Tuesday, November 20, 2018

sunrise: part two

Lionblaze travels on with the cats. They pass the horses and go across a thunderpath. They pass through cows and some hedges. Hazeltail gets a thorn stuck in her nose and Hollyleaf helps her. Brambleclaw praises her but Hollyleaf doesn't respond and Lionblaze knows it is because she is still too hurt. They come to another thunderpath - much bigger then the last one.

Hollyleaf crosses the thunderpath but Hazeltail freezes. Brambleclaw saves her and the cats move on. Hollyleaf realizes that Sol is braver then she thought since he made the journey alone. After finding a copse of trees Brambleclaw declares they should rest for the night. The next day they continue their journey and make it to the sun drown place. 

Jayfeather goes about his chores. Leafpool asks him to change the bedding. As he does Firestar comes in to talk to Leafpool. He asks her if she can seek out Ashfur and ask him who killed him. She tells Firestar that it doesn't work that way, the ancestors decide who will speak with her not the other away around. Jayfeather feels not only both shock and anger over Firestar's request but also fear. Leafpool assures Firestar she wants to find Ashfur's killer too but Jayfeather doesn't believe her. Leafpool sends Mousefur and Longtail out for fresh air and sends Jayfeather with them to look for herbs. Mousefur isn't fooled, however, and tells Jayfeather they will call him if they need him. Jayfeather goes off to the stick to speak to Rock. He asks Rock if he knew the truth about their parentage but Rock is evasive in his answers. When Jayfeather tries to ask him about the prophecy Rock responds that Jayfeather should make his own destiny. Mousefur comes looking for Jayfeather. She helps him gather some herbs and they head back to camp. Leafpool is angry with Jayfeather for bringing back so little. He tries to put the herbs away but Leafpool snatches them from him saying she will do it herself. Not understanding what is wrong with her, and missing his siblings, Jayfeather heads out of the den.

Lionblaze and the cats watch as Brambleclaw shows them how to reach Midnight's den. He tells them how the first time they found it by falling in. When they reach her den her scent is stale. Brambleclaw decides they shouldn't wait for her since they have no clue when she is coming back. As they climb up the cliff the tide is coming in. A wave sweeps Birchfall away and the cats panic, unsure what to do. Brambleclaw and Brackenfur jump into the water to save him. Lionblaze has Hazeltail break a stick off of a nearby bush so they can put it in the water for the cats to grasp. They rescue Birchfall and Brackenfur but almost lose Brambleclaw. Luckily he makes it out in time. Brambleclaw decides they should look by the twoleg nests for Sol. He does not want to go back to the clan without their prisoner. Lionblaze wonders if Brambleclaw would be so eager to find Ashfur's killer if he knew the truth Squirrelflight was concealing. He also wonders if that truth ever comes out would Brambleclaw be able to forgive Squirrelflight. As they wall through the twoleg nests, dogs in one yard chase them away. They see a cat but when they try to talk to him he runs away in terror, referencing a "he" that Lionblaze suspects is Sol. The tired cats find a safe place to rest for the night. 

Jayfeather goes about his chores but he is distracted and upset between Squirrelflight's secret and his siblings absence. He is short with Toadkit in the nursery causing Daisy to get mad at him. Firestar senses something is bothering Jayfeather and tells him he can confide in him but Jayfeather does not. Then Leafpool takes him for warrior training and he is distracted during it, causing her to get angry and tell him he always expects Lionblaze and Hollyleaf to take care of him. Upset, Jayfeather thinks to himself that Leafpool would never understand. She and Squirrelflight were so close and share kin with the clan. Unlike him and his siblings who now have no one. He also feels that Leafpool would never have let Squirrelflight lie about having kits. Back in the den Jayfeather dreams. He calls out to his warrior ancestors and Spottedleaf finally answers the call. She tells him she cannot give him the answers he seeks and as he presses her she angrily responds that StarClan is just cats and sometimes they have questions too. Jayfeather wakes up feeling completely abandoned and alone. 

So not much to talk about here. Sol obviously has a negative impact wherever he goes. Jayfeather and Hollyleaf are clearly falling into a deep despair. Lionblaze is upset too but it doesn't seem as deep. Leafpool is acting snappish towards Jayfeather which is a change if pace for her since Jayfeather usually feels like she is smothering him. I hope the search for Sol doesn't take too long. I want to know who really killed Ashfur. I also want to know about this prophecy but I feel it cannot possibly be resolved in this book.

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