Friday, August 24, 2018

midnight: part six

Squirrelpaw wakes with a bad taste in her mouth, but she cannot place it. The cats head off, with Purdy insisting he is leading the cats to an exit but it is another wall. Frustrations are running high, especially with Tawnypaw's wound becoming infected. Crowpaw lashes out at Purdy, calling him a "stupid furball" but Purdy finds a gap in the fence they can escape through. Both Brambleclaw and Crowpaw suspect it was luck on Purdy's part but they accept it - especially when they realize the gap leads to a forest and not more Twolegplace nests.

They find a spot for Tawnypelt to rest and the cats decide to stay for a bit. Crowpaw starts giving out orders and at first Brambleclaw is annoyed then he decides it is nice to not be in charge for a change. Feathertail stays to clean Tawnypelt's wound, and Purdy sleeps. The rest of the cats go off to hunt. Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw go off together but it is clear Squirrelpaw's mind is elsewhere. Suddenly she spots what she is looking for - a root that will help cure Tawnypelt. She insists that Leafpaw mentioned the root to the two of them when they were leaving but Brambleclaw wonders if there is something else going on. They bring the root back to Tawnypelt who immediately starts to feel better. They rest for a couple of days then head off. Purdy stays behind, but says he will wait a few days for them in case they return. The cats travel but the conditions are not the best. There is no fresh water and Tawnypelt's wound is flaring up again. They start discussing at what point they have to admit defeat and turn back when Squirrelpaw smells salt.

The cats race toward the smell and reach the edge of the cliff. They start looking for a cave with teeth and a way down to it but cannot find it. Stormfur points out that maybe they should rest for the night and look for it in the morning. Brambleclaw slips on the edge and starts to go over. Stormfur tries to grab him but he starts to fall too. Squirrelpaw runs to help but Brambleclaw orders her back then falls. He finds himself in the water, drowning just like in his dream. Squirrelpaw grabs him and he sees Stormfur as well. The waves push the three cats towards the cave mouth and they reach land. Brambleclaw passes out. When he awakens he finds an upset Squirrelpaw afriad that he had died. Stormfur and Tawnypelt both tell her that what she did was foolish - but also brave and saved Brambleclaw's life. Feathertail and Crowpaw are above them, looking down through a hole. The two cats join them, entering through the hole and using natural ledges to get down. The six cats are together again when Brambleclaw realizes there is a badger in the cave.

Brambleclaw realizes that they are all going to die. Even though there is six of them they are too weak and injured to defeat a badger. As they get ready to attack the badger suddenly speaks. She is Midnight and StarClan had told her to come here. Crowpaw does not believe her but Brambleclaw wonders how a badger can speak the cat language. Against Crowpaw's wishes the cats agree to speak with Midnight. She tells them that StarClan said there would only be four cats. Brambleclaw tells her that is so, but now there is six. They follow the badger with Brambleclaw bringing up the rear. He looks back and sees the last rays of the drowning sun. The rays turn into a river of blood and he hears cats screaming. They reach another cave and Midnight asks them to tell her of their journey and their tribes. The cats are confused by the word "tribes" and she corrects herself and uses "clans," speaking of other groups of cats who use the other word. Brambleclaw realizes she means there are other cat warrior groups out there and they are not the only ones. After telling her of their journey they asked why they had to come so far, why StarClan could not give them the message back at their camps. Midnight tells them it is because the four had to become one, because only as one could the clans survive. She tells them that their clan leaders will listen to them and that Twolegs and their monsters are coming to the forest and they will destroy it. Brambleclaw is overcome with a sense of foreboding as he hears her words. She tells them that they must find a new home, and a dying warrior will show them the way.

Back at ThunderClan camp Leafpaw is out on patrol with Firestar, Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Cloudtail. They are near the Thunderpath and Cloudtail remarks on the smell. Firestar says something is wrong, when suddenly monsters bigger then any they have ever seen turn to the forest and start attacking the trees.

While I understand the logic between the four becoming one it did feel very drawn out. And I feel that it is odd that a badger would speak to StarClan.

One of Leafpaw's visions has come true now - the trees are being attacked. And hopefully Brambleclaw's vision is of what will happen if they don't leave and not something unavoidable.

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