Saturday, August 18, 2018

the rise of scourge

I debated over whether or not to include the manga but then decided to go ahead and do it - especially since the only one I have ever read is Ravenpaw's. I will try to cover them more or less in order, however right now I am not covering Tigerstar and Sasha's story for the simple reason of we only own books one and two. After we get book three I will cover them. I also figure each manga book will get it's own standalone post.

In the forward, the authors admit that this book was an afterthought - it was not part of the original plan. But they decided that Scourge's character needed to be explored more. I am glad they did - this story not only fleshes out his character more, it provides a better understanding for his actions and just generally makes him a better villain. The only way this story could have been better is if it was a prequel to "The Darkest Hour" - but then it would have given away the ending to that book.

The story follows Tiny, a young kittypet kit who is unusually small for his age. Hated by Socks and Ruby (his brother and sister, respectively) as well as overlooked by the humans in his life, Tiny longs to belong. The only one who seems to care about him is his mother, but even she is almost dismissive of him and treats him younger then he is because he is so small.

Tiny yearns for the forest. Even though he is warned that it is dangerous to go there - his mother warns him against the forest cats that she calls a scourge to catkind - he likes to walk around in it. One day Socks and Ruby are being adopted and they maliciously tell Tiny that cats who are not adopted are thrown into the river. Fearing that is now his fate, Tiny runs away to the forest. He wanders around and runs into Bluefur, Thistleclaw, and Thistleclaw's young apprentice Tigerpaw. Bluefur objects, but Thistleclaw orders Tigerpaw to attack the small kit. Tiny stands up to him but is easily overpowered. Tigerpaw is about to deliver a killing blow when Bluefur stops him.

The defeated Tiny runs away. Unable to return to home he instead heads into town. There the cats are not very nice and mock him for his kittypet collar. He tries to take it off but cannot. An old dog lying nearby has lost a tooth so Tiny takes and tries to cut the collar off but instead the tooth gets stuck. When the other stray cats notice it they ask him why it is there. He tells them that he fought a dog, killed it, and ripped the tooth from its head. The other strays start treating him with respect.

One day Bone and Brick come to him in the hopes that he can help them with a dog problem. Backed into a corner, Tiny agrees. The dog mistakes Tiny's shadow for a giant cat and becomes terrified. Tiny easily defeats the dog and suddenly all the stray cats adore him. They ask for his name and he gives it - Scourge.

Suddenly he is the leader of the strays. They bring him offerings and come to him for help and advice. Scourge is ruthless in his advice - and also in his law. He has no problem killing cats who cross him and since most underestimate him because of his size he finds it easy. He has a run in with Brokenstar, forcing Brokenstar to return to the forest with his rogue ShadowClan cats. He also has a run in with Socks and Ruby - their owners having abandoned them. He allows them one meal but then bans them from BloodClan territory.

Through all of this he dreams of revenge against Tigerpaw and one day he gets his wish. Boulder brings Tigerstar to see Scourge and strike a deal. Scourge recognizes Tigerstar, but Tigerstar does not recognize him. Scourge agrees to help Tigerstar and in the forest finally has his revenge.

This was an incredibly depressing story. None of this had to happen. If anyone had shown Tiny any amount of kindness his life would have been incredibly different. Instead he was hated, belittled, and attacked constantly. causing him to turn into a ruthless murderer.

I liked the shout out to Brokenstar in the story, as well as the glimpse of Bluefur and Thistleclaw. And Thistleclaw being Tigerstar's mentor really spoke volumes. Oftentimes the apprentice becomes very much like their mentor. Firestar is very much like Bluestar. Dustpelt was very much like Darkstripe. And In Tigerstar we now see just what Thistleclaw was like - and why Bluestar was so desperate to prevent him from becoming deputy.

Suddenly, with this story, Scourge becoming the villain is not so bad. Because while a face off between Firestar and Tigerstar was inevitable, so too was a face off between Scourge and Tigerstar. And really, it makes Tigerstar's story come full circle. The very kit he tried to murder when he was an apprentice grew up to be the very cat who took him down when he was leader. You reap what you sow, and Tigerstar got what he deserved. His death is still horrible, but so too is Tiny's story. And Tigerstar's bloodthirsty ways had a very large influence on the very cat that would take him down one day.

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