Tuesday, August 21, 2018

midnight: part three

Brambleclaw dreams of Firestar mad at him. He awakens exhausted, stressed out, and confused. Mousefur takes him hunting with her and Spiderpaw and he questions if Mousefur is doing this to be nice or because Firestar ordered her too. Spiderpaw takes off and Mousefur follows him leaving Brambleclaw alone. He hears a cat in distress and finds Squirrelpaw tangled in some thorns. He helps her out but before they can talk Firestar is there and furious with them. Squirrelpaw tells him he is being unfair but Firestar won't listen to her. Graystripe arrives and realizes what is going on - and Brambleclaw realizes Graystripe knows exactly why Firestar is so angry with him. Firestar angrily stalks away and Graystripe tells the cats not to worry, Firestar's mood will pass.

But after they leave Brambleclaw has decided he is leaving until he can prove to Firestar just how loyal he really is. He confesses to Squirrelpaw his dream and plans to leave. She is upset he did not confide in her, but he points out he never had a chance. He begs her to tell no one he is leaving. She says she won't - but because she is going with him. He is upset with her insistence but realizes if he does not take her Firestar will blame her for his absence.

Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw spend the night in the forest, under a huge monster they find on the side of the road. When the sun starts to rise they head off to meet up with the other cats but Leafpaw finds them. She has brought herbs to help them on their journey. Brambleclaw is furious that Squirrelpaw confided in her sister but both cats claim that is not the case. Squirrelpaw tells Leafpaw of Brambleclaw's dreams and Leafpaw begs Squirrelpaw to stay behind. But she refuses - between the prospect of an adventure and her anger at Firestar for threatening to never make her a warrior she is committed. Leafpaw leaves them, promising to not betray their trust.

Back at camp Leafpaw watches as Mousefur tries to find Brambleclaw and Dustpelt tries to find Squirrelpaw. No one is panicking yet, and Leafpaw attends to her duties. But as the day goes by panic starts to set in and patrols are sent out to find the cats. Leafpaw overhears Sandstorm tell Firestar that the prophecy said nothing about Tiger and Fire bringing danger to the clan, just that there would be danger. She points out that perhaps Fire and Tiger will save the clan. Firestar feels awful between his harsh words to both cats and their disappearance. He blames himself and feels it is even more important to find the missing cats. Cinderpelt questions Leafpaw to see if she knows where her sister is. Leafpaw says she does not - which is technically true but she does know where Squirrelpaw is going. She tells Cinderpelt nothing but knows that Squirrelpaw is currently safe with lots of cats and she suspects she might be at Ravenpaw's barn.

Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw finally reach Fourtrees and the other cats. After some arguing over whether or not Squirrelpaw should be allowed to join them the six cats set off. They travel to Ravenpaw's barn and spend the night. The next day Ravenpaw takes them as far as Highstones then leaves them so they can begin their journey.

So, first of all, how can Firestar possibly be shocked that the two cats ran off after the way he has been treating them? I mean, honestly, it was just a matter of time. And I am glad that Sandstorm has had the sense to look at the prophecy as Fire and Tiger working together to save the clan from disaster - but really it was too little too late. But between Sandstorm hinting to Firestar that he was going about things wrong and Graystripe practically rolling his eyes at every overreaction of Firestar's, I am baffled as to how Firestar could not see that this could be the end result.

I am glad that this story line is finally moving along but I feel that it is very slow compared to Firestar's story. Granted, in book one we didn't know that everything was going to come down to a fight between Firestar and Tigerstar, but I feel like we are floundering in the dark here. I am glad things are finally moving forward.

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