for the patrols, hunting parties, and training for the apprentices. 

Meanwhile Goldenflower fears for her kit, Bramblekit. Everyone can see he is the spitting image of his father, Tigerclaw. Fireheart feels uneasy looking at the kit but knows he is unfairly judging him for his father's crimes. And Cinderpelt is struggling with Silverstream's death, which is causing her to question every decision she makes. Fireheart tries to calm her by asking her to help him pick mentors for the apprentices - which Yellowfang is shocked that Bluestar is not doing it. In the end they pick Dustpelt and Darkstripe - choices that Fireheart is not fully comfortable with.

He dreams of Spottedleaf, but it is not a good dream as usual. Spottedleaf avoids him as he chases after her, dodging cats from his clan who are begging him for help. He awakens fearing that Spottedleaf is abandoning him. Fireheart tries to run the camp but Bluestar makes it difficult with her rapid mood swings. She insists that he alone accompany her to Highstones, and that Whitestorm run the camp in their absence.

I don't remember who the sick clan is, but I do know we haven't seen the last of Tigerclaw so I can't help wondering if somehow he is tied to this sick clan. 

I do feel bad for Fireheart. Between Bluestar's odd behavior, Couldpaw's arrogant indifference, and his failed naming ceremony everything seems to be stacked against him. It is good that Whitestorm is helping Fireheart, but it is worth noting that with Bluestar currently out of commission they are acting more like deputy and clan leader, respectively. 

And the choices of Darkstripe and Dustpelt were completely logical. Dustpelt was a supporter of Tigerclaw but his loyalties are completely with ThunderClan. Giving him an apprentice shows great trust in him. The only other choice would have been Longtail, but Darkstripe was a far bigger supporter of Tigerclaw so it shows clan life resuming as normal and a full acceptance of Tigerclaw's friends.

As for Bramblekit, I do feel bad for him and worry about Tigerclaw's kits being driven from the clan out of fear and paranoia.  

Friday, July 27, 2018

forest of secrets: part seven

Things wrap up very quickly these last four chapters. Fireheart realizes that Tigerclaw sent out a bunch of patrols that morning to leave the camp undefended. He sends Cloudpaw to go and find them. He arrives at the camp to watch as Tigerclaw pretends to attack the rogue cats. Brokentail attacks Dustpelt, who was guarding him. Fireheart realizes Tigerclaw is missing from the fight and arrives at Bluestar's room in time to hear the warrior tell Bluestar he will kill her as many times as is needed to save ThunderClan from a weak leader. Bluestar and Fireheart are able to stop him, but Bluestar is in shock. 

Graystripe bursts in looking for their leader. They are losing the fight and need her help. He sees Tigerclaw badly wounded and held down by Bluestar and Fireheart and asks what is going on. Fireheart quickly fills him in, leaving Graystripe to help Bluestar, going out to the fight himself. Suddenly help arrives. Leopardfur and her warriors appear out of no where, followed by Whitestorm. The rogue cats run, defeated. Leopardfur leaves, saying she had come to discuss the kits but will come back later. Tigerclaw's full betrayal is revealed to the clan and he shows no remorse, only anger at being thwarted. The clan is hurt, Bluestar is in shock, and Fireheart can't help but wonder if Thistleclaw would have been like Tigerclaw - and that is why Bluestar made her choice.

He is sentenced to exile. He makes the offer for three cats to go with him. Darkstripe turns him down - because Tigerclaw plotted without him. Longtail turns him down, insisting that he is loyal to ThunderClan. Lastly, Dustpelt turns him down because Redtail was his mentor. Tigerclaw leaves, informing the clan that he will be back for his revenge - especially against Fireheart. Fireheart goes to get Yellowfang and overhears her in her den talking to Brokentail. She confesses to him that she is his mother and Fireheart watches as she feeds Brokentail some poisonous berries. Brokentail dies his final death, murdered by Yellowfang. Fireheart keeps silent about what he had seen and Yellowfang tells him she tried everything but Brokentail died despite her efforts.

That night Fireheart dreams of Spottedleaf, who tells him that StarClan is calling him and not to be afraid. He awakens, wondering if Spottedleaf was foretelling his death. Outside the warriors den the cats are gathered and they are upset - dawn is approaching and Bluestar still has not named a new deputy, breaking with tradition of naming one under the moon. Suddenly Bluestar comes out and names Fireheart her new deputy - much to the shock of the clan, and the anger of quite a few cats.

Whitestorm supports Fireheart, for which he is grateful since Whitestorm was the logical choice to become deputy. Darkstripe, Longtail, and Dustpaw all angrily follow his orders and Whitestorm warns Fireheart to watch them. Cinderpaw goes to get a magpie for Bluestar from the fresh kill pile, but she immediately drops it because it is rotting from the inside out and full of maggots. Both Fireheart and Cinderpaw worry this means that Bluestar will rot from the inside. Leopardfur shows up asking for the kits yet again. Bluestar starts to argue with her when Graystripe speaks up and says the RiverClan cats can have them. Later he and Fireheart go to the border to give them away and Fireheart tries to talk him out of giving up his kits. But Graystripe is not giving them up, instead he leaves with them.

This was a sad ending to a sad book. It feels like Tigerclaw's betrayal is causing everything to fall apart. Bluestar looks old and weak - and does not announce a new deputy in time. Cinderpaw is recovering but for a while she was greatly depressed over Silverstream's death. Graystripe has left the clan to avoid a fight he knows ThunderClan has no heart for. 

Darkstripe, Longtail, and Dustpelt still all hate Fireheart. And their reasons for refusing Tigerclaw were interesting. Dustpelt's was the best. He denied Tigerclaw to honor Redtail, who he had been very close to. Finding out your hero murdered your other hero would have to be devastating. Longtail's reason was second best - he insisted that he was loyal to the clan. Fireheart thinks him a coward but I have to give Longtail the benefit of the doubt. He did save Fireheart when he was drowning. He could have let him die but instead he chose to follow the warrior code even though he hates Fireheart. Lastly there is Darkstripe. His reason I find disturbing. He denied Tigerclaw beause Tigerclaw plotted without him and did not confide in him. This bothers me. He wasn't angry over Redtail's murder like Dustpelt. He didn't claim loyalty to the clan like Longtail. He turned him back on Tigerclaw not because of his crimes, but because he was not privy to those crimes. Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but Darkstripe's answer worries me.

And lastly, could Bluestar have picked a worse deputy? I know Fireheart is the hero of this story, but he was the worse possible choice. Whitestorm would have been better. He is a calm, rational warrior. He has been a warrior for a long time and is well respected. And, perhaps most importantly, he is clan born. As much as the clan loves Fireheart, and as much as they see him as one of them, I imagine it is going to chafe picking not only an outsider, but an outsider who is so young. Fireheart is barely a warrior. I understand Bluestar feels she cannot pick Darkstripe or Longtail, but there had to have been better choices. Again, you know, Whitestorm leaps to mind.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

forest of secrets: part six

Bluestar confesses that while she was Bluefur, she and Oakheart had an affair that resulted in kits, which she had intended to raise as ThunderClan kits. A new deputy was needed for her clan, the medicine cat had already told her that StarClan had a great destiny planned for her, and she had to make a choice. She could have never been deputy while having kits and the only other warrior who could become deputy was Thistleclaw - and he was ambitious and felt every problem could only be solved by fighting. Fearing what would happen to her clan if he became deputy - and possibly leader - she asked Oakheart to take the kits so she could become deputy instead. Oakheart took the kits and her clan searched for them, finally giving up, never realizing the truth.

The next day Fireheart sneaks out to go tell Mistyfoot what happened. Back at home, all the cats are angry at Graystripe and feel he is a traitor. Bluestar makes Fireheart mentor to Cloudkit. She also decrees that Silverstream's death is enough punishment for Graystripe, much to Tigerclaw's anger.

Fireheart begins training Cloudpaw over by Twoleg place. He still scents Tigerclaw in the area but cannot figure out why he is there. He also takes Cloudkit to see Princess and tell her the good news about him becoming an apprentice. After speaking to her they smell RiverClan cats in the area. Fireheart sends Cloudkit ahead to warn Bluestar.

Leopardfur arrives with a couple of warriors, asking for Silverstream's kits. Bluestar tells her she must think on this and will give her answer at the next Gathering. Leopardfur is upset but leaves with this news for Crookedstar. Cinderpaw goes to Mothermouth so she can formally start her apprenticeship. She is still upset over her inability to save Silverstream, but she is determined to become the best medicine cat ever so she never fails anyone else. Tigerclaw has Fireheart assess Cloudkit's hunting ability so Fireheart takes him over by Twoleg place. While there Cloudkit comes racing back to him to tell him that he sees Tigerclaw speaking to a group of rogue cats. Fireheart follows him and they watch helplessly and in fear as Tigerclaw brings the cats straight towards the ThunderClan camp.

Finally, a few plot points are beginning to wrap up. Bluestar is the mother to the RiverClan cats, which was so painfully obvious for so long it was a wonder Fireheart didn't figure it out before. While, personally, I disagree with what she did I can to an extent understand it. Thistleclaw sounds just like Tigerclaw - which really makes me wonder how she can not see that! And, in all honesty, in her desire to thwart Thistleclaw's ambition all she did was further her own so I don't really know that she deserves the high horse, here - even if she was the better choice.

And while I understand why Fireheart told Mistyfoot about Silverstream, I wish he had not mentioned the kits. I have a feeling RiverClan is not going to drop this easily.

And lastly, Tigerclaw's ambition is finally revealed - though I'm not sure how Fireheart is going to prove it. Unless everyone sees Tigerclaw arrive with the cats - which would defeat his entire plan of taking over the clan - everyone is going to assume he is on their side - which I am sure he is not going to fight on the side of the rouges but instead on the side of his clan. I now understand why he was talking to Brokentail, but he will have to kill him so Brokentail does not betray him. And this also does not ensure Bluestar's death. She could very well survive the fight - and Tigerclaw is not aware that this is her last life.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

forest of secrets: part five

Nightstar and Tallstar (especially when Bluestar tries to remind him of bringing WindClan home) are angry with Bluestar. Crookedstar is willing to give Bluestar a chance to explain. She points out that the warrior code calls for compassion as well as strength. An argument ensues, alligences shift again, and once more the moon is covered cutting the fighting off. Tigerclaw angrily asks Bluestar if she is happy and she reminds him that this is no place to argue amongst themselves. Fireheart is shocked since he just saw Tigerclaw sharing tongues with Brokentail. As everyone leaves Nightstar informs them that they will not be allowed to pass through their territory on the way home. Bluestar is shocked. Crookedstar overhears this and gives ThunderClan safe passage. Bluestar takes this opportunity to talk to Mistyfoot and Stonefur - causing Fireheart to realize she how much alike the three look.

A couple of days after The Gathering, Fireheart takes Brackenpaw hunting. Brackenpaw scents ShadowClan and WindClan coming. A fight ensues in the camp as WindClan and ShadowClan try to reach Brokentail. They do not succeed, but after they leave there is clear dissension in the camp over sheltering Brokentail. As they clean up Fireheart realizes that Bluestar might be Mistyfoot and Stonefur's mother.

Graystripe had missed the fight because he was off with Silverstream and Tigerclaw is angry for this. Fireheart warns his friend to stay in the camp for the next few days where Tigerclaw can see him. He then recommends that Graystripe ask Bluestar to make Brackenpaw a warrior, because without him they never would have known the other clans were coming. Graystripe asks Bluestar and she agrees, giving Brackenpaw the warrior name Brackenfur. Everything is fine for a few days but then Graystripe sneaks out again. Fireheart follows him, telling everyone that they are going hunting. But when he reaches the two cats he finds Silverstream in pain and in need of a medicine cat. He runs back and unable to find Yellowfang instead grabs Cinderpaw. Realizing something is up Tigerclaw follows them, finding Cinderpaw trying to save a dying RiverClan warrior who is giving birth to kits. Silverstream screams like in Fireheart's dream and dies. Graystripe stays behind to mourn her while Cinderpaw and Fireheart carry the kits back to camp to the disbelief of Tigerclaw.

Graystripe buries Silverstream, with the assumption that her clan will want nothing to do with her now since she betrayed them. Bluestar asks Goldenflower to nurse the kits. Speckletail is angry - in her eyes both Silverstream and Graystripe are traitors, and their kits have bad blood. She feels the kits should be thrown out of the camp but Goldenflower agrees. In private, Fireheart asks Bluestar what will happen to Graystripe. She tells him she needs time to think on it. He asked her if she knew and she said she suspected, but that she had hoped Graystripe would come to his senses and remember his loyalty to his clan before anything serious happened. But she knew that one way or another it would have to end, and that she wasn't sure how Graystripe could have coped with watching his kits grow up in another clan. Fireheart finds himself asking Bluestar how she coped, and she confesses that yes, Mistyfoot and Stonefur are her kits. Meanwhile Cinderpaw is struggling with the death of Silverstream and blames herself for not saving her.

Tigerclaw's anger over Brokentail at The Gathering is further proof, in my mind, that something more is going on there - but I still cannot figure out what. It's not like Brokentail can help Tigerclaw kill Bluestar - and I doubt Brokentail would willingly sacrifice himself as a villain in her death. The clan would never forgive him and without Bluestar there to protect him he would definitely die (over and over if necessary) for his crime. 

As for Graystripe and Silverstream, like I said, I am glad to finally see this story line over. And I am glad the clan is taking the kits in - despite how angry some in the clan are. Their affair could not have gone on forever and was already causing divided loyalties.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

forest of secrets: part four

Longtail has mentor duty with Fireheart and Graystripe and mocks them. Fireheart visits Yellowfang who tells him that she suspects Cloudkit is not properly caring for the elders but when Fireheart visits the elders they won't hear a word against Cloudkit. As he leaves the elders den he sees Tigerclaw sharing tongues with Brokentail and is shocked and is left  wondering if Tigerclaw is showing compassion to the fallen warrior.

Bluestar takes the young warriors off of apprentice duty and asks Tigerclaw to take Fireheart with him to find a safe way across the river. The Gathering is soon and all clans must go. Tigerclaw takes Longtail with them. He makes Fireheart cross a branch stuck on some rocks in the water to see if it is safe. Fireheart can tell by looking at it that it isn't but feels he has no choice but to obey. The branch knocks loose, the current sweeps him away, and Fireheart almost drowns but Longtail saves him. 

Fireheart wonders if Tigerclaw knocked the branch loose to kill him. Back at camp Tigerclaw talks about how brave - and foolish - Fireheart had been to attempt to cross the branch. Fireheart knows that is not the truth but says nothing. Bluestar sends him to see Yellowfang who has Cinderpaw diagnosis him. Cinderpaw finds him fine, just on need of rest, and Yellowfang asks if Cinderpaw would like to be a medicine cat. Cinderpaw happily accepts being Yellowfang's apprentice and Fireheart is happy his friend found a place in the clan. Bluestar announces it to all the cats and at the half moon Cinderpaw must travel to  Mothermouth to speak to StarClan.

Bluestar assembles the cats to go to The Gathering. They must follow the river to the Thunderpath, then cross into ShadowClan territory. They do so and are caught by Nightstar who is clearly angry with them. He "escorts" them to Fourtrees where he angrily tells all the cats that ThunderClan is harboring Brokenstar.

I am willing to bet that Tigerclaw tried to kill Fireheart but nothing says he actually knocked the branch loose himself. He could have just let the current do the job for him. I was surprised that Longtail saved him, but then again Longtail - despite his faults - is loyal to the clan. Unfortunately he is also loyal to Tigerclaw. Hopefully his clan loyalty outweighs that.

As for Bluestar, sometimes I think that by always trying to do the right things she sometimes invites trouble on herself. Yes, there is honor in caring for a badly wounded enemy who can do no more real harm, but if he was abandoned near Twoleg place perhaps that would have done just as well.

Lastly, I do not for one moment believe that Tigerclaw was showing compassion for Brokentail. He is up to something between the rogues and Brokentail but I don't know what.

Monday, July 23, 2018

forest of secrets: part three

Fireheart returns from hunting and immediately seeks Bluestar out. She is still upset with him and even more upset when she finds out he was hunting near the Twoleg place, questioning why he always chooses to hunt there. He tells her he smelled strange cats over there and Bluestar's anger faded away to be replaced with concern. He does not mention Tigerclaw's scent. Tigerclaw sends him to check on the RiverClan border so he takes Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Runningwind. They find the river flooded.

They return to report their findings to Bluestar. She is concerned that the flooding could hurt their clan so she orders extra patrols and Tigerclaw orders extra fresh-kill to be stockpiled. Worried, Graystripe needs to slip away to check on Silverstream. Fireheart goes with him but when they get to the river they see two kits about to drown.

They recuse the kits, who smell of RiverClan, and Leopardfur finds them. She is unsure about their story and brings them before her clan. The RiverClan camp is flooded and the enemy clan is seeking refuge elsewhere. Crookedstar accepts their story and while there they find out that the clan is starving. Twolegs poisoned their fish and now with the flood there is nothing to eat. Feeling bad for the cats the two warriors offer to hunt extra fresh-kill for them so they don't all starve but they worry that either Bluestar or Tigerclaw will catch them.

Fireheart and Graystripe keep their word, secretly hunting for RiverClan. One day Cloudkit catches them sneaking out but they send him away by telling him they are going on a secret mission. While in the RiverClan territory Graystripe finds out that Silverstream is pregnant and he will be a father.

Fireheart is shocked by Graystripe's announcement and sees only disaster. But Graystripe insists that everything will be okay. They go home to find out that Cloudkit followed them - and worse he announces all of this to Tigerclaw. Back at camp Bluestar orders Cloudkit back to helping the elders as punishment for sneaking out of camp yet again. Fireheart and Graystripe confess everything (but Graystripe and Silverstream's involvement) to her and she sentences them to apprentice duty. She acknowledges that while their hearts were in the right places they broke the warrior code.

Of all the worst things that could happen, Graystripe and Silverstream having kits is pretty high up there. While Silverstream does not have to say who the father is, Graystripe will have to watch his kits grown up as RiverClan warriors and as enemies. He would never be able to acknowledge them and might one day even have to fight them. Seeing each other in secret was bad enough but I see this ending very bad.

However, as far as their RiverClan activities it was only a matter of time before they were found out.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

forest of secrets: part two

Fireheart goes back to camp and finds Graystripe, who had snuck off with Silverstream. Graystripe tells him that tomorrow they will go see Graypool. The next day Graypool refuses to speak to Fireheart in front of others. After they leave she admits that the kits Oakheart brought her smelled of ThunderClan but she does not know why he had them. She also insists that Mistyfoot and Stonefur are never to know the truth.

Fireheart immediately goes back to camp to talk to Bluestar. After Tigerclaw leaves he asks to speak with her. He tells her all about sneaking out to see Ravenpaw and Oakheart's accidental death - even admitting to getting the story verified by a RiverClan cat who was there. Bluestar is troubled and begins to believe him - until he mentions the ThunderClan kit story. She suddenly changes her attitude to one of fury and forbids Fireheart from ever speaking of this again.

He goes to collect herbs with Cinderpaw and Cloudkit and once again Cinderpaw tells Fireheart that she does not know what to do, but she cannot stay with Yellowfang for forever. Fireheart has no answers for her. That night, Fireheart dreams of a cat nursing her kits - but she fades away leaving her kits crying. Fireheart wonders if this dream is prophecy or what happened to Mistyfoot and Stonefur. Fireheart, Sandstorm, and Brackenpaw go out to hunt - and save Cloudkit from a badger. Tigerclaw blames Cloudkit even though it was an accident and sentences him to caring for the elders.

Yellowfang tries to make friends with Brokentail but he is uninterested. Fireheart sees Tigerclaw sneak out of the camp and decides to follow him. He fears that Tigerclaw might go to Twoleg place and attack Princess. He runs into Tigerclaw who angrily demands to know what he is doing there. Fireheart says hunting. Unable to prove him wrong, Tigerclaw angrily leaves. Fireheart tracks Tigerclaw's scent to an area with many scents of rogue cats, but he cannot prove that Tigerclaw was actually meeting with them so he leaves.

I feel more then ever now that those kits were Bluestar's - but why would she give them up? And I understand if she doesn't want anyone to know her secret but her attitude all around makes no sense. The only cat she seems to trust more then Fireheart is Tigerclaw. And in some ways she seems to trust Fireheart more. Fireheart knowing her secret should not be the end of the world, yet it seems to be to her. And it is making her willfully blind to his information about Tigerclaw. Up until he mentioned the ThunderClan kits Bluestar believed him. So why now is his story suddenly a lie? That makes no sense.

And I would like to know what Tigerclaw is doing at Twoleg place. He hates twolegs, he hates kittypets, and he hates rogues. What business could he possibly have there? And why should he be so upset over the possibility of Fireheart seeing him. That alone implies he is doing something wrong - though what I don't know.

As for Cloudkit and Cinderpaw he is a bit selfish and headstrong. Hopefully caring for the elders will make him realize he needs to be more of a clan cat then he is. And she needs to realize she does have a place in the clan - as Yellowfang's apprentice.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

forest of secrets: part one

This book opens in the past, with Oakheart bringing kits to his clan from an enemy clan. Refusing to say where he got them or why, he asks Graypool to care for them. She agrees.

The story moves to the present with the cats getting ready for The Gathering. Fireheart decides to sneak away after The Gathering to see Ravenpaw and ask him again about what happened with Redtail. Graystripe agrees to go with him. When they arrive Fireheart asks what they should say about Brokentail. Bluestar says no one is to say anything - either about the attack on their camp or keeping Brokentail prisoner. She decrees this to be ThunderClan business and ThunderClan business alone. While at The Gathering, Fireheart hears the elders talk of a leaf-bare (winter) many years before, and how when the thaw came the river swelled so bad many cats and prey drowned - and also how Bluestar's kits disappeared. After The Gathering Fireheart lies to Sandstorm and tells her he and Graystripe are going to go look for fresh-kill.

They leave and reach Ravenpaw who tells them that Oakheart's death was an accident. While fighting with Redtail rocks crushed him. So while Redtail did kill Oakheart, it was an accident. Then Tigerclaw killed Redtail. Ravenpaw did remember one odd thing. While Redtail was fighting Stonefur, a RiverClan cat, Okaheart pulled him off saying no ThunderClan cat will harm that warrior.

They get back to camp but they are in trouble for eating mouse (with Ravenpaw) but not bringing anything back to the clan. They go to sleep and Fireheart dreams of Spottedleaf and a large body of water. Spottedleaf warns Fireheart that "water can quench fire." Fireheart awakens uneasy since Spottedleaf once told him that fire would save their clan.

Fireheart checks in with Cinderpaw and is glad she is adjusting well to living with Yellowfang, though he still feels sorrow over her accident and determination to bring Tigerclaw to justice. He and Graystripe sneak to the RiverClan camp to seek a cat that can tell them about Oakheart's death. Silverstream brings Mistyfoot to talk to Fireheart. She confirms that Oakheart's death was an accident, but she cannot shed any light on why he would say what he did about Stonefur - whi is her brother. But she offers to bring Graypool, their mother, to talk to Fireheart soon.

I feel like things are now in motion for Tigerclaw. All Fireheart has to do is get a RiverClan cat to tell Bluestar the truth about Oakheart's death. 

I also suspect that Stonefur and Mistyfoot are ThunderClan cats - though why Oakheart would have them I don't know. But perhaps these are Bluestar's missing kits?

Friday, July 20, 2018

fire and ice: part seven

Fireheart pleads a case to Bluestar that both Dustpaw and Sandpaw should be made warriors for defending the camp. Bluestar agrees and names them Dustpelt and Sandstorm. Fireheart realizes that he is beginning to develop feeling for Sandstorm. Cinderpaw stills feels worthless after the fight and is unsure of her new role in the camp, but Yellowfang clearly sees the young cat as an apprentice. Bluestar asks Fireheart to make up with Graystripe by going hunting together but Graystripe is still angry. He goes, but only when he found out Bluestar is expecting him too.

After arriving back at camp Brindleface tells Fireheart that her kits are missing. Fireheart cannot find Graystripe but Sandstorm goes with him instead. They find the missing kits, with Cloudkit carrying some fresh kill. They return them to the camp to a stern but proud Bluestar. But Bluestar warns Fireheart that Cloudkit must respect the warrior code or he will not find a home with them.

Fireheart dreams of a grown Cloudkit hunting beside him and of Spottedleaf whispering a warning that a battle comes and to beware a warrior he cannot trust. After he awakens Onewhisker of WindClan arrives. They are under attack by ShadowClan and RiverClan. The warriors all leave, Bluestar staying behind after Yellowfang hints to her that she should.

The warriors all leave only to find themselves followed by Cloudkit and his siblings, much to Fireheart's embarrassment. He sends the kits back with Brackenpaw and the warriors push forward. He also fears that because of the fighting between him and Graystripe, the dream is about him. As the fight goes on, though, he comes under attack by Leopardfur and calls out to Tigerclaw for help. Tigerclaw coldly ignores him and he realizes the dream was about his deputy, not his friend.

In the heat of the battle Silverstream attacks him without realizing who he is. Graystripe calls her off but then Fireheart attacks her in response. Seeing the horrified look on his friend's face causes Fireheart to let Silverstream go. Unfortunately, Darkstripe sees this. After the battle is over Tigerclaw angrily demands to know why he let an enemy cat go without a scratch. Fireheart mocks Darkstripe, asking if he actually chased the cat down to see if she was unscathed. Tigerclaw is angry and responds that maybe Graystripe knows since he was seen chasing after her. Fireheart is unruffled by Tigerclaw's threats because he has decided that Ravenpaw was telling the truth.

Privately, Graystripe admits to Fireheart that things were harder then he realized but he loves Silverstream and cannot let her go. The two cats rest together as friends once again, unsure of the future but facing it together.

To me it was pretty clear the warrior who could not be trusted was Tigerclaw. I will chalk Fireheart's poor judgement up to his stress over Graystripe. But it is interesting to note how Fireheart keeps receiving dreams from StarClan. In this one Cloudkit is all grown up so it leaves the reader with a sense that one day everything will (hopefully) be okay there.

But Graystripe and Fireheart did make up. It could not have been easy to see that Fireheart was right. And while Graystripe is refusing to let Silverstream go, he is starting to question how to do the right thing.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

fire and ice: part six

The cats go to The Gathering but it is an angry one. Hostilities run high. RiverClan says they will not stop hunting in ThunderClan territory since they are angry over their warriors death. ShadowClan insists they are not hunting in ThunderClan's territory even though their scent markers have been found everywhere. WindClan also makes the accusation that ShadowClan has been hunting in their territory. Meanwhile RiverClan accuses ThunderClan of spying in them since they can smell one of their warriors in their territory. Darkness covers the clouds and the medicine cats say it is because StarClan is angry with them - these gatherings are supposed to be of peace, not anger and hostility.

The clans leave Fourtrees. Fireheart and Graystripe are still fighting but talk. Graystripe says he won't stop seeing Silverstream but he will meet her at Fourtrees from now on. Bluestar warns the clan that they might receive an attack by both RiverClan and ShadowClan so they must up their patrols. Tigerclaw makes a veiled threat to Fireheart about Cloudkit. One good thing, though, is Brindleface is beginning to love Cloudkit as her own.

The previous patrol is not back yet, but Fireheart leaves on a patrol with some other warriors. While out they find fresh kill done by ShadowClan. Something about the smell seems familiar to Fireheart but he cannot place it. They return with the bones to the camp. Tigerclaw calls for an immediate raid on ShadowClan territory. He takes everyone with him but Fireheart, Sandpaw, Dustpaw, and Brackenpaw. Fireheart suddenly realizes just how undefended the camp is. Yellowfang sees the bones and smells Brokenstar's scent. Fireheart realizes what is happening but refuses to send any possible warriors to stop Tigerclaw, knowing be will need them all and soon. Instead he sends Brackenpaw to bring Tigerclaw back. Then he climbs onto Highrock - much to the shock and dismay of everyone in the camp - to tell them to prepare for an immediate attack.

Before he can finish his speech Brokenstar arrives with his warriors and a fight breaks out. Cinderpaw tries to fight but Dustpaw angrily sends her away. Things go bad for Fireheart as he fights Clawface but suddenly Graystripe is there to save him, accidentally killing the rogue cat and avenging Spottedleaf. Fireheart hopes that Graystripe being here means Bluestar is back but she isn't. Graystripe said Bluestar too found bones and realized it meant Brokenstar was back. She sent Graystripe to camp to summon Tigerclaw.

All the enemy cats run off but Brokenstar. Fireheart finds him with Yellowfang standing over his body, refusing to kill him. She admits that Brokenstar is her son by Raggedstar. That Brokenstar was the only kit to survive so she gave it to a queen to care for. She thought that was her punishment for having kits as a medicine cat. She blinded Brokenstar in the fight so she would not have to kill him.

Fireheart thanks Graystripe for saving him and Graystripe responds that he would give his life for Fireheart. Fireheart hopes their friendship can be saved. Bluestar has returned and he gives her his report on what happened. Tigerclaw returns and is filled in. He insists they should kill Brokenstar, not heal him and guard him. Yellowfang makes the case that if they do that then they are no better then Brokenstar. Bluestar agrees to let him stay for now and renames him Brokentail.

I have to say it was pretty obvisous that Brokenstar and his rouges were the ones hunting in everyone's territory. They still need to survive and they will want revenge, especially against ThunderClan. And, hunting in WindClan's territory further divides the clans.  I am curious to see how Brokenstar's story will wrap up since he is now blind - and I don't remember.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

fire and ice: part five

Sandpaw starts to warm up to Fireheart, even playing with him when they go on patrol together. While out they notice the river is frozen. Sandpaw is excited - they can do a raid on RiverClan territory. They go back to report what they have learned and Bluestar calls immediately for a raid led by Tigerclaw. Desperate, Graystripe says he thinks a thaw is coming. Willowpelt agrees, so Bluestar wants the attack to happen right away. Fireheart offers to go so Graystripe doesn't have to. But when they reach the river it has already thawed so the raid is called off.

The cats return to the camp and break the news. Graystripe attacks Fireheart for questioning his loyalty. Bluestar demands to know what is going on but Fireheart cannot betray his friend's secret. Everyone is sent on hunting missions and while out Fireheart decides to check on his sister. She gives him her firstborn to take back and raise as a warrior.

Fireheart happily takes the cat but when he returns to the camp everyone is angry at him - both for seeing his sister and for bringing back a strange cat. Graystripe speaks up in Fireheart's defense, saying if it has Fireheart's blood in it then it will make a good warrior. His statement is meet with mocking - both for his friendship with Fireheart and his fight with him.

In the end Brindleface agrees to nurse the kit and Bluestar allows it to stay, giving him the name Cloudkit. Graystripe keeps sneaking off so Fireheart keeps training Brackenpaw. Cinderpaw is eager to return to her training but Fireheart doesn't know what to tell her. She finally admits to him that she knows she will never be a warrior but she needs to dream. She stays with Yellowfang, unsure what her place is now with the clan. Yellowfang keeps her busy. Meanwhile Sandpaw becomes even closer to Fireheart, telling him everything will be fine with Cloudkit instead of mocking the kit's kittypet roots.

These were some really sad chapters. Fireheart has been feeling like an outsider for some time now. Some of the clan still do not accept him, Tigerclaw hates him, Bluestar doesn't believe him, and he has been fighting with Graystripe. He misses the sense of kinship that all the cats feel with each other and thinks having another cat not only just like him, but of his own blood will make things better. Unfortunately, it makes things worse as Cloudkit is met with scorn. In the end he gets to stay but Fireheart is left feeling more depressed and alienated by everyone's reaction. As for Graystripe and Fireheart, it is painful to read as their friendship falls further and further apart - especially when Graystripe is letting his warrior duties slip over this affair and refuses to acknowledge this.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

fire and ice: part four

Be prepared for a long post because these four chapters were packed.

First, Fireheart tries to talk to Silverstream, pleading with her to leave Graystripe be. But she refuses. Then whitecough starts spreading through the clan. Whitecough is not that serious, but it can lead to greencough which can kill. And worse, Bluestar has caught whitecough.

But then things get even worse. Yellowfang needs catnip to help battle the sickness spreading through the clan. Greencough is present and Bluestar has it. Yellowfang sends Fireheart to go gather catnip. Before he leaves Dustpaw arrives insisting that Bluestar must go meet Tigerclaw by the Thunderpath immediately. Both Yellowfang and Fireheart refuse to let that happen, arguing that Bluestar is much too sick. Dustpaw insists, insisting that Bluestar must see Tigerclaw's evidence herself - the evidence of ShadowClan cats hunting in their territory. An argument ensues when Fireheart says he will meet Tigerclaw after gathering the catnip and Dustpaw mocks him for being a kittypet warrior. Yellowfang overrules them all by telling Dustpaw his duty is to the camp first. Cinderpaw overhears and offers to go in Fireheart's place but he tells her no and runs off.

He gathers the catnip for Yellowfang but when he bring it back to camp he realizes Cinderpaw is missing. He looks for Graystripe to ask him to look for her while he seeks Tigerclaw but can't find him anywhere. He takes off towards the Thunderpath and realizes Cinderpaw must have ignored him and gone on ahead. He arrives on time to hear Cinderpaw's scream, just like in his earlier dream.

Fireheart and Tigerclaw meet at Cinderpaw's broken body - Fireheart in horror, Tigerclaw in shock. Darkstripe comes running up, telling Tigerclaw he can find no trace of ShadowClan but stops when he realizes what has happened. They all return to camp immediately, with Fireheart carrying Cinderpaw. 

Fireheart brings Cinderpaw to Yellowfang and finds out that Bluestar might die. He goes to sit with his leader and she passes in the night. She wakes up in the morning with her final life. Fireheart goes to check on Cinderpaw and exchanged words with Tigerclaw on the way - both cats angry at the other. Yellowfang tells Fireheart that Cinderpaw may make it, only time will tell. But she will never be a warrior now. Fireheart tells Yellowfang that Bluestar died and Yellowfang admits she knows this is Bluestar's last life. Fireheart goes to rest from his long night but finds Graystripe angry at him for trying to warn Silverstream off. Between Bluestar's death, his inability to find Graystripe when he needed his help, Cinderpaw's injury, and greencough spreading through the camp Fireheart does not care.

The next day Graystripe tries to talk to Fireheart about things going on in the camp, but Fireheart points out to him that of he was around he would already know these things and wouldn't need to be told. Fireheart then goes to collect more catnip for Yellowfang. While in the area he decides to see his sister and see if she had her kits yet. Princess did and while visiting Fireheart unloads his troubles on her. She suggests that perhaps Cinderpaw's accident was really a trap for Bluestar. She offers to let Fireheart live with her but he tells her that he cannot leave the forest life. Princess understands because she too wishes for the forest sometimes. Fireheart returns to the camp where Tigerclaw tells him he knows Graystripe is sneaking out and that from now on Graystripe must stay with the sick cats. Fireheart points out that Graystripe has neither whitecough or greencough but Tigerclaw does not care. He also forbids Fireheart from seeing Bluestar until she is fully better and her den is no longer contagious, saying that he does not want Fireheart getting sick.

Fireheart apologizes to Frostfur, Cinderpaw's mother, for what happened but she does not blame him. He tells Graystripe that Tigerclaw says he must stay with the sick cats but Graystripe said that Yellowfang cleared him. He and Graystripe argue more about Silverstream and Fireheart warns his friend that Tigerclaw is onto his disappearances.

So much is going on here. Bluestar has lost another life - and I am convinced that Tigerclaw was trying to take one. Between how sick Bluestar was (he should not have been demanding she go and meet him in that condition), Cinderpelt's accident, and Darkstripe's offhand comment I really do think Tigerclaw was trying to stage an "accident." Only Cinderpelt was the victim - which makes me wonder how deep Tigerclaw's ambition runs. Does he regret what happened?

With Bluestar only having one life left things are not looking good. Fireheart somehow needs to convince her of the truth before it is too late - though it is possible that with only one life left Bluestar may succumb to her grief over the betrayal.

As for Graystripe and Fireheart, somehow they cannot seem to say what they both really want to say. In Fireheart's case that he trusts the other and only worries out of love. But Graystripe needs to meet him halfway and acknowledge that he does have torn loyalties.

Chapters: 15 to 18 

Monday, July 16, 2018

fire and ice: part three

While none of the major plot points are being resolved, two new ones have appeared.

Firstly, Fireheart has been sneaking off to go and see his sister, Princess. With her he finds what he is lacking from the clan - a sense of closeness, of family. While no one doubts his loyalty he still stands apart from the clan in some ways and is able to fill that gap in his heart with Princess. However, he knows it is forbidden so he hides his visits.

Graystripe is able to cover for him, though he is unaware of this. Since Fireheart and Graystripe train their apprentices together so much Fireheart often asks Graystripe to take both so he can sneak away for a bit. The tables, however, turn on him.

One day while they are out together training their apprentices Graystripe steps onto the frozen water in RiverClan territory. The ice breaks and he falls in. A RiverClan cat named Silverstream sees this and saves him. Graystripe falls sick from this encounter and needs to stay in the camp to heal. Unknown to everyone - including Fireheart - Graystripe has fallen in love with Silverstream and sneaks out regularly to see her, leaving Fireheart to train young Brackenpaw.

Fireheart finally confronts him and they argue. Silverstream and Graystripe are mad at Fireheart for interfering. Fireheart fears for Graystripe - and he is forced to look at his own actions in sneaking off to see his sister.

I am unsure where the story is going to go from here, but I imagine that Tigerclaw is probably going to catch both of them in their sneaking around - and it won't look good for either warrior. But Tigerclaw is already calling for extra patrols on Sunningrocks (where Graystripe and Silverstream are meeting) because of the scent of RiverClan cats and has forbidden any cat to go there. So, really. It is only a matter of time before he catches Graystripe. And as for Fireheart, Tigerclaw is always looking for a reason to expose him since he feels that Fireheart is such a danger to himself. And to expose a weakness for kittypets is the worst of all in both Tigerclaw's and Fireheart's eyes.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

fire and ice: part two

The WindClan cats are found. Fireheart and Graystripe work to bring them back to their home. They shelter for the night in an abandoned Twoleg home that Barley leads them too. Fireheart and Graystripe also get to see Ravenpaw who is very happy with his new home. Fireheart goes to sleep thinking maybe Bluestar is right: clan life was not for Ravenpaw. 

In the morning the WindClan medicine cat, Barkface, looks at the red clouds in the sky and announces that their will be an unnecessary death that day.Everyone is uneasy after this proclamation but Deadfoot (WindClan's deputy) points out that the message could be for any clan and that nothing says it has to do with them. Tallstar (their leader) points out that no matter what StarClan has in store for them, today they are going home.

Everyone reaches the WindClan camp safely. Fireheart and Graystripe leave with two of WindClan's warriors to escort them to Fourtrees. However, after they set off Fireheart suggests they cut quickly through RiverClan territory, shaving time off of their trip. They have to pass by the gorge, but RiverClan is almost never there. Deadfoot agrees - both to save time and to show RiverClan they are home and no longer welcome in WindClan territory. They pass quickly by the gorge but a passing RiverClan patrol catches them and attacks the exhausted warriors. Tigerclaw is out patrolling with some ThunderClan cats and hears the battle, coming to their rescue. During the fight Sandpaw is almost accidentally knocked over the edge of the gorge but Fireheart saves her - much to her anger. Graystripe is not so lucky, though. The RiverClan cat he is fighting is knocked over the edge. He tries to save him but cannot. The RiverClan cat plunges to his death. Barkface's words about a needless death echo in Fireheart's head. Leopardfur, the RiverClan deputy, calls off her cats but she assures everyone this is not over. 

The WindClan cats return home, as do the ThunderClan cats. Tigerclaw, Fireheart, and Graystripe immediately go to Bluestar to tell her what happened. She tells Fireheart and Graystripe that they were in the wrong to cut through RiverClan territory but what is done is done. She then tells them that she is giving them apprentices. Tigerclaw is unhappy as he feels they are too young. Fireheart is excited but Graystripe is still in shock over what happened. 

The next day Fireheart and Graystripe are given their apprentices (Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw, respectively). Dustpaw professes sorrow for Fireheart's apprentice being stuck with a kittypet for a mentor but for once Sandpaw does not join in with the mocking of Fireheart. Fireheart and Graystripe begin training their apprentices. Fireheart wants to begin their training together, but still upset over the death of the RiverClan cat Graystripe professes a desire to start alone. While Fireheart takes Cinderpaw out he sees a pregnant kittypet that Cinderpaw wishes to attack. He purposely alerts the kittypet to their presence so she will run away even though he cannot explain his own behavior. Later he has a dream and when he awakens he remembers that kittypet is his sister.

My thoughts on these five chapters? Things just got more complicated. ShadowClan and RiverClan already had an unspoken truce over WindClan's territory. Now that WindClan is returned, with the help of ThunderClan, and a RiverClan warrior is dead because of it things are about to get worse.

But, there was some good in this. Dustpaw, Sandpaw, Longtail, and Darkstripe are the most vocal about disliking Fireheart. Most everyone else in the clan seems to at the most to genuinely like him or at the least to respect him. Even Tigerclaw, who fears that Fireheart knows his secret, respects him and believes he is loyal to the clan. But these four flat out hate him - and for Dustpaw and Sandpaw it is slightly personal. They started training as warriors before Fireheart yet he was promoted before them. But Sandpaw's feelings might be changing now that she realized Fireheart saved her life - despite how awful she has been to him. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

fire and ice: part one

A new book, a new adventure.

Well, maybe not new adventure since it is all tied in to the last book. New book, continuing adventure - I guess.

Fireheart and Graystripe are now warriors. Tigerclaw keeps them busy. Fireheart thinks it is so he cannot talk to Bluestar alone. Graystripe, however, doubts Ravenpaw's story. He points out that if Tigerclaw killed Redtail, then who killed Oakheart? If the answer is Redtail then that dishonors him. When they went up against ShadowClan in the last book Firepaw tried to kill Clawface to avenge Spottedleaf - but Whitestorm stopped him, reminding him that ThunderClan cats only kill when they have to. If Redtail killed Oakheart then there is no excuse. Tigerclaw killing Oakheart in the heat of the battle in an attempt to save a fellow warrior is one thing, and excusable. Fireheart is let with his thoughts - and his determination to tell Bluestar the truth. 

Fireheart gets his chance to talk to Bluestar when they go to the Gathering. He and Bluestar hold back so he can talk to her in private. She forgives him for lying about Ravenpaw, but not because of Tigerclaw. In her eyes it is better for the clan to think Ravenpaw died a hero then ran away a coward. She too doubts Ravenpaw's version of events. She cannot believe that Redtail killed Oakheart or that Tigerclaw killed Redtail. Fireheart is left even more confused then before.

They go to the Gathering but things do not go as planned. ShadowClan refuses to give up hunting rights in RiverClan territory until Bluestar reminds them that Brokenstar should have never made such a demand. An uneasy peace is finally made between RiverClan and ShadowClan until Bluestar talks of bringing back WindClan. RiverClan and ShadowClan want to divide the WindClan territory between them but Bluestar is firm. They finally relent but secret looks pass between them - looks that are not lost on Fireheart, Tigerclaw, or Bluestar. 

Back at the camp Bluestar sends Fireheart and Graystripe on a mission to find WindClan. They start off on their mission and find RiverClan hunting on WindClan territory but manage to avoid them. They follow WindClan's path all the way to the Thunderpath where they lose it.

Two things of note. One is that Fireheart had two dreams. The first was right after he was named warrior. He dreamed of the Thunderpath, fire, and cats in danger. The second dream was right before he found out Bluestar was sending them on a mission. That one was of the Thunderpath and cats in danger. Both of these dreams are most likely from StarClan about the missing WindClan.

The other is that Longtail receives a new apprentice. The young kit so so scared that Fireheart believes that Longtail will hate him. But to Fireheart's shock, he does not. He comforts the young cat and tells him it is okay. Fireheart is hurt by this since Longtail has never been nice to him. Fireheart knows this is because he is not clan born and this hurts him.

Friday, July 13, 2018

into the wild: part six

The final four chapters!

Firepaw and Graypaw find Yellowfang easily enough, just beating a ThunderClan patrol looking for her. She says she ran to find the kits and bring them back. They find out from her that Brokenstar is training kits to be warriors and even killed two of them, framing Yellowfang. She also admits that he has been taking kits from other clans. She will not admit, though, why she would not speak against Brokenstar. She only said that he is the son of Raggedstar so his word is law but she is clearly holding back.

Yellowfang goes to get help from ShadowClan cats who want Brokenstar gone while Firepaw hopes to convince the ThunderClan cats who are out hunting for Yellowfang to listen. He is relieved to find Whitestorm leading the group and asks where Tigerclaw is. Whitestorm admits that Bluestar insisted Tigerclaw stay behind, and also hinted that Whitestorm might find some help. He realizes now that she meant Firepaw. He agrees to Firepaw's plan to give Yellowfang and her old clanmates the benefit of the doubt. Yellowfang arrives with some ShadowClan cats and they all go together to recuse the kits.

They arrive at the camp, the ShadowClan cats pretending to bring Yellowfang in as a prisoner. A fight breaks out and the ThunderClan cats join it. Brokenstar admits to killing the kits and framing Yellowfang, as well as killing his father Raggedstar. This news is a heavy blow for Yellowfang but it rouses the ShadowClan cats who are tired of Brokenstar's rule. They throw him out but Brokenstar tells Firepaw that things are not over between them. Whitestorm offers the enemy clan a month to repair their clan with no problems from ThunderClan. The kits are saved and everyone, including Yellowfang, go back to Thunderclan.

When they arrive home and Yellowfang's bravery and honor is spoken of she is finally accepted into the clan and made their medicine cat. Ravenpaw's death is shared by Firepaw, who boldly tells Tigerclaw his friend was no traitor. Graypaw and Firepaw are also made full warriors with the new names Graystripe and Fireheart. Tigerclaw sees an enemy in Fireheart, but Fireheart is unafraid. Some how, some day, he will tell Bluestar the truth and expose Tigerclaw.

Pretty much every plot point but Tigerclaw was resolved. Yellowfang is finally with a clan that loves and respects her. Ravenpaw is safe from Tigerclaw and has been cleared as a traitor. The kits are found. ShadowClan is broken. Fireheart and Graystripe are now full warriors. All is good in the world.

Except... Tigerclaw roams free - and possibly even suspects that Fireheart knows the truth. Brokenstar has promised Fireheart revenge. And Yellowfang... well, I'm beginning to suspect that Bokenstar might be her kit. Why else would she refuse to speak out against him? Or hurt him? Why else would she refuse to have more kits? Why else would the news that he killed his father hurt her so? I am convinced that Brokenstar was her kit and she gave him up because medicine cats are not supposed to have kits and that even Brokenstar does not know the truth. Only time will tell whether or not this plot point is even gone back to. For now, book one is done and Tigerclaw is the bigger threat.

Since we are at the end of book one I will, however, confess half of my spoiler. It is Tigerclaw = evil. I do not, though, remember which book he is defeated in but now that I reflect on it I do remember at least part of his fate. And I do remember the fate of another cat, one that makes me feel sorrow to remember it. But all of that is in the future.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

into the wild: part five

Things escalated pretty quick these four chapters.

The next morning there is a meeting where Tigerclaw appoints bodyguards (Darkstripe and Longtail) for Bluestar, since she is running out of lives. Due to her bravery during the ShadowClan attack, Bluestar also makes Yellowfang part of the clan. Tigerclaw then goes on to imply that Ravenpaw betrayed the clan to ShadowClan but Bluestar does not seem to notice. Firepaw overhears Tigerclaw telling Bluestar's new bodyguards that Ravenpaw ran off while they were at Moonstone. Tigerclaw implies that Ravenpaw must have told ShadowClan that Bluestar was gone so they would attack. He also tells them to fix the problem. Longtail says nothing, but Darkstripe is furious and agrees. Firepaw is unsure what to do but he knows his friend is in danger.

He stops by to see Spottedleaf but she seems distracted and upset. She tells him the spirits of StarClan are restless. Suddenly she feels the need to tell Firepaw the prophecy that fire will save their clan. Firepaw leaves confused - to him, fire is dangerous. Firepaw wants to confide everything to Bluestar but can never seem to find a chance. He does, however, turn to Ravenpaw for the truth and Ravenpaw admits Tigerclaw's treachery. Firepaw finally resolves to tell Bluestar no matter what, but when he finally gets her alone she admits to Firepaw how relieved she is to have Tigerclaw for such a strong deputy. She admits she once feared his ambition but now sees his loyalty truly is to the clan. Firepaw cannot bring himself to admit his fears or Ravenpaw's secret. She then confides in Firepaw that it was actually life number seven that she lost, not five. She lied so the clan would not worry about her.

Suddenly there is commotion and chaos in the camp. Someone has stolen Frostfur's kits - and murdered Spottedleaf. Suspicion immediately falls on Yellowfang, who is missing, and most of the clan wants to kill her on site. Bluestar is far more calm, though. She admits Yellowfang must be found and questioned but she wants the truth. A storm breaks out and Bluestar forbids anyone to hunt Yellowfang or the kits down until it has passed. She talks to Firepaw privately and asks him to go find Yellowfang immediately so she can get to the bottom of this. On his way Firepaw hears cats talking about how Ravenpaw probably helped Yellowfang since Tigerclaw has all but named him traitor. He decides to help his friend when he gets back. Then he then sees Frostfur chase Ravenpaw away from the nursery, an angry look on her face and realizes Ravenpaw is out of time. He turns to Graypaw for help in hiding Ravenpaw. Graypaw suggests Barley. They gather up Ravenpaw and go to leave when Tigerclaw catches them and reminds them that no one is to leave the camp. But Bluestar intervenes and tells Tigerclaw it is okay, she is sending Firepaw on an urgent errand and he is taking the other two apprentices with him for help. They take Ravenpaw as close to the farm as they can and leave him to find Barley on his own. Terrified of Tigerclaw, Ravenpaw asks what if his mentor hunts him down. Firepaw assures him he will tell Tigerclaw that he died.

A couple of things here. Clearly all the plot points are not going to be resolved. There is Tigerclaw, who we now know killed Redtail. Ravenpaw, who knows the truth and is in danger because of it. There is also Yellowfang's loyalty, which is constantly called into question. And the missing kits. All of these cannot be solved in the next four chapters but most of them should be - just leaving the Tigerclaw problem.

It is good that Ravenpaw is gone - though it is also sad. He gave his life to his clan just for Tigerclaw to poison them against him. But leaving for now is the only real choice before him - before Tigerclaw has him killed.

But it is not just Ravenpaw in danger. Tigerclaw killed Redtail. He knows how many lives Bluestar has left. He has appointed warriors loyal to himself to be Bluestar's bodyguards. And even worse Bluestar admitted to Firepaw that she actually only has two lives left, not the four Tigerclaw believes. She also once feared his ambition but now sees it as a good thing for the clan. She can see only Tigerclaw's loyalty - which I believe is real, but his want for power is stronger and Bluestar cannot see that. If anything which each blow the clan is dealt she seems weaker and weaker which just makes Tigerclaw stronger and stronger...

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

into the wild: part four

Things pick up right where they left off. While asleep, Firepaw has a dream of a bright light that blinds him, their home being attacked by ShadowClan, and Graypaw crying. He awakens to Tigerclaw who asks him what is wrong. Firepaw brushes it off as a dream, but Tigerclaw looks thoughtful. 

They make the trip to Moonstone uneventfully. Bluestar leaves Graypaw and Ravenpaw outside to guard the entrance while she brings Firepaw and Tigerclaw inside with her. Tigerclaw stinks of fear and ultimately runs away to join the two apprentices. Firepaw is surprised but Bluestar points out to him that it is a different type of courage that is needed in the Moonstone. Firepaw witnesses the blinding light of Moonstone and is in awe. 

When Bluestar awakens she is in a rush to leave - her dreams spoke of danger. They run back the way they came, desperate to make it to their camp in time. They pass by the farm they saw on their way there and the cat who lives there, Barley, warns them of new dogs on the farm and urged them to take another path. 

They do so but dozens of rats attack. Barley arrives to help but it is too late for Bluestar. Tigerclaw is convinced this was a trap set by Barley and sends him away. When Bluestar finally awakens she admits that she has lost one of her lives, and admits privately to Tigerclaw that she has lost five of her nine.

They race back to the camp to find it under attack by ShadowClan - exactly as Bluestar's (and Firepaw's) dream spoke. Even worse, during the fight Firepaw sees the ShadowClan deputy, Blackfoot, taking kits from their den but he is powerless to stop him since he can't break away from the cats he is fighting. They defeat the cats but during the battle Lionheart dies. When Firepaw hears Graypaw's anguished cry for his dead mentor he realizes all of his dream came true. Yellowfang is also given acknowledgement for saving the kits when no one else could.

Bluestar names Tigerclaw as their new deputy, much to Ravenpaw's horror but the clans approval. When Firepaw asks Ravenpaw what is wrong, Ravenpaw starts to imply that Tigerclaw killed Redtail.

One major thing of note here is the prophecy that fire will save the clan. Clearly Bluestar thinks this is Firepaw - and the fact that Firepaw clearly had a dream from StarClan detailing his trip to Moonstone, the attack on the camp, and Graypaw's grief supports this. But, more importantly, he was given this dream even though he is neither clan leader or medicine cat. He is just an apprentice - and a former kittypet at that. And he is given the dream before Bluestar is. All of this implies that StarClan feels that Firepaw is very important.

Also of note is Tigerclaw's reaction to the visit to the Moonstone. Bluestar's explanation that you need a different kind of courage makes sense - but what also makes sense is that Tigerclaw fears what her dream will say. We know he is lying about something involving Redtail's death, but we don't know what. It makes more sense that Tigerclaw fears Bluestar will see the truth - and the truth will be very bad.

Finally, the last thing of note is that Bluestar has used up five of her nine lives - and Tigerclaw wanted that information. He is loyal to the clan but it begs the question - did he want that information for the good of the clan or for another reason? Just what is Tigerstar's lie and what is his endgame?