Thursday, November 22, 2018

sunrise: part four

With Leafpool out collecting herbs, Jayfeather quickly grabs some and brings them to Mousefur to sniff. None of them are the mystery herb, though, so he races back to the den. After he puts the herbs away Leafpool returns and is short with him again. She makes it clear she does not want him in the herb store and Jayfeather doesn't understand why, though he says nothing. After she leaves he gathers more herbs to bring to Mousefur but again they are the wrong ones. Jayfeather overhears Firestar ask Leafpool again about speaking to StarClan. Leafpool snaps at him and he drops it. Sandstorm tells Jayfeather that she wants to speak to him. He tells her that Leafpool is in a bad mood so Sandstorm smooths it over with Leafpool before she takes Jayfeather from the camp. Once they are alone she asks him what is wrong with Leafpool, wondering if Leafpool feels guilty for not foreseeing Ashfur's death. Jayfeather is careful in his answers and thinks to himself that clearly Firestar and Sandstorm have not spoken to each other about their fears over Leafpool. He wonders who else in the camp is keeping secrets from each other. When Jayfeather gets back to camp the patrol returns with Sol and an angry Purdy. Firestar sets up a place to guard Sol and smooths things over with Purdy so he can get settled in the elder's den. Jayfeather wonders if Sol will tell them more about the prophecy now, but he also wonders why Sol was so sure they were the three when they are not Squirrelflight's kits. Jayfeather is happy to see his siblings but Ashfur's murder still stands between them.

Lionblaze wakes up. Outside the cats are assembling to watch Firestar question Sol. Sol is evasive in his answers and Firestar quickly becomes frustrated. Sol returns to his nest and Purdy is quick to defend Sol against any cat who speaks against him. Lionblaze wants to ask his sister if she believes Sol murdered Ashfur but he can't. The elders are lying on the rocks in the camp, sunning themselves. Lionblaze and his friends wonder if they will let them have a turn instead and ask for one. Mousefur grumbles but let's them have a turn. Berrynose and Honeyfern lie with Lionblaze. Lionblaze listens as the two share tongues and talk about the kits they will have one day. Millie's kits play beneath the rocks. Lionblaze watches as a snake comes out towards Briarkit, who doesn't realize it is there. Before he can react Honeyfern jumps down and saves Briarkit, but she is bit by the snake instead.

Hollyleaf has just returned when Lionblaze screams that a snake has bit Honeyfern. Leafpool rushes over. She looks to Cinderheart, a look of pleading in her eyes, and Hollyleaf does not understand why. Sorreltail asks Leafpool why she does nothing and Leafpool responds there is nothing she can do. As the cats mill about upset, Graystripe quickly takes over and gives everyone tasks to do. He sends someone after Firestar's hunting patrol and tells them that since they don't know where Brambleclaw's border patrol is they will inform him when he gets back. Firestar and Brambleclaw return and Firestar orders a barrier to be put up in that area, and asks Dustpelt to take care of it. Hollyleaf and Brightheart are asked to put the herbs away so Leafpool and Jayfeather can check on the queens and kits. When Leafpool returns to her den Hollyleaf overhears Firestar ask her to collect death berries for the snake.

Lionblaze is out with the apprentices collecting brambles when they scent the approach of the other three clans. Leaving Icepaw and Foxpaw to collect the brambles, Lionblaze escorts Blackstar, Leopardstar, and Onestar to his camp. There they speak to Firestar, upset that he has brought Sol back. They have heard the rumor that Sol killed Ashfur and they are all still upset over what he did to ShadowClan. They tell Firestar that Sol must be gone by the next Gathering or they will act, because Sol is a danger to all clans.

Jayfeather and Leafpool collect death berries and bring them back to camp. They show them to the queens and kits and tell them to stay away from them. Then Leafpool puts the berries inside a mouse and Dustpelt puts the mouse by the rocks where the snake is, closing it off with brambles. Leafpool has Jayfeather collect some herbs from their store for Purdy's pads. As Jayfeather puts the herbs on Purdy's feet Longtail smells the mystery herb on Jayfeather. Mousefur eats it, declaring it the correct herb.

I have to say, I thought Mousefur would kick up the biggest fuss about having a kittypet elder live with her but she not only has accepted Purdy, she really seems to like him! I am glad because I was afraid Purdy would find it lonely in the clan having so few friends there. Maybe because of his help in finding their new home the cats are willing to accept him without complaint?

The snake coming out of the rock shocked me, but it almost seemed symbolic. I'm not saying I think StarClan sent a snake to scare the cats or kill one of them. But a poisonous snake hidden within the safety of their camp strikes me as almost parallel to Sol being a poison within their camp. I agree with the rogue queen Speckle. So is not a cat to dirty his own hands, he will find someone else to do his work. But his work is evil - and he is so charismatic that you find yourself agreeing to everything he says.

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