Leafpool tends to Ashfur's body and finds a clump of fur that could have only come from his killer. Recognizing it, Leafpool is devastated and wonders if his murder is her fault. She takes the fur and hides it in her den. Yellowfang attacks Bluestar, blaming her for the lies. Bluestar insists it was not her who told the lie but Yellowfang counters that she could have told the truth. Yellowfang warns her that if the three cannot accept the truth then their clan might be destroyed.
Lionblaze dreams of Tigerstar. He admits to Tigerstar the truth that they are not kin but Tigerstar not only doesn't care but has known all along. Upset with the deception, Lionblaze attacks him. At first Tigerstar is winning but he does beat him in the end. Tigerstar mocks Lionblaze for being unable to kill him but Lionblaze retorts that Tigerstar is already dead and leaves him. He walks away hopeful that his secret won't come out but also confused since he feels like he is still one of the three. Lionblaze wakes up determined to never visit Tigerstar again. He leaves the warrior's den to find his clan mates all worked up. Some are even ready to blame and attack WindClan. Brambleclaw is upset when he discovers this and tells the cats that there will be no attack on WindClan yet. Brambleclaw tires to speak to Lionblaze about Ashfur but as they talk Lionblaze wonders if Brambleclaw is lying to him just like Squirrelflight. Firestar calls a clan meeting. He tells the cats they will not attack WindClan but they will go there to talk to Onestar. He picks himself, Brambleclaw, and Lionblaze as well as some other cats to go. Lionblaze realizes all the cats who are getting left behind are ones who want to attack. Firestar leaves Graystripe in charge. As they travel Sorreltail suggest it might be Sol who is responsible for Ashfur's death. Firestar seems receptive to this idea. Brambleclaw tries to talk to Lionblaze again but Lionblaze snaps at him. Lionblaze knows he is being illogical but he can't help it since he knows Brambleclaw is not really his father.
The cats reach WindClan and are taken to Onestar. Firestar wishes to speak to him in private but Onestar refuses. Firestar tells him about finding Ashfur's body and Onestar immediately goes on the defensive saying his cats are loyal to the warrior code and Firestar should look to his own cats first. Onestar has Ashfoot escort the ThunderClan cats away. Ashfiit confides in Firestar that she saw Sol on their territory not to long ago. thanks her for this information and tells her he does not blame WindClan. Back at the camp Firestar reveals the news about Sol and everyone is quick to blame him. Lionblaze knows it is because Sol is a rogue and fears his clan mates will turn on him like that if the truth of his parentage ever comes out. Hollyleaf admits to seeing Sol on their territory and Firestar admonishes her for not telling him right away. She also admits that Sol knows Midnight. Lionblaze is shocked that she never told him and wonders what other secrets she has. Firestar assembles a patrol to go to Midnight to look for Sol and he adds Lionblaze and Hollyleaf to it.
Jayfeather asks Hollyleaf why she never told then about Sol. She and Lionblaze get into a fight over it and Jayfeather goes to prepare their traveling herbs, glad that he is not going with them. As he brings Brambleclaw his traveling herbs he feels so much sorrow coming from Squirrelflight that he almost feels sorry for her. Graystripe comes over to talk to Brambleclaw about acting as deputy while he is away. Squirrelflight tries to talk to Jayfeather but he refuses to speak to her. He walks away thinking that he is just an ordinary medicine cat now. Upset he gets tangled in the brambles outside the medicine cat den. Leafpool offers to help but Jayfeather snaps at her, feeling she shouldn't worry about him so much since they aren't even kin. As he eats all the cats talk about Sol and Ashfur. Jayfeather is tired of listening to them since he knows that Sol is not the murderer and Ashfur wasn't that great. He tells Lionblaze and Hollyleaf goodbye and feels the tension in the air between them. As he dreams that night Midnight comes to him to tell him that the killer is in their camp and the cats are going on a wasted journey. The next day Jayfeather stands with the other cats as they say goodbye to the patrol. He wants to tell them not to go, that there is no point, but he stays silent.
Hollyleaf is glad that Lionblaze travels with her, but feels the loss of Jayfeather. As they pass through WindClan territory they run into Ashfoot, who gives them more information about Sol. She wishes them luck as they go on their way. Hazeltail is excited and keeps trying to talk to Hollyleaf, but Hollyleaf is not in the mood. When they pass the horse place Brambleclaw introduces Hazeltail to her father. Smoky is happy to meet her and sad to hear that Daisy has moved on and had kits with another cat. He invites the cats to stay the night but Brambleclaw tells him they must move on. Smoky tells Hazeltail to visit him whenever she wants. As they leave Birchfall whispers to Hollyleaf, asking her to imagine being half clan. She doesn't respond but deep down she feels she is no clan.
So, the whole point of Tallstar naming Onewhisker his heir was to avoid hostilities between the clans and continue the friendship between ThunderClan and WindClan. I wonder what Tallstar thinks of the situation now? Especially with Onestar's digs about the warrior code when we know that during the book "Eclipse" he and his warriors were only following it loosely.
And, yet again, Graystripe being the former deputy proves valuable. Between Firestar leaving him in charge when he goes to speak to Onestar and making him temporary deputy while Brambleclaw goes away, both of these are a good thing for this clan - especially when there is so much chaos right now.
Lastly, I doubt Sol is the murderer but that would make for a convenient ending.
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