Saturday, August 11, 2018

the darkest hour: part two

Firestar awakens and Cinderpelt is there. She knows the ceremony was interrupted but nothing else. When she finds out Firestar received his lives and names she is relieved. The two cats leave, Firestar not ready yet to confess the vision. But he does confess to her that ever since he was a kittypet he has had prophetic dreams - but he does not know if they are from StarClan. Cinderpelt tells him it is odd, that usually just clan leaders and medicine cats receive dreams, but she is sure they are from StarClan. They stop by Barley's farm to rest and to tell Barley and Ravenpaw everything that has happened. Ravenpaw tells Firestar that when the time comes to face Tigerstar he will stand by his side.

After resting the cats return home where everyone greets Firestar happily - except for Darkstripe and Sandstorm. Firestar seeks Sandstorm out and assures her that while some things have changed others have not, including his love for her. Relieved, she goes back to work. Graystripe, embarrassed, approaches Firestar to tell him it is okay if he does not get picked for deputy. Back in his den Firestar resolves to make Thornpaw a warrior as soon as possible, feeling it is long over due. He asks Spottedleaf for help in picking a deputy but she refuses. He decides on Whitestorm, and that evening when he goes out and announces his decision Whitestorm is shocked and proud. All the cats congratulate him - except for Darkstripe who looks on with hatred.

The next day Firestar walks to Twoleg place and reflects on his life. Bramblepaw finds him there and confesses he was following Firestar to try out his tracking skills. Firestar realizes that Bramblepaw will be a wonderful warrior if he can escape Tigerstar's shadow - and boldly asks him outright if he can trust him. Bramblepaw responds with the same question, much to Firestar's surprise. The two cats open up to each other - Firestar about his kittypet roots and Bramblepaw about his determination to prove his loyalty to his clan. When Firestar questions him about Tawnypaw he notices that Bramblepaw is evasive but he doesn't press. Firestar and Bramblepaw go off together and as they spend time together Firestar realizes he likes the young cat.

After hunting they go back to camp and run into Graystripe. As they return together they see Darkstripe with Sorrelkit. Suddenly Graystripe attacks Darkstripe, alarming everyone. Firestar rushes over and realizes Sorrelkit has eaten deathberries. He sends Bramblepaw off for Cinderpelt and tries to get the berries out if her mouth. Cinderpelt arrives and helps Sorrelkit but she is unsure if the kit will survive. Graystripe accuses Darkstripe of murdering the kit but Darkstripe insists he was trying to save her. Fireheart posts guards outside of Cinderpelt's den, hoping that Sorrelkit will recover and tell everyone what really happened.

Brackenfur finds Firestar and apologizes for what happened. He said he was following Darkstripe when he was given the slip. As soon as he realized what had happened he looked for him but couldn't find him. Firestar realizes that not only did Darkstripe know they were watching him but that he also needed to get away for something. He tells Brackenfur that he can now guard Darkstripe openly, and that Darkstripe is not to leave the camp until they get the truth from Sorrelkit. Word spreads quickly through the camp and everyone treats Darkstripe as if he has already been found guilty. Even Dustpelt, his former apprentice, wants nothing to do with him.

Thornpaw is turned into a warrior and given the name Thornclaw. Lostface is renamed Brightheart and Cloudtail insists he is going to make her a warrior again but Firestar is unsure if their hopes will ever come true. Sorrelkit wakes up and Firestar goes to hear what she has to say.

I feel that this is the beginning of the end for Darkstripe - and it is really rather sad. Clearly Sorrelkit saw him with Tigerstar or involved with another of Tigerstar's schemes and he felt the need to silence her. Darkstripe is one of their greatest warriors and yet he keeps choosing Tigerstar's ambition over his clan. I imagine that if Tigerclaw was made clan leader Darkstripe would have been his deputy - but he could have just as easily have been Firestar's deputy if he would just bury his hatred and choose his clan. Instead, he has chosen someone who thinks it is okay to murder any cat who stands in his way - even innocent kits, because it's not like the dogs wouldn't have killed them all. And now he himself feels it is fine to murder a kit. He has fallen so far under Tigerstar's sway there is nothing left. And I keep coming back to his reason for refusing to follow Tigerstar - not out of anger for what he had done, but because he wasn't involved in the plans meaning he might have been fine with them.

As for Firestar and Bramblepaw, I am glad to see them working on their relationship. I was afraid that everyone's hostility and open fear towards him would drive him away but instead he seems to be working his way into Firestar's heart - and Firestar is happy about that.

About Graystripe and Darkstripe, I find it sad that everyone has assumed Darkstripe is guilty. There doesn't even seem to be any question about it. Even though Graystripe fell in love with a cat from another clan, left his clan, and was forbidden by Bluestar from ever returning everyone assumes he is telling the truth and Darkstripe is lying. This shows not only that everyone is accepting Graystripe back, but also that no one is shocked over Darkstripe's betrayal.

On a final note, I do hope Brightheart gets to become a warrior finally.

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