Monday, August 6, 2018

a dangerous path: part three

Okay, long post.

The next Gathering comes and Bluestar leads her clan to it, refusing to tell Fireheart her plans. Fireheart meets up with Graystripe who tells him that Leopardstar is their new leader, Stonefur their new deputy, and Leopardstar is planning an attack on Sunningrocks. He offers to spy for Fireheart, and as tempted as Fireheart is to say yes he does not because he does not want his friend getting caught. Graystripe expresses his fear that he may have to choose between clans soon. When the leaders speak Bluestar accuses WindClan of stealing prey. Tallstar tries to tell her that someone is stealing prey from their land too but she won't listen. In the argument between all four cats that breaks out Bluestar admits her true feelings for StarClan, much to the shock of all cats. Leopardstar hints that she is going to try to take Sunningrocks but Bluestar doesn't seem to understand her veiled threat. The Gathering ends on a bad note, and as they are all leaving Fireheart sees Darkstripe talking with Tigerstar.

The next day Bluestar tells Fireheart that she intends to attack WindClan that night. Fireheart tries to talk her out of it but she won't listen to reason. Despondent, he goes to sleep to see if he can speak to Spottedleaf. She does come to him, along with Yellowfang, but all she will say is the fight will not happen leaving him no clues on how to prevent it. 

He wanders off alone to think and comes to the decision to go behind his leader's back and speak to Tallstar. On his way there he sees Darkstripe with Bramblekit and Tawnykit. He follows to see what is going on and finds Darkstripe leading them to Tigerstar. He watches the cats and allows the meeting to happen until Tigerstar starts to explain why he no longer lives with ThunderClan. He interrupts, sending Darkstripe back to the camp with the kits. He and Tigerstar exchange a few words before parting ways.

He meets with Tallstar who agrees to ask Bluestar for a meeting, using Ravenpaw as a messenger. Back at the camp he confesses to Whitestorm what he did. Whitestorm is angry with him, though he understands his motivations. He tells Fireheart that this must be told to all of the warriors and it is a choice for all of them to make, not just him. The warriors are torn. Some support Fireheart, others are opposed. And some of the responses surprise Fireheart - like Sandstorm opposing him and Dustpelt supporting him. As the talks go on Fireheart realizes that one day soon be could be clan leader and he needs these cats on his side for that to happen. They settle who will travel with Bluestar, knowing it may still turn into a fight, and all agree to leave the apprentices out of the politics of the upcoming fight. Cinderpelt finds out what happened and is upset with Fireheart - both for going behind Bluestar'sback and for not including herself in the discussions - though she concedes that a needless battle did need to be averted.

Ravenpaw arrives and Bluestar agrees to the meeting. She is angry and hostile at it, but agrees to a truce with WindClan. Tallstar thanks Fireheart for avoiding needless bloodshed, but they both know that Bluestar has realized the truth about the meeting and that Fireheart is in deep trouble. Back at camp Bluestar demands to speak to Fireheart in private. She accuses him of being a traitor and says she will not punish him because when she dies he will become leader, and a traitor leading a pack of traitors is fitting punishment. He leaves Bluestar's den upset, unable to confide in Sandstorm both because she is currently angry with him and also because he cannot betray Bluestar any more then he has. Longtail confronts him about Swiftpaw still not being made a warrior. Fireheart tries to explain that he wants it to happen but they need to wait for the right time. Longtail leaves, still upset but in a better mood. Then Cinderpelt finds him to tell him Bluestar is missing.

First, Graystripe. How long can he remain torn between two clans? Especially when Leopardstar hates him? I was shocked he offered to spy for Fireheart but I was also glad Fireheart turned him down. 

Secondly, Bluestar. She is very clearly - and rapidly - deteriorating. Refusing to listen to Fireheart about the dog, not investigating the situation herself, openly being hostile to WindClan, her public scorn for StarClan, deciding to attack WindClan - all of these are very bad things. And now Fireheart going behind her back must hurt very much.

Thirdly, Darkstripe. Clearly if he has not thrown his lot in with Tigerstar he is at the very least considering it. This is disturbing on many levels. Tigerstar is a traitor and murderer and the fact that Darkstripe is continuing to have a friendship with him - behind the backs of everyone in the clan - does not bode well. And, it is quite probable that he is spying for Tigerstar.

Fourthly, Fireheart. He is finally beginning to realize that he is next in line for clan leader. He has done a decent job of acting clan leader (along with Whitestorm's help) with Bluestar being so sick, but it is good for him to realize that in order to save his clan from Tigerstar he is going to have to step up even more - and rely on the clan more.

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