Thursday, August 9, 2018

a dangerous path: part six

That night Fireheart and Sandstorm make up. Fireheart tells her about what Longtail said and asks her to accompany him. He tells her he made a mistake in naming Brackenfur as Tawnypaw's mentor and he needs her - and loves her. She tells him she was upset that he betrayed Bluestar, but that she understood he is deputy and sometimes had to make hard choices - and not confide in her. She also admits she was torn between her loyalty to him and her loyalty to Bluestar, and admits that she is in love with him too. After speaking with Sandstorm he converses with Cinderpelt. The two cats agree to keep what is going on from Bluestar until they find out more. Fireheart sets an extra guard, worried for an attack from Tigerstar, and gets some sleep for in the morning.

The next morning he gathers some warriors, including Longtail. He apologizes to Longtail again and insists to him that the clan needs him far more then Tigerstar or Darkstripe ever will. Longtail is happy to feel wanted and trusted. They set off towards snakerocks, scenting rabbit along the way. When they get there they find another dead rabbit left by Tigerstar outside of the dog's cave.

Confused, they start looking around and find more dead rabbits with Tigerstar's scent on them. They are confused why Tigerstar is killing rabbits on their territory and leaving them lying around until suddenly the plan hits them. Tigerstar is leaving a trail of rabbits straight to their camp so the dogs will attack them. They move the rabbits in an attempt to break up the scent trail and race back to the camp - to find a dead Brindleface right at the end of the trail, in front of their camp.

They quickly bury Brindleface. Bluestar is asleep so they decide to come up with a plan and then wake her. Fireheart calls a clan meeting and tells everyone of Tigerstar's new treachery. Tawnykit looks horrified but both Bramblekit and Darkstripe are unreadable. Fireheart has a plan to evacuate the camp to Sunningrocks. Meanwhile some warriors will stay behind to lead the dogs to the gorge, in the hopes that the pack will fall in and die. Everyone is given their assignments and goes to follow them. Fireheart sees Darkstripe sneaking out of the camp with Tawnykit and Bramblekit. Fireheart confronts him and Darkstripe tries to bluster his way out, saying he is taking them to some place safer then Sunningrocks. Fireheart responds if Darkstripe knows a safer place then all the clan should go. He then accuses Darkstripe of being in on the plan to murder his own clan. Darkstripe denies this, saying that he only knew to take the kits but Fireheart does not believe him. He places Brackenfur in charge of the kits and tells him that Darkstripe is allowed no where near them. 

He awakens Bluestar, who is ready to accept the clans fate. Fireheart tells her no, they have a plan. He tells her to go to Sunningrocks with the rest of the clan. She says like an elder and he says no, like a leader. Bluestar agrees.

The cats go to their appointed places and the pack comes following the trail that has been laid. Fireheart is the last cat on the trail with the job of tricking the dogs into the gorge but before he can get to safety Tigerstar attacks him. The dogs come and Tigerstar runs but it is too late for Fireheart. He ends up in the jaws of a dog and as he fears it will kill him suddenly Bluestar is there saving him. She tumbles over the gorge with some of the dogs. The other dogs run in shock and Fireheart tries desperately to save his leader. Mistyfoot and Stonefur appear and save the two cats. Graystripe arrives and prevents Tigerstar from attacking Fireheart. Mistyfoot and Stonefur make peace with Bluestar and Bluestar tells Fireheart she knows now her clan is a good, loyal clan. She dies, her belief in StarClan restored and at peace. Tigerstar runs away after Bluestar's death and finding out the truth about her kits.

Bluestar is finally at peace - with her children, her clan, and StarClan. This is good but it's sad that it had to take Fireheart almost dying - and Bluestar actually dying - for it to happen. The threat of the pack snapped her out of her mental state so she could be a leader one last time.

Tigerstar's treachery is unreal. Killing Bluestar and Fireheart is not enough, he now needs to destroy his entire clan, uncaring who dies. And Darkstripe's treachery is even worse. He might not have known about the dogs, but he clearly knew some danger was coming and did not care about any of his clanmates - which again harkens back to Fernpaw confiding in Dustpelt over her mentor, and Dustpelt publicly defending and supporting Fireheart. I understand he might not like Fireheart (just like Longtail and Dustpelt) but he isn't even trying to live with him in peace. And destroying an entire clan over his anger of Tigerclaw being banished - he chose not to follow him. Darkstripe made the choice himself to stay behind. But it is worth noting (again) that he stayed behind not because of clan loyalty (like Longtail) or disgust with his plans (like Dustpelt) but because Tigerclaw would not fully confide in him. Now that Tigerstar is willing to confide he has clearly won Darkstripe over. How much longer Darkstripe will be in the clan I don't know, but clearly it won't be for much longer now that Fireheart knows he is a spy.

And now Fireheart must become Firestar and try to save the clan from their old deputy.

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