Wednesday, November 14, 2018

long shadows: part three

Hollyleaf and Lionblaze hunt while Jaypaw collects herbs. They head back to camp and Lionblaze wants to talk to Tawnypelt but Hollyleaf points out they don't know what to say yet and Jaypaw has to return to the medicine den. But before they can decide what to do Brichfall's patrol returns with Littlecloud, who wishes to speak to Tawnypelt. Sandstorm talks to Littlecloud while Squirrelflight goes to get Firestar. Firestar, Brambleclaw, and Tawnypelt come over and Tawnypelt insists she wants nothing to do with ShadowClan. Littlecloud tells her that things have changed and her kits have already returned. After receiving assurance that Sol is gone and the warrior code is back in place Tawnypelt leaves with him. The ThunderClan cats speculate what really happened since they don't believe Sol would just leave. Hollyleaf suggests that perhaps losing some cats made Blackstar realize he needed to get rid of Sol. Mousefur and Dustpelt worry about what trouble Sol will cause next. Hollyleaf is glad Sol is gone but Lionblaze hopes that he will come back and mentor them. Hollyleaf feels that Sol is nothing but trouble and that their destiny will happen no matter what but she is not sure her words convince Lionblaze. While out she runs into Sol. He tries to convince her that she needs him, but Hollyleaf will not listen. She tells him she and her brothers will find their destiny on their own. Sol hints that they might not be the cats of the prophecy and leaves. Back at camp Dustpelt is now sick. Hollyleaf assures Leafpool that she will cure all the sick cats and all will be well. As she settles down to eat she feels good - Sol is gone, ShadowClan has returned to the warrior code, Leafpool will cure the sick cats. She is ready to accept her destiny.

Leafpool confesses to Jaypaw that they are losing the battle against the sickness spreading through their clan. They have almost no herbs left, there is no catmint, they cannot go collect any by the island because hostility is too high between clans right now, and they cannot ask another clan for some without showing their weakness. As Jaypaw changes the bedding and then helps Millie and her kit into the clean nest he has a vision of StarClan. Bluestar, Whitestorm, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, and Silverstream all fret for ThunderClan. They know so many cats are about to join their ranks that it might destroy the clan - but they also know there is nothing they can do because there is no more catmint. Jaypaw wonders why he is there when StarClan has no answers and doesn't even seem to notice that he is there. Suddenly a new cat appears, Brightspirit, and is greeted by Bluestar who says it has been a long time since seeing her. Two more cats, Shiningheart and Braveheart also appear. Jaypaw wonders who they are since he has never heard of them before. They smell faintly of StarClan and of something else far away. As the other two cats talk to Bluestar and her friends, Brightspirit comes over to talk to Jaypaw. He can sense she is no ordinary StarClan cat and confesses to her just how desperate ThunderClan is right now. She tells him to seek the wind and then the vision is over with and he is back to helping Millie settle into her clean nest. Sandstorm bursts into the den with the news that Firestar is sick.

Jaypaw and Leafpool race to Firestar's den. After giving Firestar some herbs Jaypaw leaves and Graystripe seeks him out asking after Millie. Unable to lie, Jaypaw tells him it is bad. He also tells Graystripe that Silverstream is watching over Millie. While happy. Graystripe takes no real comfort from Jaypaw's words since he knows that there is nothing StarClan can do to help. Frustrated, Jaypaw tries to figure out what Brightspirit was telling him. As he goes around the camp checking on sick cats he is short with everyone while also trying to assure them that things will be fine. Realizing that Brightspirit meant there was catmint on WindClan territory Jaypaw settles down to dream. He finds Krestlepaw and talks to him, choosing his words carefully so he can find out where his supply of catmint is. He finds it in a tunnel right as Leafpool wakes him to take care of Millie. After taking care of Millie and assuring Briarkit that they are taking the best care of her mother he seeks out Lionblaze. He tells him that he knows where catmint is and Lionblaze is eager to go get it until Jaypaw tells him it is on WindClan land. Lionblaze insists he will never go to WindClan and refuses to help Jaypaw.

As Lionblaze hunts all he can think of is his vision of killing Heatherpaw. He wants to help Jaypaw but knows he cannot go to WindClan territory. He wishes he could confide in his brother but knows he cannot show his weakness to Jaypaw when Jaypaw depends in him to be so strong. Back at camp he asks Jaypaw how the sick cats are doing but Jaypaw is furious with him for refusing to get the catmint. Lionblaze suggests asking Hollyleaf to get it but Jaypaw won't because it involves stealing from another clan and that goes against the warrior code so their sister will never agree. Squirrelflight tells Brambleclaw to get some rest and Lionblaze is worried to hear a rasp in Brambleclaw's voice. He worries what will happen if both their leader and their deputy become ill. As time goes by the cats get sicker and soon half the clan is ill. Firestar decides that all sick cats must leave for the abandoned twoleg nest to prevent the rest from getting sick. Leafpool tells some cats that Millie will die without catmint and Lionblaze feels guilty but he still won't go. All the healthy cats turn the twoleg nest into a home for the sick cats. They have to watch as the sick cats walk by them to their new home. They are forbidden to help and it is a hard sight to watch. Jaypaw and Leafpool come by, supporting Millie, who is barely breathing, between them. Graystripe is devastated and wants to go to Millie and Lionblaze has to help Hollyleaf hold him back. Mousefur tries to get permission from Brambleclaw to go with the sick cats to care for them but he refuses and tells her he knows that Firestar has already refused her request. The healthy cats go back to camp and Leafpool has everyone get the old bedding out and replace it with fresh, in the hopes that no new cat will fall sick. That night Lionblaze sleeps, exhausted, and dreams of collecting catmint at the WindClan border - only the stream is a river of Heatherpaw's blood. Horrified he backs away and Tigerstar speaks to him, taunting him for being afraid.

Leafpool tells Jaypaw to get some rest. He goes first to the stick to speak with Rock, but Rock won't come. He falls asleep and sees Fallen Leaves. Fallen Leaves asks if Jaypaw will stay with him this time but Jaypaw tells him he must know what happened to the cats. He races through the tunnels and hears the voices of cats ahead. He doesn't recognize the voices as belonging to WindClan or ThunderClan and slows down. The voices call out to him, calling him Jay's Wing.

So, Sol hinting that they might not be the three struck me. I think Jaypaw and Lionblaze are part of it, but Hollyleaf doesn't seem to. She alone has no special powers (beyond obsessing over the warrior code). I know Sol was just saying this to get under her skin (which, good for her for telling him to leave) but part of it rings true.

As for Brightspirit and the two other cats, I wonder who on earth they are. I know I haven't read the SkyClan books so I wonder if they are tied into that? Or is it something different? I did also notice this book that there is another series called "Omen of the Stars" after this series. I wonder if they tie into that? Or maybe those books will finally reveal what Hollyleaf's power is or why she and her brothers have this special power? I always thought there were only three warriors series (because that is all we owned). After I read book six I will have to look into just how many more books there are. I thought I was almost done with these books, but maybe not?

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