Thursday, November 8, 2018

eclipse: part five

Firestar sends Leafpool to rest. He tries to send Lionpaw to rest too but he is too wound up. Firestar invites him to come talk with him and the warriors about what to do next. The cats talk of the sun disappearing and how soon Leafpool can speak to StarClan. Lionpaw feels impatient, feeling that WindClan is the problem. Brambleclaw notices Lionpaw's distress and asks him what is wrong, but when Lionpaw speaks of attacking WindClan Brambleclaw tells him no one wants any more blood spilled. Lionpaw goes to Jaypaw to ask after Squirrelflight. Jaypaw says he thinks she will live but they need to find Sol. Lionpaw doesn't understand why but Jaypaw insists they must. He feels since StarClan knew nothing of the battle or the sun, but Sol knew, then Sol must have some extra knowledge and maybe he can even help the siblings with the prophecy.

As Jaypaw and Lionpaw speak Squirrelflight wakes up. She is still badly wounded and needs rest, though. Hollypaw wakes up too and the siblings discuss what to do next. Jaypaw insists they have to find Sol. He figures since he was already on WindClan territory and ThunderClan territory he will go to ShadowClan next. The cats sneak out to find him and follow his path towards the ShadowClan border. Jaypaw wants to follow it but his siblings insist they cannot anger ShadowClan right now. Staying within their own territory they try to find his path. It leads to an old abandoned twoleg nest and inside they find Sol.

Hollypaw feels uneasy as Jaypaw asks Sol for answers involving the prophecy. She realizes that Jaypaw really believe Sol has the answers that StarClan won't - or can't - give him. She feels sick as she realizes StarClan might not be able to see everything, that there might be something beyond StarClan and the warrior code. As Sol asks them about their powers Hollypaw wonders what her own are. All she knows is she must defend the warrior code. Sol tells the cats that they will be more powerful then StarClan and that they will be the light for the clans. When Hollypaw asks him about the warrior code he tells her it will be up to them to defend it or destroy it. She is appalled at the though of destroying it. Jaypaw begs Sol to come with them and be their warrior. He and Lionpaw offers to hide Sol from Firestar, build him a nest, and hunt for him. Sol agrees and Hollypaw feels a mixture of fear and excitement. As they travel back they come close to the ShadowClan border again. Russetfur catches them and accuses them of spying. She brings all the cats back to Blackstar. Blackstar wants to know why the apprentices were so interested in Sol and Jaypaw tells him it is because Sol predicted the sun would disappear. Littlecloud asks if Sol spoke to StarClan but Sol tells him the darkness had nothing to do with StarClan, but with a change that was coming. Hollypaw wonders if she and her brothers will be part of that change. When Blackstar presses him, Sol says that change is not a bad thing and that there is more then one way to do something. Hollypaw is shocked. Sol offers to stay with Blackstar and Russetfur kicks the apprentices out with an escort since Blackstar confessing his lack of faith in StarClan. Jaypaw is upset since Sol promised to come with them, but the cats leave.

When they get back to their camp Jaypaw makes his siblings promise they won't say anything about Sol. Hollypaw and Lionpaw get picked for a hunting patrol. Jaypaw checks on Squirrelflight. She tells Jaypaw to make sure he eats. Leafpool snaps at Squirrelflight that she knows how to take care of her apprentice and Jaypaw is surprised. He settles down to sleep and dreams of Yellowfang who tells him to stop looking for answers, they will come in time.

So I just want to take this moment to say that I really do not like Sol. Something about him just brushes me the wrong way. Maybe it is the way he claims to know everything without ever actually offering anything. Or maybe it's the way he will only share his knowledge with the cats if they offer to do everything for him. I mean, really. He can't hunt for himself? That was just disturbing. I feel like this cat is poison. And now he is with Blackstar telling him who knows what. Some knowledge is not worth the price you pay for it and I feel like no knowledge Sol has is worth what he will demand or do.

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