Saturday, November 17, 2018

long shadows: part six

Lionblaze told Jayfeather that his talk didn't work so Jayfeather decides to enter Ashfur's dreams. It doesn't work, though, and Ashfur tells Jayfeather that he is going through with his plan. When Jayfeather wakes up the next day he is happy to see Ashfur is spooked around him but he us not sure it is enough to keep Ashfur quiet.

Hollyleaf is in the woods with her thoughts. She is upset that Ashfur had destroyed the warrior code for her and she is also upset to no longer be one of the three. Ashfur approaches her, assuming she wants to talk him out of his course of action but she tells him she does not. She accuses him of betraying the clan and says she has nothing to say to him. Later Hollyleaf waits with the cats who are heading to the Gathering. Firestar cannot find Ashfur or Squirrelflight anywhere. Squirrelflight arrives covered in mud having slipped in some by the ShadowClan border. Graystripe suggests that maybe Ashfur went on ahead. They leave without him but as they travel through WindClan territory they find Ashfur in the water dead.

Lionblaze is relieved to find Ashfur dead. Looking at Hollyleaf he knows she feels the same and wonders if Squirrelflight does as well. Firestar sends Dustpelt and Graystripe back to camp with the body and Lionblaze offers to go along as well. After the Gathering Hollyleaf tells Lionblaze that Firestar said nothing about Ashfur. She says that Squirrelflight is not the only good liar in the clan. Lionblaze doesn't understand why she is so upset. He asks her to sit vigil with Ashfur but she refuses to.

Leafpool tends to Ashfur's body while Jayfeather dozes nearby. She shows him the gash in Ashfur's throat that means he was murdered and didn't drown. She goes to tell Firestar and Jayfeather goes with her. They discuss the possibility that WindClan murdered him but can find no reason. Jayfeather listens as Firestar says if it wasn't WindClan then it must be someone from ThunderClan. Firestar decides he must call a clan meeting. Lionblaze asks Jayfeather what is going on but he finds he cannot find the words. Hollyleaf approaches and says she fears something bad is about to happen. Firestar tells the assembled cats that Ashfur was murdered. Everyone is quick to blame WindClan but Firestar points out that there is no proof. He asks if anyone knows of a reason why someone would want to murder Ashfur. Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Squirrelflight reiman silent.

I knew something bad was going to happen but I never dreamed in a million years that it would be this! This is so awful. I hope it wasn't Squirrelflight. I just know it can't be Jayfeather, Lionblaze, or Hollyleaf since they are the heroes of this story. But, I cannot imagine who it could be. Those four are the only ones with something to lose, unless Leafpool has been informed. But she would never murder someone no matter what. She would rather the secret come out and accept the consequences. And yet I can't imagine that Ashfur pissed someone else off so massively. Hopefully another motive shows up soon or I am going to be convinced it is Squirrelflight.

As for Ashfur I just feel so awful. He isn't evil, just sick in his mind. I hope he gets to hunt with StarClan. He is no Darkstripe knowing right from wrong but not caring because he wants greatness. He is just a cat who fell in love and had his heart broken. He should have been honest and moved forward instead of letting his pain poison himself. Though, he was completely in the wrong to try and murder Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight's kits, but I will chalk that up to insanity. I hope he finds peace with StarClan.

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