Wednesday, August 22, 2018

midnight: part four

The cats start their journey, still arguing - especially Crowpaw and Squirrelpaw as well as Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw. They cross a Thunderpath, going through some hedges on the other side and are separated. Brambleclaw and Feathertail find themselves together, in danger from Twolegs and dogs. They get to safety, worried where the other cats are. They speak of their fathers - Feathertail speaks of missing her dad, while Brambleclaw admits he cannot even honor the memory of his father. Suddenly they hear the other cats crying for help.

Leafpaw and Cinderpelt head to Highrocks, meeting up with the other cats along the way. Leafpaw is excited to see Mothwing there, but Mothwing is cold to her and Leafpaw worries that since she is already a warrior she might see Leafpaw as just another apprentice. But Leafpaw's fears are unfounded, as Mothwing slowly warms up to her. Mothwing tells her how all of the clan still do not accept her even after the sign of a moth wing outside of their medicine cat's den.

The two cats grow friendly as they travel together. At the Moonstone Mothwing is formally made an apprentice. During the ceremony the light hits her just so and Leafpaw feels that Mothwing looks as if she has already joined StarClan. She fears it might be an omen then tries to dismiss it. The cats dream. Leafpaw sees Fourtrees, and that one of the trees is shaking violently. She sees cats traveling across the snow in single file. Lastly she sees that Squirrelpaw is fine. The cats wake and leave Highstones. Mothwing is excited and starts to speak of a vision she had of her brother but Leafpaw stops her since visions are not to be spoken of until they are understood.

Brambleclaw tries to figure out how to save the other cats, but Squirrelpaw saves them. Brambleclaw is upset with her for taking such a risk but the other cats tell her how brave she was. The reunited cats continue on their journey. Squirrelpaw finds fresh water for them to drink but when Tawnypelt goes to have some it tastes of salt. She is furious with Squirrelpaw for playing a prank on her but when Stormfur goes to drink some he tells Tawnypelt it is fine. The cats realize that she has just received a sign from StarClan that they are on the right path.

The days pass. Squirrelpaw gets stuck under a fence. Crowpaw angrily tells her that she might have to be left behind. An argument breaks out with Stormfur saying if she has to be left behind he will stay with her and Brambleclaw insisting no one is getting left behind. As the three toms argue Tawnypelt and Feathertail recuse her. Feathertail dreams of saltwater and confesses this to Brambleclaw. He considers them hiding this information from Crowpaw for now since he is already upset enough. Feathertail says she thinks this is a bad idea and points out how lonely Crowpaw must be. She herself has Stormfur and Brambleclaw has both Tawnypelt and Squirrelpaw - Crowpaw has no one. And, Crowpaw left right before his naming ceremony. They decide that Feathertail should tell Crowpaw once he is in a better mood.

Not much has happened here beyond the cats recieving signs from StarClan that they are on the correct path.

However, when it comes down to Mothwing and Hawkfrost I am worried. Both cats, while apparently excellent warriors, seem to be very cold and hostile. And I can understand some of that - they are the kits of a loner. But I feel that there is more to it then that. Brambleclaw spoke of Hawkfrost's eyes and how they made him shudder. Mothwing is cold to Leafpaw for no reason. And then Leafpaw has a vision of Mothwing that disturbs her. I feel that there is something wrong with these two cats - but I do not know what. Mothwing seems like she might be okay, but Hawkfrost, for some reason, worries me.

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