Thursday, August 2, 2018

rising storm: part six

Fireheart alerts the camp and everyone evacuates to the river. Two elders and Bramblekit are missing so he and Yellowfang go back. Fireheart saves one of the elders and Bramblekit but he is cut off from the camp where Yellowfang and the other elder are. He drags a weakened Patchpelt to the river and tells Bramblekit to run. When they reach the river Patchpelt dies before Cinderpelt can help him. 

Despite an oncoming storm, the fire spreads quickly and the terrified clan has to cross the river when they don't know how to swim. Whitestorm goes first to show the clan it is safe and they all start to follow. Patchpelt had to be left behind and Smallear is refusing to go. Fireheart grabs Smallear and dives into the water but they almost drown. Then Leopardfur is there to help them. She goes across the river to gather Patchpelt and brings them to their camp. Crookedstar allows them to stay until the fire has passed.

Fireheart overhears an argument between Smallear, Darkstripe, and Cinderpaw. Cinderpaw is angrily defending him to the other cats. Fireheart is shocked when Dustpelt speaks up in his defense. So, too, is Darkstripe but his shock quickly turns to anger. Fireheart interrupts the cats putting an end to their argument and making them realize he overheard everything.

So, the interesting thing about Dustpelt is not just that he spoke in Fireheart's defense, but that he was looking at Fernpaw, who is Darkstripe's apprentice, while he did it. I know that Dustpelt is in love with Fernpaw but I can't help wonder if that love is making him question all of his hostility towards Fireheart. Dustpelt always hated Fireheart, but it became worse after Fireheart and Sandstorm started to grow close. Perhaps Dustpelt had feelings for Sandstorm - beyond those of best friendship - and he felt an even deeper pain by her, unknown to her, betrayal. Now that he has Fernpaw, maybe he is questioning himself. Of course, this is just speculation on my part about Dustpelt's feelings, but things did get worse the closer Sandstorm grew to Fireheart and now that he is in love with Fernpaw things are clearly getting better. But it is also worth noting that Dustpelt contradicted Darkstripe right in front of Darkstripe's apprentice.

As for Darkstripe, I do feel bad for him in a way. He lost Tigerclaw, who he clearly feels was a great and wonderful cat. He is wrong - but it is hard to go your whole life believing one thing and then have it taken from you. And he is losing Longtail and Dustpelt. There are still issues there between Longtail and Fireheart as well as Dustpelt and Fireheart - but they are clearly getting better. Darkstripe is probably feeling very lost right now and wondering if perhas he shouldn't have gone with Tigerclaw after all. I mean, remember why he turned Tigerclaw down? Not because Tigerclaw tried to murder Bluestar, but because he was not included in Tigerclaw's plans.

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