Monday, August 20, 2018

midnight: part two

So, the story continues on and I actually feel like quite a bit has happened.

Brambleclaw confronts Squirrelpaw, who is demanding to know what he is doing. Tawnypelt appears and asks Brambleclaw what is going on and he is forced to admit that Squirrelpaw followed him. While they are deciding what to do with Squirrelpaw, Feathertail and Stormfur arrive and Feathertail immediately starts asking if the other cats have had the dream. Her brother has not, but he is insisting upon accompanying her on her quest. Crowpaw arrives and he and Brambleclaw - along with Squirrelpaw - immediately start arguing. Crowpaw actually attacks Squirrelpaw, causing Brambleclaw to stop him, which leads to both Crowpaw and Squirrelpaw angry at him. Crowpaw angrily leaves with nothing being resolved between the four cats. They recieve no sign from StarClan so they decide to meet up at the next Gathering and decide what to do from there. After the cats leave Squirrelpaw tells Brambleclaw that she will keep his secret, but only if he includes her in his plans. Brambleclaw agrees.

When Leafpaw wakes up she knows her sister sneaked out in the night - she dreamed of it. She looks for her sister but cannot find her anywhere. Ravenpaw arrives to speak with Firestar, and as Leafpaw is about to escort him Squirrelpaw arrives. Ravenpaw tells her it is okay to leave him and goes off to Firestar alone, giving Leafpaw a chance to confront her sister. But Squirrelpaw is evasive in her answers and Leafpaw is upset that she will not confide in her. Without actually accusing her outright of lying she is unsure what to do. They part ways with Leafpaw upset that her sister will no longer confide in her.

Brambleclaw dreams of endless salt water by a cliff with a dark mouth. He is drowning, unable to free himself of the water. He leaves the warrior's den, still able to taste the salt in his mouth and on his fur. He runs into Ravenpaw who asks him what is wrong. He finds himself confessing his dream. Ravenpaw tells him that the place he has dreamt of is real. He also reminds him that Firestar had a prophecy about him, so it is entirely possible that Brambleclaw has one too.

Brambleclaw sneaks out to find Feathertail and Stormfur and tell them of his dream. He deliberately does not tell Squirrelpaw about the second dream because he knows she would want to come and he feels he cannot take her on the journey to the salt water. Feathertail feels that they must go, and they resolve to talk to Crowpaw the next day. They find Crowpaw and he is angry and wary that Brambleclaw has had a second dream but none of the rest. He is unsure about going on the journey but Stormfur talks him into it, pointing out that if all of this is true them Crowpaw will be a hero. Later, Brambleclaw sneaks into ShadowClan territory to find Tawnypaw. She agrees to go with them on the journey.

Leafpaw and Cinderpelt are out gathering herbs when a fire accidentally starts. In the flames Cinderpelt sees a vision of a tiger. The fire goes out and they immediately hurry to Firestar. Cinderpelt believes the dream means Fire and Tiger combined will bring disaster to the clan - and she believes the Fire to be Squirrelpaw and the Tiger to be Brambleclaw. She does not feel that either cat is disloyal, only that they might do something to inadvertently cause disaster. Firestar resolves to keep the two of them apart - and to include Graystripe and Sandstorm in on this plan. Leafpaw is forbidden from saying anything to her sister.

Squirrelpaw hunts down Brambleclaw to find out if he has had anymore dreams, but suddenly Firestar is there to keep them apart. Over the next days the two cannot seem to find any moment to talk to each other - Firestar is determined to keep them busy and apart. Brambleclaw becomes convinced that Squirrelpaw must have said something to Firestar and that is why he is keeping them apart. They finally find a moment to speak and agree to meet behind the nursery once no one is looking. While there Brambleclaw accuses her of speaking to Firestar, but she denies it. Both cats note that Firestar is determined to keep them apart but they cannot understand why. Suddenly Firestar and Graystripe are there and Firestar is angry at them, accusing them of slacking in their duties. The cats protest, saying they have been working nonstop. Graystripe points out that this is true but Firestar will not hear of it. Firestar sends Brambleclaw to look after the elders and Brambleclaw is upset since that is apprentice work. While going away he hears Firestar telling Squirrelapw that she is not to spend so much time with an inexperienced warrior like Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw is upset and wonders what he did to anger Firestar.

So, first of all, I am glad my predictions for the cats chosen were correct. Secondly, of course Squirrelpaw is determined to be in the thick of things. However, the fighting between her and Brambleclaw - while still at a ridiculous amount - is at least toning down now that they have a common goal.

Crowpaw is such an odd addition to their group - he seems incapable of getting along with anyone. While the rest of the cats seem to be willing to go along with everything he is firmly digging in his heels and fighting with everyone.

As for Firestar, let me take a moment to roll my eyes. Did it even occur to him to try and talk to the two cats and see if anything is going on? Apparently not. Now all he is doing is alienating his daughter and someone who was once close to him. And accusing the two of them of being lazy while working them harder then anyone else is completely unfair - and he has to know it. At this point in time one would think he would realize that he is just going to make them more determined to sneak off to see each other.

I also feel that Cinderpelt probably interpreted her vision wrong, that it was probably Fire and Tiger combined that would save the clan from a disaster. It is odd, however, that Cinderpelt would have a vision that includes Squirrelpaw when Brambleclaw's vision was just about himself from ThunderClan. Yet Cinderpelt's vision clearly implies that Squirrelpaw is involved.

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