Tuesday, August 14, 2018

the darkest hour: part five

The cats rush to WindClan but they are too late. They see wounded cats everywhere and Firestar realizes that this was a scare tactic. Gorsepaw, an apprentice, lies dead in the clearing. Onewhisker tells Firestar that Tigerstar pinned the young cat down and murdered him, telling them that all who refused to join would have the same fate. Tallstar pulls Firestar aside and tells him that he has a message from Tigerstar. Tigerstar wants an answer tomorrow at Fourtrees because he is tired of waiting - and if they refuse this is their fate. Firestar says he would rather die then join TigerClan. Tallstar agrees to stand by Firestar and says they will be a lion to Tigerstar's tiger.

Firestar leaves some cats behind with Whitestorm and takes the rest with him. They meet with with Tallstar and Firestar feels hopeful at the force they have gathered up. Tigerstar and his cats arrive and they refuse his offer. Tawnypaw is spotted amongst the TigerClan cats and Tigerstar throws it into their faces that she went to him willingly. He asks Bramblepaw to join him as well but Bramblepaw refuses, saying he would rather die. Angry, Tigerstar informs him that he will die if he does not accept the offer. Bramblepaw retorts that he will die a loyal ThunderClan cat then. The bushes part and row after row after row of cats come out and Firestar realizes just how outnumbered they are.

Tigerstar again makes an offer for the two clans to join him and Firestar again refuses. Tigerstar orders the BloodClan cats to attack but no one moves. Scourge reminds an angry Tigerstar that his cats are loyal to him and will only attack when he orders it. Firestar takes this moment to speak to Scourge and all the clan cats. He speaks of Tigerstar's murder or Redtail, wounding of Cinderpelt, attempted murder of Bluestar, and attempted destruction of ThunderClan. He finishes his speech by saying Tigerstar does not share power. Leopardstar looks horrified but stands by Tigerstar. Scourge admits that he knew of the plan involving the dogs, but did not know it failed. Scourge says he will think on Firestar's words and there will be no battle today. Tigerstar leaps at the small cat and Firestar is afraid Scourge will be destroyed. But Scourge wins because his claws are reinforced with sharpened dog claws, and Firestar watches in horror as Tigerstar dies nine deaths, choking to death on his blood over and over and over again. Scourge announces that he is now taking over the forest - and that the cats have three days to leave or meet him in battle.

I hope that Bramblepaw's loyalty is now laid to rest, just like Dustpelt's was when he publicly refused Tigerclaw. It really did seem almost an echo, with both cats declaring they would never betray their clan and would rather die then follow a murderer.

As for Leopardstar and Tawnypaw, the two of them are idiots. I understand Leopardstar might find it uncomfortable to switch sides in the middle of a fight - especially with the introduction of the BloodClan cats - but really, there is doing what is easy and there is doing what is right. And she is choosing what is easy. I hope with Tigerstar's death some sense has been knocked into her but since she allowed her own deputy to be murdered I doubt it. And for Tawnypaw I don't even have the words to describe how stupid she is acting. But, maybe with Tigerstar's death she can escape his shadow - but she betrayed her clan before that. And I wonder if Bramblepaw's speech about dying before following their father had any effect on her.

I have mixed feelings about Tigerstar's death. It was certainly shocking and upsetting - especially as he went through all nine of his lives one after the other, choking on his own blood. But more then that it was out of nowhere. 

Sometimes, this is well played. A series goes on and a storyline is clearly established. Firestar vs Tigerstar - that is the clearly established story. Firestar has been the hero since the beginning and likewise Tigerstar has been the villain. But now, all the sudden pages from the end Tigerstar is dead and Scourge is the villain.

They did this in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Season 6 The Trio was the villain until all the sudden The Trio was destroyed and Willow was the villain. The first time I watched season 6 I was like "what the hell just happened?" But, as time went by, and I went back, I saw all the signs were there. Willow's struggle with magic was there from day one - always messing with stronger powers then she should have been. And then, suddenly, things escalated out of control and she was the main villain. It was subtle but it was well done.

Here, rogues have been mentioned here and there but they were never seriously mentioned. They were just the stray followers of Brokenstar then Tigerstar. They were, in defense of this massive plot twist, always a means to an end. A stepping stone for revenge and clan power. But they were almost written in as an afterthought. There was never any subtle struggle, any subtle threat. They were the stragglers of once powerful cats and now, suddenly, there is an entire clan of them loyal to the death to Scourge. 

I mean, this is the way the book was written so it is what it is. But it almost feels a bit cheap. An afterthought. A tidy way of ending Tigerstar's story without any real work. And now, suddenly, the fight between Firestar and Tigerstar that has been building up for years will instead be between Firestar and Scourge - who is a nobody to the reader. I feel like there is a word for this plot device - other then sloppy - but it is currently eluding me.

I will say, however, that the writers gave Tigerstar a very interesting death. And I would have approved of it if the rogues had played a bigger part in the series.

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