Wednesday, August 15, 2018

the darkest hour: part six

All of the cats are horrified over what just happened, but Firestar and Tallstar resolve to meet BloodClan in battle. Bramblepaw confesses to Firestar that he never wanted that fate for his father and Firestar agrees. Bramblepaw asks how Tawnypaw could follow him and Firestar has no answers. He begs for his sister to be allowed to come back to the clan, but Firestar cannot promise that and instead promises a fair hearing for her.

Back at the camp everyone reels from the news that the returning warriors bring. Whitestorm asks where ShadowClan and RiverClan stand in the upcoming confrontation with BloodClan and Firestar says he does not know. Firestar tells the cats that they must prepare for the upcoming battle. All cats are to train - even kits and elders.

The next day Ravenpaw and Barley arrive wanting to help after having heard about the upcoming fight with BloodClan. Barley admits he was once part of BloodClan and gives Firestar all the information he can. He tells Firestar that having StarClan is what makes the clan cats different. Firestar feels that Barley has told him something important, but he is not sure what.

Longtail reports to Firestar that BloodClan is living in ShadowClan territory. Firestar watches Brightheart's training and is impressed - so is Dustpelt who she keeps defeating. He takes Cloudtail with him and they warn Princess to stay out of the forest until this new threat is dealt with.

Back at camp Whitestorm talks to Firestar, asking him if they are doing the right thing by staying. Firestar insists they are, that losing the forest cannot be StarClan's will. As they talk, Firestar is struck suddenly by just how old Whitestorm is and how most cats his age would have joined with the elders. Uneasy, Firestar dreams. He is at Fourtrees with StarClan and demands answers from them. Bluestar answers him and tells him that while StarClan cares for all cats, they do not rule their lives - the cats are free to make their own choices.

Firestar awakens and resolves to speak to Leopardstar. Taking a few cats with him he enters RiverClan territory and finds Leopardstar trying to rule both clans at the hill of bones. She acknowledges that they will probably run away - and that some cats will he left behind. Firestar urges her to join forces and then allow the clans to go back to their normal lives after BloodClan is defeated. She agrees to think on his request and, much to his shock, asks him to lead them. Darkstripe overhears and is furious, blaming Firestar for Tigerstar's death. But other cats speak up for Firestar, including Boulder who says he warned Tigerstar against his plan, which was to use BloodClan to force the other clans to join TigerClan and then turn against BloodClan.

Bramblepaw finds Tawnypaw and asks Firestar to speak with her. She tells Firestar that she cannot be in a clan that does not want her. Firestar insists that while he only saw Tigerstar when he looked on them in the past he no longer does. She acknowledges that but says other cats do, and she wants to prove her worth to a clan that does want her. Bramblepaw is upset but accepts her decision - and Firestar's blessing. Leopardstar and Blackfoot agree to fight with Firestar and Darkstripe angrily objects, threatening to leave. Leopardstar tells him to go then since he is worthless anyway. The angry cat stalks off. Leopardstar and her warriors pull down the hill of bones while Blackfoot watches her with unreadable eyes.

So, it is good that the clans will go back to normal life after this. TigerClan is over, Leopardstar even pulled down the hill of bones. I still feel she is a complete fool. And while I understand Tawnypaw wanting to prove her worth, going to a clan that is murdering cats is not it.

I'm not sure what Barley was trying to say to Firestar but I am glad that Bluestar clarified StarClan's position in all of this - mainly that the cats have free will. Everything has always been about the will of StarClan so it is nice to see that change of perspective.

Lastly, as for Whitestorm, I feel his fate is plainly written and sad.

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