Sunday, August 12, 2018

the darkest hour: part three

Sorrelkit tells Firestar that she saw Darkstripe out alone and knew he shouldn't be, so she followed him. She saw him meeting with Blackfoot from ShadowClan. She tried to sneak back to the camp unseen but Darkstripe found her, told her how clever she was, and gave her the berries as a treat. Firestar takes this news to the clan. Darkstripe insists that Sorrelkit was either lying or misunderstood what he was trying to do. Firestar asks him how he can betray his own clan like this and Darkstripe responds that this isn't his clan and the only cat worth following is Tigerstar. Firestar banishes him, and is uneasy when Tawnypaw asks if Darkstripe will go to Tigerstar, though not because Darkstripe probably will but because of the look on Tawnypaw's face. Firestar gives the apprenticeship of Fernpaw to Longtail - much to the other cat's shock and gratitude - and then goes to tell Cinderpelt about the prophecy Bluestar gave him but she cannot shed any light on it.

Days pass and Firestar is out with Graystripe and Thornclaw when they see Mistyfoot. She tells them how Stonefur confessed their roots to their clan. She says some cats won't speak to them, others are uneasy, and Leopardstar is clearly unhappy but publicly supporting them. She also confesses that Tigerstar is always over with Leopardstar, planning something, and even Stonefur does not know what - and that ShadowClan warriors are always posted in their camp. Firestar is shocked, and warns Mistyfoot that Tigerstar has no equals, only followers. The Gathering approaches and Firestar leaves Whitestorm behind with enough warriors to guard the camp in case Tigerstar attacks - along with Tigerstar's two kits in case he demands them again. Firestar decides to reveal Tigerstar's treachery at this gathering, but Whitestorm is unsure his plans will work.

They arrive at the Gathering but only WindClan is there. Tallstar tells Firestar that he is sorry for Bluestar's death, but that ThunderClan has a worthy successor. Firestar is surprised at the older cat's praise. He decides to confide in him about his fears over Tigerstar but suddenly the ShadowClan and RiverClan cats are there. They arrive together and start the meeting without Tallstar and Firestar. Tigerstar speaks of joining the four clans into one great clan, named TigerClan, and ruling it together. He says Leopardstar had already joined them and asks the other clans for their answer. Tallstar is furious and flatly refuses. Firestar too refuses and tries to warn the other cats about why Tigerstar was kicked out of their clan but suddenly a storm breaks out. Tigerstar declares it a favorable sign from StarClan and leaves, giving the other two clans a month to decide. Firestar also saw Darkstripe with the ShadowClan cats, a look of open admiration on his face as he watched Tigerstar speak. As the cats escape the storm Firestar is reminded of Bluestar's prophesy.

Back at camp Firestar breaks the news of the Gathering to everyone and Tigerstar's claim that he has StarClan's favor. Whitestorm counters that the storm could easily be seen as a sign of StarClan's anger. The next day Firestar takes Bramblepaw training and is upset when Bramblepaw asks why it would be so bad to all be one clan. But then Firestar remembers his own questioning on this same topic when he first joined the clan and tries to answer Bramblepaw fairly. Firestar finds himself worrying once again about his apprentice's loyalty. Cloudtail also has him assess Brightheart's training and Firestar is surprised to see it going well. He goes to get a drink from the stream and sees his reflection as a lion and recalls Bluestar's prophesy once again.

Back at camp Graystripe tries to talk to Firestar but a sudden commotion with Tawnypaw distracts him. Tawnypaw complains that some of the cats treat her unfairly because of her father. Bramblepaw tells her that they must prove themselves and Firestar promises to speak to the cats on her behalf. Tawnypaw soothed Firestar asks Graystripe what is wrong. Graystripe confesses he is afraid for his kits now that Tigerstar is in charge of RiverClan. He wants to go over and bring them back to ThunderClan camp. Firestar tells him no, but seeing how upset his friend is agrees for them to go over and check on the kits. On their way out they see Ravenpaw, who has come to pay his respects to Bluestar, and he goes along with them. They sneak into RiverClan land and find an odd scent and follow it. They see a new camp with a hill of bones with Tigerstar on top. They see Leopardstar looking like she is regretting her choice but now has no way out. They see prey wasted and water polluted. They see Darkstripe, proud to be part of this new clan. And they see prisoners in the form of Stonefur, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw.

Okay, there is quite a bit here. Clearly the tiger and lion are Tigerstar and Firestar, respectively. And the four becoming two means WindClan and ThunderClan will join together against ShadowClan and RiverClan. The blood is clearly tied in with Scourge since he is the leader of BloodClan (though, Firestar does not know this yet).

Also, that entire scene in RiverClan territory disturbs me. The disregard for prey, the prisoners (who are of course half ThunderClan but, more importantly, include the deputy and two young apprentices), and Leopardstar's refusal to do anything. The whole scene is very disturbing. Mostly Leopardstar's inaction.

I am curious where Mistyfoot is. Is she a prisoner too? If so, why was she not there? Was it a control issue with Tigerstar not wanting both cats there to strengthen his own position? After all, if he orders attacks on both Stonefur and Mistyfoot then maybe Leopardstar would waiver. Or, it could be she has escaped. But if so why has she not run to ThunderClan? She has to know that Firestar would take her in. Unless she is already dead? But I imagine Stonefur would be the bigger threat to Tigerstar since he is deputy.

And here we have the loyalities of three cats drawn clearly. Dustpelt and Longtail have both buried the hatchet with Firestar - they might not like him fully but they have completely accepted him. And Longtail knows just how precarious his position was, yet, despite that unfortunate incident in the previous book, Firestar has continuously shown him trust. And Darkstripe cares only for Tigerstar. His ambition is just as bad. He knows that everything Tigerstar is doing goes against everything the clans believe in but he does not care.

As for Tawnypaw and Bramblepaw - I see things not ending well for Tawnypaw. 

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