Thursday, November 15, 2018

long shadows: part four

Jaypaw emerges from the tunnel and is greeted as Jay's Wing, a new sharpclaw. He is confused since these cats are not clan cats. He tries to ask them where ThunderClan is but they don't know what he is talking about. All his interactions with these cats are confusing and he slowly starts to realize he is in the past when his clanmates show him twoleg monsters in the distance. He realizes they are there to build the horse place between WindClan and RiverClan. Jaypaw is led to his nest and sleeps.

Jaypaw tries to hunt and live with the cats but he keeps making mistakes. A she cat named Half Moon is friendly towards him and helps him out. As he interacts with her and the other cats he realizes that as much as they are like the clan cats they are also very different. They don't have a warrior code that tells them to care for their sick cats or elders. Half Moon speaks of how Stone Song talks of how they should leave - and she tells Jaypaw that he feels the same. He wonders where these cats will go to since it is now his cats who live there.

Half Moon shows him the mountains in the distance and tells him Stone Song thinks they should move there. Jaypaw tells Half Moon about the mountains and Stone Song overhears and asks Jaypaw how he knows. Jaypaw tells Stone Song that he dreamt of it. Half Moon asks Jaypaw if he would find a new home for them and as they talk he realizes Half Moon is in love with him. Stone Song tells others about Jaypaw's dreams and Stone Song asks Jaypaw to guide them to their new home. Jaypaw is shocked at how quickly everything is happening. Furled Bracken, their leader of sorts, calls a meeting and everyone votes on whether to stay or go. The vote is tied and it is Jaypaw's turn. He votes to leave so these cats can go to the mountains and become the Tribe of Rushing Water.

With the vote cast Stone Song becomes their new leader. As the cats get ready to leave Stone Song pulls Jaypaw aside to speak to him. He asks about Jaypaw's dreams and as they talk Jaypaw realizes the tribe doesn't just need a new home, they need a medicine cat too. He tells Stone Song about how their ancestors watch over them and how they wish to guide the cats that are still alive. He tells Stone Song that he must be willing to listen in order to hear them. The cats eat and then head out. Rock calls Jaypaw over to him. Jaypaw feels sad to leave Half Moon but he follows Rock home. Rock tells him that Jay's Wing never made it to the new home, that he disappeared at the start if their journey. Jaypaw emerges from the tunnels, blind again, wondering if Lionblaze and Hollyleaf lived in the past as well. He knows that he is Jay's Wing and he has come home.

In the warrior's den Lionblaze listens to Spiderleg cough. Brambleclaw makes him go see Leafpool and has Lionblaze escort him. Daisy is upset to find out that Spiderleg is sick. She tries to bring him food but he is rude to her. She tells him he should pay more attention to his kits but he won't listen. Daisy leaves upset. Lionblaze is embarrassed to have just witnessed that and goes to leave but Leafpool blocks the entrance. She tells Spiderleg that kits are a gift and he should know his children. He tells Leafpool that things did not work out between him and Daisy. She says that is fine, but the kits should not have to suffer for it. Lionblaze thinks that if Spiderleg is not careful he and his kits will end up like Crowfeather and Breezepaw. It has been a couple of days since Spiderleg became sick and Lionblaze is out hunting for the sick cats. When he drops off fresh kill he realizes they have not been eating. Worried he goes to the nest where Brightheart tells him that Firestar is losing a life. Upset, Lionblaze rushes in and watches Firestar die then come back. The cats want Firestar to return to camp now so Leafpool can take care of him but he refuses to leave them, looking to Millie and saying that some cats need more help then him. Lionblaze looks to Millie. She is almost dead and Briarkit is crying because she wants her mother. Upset Lionblaze leaves. Back at camp he reports Firestar's death to Brambleclaw then goes to Jaypaw to tell him he will go get the catmint.

It was nice to see the origin of the Tribe of Rushing Water, but it was a bit randomly thrown in. I know these cats can reincarnate and that somehow they are all tied together, but it was a shock to find out that Jaypaw once lived as a tribe cat! But I also wonder how long ago this was since the humans were using machines. I always assumed the tribe left hundreds of years ago but now I see it cannot be more then 100.

I feel bad for Daisy. She left her mate for her kits and she has no real place in the clan. When she had new kits by Spiderleg I was excited but now that has fallen apart. She seems to just be there, not contributing. And what's worse is she knows this and feels this. She does help the queens but I wish she had an actual place in the clan.

Lastly, I am nervous about Lionblaze going to get the catmint! He has had the nightmare about Heatherpaw so many times I am worried what might happen!

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