Monday, November 5, 2018

eclipse: part three

Hollypaw dreams of the tunnels. She scents a fox up ahead of as it comes closer she realizes it is not a fox, but Lionpaw. Brackenfur wakes her for a predawn patrol. They head to the WindClan border but see nothing. As Hollypaw looks out over WindClan she thinks she sees a lion. At her announcement Sorreltail comes running over, but it is just a cat. But Sorreltail does concede that the cat looked different. When they get back to camp Cinderpaw is leaving to go swimming. Hollypaw offers to join her. As they walk they laugh and talk about clan gossip. Hollypaw feels sad knowing just how different she really is from Cinderpaw and how different their lives will be.

Millie is going to have her kits soon and Jaypaw is restless waiting for it to happen. When it is time to go into the nursery Graystripe way lays him, begging him to save Millie if he has to choose. Jaypaw gets swept up in a vision of Silverstream's death, and then it is gone. Millie gives birth to three kits and everything goes well. As Jaypaw and Leafpool leave Jaypaw notices Leafpool is not as happy as he is. He wonders if it is because Leafpool has helped so many cats give birth, or if it is because she herself can never have kits. The next day everyone talks of the new kits. Spiderleg is with his kits and clearly does not get along with them. He tells Graystripe he does not envy him. Brambleclaw asks where the patrol is since they should have been back by now and Jaypaw feels guilt come from Firestar because he hadn't noticed. Jaypaw tries to reach his mind out to find the patrol, but instead of finding them he finds darkness. He comes to finding Leafpool and Hollypaw worried for him. He tells Leafpool that something dark is coming. Suddenly the patrol returns. They have brought a strange cat with them. Jaypaw cannot read the cat and when Firestar asks why his warriors brought the cat to their home Jaypaw senses confusion. Hollypaw realizes the cat is the lion she saw the other day. The cats name is Sol and he seems to know a lot about their clan which disturbs the cats. Firestar can not get any straight answers out of the strange loner. Leafpool and Jaypaw take him into the woods to question him. Sol says darkness is coming and hints to Leafpool that maybe her faith in StarClan is misplaced. Leafpool is uninterested in what Sol has to say. She brings him back to Firestar who informs Sol that a group of warriors will escort him away.

Lionpaw is trying to sleep but Icepaw and Foxpaw keep whispering. He keeps snapping at them to be quiet. The next time they tell him it wasn't them. Lionpaw realizes if it isn't them then there must be cats sneaking around. Lionpaw yells out that they are being attacked. The camp breaks out into chaos. As he tries to bring Longtail and Mousefur to Highledge Firestar comes out and demands to know what is going on. Onestar speaks out, having led the attack himself, saying that they are true warriors here to teach ThunderClan a lesson in what it really means to be a warrior - which is not helping the tribe or taking in strays but instead fighting for what is needed. He also mocks Firestar, claiming he thinks he is StarClan because he makes cats beg for his help but Onestar refuses to beg but instead will take. Firestar tells Onestar if he wants a battle then he can have one. Onestar and his warriors leave, much to Dustpelt's confusion since WindClan clearly had the advantage. Firestar asks why the entrance was not guarded and Brambleclaw tells him it is because every cat is too tired. Firestar says the entrance needs to be guarded and sets up patrols to make sure the WindClan cats are gone and that the ShadowClan border is quiet. Lionpaw head with the patrol to check the WindClan border. Cloudtail tells the cats that WindClan split up into three groups and went in three different directions, all still within their territory. They race back to the camp to report to Firestar. The ShadowClan border patrol reports all is quiet but every cat is upset when they hear the WindClan border patrols news. Firestar splits the cats into four groups. The ones lead by himself, Brambleclaw, and Dustpelt will follow the WindClan cats and the one led by Graystripe will guard the camp. Lionpaw is in Firestar's group. They go to where Lionpaw knows where the tunnel is, but he hasn't told his clan mates about it. They discover the tunnel and Firestar wedges a large branch in it to prevent any more WindClan cats from coming in that way. He leaves Lionpaw and Poppyfrost in guard of the tunnel and takes the warriors to look for WindClan cats. Lionpaw spots Nightcloud and calls out a warning as she attacks.

Hollypaw is with Brambleclaw's patrol. They head to the old twoleg nest and are ambushed by WindClan cats. Horribly outnumbered, Brambleclaw orders Hollypaw to go ask Blackstar for help. She reaches the ShadowClan camp where Ivytail, who is on guard, stops her. She begs Ivytail to speak to Blackstar but Ivytail does not believe that an apprentice was sent to ShadowClan territory alone and suspects an attack. She darts around Ivytail and runs into the camp asking for Blackstar. Tawnypelt tells her to calm down and tell her what is wrong. Hollypaw tells her that WindClan has invaded, they are outnumbered, and Brambleclaw sent her for help. Tawnypelt brings her to Blackstar. Russetfur is impressed with the invasion. She feels there must be four clans but isn't sure that they should help. Blackstar decides they should help and has Russetfur pick out who she wishes to bring. Tawnypelt goes with Hollypaw and they race to the twoleg nest and into battle.

So, there is a LOT to cover here. First we will start with Onestar and my question of what the fuck. He accuses Firestar of wanting to be like StarClan and only helping clans after they beg, yet Firestar sent a patrol to make sure nothing was wrong and it was sent away. You can't accuse someone of making you beg for help when they offer you help first and then you spit on it. That doesn't even make any sense. And his argument that they are warriors and will take what they need makes no sense either and even goes against the warrior code! Yes, the warrior code says it is a fight to survive but driving a clan away goes against everything the clans believe in which is why it was such a big deal when ShadowClan did it to WindClan. Their entire way of life and belief system is built on four clans living in peace but as rivals. And yes, there are territory disputes, but overall the clans live in peace and fight to prove that they can do it on their own. I get that Onestar's clan is starving and doesn't want to appear weak and ask for help, but throwing out your entire belief system to attack a clan that offered you help, while claiming they want you to beg, makes zero sense. And to say that the warrior code only says to take and not help makes no sense either since the clans have always helped each other in the past as well as fought. Onestar seems to both want Firestar's help and resents it at the same time, which is very confusing. And when ThunderClan previously found the stolen prey it was observed that WindClan ate it there instead of taking it back for their kits and elders, which again goes against the warrior code. I don't understand Onestar's actions or his justifications.

On to more logical things, I am glad to see that things really are resolved between Firestar and Dustpelt. Dustpelt certainly grumbles a lot but he really is loyal to Firestar - so loyal that Firestar trusts him with leading one of the patrols. And while I understand some of the tension involving Graystripe and how he used to be deputy, it must be nice for the clan to almost have two deputies. Brambleclaw is clearly deputy but Graystripe is always there to step up when another cat is needed and it seems to cause no resentment between him and Brambleclaw. The clan benefits from not only a clear chain of command but also from having an extra someone who actually knows how a deputy should act and think.

Lastly I was surprised that Blackstar agreed to help. He and Firestar are such rivals always, such opposites, that I would not be surprised if he were to turn Hollypaw away. But he did the right thing in the end. And for a clan that has long been known as the devious and covetous clan to step up and say this is wrong is a pretty big deal.

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