Monday, August 27, 2018

moonrise: part three

Leafpaw watches as Firestar and Tallstar argue. Tallstar admits his clan is slowly starving to death. Firestar feels his pain, but points out his own clan is starving too. Firestar warns Tallstar that if he catches WindClan on his territory again things will not go well. The cats leave and Leafpaw decides to confide in her mentor, but before she has a chance Cinderpelt confides in her that StarClan has been silent. Leafpaw suggests that maybe they have spoken to another cat but Cinderpelt does not think so.

The tribe cats treat the clan cats very well, but Stormfur - and others - have the impression they might be prisoners. The cats decide to spend the night and see how Tawnypelt feels in the morning. Stormfur is approached by a cat named Brook who gives the impression that she does not want Stormfur to leave. She invites Stormfur to go hunting with her tomorrow. The next day the clan cats go hunting with the tribe cats. Stoneteller seemed uneasy letting them go, but he does. A guard follows them but Brook assures them it is because someone needs to keep an eye out for hawks. The clan cats are impressed with the tribes hunting techniques and wish to learn them.

The cats stay for a few days. Stormfur spends time with Brook hunting and starts to develop feelings for her. He also notices that some of the tribe cats speak as if he is going to stay. He hopes that he is misunderstanding them but he is not sure. While out with Brook, Stormfur scents a cat smell that smells wrong. The cave guards quickly hustle the prey hunters into the cave. Stormfur approaches his friends as they talk of leaving the next day, now that Tawnypelt is so much better. Brambleclaw does not voice his fears, but Stormfur knows that he is worried they won't be allowed to leave. Crowpaw accuses Stormfur of wanting to stay and Stormfur is angry, saying that he has done nothing to warrant that accusation and he is loyal to his clan. Crag, a cave guard, overhears them and asks them to stay until winter passes. The cats insist they cannot, that they are on a mission for their clans. Suddenly the cats find themselves prisoners. The cats are moved to The Cave of Pointed Stones, where Stoneteller reads the signs from The Tribe of Endless Hunting. He reveals the prophecy about a gray cat coming to save them from Sharptooth, a lion with no mane. The tribe separates Stonefur from his friends and leave him to ponder his fate.

The medicine cats go to Highstones, desperate for answers to their problems. Littlecloud speaks of Blackstar ordering his clan to eat the diseased rats. Barkface speaks of the rabbits being poisoned by Twolegs, so whoever eats them dies. Mothwing tells Leafpaw that WindClan has been stealing fish, and Hawkfrost has seen them do it many times. At the Moonstone Leafpaw tries to reach out to Squirrelpaw, but she feels her thoughts are being blocked and hears a waterfall. She then sees desperate cats streaked with mud and sharp fangs in the shadows. Then she awakens and sees Spottedleaf. Spottedleaf assured her that her sister is on her way home and tells Leafpaw that wherever she goes, she will follow. She also hints to Leafpaw that there is more warrior ancestors then StarClan.
It would appear that I was slightly wrong about Hawkfrost - WindClan really might be stealing fish. 

The fact that the rabbits are poisoned does not bode well for ThunderClan either, since they too eat rabbits. However, I stand by my previous feelings about Hawkfrost. There is something wrong with that cat.

As for Stormfur, I know he is feeling betrayed right now (rather understandably) but I wonder if in the end he will choose to stay. He has feelings for Brook and, until just now, really liked the tribe. He was not mentioned in the StarClan prophecy, so maybe this is his fate instead? He always feels torn between two worlds since he is only half clan, but here that doesn't seem to matter. Maybe he would finally find peace. I am glad he is no longer in love with Squirrelpaw - even though Brook did betray him. But in her eyes she is desperate to save her clan from what, I assume, is a mountain lion.

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