Friday, November 23, 2018

sunrise: part five

Jayfeather rushes to the den to ask Leafpool about the herb, then remembers she has been so prickly about it she probably won't appreciate the question. Leafpool tells him she has to sit with Honeyfern that night, so he must travel to the Moonpool alone. As Jayfeather goes he meets up with Barkface, Krestlepaw, Littlecloud, and Flamepaw - who is Littlecloud's new apprentice. He is happy for Flamepaw but also sad since they are no longer kin. Mothwing and Willowshine catch up to them and they all head to the Moonpool together. When they get there Littlecloud makes an announcement to Jayfeather, telling him that Firestar must have made a hard choice in collecting Sol. He says it is neither the right choice nor the wrong choice. Jayfeather is shocked, since he expected harsh words, and tells Littlecloud it is in the hands of StarClan. Then Littlecloud presents Flamepaw to StarClan and they all drink from the Moonpool. As Jayfeather dreams he finds Flamepaw. Flamepaw is excited and tells Jayfeather that he hopes to meet Tigerstar. Careful with his words and not wishing to tell the apprentice about the dark forest, he tells Flamepaw to be happy to meet any of his warrior ancestors. They part ways but StarClan refuses to speak with Jayfeather. When he wakes up he and Littlecloud leave together. Littlecloud tells him how Flamepaw spoke with Nightstar and how he already knows so many herbs. Remembering his mystery herb, Jayfeather asks Littlecloud about it. Littlecloud tells him it sounds like parsley, and that it is used to stop milk in queens whose kits die. Suddenly everything makes sense to Jayfeather and he realizes that Leafpool is his mother.

Hollyleaf talks with Sorreltail about Honeyfern and their days in the nursery together. Sorreltail talks about Squirrelflight's lack of milk and Hollyleaf tenses. Misunderstanding her reaction, Sorreltail tells her not to worry as the other queens fed her and Leafpool was always checking on them. Realizing that Leafpool might know who their real mother is she seeks her out. She follows Leafpool out of the camp and tells her she must know the truth. Leafpool misunderstands what truth Hollyleaf is looking for, and asks her why she killed Ashfur. Shocked and upset, Hollyleaf tells her about Squirrelflight's confession to Ashfur, and how Ashfur was going to tell everyone. She said she had to do it to protect the clan. Leafpool is devastated by her confession. Hollyleaf demands to know who their mother is and Leafpool confesses that she is. Shocked that she killed Ashfur for nothing Hollyleaf runs away.

Leafpool goes back to her den and asks Jayfeather to go speak to his sister, saying only that she told Hollyleaf something that she shouldn't have. Jayfeather asks if it is the fact that she is their mother. Surprised that he figured it out on his own she says yes. At first Jayfeather doesn't see why this would be so upsetting to Hollyleaf, but then he thinks about her faith in the warrior code. He seeks out Lionblaze telling him that they have to find Hollyleaf now and he will tell him why only after they have found her. Lionblaze insists on there being no more secrets so Jayfeather tells him the truth about Leafpool. They find Hollyleaf and discuss what to do next. Hollyleaf feels all that matters is finding out who their father is. Lionblaze wants to find Ashfur's murderer but she says that doesn't matter, which confuses Jayfeather. Lionblaze feels it does not matter who their father is. Neither Leafpool or Squirrelflight will betray their secret and all can go back to as it was before. Jayfeather feels this is hope on Lionblaze's part and Hollyleaf is angry. Lionblaze points out to her that they are still the cats of the prophecy now.

That night Lionblaze sneaks to Sol's makeshift prison to speak with him. Lionblaze wants the name of their father and help fulfilling the prophecy. In return Sol wants help escaping. At first Lionblaze says no but Sol wins him over and they climb up the wall to escape. When they get outside the camp Lionblaze asks for his information but Sol tells him they cannot talk there. He tells Lionblaze that he will meet him and his siblings at the Twoleg nest from before. As Sol leaves Lionblaze tries to convince himself he did the right thing. Later, Birchfall's cries wake everyone up. Lionblaze notices that most of the cats are relieved that Sol escaped. They feel him running away confirms his guilt. Firestar decides they will tell the other clans that they banished Sol from their territory. Some of the cats are worried about lying but Firestar stands by his decision. Lionblaze tells Hollyleaf that they need to meet with Jayfeather. Hollyleaf heads for the woods and after Lionblaze finds Jayfeather they follow. There, he tells his siblings that he helped Sol escape. Hollyleaf is upset Lionblaze broke the warrior code but the cats decide they are committed. They head to the old nest and find Sol there but they quickly break out in an argument over whether or not they even need Sol, and which is more important the prophecy or finding out who their father is. Sol tells them when they are ready to seek him out.

Hollyleaf is furious that she didn't get to find out who their father is. They head back to camp and spot a ShadowClan patrol that they hide from. At camp Leafpool and Squirrelflight waylay the three of them, telling them they need to speak. Hollyleaf is afraid Leafpool betrayed her secret but Leafpool shakes her head no. They all go into the forest together. Squirrelflight tries to tell them that even thought she isn't their birth mother she still loves them but Hollyleaf wont hear it. She angrily stalks away, making her brothers follow her. Lionblaze feels that they can find something out if they talk to the two she cats but Hollyleaf refuses. Back at camp Russetfur arrives to tell Firestar that Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather strayed close to their border. Firestar assures her that the cats were behaving but she isn't convinced. She leaves and Firestar tells the cats that they are to stay away from ShadowClan's border right now, that he has enough problems without them making more. Hollyleaf tells her siblings they must see Sol and get the truth from him.

Hollyleaf being the murderer is devastating since she is supposed to be one of the heroes. I did not see that twist coming. I feel now that she has to die. She is clearly unraveling between Ashfur's murder, her obsession with finding her father's name, and the warrior code breaking all around her. This is not going to end well.

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