Saturday, November 24, 2018

sunrise: part six

Hollyleaf and her brothers visit Sol. She says they will let him help them fulfill the prophecy if he gives them the name of their father. She also warns him that he might need to find a new place to stay because of Blackstar. Sol becomes angry, saying Blackstar has no right to dictate where he goes. He goes on a rant about how stupid Blackstar is to put his faith in StarClan, much to Hollyleaf's dismay. He gives the cats a rabbit that smells of ShadowClan for them to bring to Firestar. He tells them to tell Firestar that they caught a ShadowClan patrol stealing prey. He lays out his plan for the cats to take everyone's territory. Angry, Lionblaze goes to attack Sol and Hollyleaf stops him. He accuses Sol of being just like Tigerstar, only caring about his own ambition. Jayfeather sides with Lionblaze, saying that Sol only wants revenge for Blackstar driving him out and is just using them. Lionblaze and Jayfeather make Hollyleaf leave with them. She goes with them, upset.

Jayfeather and his siblings head back to camp. Jayfeather worries that maybe they should't have walked out on Sol. He thinks maybe the loner really can help them. He worries what excuse to give Firestar for their absence, but before he can think of one Brightheart call to him because Whitewing is having her kits. Tired and wanting a nap, Jayfeather heads to the nursery. He senses that Whitewing is scared and enters her mind. He sees her fear that her kits will be attacked by dogs, just like her mother. He assures her that everything will be okay and Whitewing stops fighting the birth. After Whitwing's kits are born Jayfeather feels a moment of closeness with Leafpool. He decides to ask her for her side of the story, to ask her if she was happy with their birth and if their father was. Jayfeather calls out to her but she cuts him off and the moment is gone. Jayfeather tries to sit with his siblings but he feels closed off from them too. Unable to bear the happiness of his clan he goes to the den. As he sleeps Yellowfang comes to him, telling him it is past time for the truth. She gives him a feather and fades. When Jayfeather wakes up he realizes she gave him a crow's feather, telling him that his father is Crowfeather. He immediately goes and wakes up his siblings, They meet behind the warrior's den for privacy and he tells them who their father is. Hollyleaf is devastated to find out she is half clan. They immediately go to the WindClan border to find Crowfeather and ask him if he knew the truth. They find a patrol and demand to see Crowfeather. At first the patrol refuses to help them but feeling the hostility of the ThunderClan cats they agree. Crowfeather arrives alone and they confront him with the truth. Crowfeather denies it, sounding dazed. Jayfeather enters his mind and sees him and Leafpool in love but he also sees them part ways. He believes Crowfeather. Crowfeather grows angry and tells them that his only child is Breezepelt and his only his mate is Nightcloud. He tells the ThunderClan cats that they mean nothing to him and then leaves.

Hollyleaf passes the rest of the day in a haze. She asks Lionblaze what they are supposed to do now but he tells her he doesn't know. Brambleclaw sends her on a hunting patrol with Sandstorm, Lionblaze, and Hazeltail. Hollyleaf can barely focus. Her whole life has been built on the warrior code and now it is all a lie. Squirrelflight's lie, Crowfeather falling in love not only with someone outside of his clan but also a medicine cat, and Leafpool who broke her vows as a medicine cat with someone outside of her clan and had kits which she then gave up. Hollyleaf catches a mouse. Imagining that it is Leafpool she attacks it, completely shredding it. Hazeltail catches her and is horrified but Hollyleaf snaps at Hazeltail and runs away. She runs to the WindClan border but all she can think is she doesn't feel half WindClan. Back at camp Firestar selects the warriors who will come with him to the Gathering and Hollyleaf is one of them. They pass through WindClan territory and Hollyleaf wonders where Crowfeather is. At the Gathering Tawnypelt greets her but Hollyleaf ignores her. She sits under the tree, waiting for the meeting to start, wondering if StarClan approves of what she is about to do. When it is Firestar's turn to speak she interrupts him. Lionblaze tells her to stop, that warriors do not speak at the gatherings. Firestar tells her whatever she wishes to discuss they can discuss later at camp. Part of her wishes to obey her clan leader as the warrior code says she must but she pushes that voice down since the warrior code is dead. She insists upon speaking. Curious, the other leaders imply Firestar should let her speak leaving him in the position where he has to give her permission. Hollyleaf announces that she and her brothers are not the children of Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw is shocked. Squirrelflight admits that this is the truth but she will not say any more. Hollyleaf admits that they are the kits of Leafpool and Crowfeather. Crowfeather denies this, saying that his relationship with Leafpool is in the past and he is a loyal WindClan cat now. Leafpool admits that it is the truth and steps down as ThunderClan's medicine cat. Everyone reacts to this revelation with shock. Brambleclaw asks Squirrelflight why she did not confide in him. She says she could not betray Leafpool. He responds that she did not trust him and declares their relationship over with. Cinderheart walks to Hollyleaf and asks her how she could have done this, speaking with the wisdom of Cinderpelt. Hollyleaf is shocked at her friend's response. Looking around the clearing she realizes no one is happy with her decision, not even her own clanmates. She runs from the Gathering. She screams at StarClan, asking them why, but they don't answer. She races to the camp and Leafpool's den. Blaming Leafpool for everything she pulls out the deathberries. Leafpool arrives and tells Hollyleaf that she forgives her, further enraging her. She tells Leafpool that Leafpool will either eat the deathberries, or she will force her to eat them. She reminds Leafpool that she killed once and will kill again. Leafpool tells her that she has lost her kits, her love, and her calling as a medicine cat. Realizing that living will hurt Leafpool more, Hollyleaf leaves her den.

Jayfeather races to Hollyleaf. He asks her why the deathberries are out but she screams at him and attacks him. She races from the camp and he collects Lionblaze so they can follow her. They follow her to the tunnels, yelling at her to stop. She turns to face them. She confesses to the murder of Ashfur, telling them that it should have made everything better but instead things just got worse. Shocked, Jayfeather enters her mind and sees it is true. She runs into the tunnel to escape ThunderClan but the tunnel collapses, killing her. Jayfeather tells Lionblaze that he doesn't understand. She killed Ashfur to prevent the secret from being revealed but then revealed it herself. Lionblaze says it is different because the warrior code meant everything to Hollyleaf and she couldn't bear the truth. They decide to hide Hollyleaf's involvement in Ashfur's death and instead decide to say the tunnel collapsed on her while hunting. As they head back to camp Jayfeather suddenly remembers the prophecy and how there are only two of them now. The next day Jayfeather and Lionblaze watch as Whitewing's come out of the nursery for the first time. As they sit there Jayfeather suddenly realizes something. He turns to Lionblaze to speak of the prophecy and Lionblaze is annoyed. But Jayfeather points out that Whitewing is Firestar's kin too, and she has just had kits. Between the two of them and one of Whitewing's kits there are three cats.

So, holy cow Hollyleaf!!! She murders Ashfur, she is fine with framing ShadowClan for a crime if it means finding out her father's name, she reveals their secret at the Gathering, she tries to kill Leafpool, and she attacks Jayfeather! She is a mess!!! I knew she had to die once we found out the truth, but I never expected her to so completely fall apart. I do feel that her crime should have been revealed. It's fine for all the cats to go on blaming Sol but I imagine this truth will come out eventually so the sooner the better. I do feel bad for her. But life is not so black and white. Leafpool is not the first, or I image the last, medicine cat to have kits in secret. And she is also not the first cat to give up her kits because of her duty to her clan. Both Yellowfang and Bluestar leap to mind here.

And, I cannot imagine this is the last of Sol, either. He obviously wants to destroy the clans and use Jayfeather and his siblings to do it. He is not going to walk away so easily. If anything he will be bitter they turned against him just like he is bitter towards Blackstar. And, his desire to pit the clans against each other has me questioning WindClan's invasion of ThunderClan. We know Sol was in WindClan territory first. Could he have convinced Onestar to invade? I wouldn't put it past him - or past Onestar to refuse to admit to Sol's behavior.

I will say, I was completely fooled. All along I thought these cats were the three and it turns out they are not - and now we have a whole new book series to find out just who the third is. It is interesting that Tigerstar tried to corrupt Jayfeather and Lionblaze, who are part of the three, and never Hollyleaf, who isn't and yet is the most corrupt of them all. Which makes me wonder if Tigerstar believes in the prophecy more then he admits since he sought out Jayfeather and Lionblaze. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

sunrise: part five

Jayfeather rushes to the den to ask Leafpool about the herb, then remembers she has been so prickly about it she probably won't appreciate the question. Leafpool tells him she has to sit with Honeyfern that night, so he must travel to the Moonpool alone. As Jayfeather goes he meets up with Barkface, Krestlepaw, Littlecloud, and Flamepaw - who is Littlecloud's new apprentice. He is happy for Flamepaw but also sad since they are no longer kin. Mothwing and Willowshine catch up to them and they all head to the Moonpool together. When they get there Littlecloud makes an announcement to Jayfeather, telling him that Firestar must have made a hard choice in collecting Sol. He says it is neither the right choice nor the wrong choice. Jayfeather is shocked, since he expected harsh words, and tells Littlecloud it is in the hands of StarClan. Then Littlecloud presents Flamepaw to StarClan and they all drink from the Moonpool. As Jayfeather dreams he finds Flamepaw. Flamepaw is excited and tells Jayfeather that he hopes to meet Tigerstar. Careful with his words and not wishing to tell the apprentice about the dark forest, he tells Flamepaw to be happy to meet any of his warrior ancestors. They part ways but StarClan refuses to speak with Jayfeather. When he wakes up he and Littlecloud leave together. Littlecloud tells him how Flamepaw spoke with Nightstar and how he already knows so many herbs. Remembering his mystery herb, Jayfeather asks Littlecloud about it. Littlecloud tells him it sounds like parsley, and that it is used to stop milk in queens whose kits die. Suddenly everything makes sense to Jayfeather and he realizes that Leafpool is his mother.

Hollyleaf talks with Sorreltail about Honeyfern and their days in the nursery together. Sorreltail talks about Squirrelflight's lack of milk and Hollyleaf tenses. Misunderstanding her reaction, Sorreltail tells her not to worry as the other queens fed her and Leafpool was always checking on them. Realizing that Leafpool might know who their real mother is she seeks her out. She follows Leafpool out of the camp and tells her she must know the truth. Leafpool misunderstands what truth Hollyleaf is looking for, and asks her why she killed Ashfur. Shocked and upset, Hollyleaf tells her about Squirrelflight's confession to Ashfur, and how Ashfur was going to tell everyone. She said she had to do it to protect the clan. Leafpool is devastated by her confession. Hollyleaf demands to know who their mother is and Leafpool confesses that she is. Shocked that she killed Ashfur for nothing Hollyleaf runs away.

Leafpool goes back to her den and asks Jayfeather to go speak to his sister, saying only that she told Hollyleaf something that she shouldn't have. Jayfeather asks if it is the fact that she is their mother. Surprised that he figured it out on his own she says yes. At first Jayfeather doesn't see why this would be so upsetting to Hollyleaf, but then he thinks about her faith in the warrior code. He seeks out Lionblaze telling him that they have to find Hollyleaf now and he will tell him why only after they have found her. Lionblaze insists on there being no more secrets so Jayfeather tells him the truth about Leafpool. They find Hollyleaf and discuss what to do next. Hollyleaf feels all that matters is finding out who their father is. Lionblaze wants to find Ashfur's murderer but she says that doesn't matter, which confuses Jayfeather. Lionblaze feels it does not matter who their father is. Neither Leafpool or Squirrelflight will betray their secret and all can go back to as it was before. Jayfeather feels this is hope on Lionblaze's part and Hollyleaf is angry. Lionblaze points out to her that they are still the cats of the prophecy now.

That night Lionblaze sneaks to Sol's makeshift prison to speak with him. Lionblaze wants the name of their father and help fulfilling the prophecy. In return Sol wants help escaping. At first Lionblaze says no but Sol wins him over and they climb up the wall to escape. When they get outside the camp Lionblaze asks for his information but Sol tells him they cannot talk there. He tells Lionblaze that he will meet him and his siblings at the Twoleg nest from before. As Sol leaves Lionblaze tries to convince himself he did the right thing. Later, Birchfall's cries wake everyone up. Lionblaze notices that most of the cats are relieved that Sol escaped. They feel him running away confirms his guilt. Firestar decides they will tell the other clans that they banished Sol from their territory. Some of the cats are worried about lying but Firestar stands by his decision. Lionblaze tells Hollyleaf that they need to meet with Jayfeather. Hollyleaf heads for the woods and after Lionblaze finds Jayfeather they follow. There, he tells his siblings that he helped Sol escape. Hollyleaf is upset Lionblaze broke the warrior code but the cats decide they are committed. They head to the old nest and find Sol there but they quickly break out in an argument over whether or not they even need Sol, and which is more important the prophecy or finding out who their father is. Sol tells them when they are ready to seek him out.

Hollyleaf is furious that she didn't get to find out who their father is. They head back to camp and spot a ShadowClan patrol that they hide from. At camp Leafpool and Squirrelflight waylay the three of them, telling them they need to speak. Hollyleaf is afraid Leafpool betrayed her secret but Leafpool shakes her head no. They all go into the forest together. Squirrelflight tries to tell them that even thought she isn't their birth mother she still loves them but Hollyleaf wont hear it. She angrily stalks away, making her brothers follow her. Lionblaze feels that they can find something out if they talk to the two she cats but Hollyleaf refuses. Back at camp Russetfur arrives to tell Firestar that Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather strayed close to their border. Firestar assures her that the cats were behaving but she isn't convinced. She leaves and Firestar tells the cats that they are to stay away from ShadowClan's border right now, that he has enough problems without them making more. Hollyleaf tells her siblings they must see Sol and get the truth from him.

Hollyleaf being the murderer is devastating since she is supposed to be one of the heroes. I did not see that twist coming. I feel now that she has to die. She is clearly unraveling between Ashfur's murder, her obsession with finding her father's name, and the warrior code breaking all around her. This is not going to end well.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

sunrise: part four

With Leafpool out collecting herbs, Jayfeather quickly grabs some and brings them to Mousefur to sniff. None of them are the mystery herb, though, so he races back to the den. After he puts the herbs away Leafpool returns and is short with him again. She makes it clear she does not want him in the herb store and Jayfeather doesn't understand why, though he says nothing. After she leaves he gathers more herbs to bring to Mousefur but again they are the wrong ones. Jayfeather overhears Firestar ask Leafpool again about speaking to StarClan. Leafpool snaps at him and he drops it. Sandstorm tells Jayfeather that she wants to speak to him. He tells her that Leafpool is in a bad mood so Sandstorm smooths it over with Leafpool before she takes Jayfeather from the camp. Once they are alone she asks him what is wrong with Leafpool, wondering if Leafpool feels guilty for not foreseeing Ashfur's death. Jayfeather is careful in his answers and thinks to himself that clearly Firestar and Sandstorm have not spoken to each other about their fears over Leafpool. He wonders who else in the camp is keeping secrets from each other. When Jayfeather gets back to camp the patrol returns with Sol and an angry Purdy. Firestar sets up a place to guard Sol and smooths things over with Purdy so he can get settled in the elder's den. Jayfeather wonders if Sol will tell them more about the prophecy now, but he also wonders why Sol was so sure they were the three when they are not Squirrelflight's kits. Jayfeather is happy to see his siblings but Ashfur's murder still stands between them.

Lionblaze wakes up. Outside the cats are assembling to watch Firestar question Sol. Sol is evasive in his answers and Firestar quickly becomes frustrated. Sol returns to his nest and Purdy is quick to defend Sol against any cat who speaks against him. Lionblaze wants to ask his sister if she believes Sol murdered Ashfur but he can't. The elders are lying on the rocks in the camp, sunning themselves. Lionblaze and his friends wonder if they will let them have a turn instead and ask for one. Mousefur grumbles but let's them have a turn. Berrynose and Honeyfern lie with Lionblaze. Lionblaze listens as the two share tongues and talk about the kits they will have one day. Millie's kits play beneath the rocks. Lionblaze watches as a snake comes out towards Briarkit, who doesn't realize it is there. Before he can react Honeyfern jumps down and saves Briarkit, but she is bit by the snake instead.

Hollyleaf has just returned when Lionblaze screams that a snake has bit Honeyfern. Leafpool rushes over. She looks to Cinderheart, a look of pleading in her eyes, and Hollyleaf does not understand why. Sorreltail asks Leafpool why she does nothing and Leafpool responds there is nothing she can do. As the cats mill about upset, Graystripe quickly takes over and gives everyone tasks to do. He sends someone after Firestar's hunting patrol and tells them that since they don't know where Brambleclaw's border patrol is they will inform him when he gets back. Firestar and Brambleclaw return and Firestar orders a barrier to be put up in that area, and asks Dustpelt to take care of it. Hollyleaf and Brightheart are asked to put the herbs away so Leafpool and Jayfeather can check on the queens and kits. When Leafpool returns to her den Hollyleaf overhears Firestar ask her to collect death berries for the snake.

Lionblaze is out with the apprentices collecting brambles when they scent the approach of the other three clans. Leaving Icepaw and Foxpaw to collect the brambles, Lionblaze escorts Blackstar, Leopardstar, and Onestar to his camp. There they speak to Firestar, upset that he has brought Sol back. They have heard the rumor that Sol killed Ashfur and they are all still upset over what he did to ShadowClan. They tell Firestar that Sol must be gone by the next Gathering or they will act, because Sol is a danger to all clans.

Jayfeather and Leafpool collect death berries and bring them back to camp. They show them to the queens and kits and tell them to stay away from them. Then Leafpool puts the berries inside a mouse and Dustpelt puts the mouse by the rocks where the snake is, closing it off with brambles. Leafpool has Jayfeather collect some herbs from their store for Purdy's pads. As Jayfeather puts the herbs on Purdy's feet Longtail smells the mystery herb on Jayfeather. Mousefur eats it, declaring it the correct herb.

I have to say, I thought Mousefur would kick up the biggest fuss about having a kittypet elder live with her but she not only has accepted Purdy, she really seems to like him! I am glad because I was afraid Purdy would find it lonely in the clan having so few friends there. Maybe because of his help in finding their new home the cats are willing to accept him without complaint?

The snake coming out of the rock shocked me, but it almost seemed symbolic. I'm not saying I think StarClan sent a snake to scare the cats or kill one of them. But a poisonous snake hidden within the safety of their camp strikes me as almost parallel to Sol being a poison within their camp. I agree with the rogue queen Speckle. So is not a cat to dirty his own hands, he will find someone else to do his work. But his work is evil - and he is so charismatic that you find yourself agreeing to everything he says.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

sunrise: part three

The cats wake up and continue on their journey. Hollyleaf is so thirsty she tries to lick some ice but her tongue gets stuck. The other cats are clearly amused by her situation and the more she thinks about it she finds it funny too. Brambleclaw helps her free herself, telling her that she us just like her mother and all Hollyleaf can think is Squirrelflight isn't really her mother. Dogs appear and chase them. Hollyleaf knows that Lionblaze will think of fighting them so she begs him to stay with her. While trying to run away they run down an alley and get trapped. Birchfall cries that he will never get to meet his kits with Whitewing and Hollyleaf watches as Lionblaze steps forward to meet the dogs.

Lionblaze can hear Hollyleaf yelling at him but he ignores her. He steps forward to face the dogs when suddenly a she cat appears to save them. She takes them through a hole and away from the dogs who are angry to lose their meal. She takes them to an abandoned Twoleg nest and introduces them to herself and the other cats. Her name is Jingo and another cat there, named Fritz, is the one they met the previous night. When Brambleclaw asks Fritz whi he thought they were he refuses to answer. Jingo tells him that they don't trust strangers anymore, not sense Sol. The cats tell them what happened when Sol lived with them, how persuasive he can be, how he convinced them to fight the dogs, and how cats died. Then Sol refused to accept any of the blame for his plan going wrong, telling them instead they chose to fight and he didn't make them. He then demanded someone bring him fresh kill. They kicked Sol out after that. Brambleclaw wants to move on but the cats invite them to spend the night. After Lionblaze eats he talks to a queen named Speckle. She tells him that whatever they think Sol did, they are wrong. She tells him Sol would never get his own paws dirty and would instead find someone else to do his dirty work. Lionblaze can tell Speckle is in love with Sol. She says that Sol didn't actually do anything wrong, but privately Lionblaze feels that Sol persuaded them to believe they had to do what he said.

Jayfeather wakes up to find Leafpool in a bad mood. He offers to go collect moss but instead goes to the elder's den to speak to Mousefur. He has been thinking back on his journey to the camp as a kit and removers a second being cat there. He cannot remember who it was so he wants to see what Mousefur remembers. While pretending to check her for fleas he asks her about the night he was born. Mousefur tells him how he and his siblings came early and how Squirrelflight was out in the woods when it happened. She says thankfully Leafpool was with Squirrelflight. She also tells him how Leafpool fussed over them and Squirrelflight so much one would think she was the first queen ever. She and Longtail also recall that Leafpool accidentally gave Mousefur the wrong herb once but she wouldn't tell what it was. Jayfeather wants to know what the herb is so he goes back to speak with Leafpool. He doesn't mention when this happened and he just speaks of it vaguely but Leafpool's response, despite an insistence of not remembering, shows she knows exactly what Jayfeather is talking about.

Hollyleaf and the other cats wake up. Jingo tells them they cannot travel over the ground because it isn't safe. She takes them safely on fences and rooftops across the town to the area where Purdy lives since it was last said Sol was there. They hunt for a minute and Hollyleaf catches prey for Purdy. They enter his nest and call out to him but find Sol in there instead.

As Sol and Brambleclaw talk, Sol correctly surmises that a cat has been murdered and they want him to return because they feel he is responsible. Brambleclaw tells him that Firestar just wants to ask him some questions. Purdy arrives with prey for him and Sol to share. Sol tells Purdy that he has to leave with the ThunderClan cats, which upsets Purdy. Hollyleaf realizes just how lonely Purdy must be. Brambleclaw decides they can leave in the morning. Sol promises not to run away, however Brambleclaw doesn't believe him and posts Brackenfur as guard while they hunt. The next morning the cats get ready to leave and Brambleclaw asks Purdy to come with them and live in the elder's den. Purdy says he will stay behind so Brackenfur asks as well. The two cats tell him how as an elder he will have a place of honor and get to share his wisdom with the clan. As Hollyleaf listens she gets upset, knowing that the other clans will object to Purdy joining their ranks. She also knows the two senior warriors are lying to Purdy about much they need his help. Purdy agrees to join them and the cats leave. Ad they travel Sol let's slip that he is under guard, causing Purdy to get upset. He feels Sol is a wonderful cat who hasn't done anything wrong. The other cats smooth things over. Eventually they settle down for the night and sleep. When Hollyleaf wakes up she realizes Sol is gone. She finds him quickly and as he talks to her she is surprised to find herself confessing her fears and worries to him. They head back and Brambleclaw is happy to see them. They continue on their journey and reach the horse place.

I feel like Hollyleaf's thoughts are all so dark. It is so sad. All she can think of is the betrayal and how she might not be a clan cat. I feel like she worries over nothing. Firestar would never send them away and while the clan might be furious with Squirrelflight for taking a rogue's kits (which she didn't because I am completely convinced they are Leafpool's) they would not take that out on Hollyleaf and her brothers. I was always more worried about Jayfeather with his consuming desire for power and Lionblaze with his nightly meetings with Tigerstar, but now I am far more worried for Hollyleaf - and I can't even really voice why. I feel like something is on the verge of breaking in her - and I blame her obsession with the warrior code for it.

Either way, I am glad their journey was pretty short. With half the book left and Sol now (almost) to the camp the mystery of Ashfur's murderer should be solved soon.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

sunrise: part two

Lionblaze travels on with the cats. They pass the horses and go across a thunderpath. They pass through cows and some hedges. Hazeltail gets a thorn stuck in her nose and Hollyleaf helps her. Brambleclaw praises her but Hollyleaf doesn't respond and Lionblaze knows it is because she is still too hurt. They come to another thunderpath - much bigger then the last one.

Hollyleaf crosses the thunderpath but Hazeltail freezes. Brambleclaw saves her and the cats move on. Hollyleaf realizes that Sol is braver then she thought since he made the journey alone. After finding a copse of trees Brambleclaw declares they should rest for the night. The next day they continue their journey and make it to the sun drown place. 

Jayfeather goes about his chores. Leafpool asks him to change the bedding. As he does Firestar comes in to talk to Leafpool. He asks her if she can seek out Ashfur and ask him who killed him. She tells Firestar that it doesn't work that way, the ancestors decide who will speak with her not the other away around. Jayfeather feels not only both shock and anger over Firestar's request but also fear. Leafpool assures Firestar she wants to find Ashfur's killer too but Jayfeather doesn't believe her. Leafpool sends Mousefur and Longtail out for fresh air and sends Jayfeather with them to look for herbs. Mousefur isn't fooled, however, and tells Jayfeather they will call him if they need him. Jayfeather goes off to the stick to speak to Rock. He asks Rock if he knew the truth about their parentage but Rock is evasive in his answers. When Jayfeather tries to ask him about the prophecy Rock responds that Jayfeather should make his own destiny. Mousefur comes looking for Jayfeather. She helps him gather some herbs and they head back to camp. Leafpool is angry with Jayfeather for bringing back so little. He tries to put the herbs away but Leafpool snatches them from him saying she will do it herself. Not understanding what is wrong with her, and missing his siblings, Jayfeather heads out of the den.

Lionblaze and the cats watch as Brambleclaw shows them how to reach Midnight's den. He tells them how the first time they found it by falling in. When they reach her den her scent is stale. Brambleclaw decides they shouldn't wait for her since they have no clue when she is coming back. As they climb up the cliff the tide is coming in. A wave sweeps Birchfall away and the cats panic, unsure what to do. Brambleclaw and Brackenfur jump into the water to save him. Lionblaze has Hazeltail break a stick off of a nearby bush so they can put it in the water for the cats to grasp. They rescue Birchfall and Brackenfur but almost lose Brambleclaw. Luckily he makes it out in time. Brambleclaw decides they should look by the twoleg nests for Sol. He does not want to go back to the clan without their prisoner. Lionblaze wonders if Brambleclaw would be so eager to find Ashfur's killer if he knew the truth Squirrelflight was concealing. He also wonders if that truth ever comes out would Brambleclaw be able to forgive Squirrelflight. As they wall through the twoleg nests, dogs in one yard chase them away. They see a cat but when they try to talk to him he runs away in terror, referencing a "he" that Lionblaze suspects is Sol. The tired cats find a safe place to rest for the night. 

Jayfeather goes about his chores but he is distracted and upset between Squirrelflight's secret and his siblings absence. He is short with Toadkit in the nursery causing Daisy to get mad at him. Firestar senses something is bothering Jayfeather and tells him he can confide in him but Jayfeather does not. Then Leafpool takes him for warrior training and he is distracted during it, causing her to get angry and tell him he always expects Lionblaze and Hollyleaf to take care of him. Upset, Jayfeather thinks to himself that Leafpool would never understand. She and Squirrelflight were so close and share kin with the clan. Unlike him and his siblings who now have no one. He also feels that Leafpool would never have let Squirrelflight lie about having kits. Back in the den Jayfeather dreams. He calls out to his warrior ancestors and Spottedleaf finally answers the call. She tells him she cannot give him the answers he seeks and as he presses her she angrily responds that StarClan is just cats and sometimes they have questions too. Jayfeather wakes up feeling completely abandoned and alone. 

So not much to talk about here. Sol obviously has a negative impact wherever he goes. Jayfeather and Hollyleaf are clearly falling into a deep despair. Lionblaze is upset too but it doesn't seem as deep. Leafpool is acting snappish towards Jayfeather which is a change if pace for her since Jayfeather usually feels like she is smothering him. I hope the search for Sol doesn't take too long. I want to know who really killed Ashfur. I also want to know about this prophecy but I feel it cannot possibly be resolved in this book.

Monday, November 19, 2018

sunrise: part one

Leafpool tends to Ashfur's body and finds a clump of fur that could have only come from his killer. Recognizing it, Leafpool is devastated and wonders if his murder is her fault. She takes the fur and hides it in her den. Yellowfang attacks Bluestar, blaming her for the lies. Bluestar insists it was not her who told the lie but Yellowfang counters that she could have told the truth. Yellowfang warns her that if the three cannot accept the truth then their clan might be destroyed.

Lionblaze dreams of Tigerstar. He admits to Tigerstar the truth that they are not kin but Tigerstar not only doesn't care but has known all along. Upset with the deception, Lionblaze attacks him. At first Tigerstar is winning but he does beat him in the end. Tigerstar mocks Lionblaze for being unable to kill him but Lionblaze retorts that Tigerstar is already dead and leaves him. He walks away hopeful that his secret won't come out but also confused since he feels like he is still one of the three. Lionblaze wakes up determined to never visit Tigerstar again. He leaves the warrior's den to find his clan mates all worked up. Some are even ready to blame and attack WindClan. Brambleclaw is upset when he discovers this and tells the cats that there will be no attack on WindClan yet. Brambleclaw tires to speak to Lionblaze about Ashfur but as they talk Lionblaze wonders if Brambleclaw is lying to him just like Squirrelflight. Firestar calls a clan meeting. He tells the cats they will not attack WindClan but they will go there to talk to Onestar. He picks himself, Brambleclaw, and Lionblaze as well as some other cats to go. Lionblaze realizes all the cats who are getting left behind are ones who want to attack. Firestar leaves Graystripe in charge. As they travel Sorreltail suggest it might be Sol who is responsible for Ashfur's death. Firestar seems receptive to this idea. Brambleclaw tries to talk to Lionblaze again but Lionblaze snaps at him. Lionblaze knows he is being illogical but he can't help it since he knows Brambleclaw is not really his father.

The cats reach WindClan and are taken to Onestar. Firestar wishes to speak to him in private but Onestar refuses. Firestar tells him about finding Ashfur's body and Onestar immediately goes on the defensive saying his cats are loyal to the warrior code and Firestar should look to his own cats first. Onestar has Ashfoot escort the ThunderClan cats away. Ashfiit confides in Firestar that she saw Sol on their territory not to long ago. thanks her for this information and tells her he does not blame WindClan. Back at the camp Firestar reveals the news about Sol and everyone is quick to blame him. Lionblaze knows it is because Sol is a rogue and fears his clan mates will turn on him like that if the truth of his parentage ever comes out. Hollyleaf admits to seeing Sol on their territory and Firestar admonishes her for not telling him right away. She also admits that Sol knows Midnight. Lionblaze is shocked that she never told him and wonders what other secrets she has. Firestar assembles a patrol to go to Midnight to look for Sol and he adds Lionblaze and Hollyleaf to it.

Jayfeather asks Hollyleaf why she never told then about Sol. She and Lionblaze get into a fight over it and Jayfeather goes to prepare their traveling herbs, glad that he is not going with them. As he brings Brambleclaw his traveling herbs he feels so much sorrow coming from Squirrelflight that he almost feels sorry for her. Graystripe comes over to talk to Brambleclaw about acting as deputy while he is away. Squirrelflight tries to talk to Jayfeather but he refuses to speak to her. He walks away thinking that he is just an ordinary medicine cat now. Upset he gets tangled in the brambles outside the medicine cat den. Leafpool offers to help but Jayfeather snaps at her, feeling she shouldn't worry about him so much since they aren't even kin. As he eats all the cats talk about Sol and Ashfur. Jayfeather is tired of listening to them since he knows that Sol is not the murderer and Ashfur wasn't that great. He tells Lionblaze and Hollyleaf goodbye and feels the tension in the air between them. As he dreams that night Midnight comes to him to tell him that the killer is in their camp and the cats are going on a wasted journey. The next day Jayfeather stands with the other cats as they say goodbye to the patrol. He wants to tell them not to go, that there is no point, but he stays silent.

Hollyleaf is glad that Lionblaze travels with her, but feels the loss of Jayfeather. As they pass through WindClan territory they run into Ashfoot, who gives them more information about Sol. She wishes them luck as they go on their way. Hazeltail is excited and keeps trying to talk to Hollyleaf, but Hollyleaf is not in the mood. When they pass the horse place Brambleclaw introduces Hazeltail to her father. Smoky is happy to meet her and sad to hear that Daisy has moved on and had kits with another cat. He invites the cats to stay the night but Brambleclaw tells him they must move on. Smoky tells Hazeltail to visit him whenever she wants. As they leave Birchfall whispers to Hollyleaf, asking her to imagine being half clan. She doesn't respond but deep down she feels she is no clan.

So, the whole point of Tallstar naming Onewhisker his heir was to avoid hostilities between the clans and continue the friendship between ThunderClan and WindClan. I wonder what Tallstar thinks of the situation now? Especially with Onestar's digs about the warrior code when we know that during the book "Eclipse" he and his warriors were only following it loosely.

And, yet again, Graystripe being the former deputy proves valuable. Between Firestar leaving him in charge when he goes to speak to Onestar and making him temporary deputy while Brambleclaw goes away, both of these are a good thing for this clan - especially when there is so much chaos right now.

Lastly, I doubt Sol is the murderer but that would make for a convenient ending.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

long shadows: part six

Lionblaze told Jayfeather that his talk didn't work so Jayfeather decides to enter Ashfur's dreams. It doesn't work, though, and Ashfur tells Jayfeather that he is going through with his plan. When Jayfeather wakes up the next day he is happy to see Ashfur is spooked around him but he us not sure it is enough to keep Ashfur quiet.

Hollyleaf is in the woods with her thoughts. She is upset that Ashfur had destroyed the warrior code for her and she is also upset to no longer be one of the three. Ashfur approaches her, assuming she wants to talk him out of his course of action but she tells him she does not. She accuses him of betraying the clan and says she has nothing to say to him. Later Hollyleaf waits with the cats who are heading to the Gathering. Firestar cannot find Ashfur or Squirrelflight anywhere. Squirrelflight arrives covered in mud having slipped in some by the ShadowClan border. Graystripe suggests that maybe Ashfur went on ahead. They leave without him but as they travel through WindClan territory they find Ashfur in the water dead.

Lionblaze is relieved to find Ashfur dead. Looking at Hollyleaf he knows she feels the same and wonders if Squirrelflight does as well. Firestar sends Dustpelt and Graystripe back to camp with the body and Lionblaze offers to go along as well. After the Gathering Hollyleaf tells Lionblaze that Firestar said nothing about Ashfur. She says that Squirrelflight is not the only good liar in the clan. Lionblaze doesn't understand why she is so upset. He asks her to sit vigil with Ashfur but she refuses to.

Leafpool tends to Ashfur's body while Jayfeather dozes nearby. She shows him the gash in Ashfur's throat that means he was murdered and didn't drown. She goes to tell Firestar and Jayfeather goes with her. They discuss the possibility that WindClan murdered him but can find no reason. Jayfeather listens as Firestar says if it wasn't WindClan then it must be someone from ThunderClan. Firestar decides he must call a clan meeting. Lionblaze asks Jayfeather what is going on but he finds he cannot find the words. Hollyleaf approaches and says she fears something bad is about to happen. Firestar tells the assembled cats that Ashfur was murdered. Everyone is quick to blame WindClan but Firestar points out that there is no proof. He asks if anyone knows of a reason why someone would want to murder Ashfur. Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Squirrelflight reiman silent.

I knew something bad was going to happen but I never dreamed in a million years that it would be this! This is so awful. I hope it wasn't Squirrelflight. I just know it can't be Jayfeather, Lionblaze, or Hollyleaf since they are the heroes of this story. But, I cannot imagine who it could be. Those four are the only ones with something to lose, unless Leafpool has been informed. But she would never murder someone no matter what. She would rather the secret come out and accept the consequences. And yet I can't imagine that Ashfur pissed someone else off so massively. Hopefully another motive shows up soon or I am going to be convinced it is Squirrelflight.

As for Ashfur I just feel so awful. He isn't evil, just sick in his mind. I hope he gets to hunt with StarClan. He is no Darkstripe knowing right from wrong but not caring because he wants greatness. He is just a cat who fell in love and had his heart broken. He should have been honest and moved forward instead of letting his pain poison himself. Though, he was completely in the wrong to try and murder Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight's kits, but I will chalk that up to insanity. I hope he finds peace with StarClan.

Friday, November 16, 2018

long shadows: part five

Lionblaze sneaks into the tunnels, trying not to think of all the fun he used to have with Heatherpaw. He quickly steals the catmint and turns to leave but Heatherpaw is in the tunnels blocking his way. Feeling nothing but hatred for him she calls him a thief and tells him her name is Heathertail now. Lionblaze sees a vision of himself murdering Heathertail. Even though it didn't happen it felt real. She lets him leave with the catmint but she tells him he better be careful not to turn into Tigerstar. As he leaves he feels the line between himself and his ancestor blurring.

Lionblaze brings the catmint to Jaypaw. Jaypaw is worried what to say to Leafpool about finding the catmint but she is so happy she doesn't press him for details, assuming that StarClan showed him where to look. Since that isn't a lie Jaypaw doesn't worry about it. Leafpool declares it more then enough to cure the clan. That night when they travel to the Moonpool, Leafpool announces it is time to make Jaypaw a full medicine cat. He is shocked and feels slightly guilty since they stole the catmint but convinces himself it is okay since they saved their clan. He worries that Leafpool will name him Jaywing and doesn't wish it. He feels that even though he was Jay's Wing in a previous lifetime he wants to be his own cat in this lifetime. Leafpool names him Jayfeather, much to his relief, and they settle down to dream. He hopes to get a good dream and dreams of Brightspirit. He thanks her for her help and she says she once thought to be a medicine cat but StarClan had a different plan for her so now she seeks to help cats of any clan or tribe. Jayfeather asks if he will ever see her again but she tells him that is not for her to know. He wakes with the other cats and he and Leafpool head back to camp. Brambleclaw is there and is very stressed out with how much work there is to do and how little help there is. Jayfeather tries to tell the cats that his name has changed but no one cares. Brambleclaw assigns duties to everyone and accidently gives Ashfur to different tasks to lead. Berrynose interrupts, all annoyed, to tell Brambleclaw so. Brambleclaw tries to apologize but Squirrelflight interrupts, angry at Ashfur for not speaking up. Jayfeather is shocked at the fury spilling from her. Brambleclaw tries to smooth things over but Squirrelflight lashes out at everyone for not being more of a help to Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw finally gets Squirrelflight to quiet down and apologizes to Ashfur, which Ashfur coldly accepts. Jayfeather feels pride for his mother and father and feels Ashfur is overreacting but as everyone goes about their assigned duties he wonders if he is missing something between Squirrelflight's anger, Brambleclaw's desire to quickly make amends, and Ashfur's coldness.

While out on a hunting patrol with Ashfur, Hollyleaf thinks of the Gathering that just happened. Blackstar said nothing about Sol and Brambleclaw only said that Firestar was sorry he couldn't make it. She wonders just how much everyone hides from each other. As Hollyleaf passes the twoleg nest Lionblaze comes out with some cats who are ready to go home. It is just Millie and Briarkit who are left - and Firestar who refuses to leave them. Hollyleaf knows that Lionblaze and Jayfeather are lying to her about the catmint and she is upset because they aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other. Back at camp a huge storm breaks out. Thornclaw yells that the forest is on fire. Firestar evacuates the camp and Hollyleaf looks for Squirrelflight so she can help her injured mother out of the camp. She doesn't find Squirrelflight but she does find Jayfeather and Leafpool. She tells Leafpool she will take Jayfeather, much to Jayfeather's annoyance because he feels he can go in his own. Lionblaze finds them and the three go to leave but the tunnel into the camp suddenly catches fire trapping them. Suddenly Squirrelflight is there and helps them climb a cliff wall out of the camp. When they reach the top fire separates them from Squirrelflight, trapping them on the edge of the cliff. Squirrelflight tries to bring a branch over for them to climb across but she is winded from her injury. Ashfur appears and helps Squirrelflight move the branch, but Hollyleaf doesn't feel relieved. There is a look in Ashfur's eyes that she does not like and she is proved right when Ashfur refuses to let the cats cross. He tells Squirrelflight that she hurt him when she left him for Brambleclaw and now he wants to hurt her in return. He admits to helping Hawkfrost try to kill Firestar but since that did not work he will now kill Squirrelflight's kits. Realizing she can't fight the warrior in her state Squirrelflight confesses that they are not her kits.

Squirrelflight convinces Ashfur that she is telling the truth and he leaves, telling her that her secret is not safe with him. Jayfeather and his siblings cross the branch and demand the truth from Squirrelflight. She admits to them that she did not birth them and that Brambleclaw does not know. She also will not tell them who their parents are. Jayfeather can sense anger and disbelief from his siblings but he feels calm. Hollyleaf and Lionblaze send Squirrelflight away. The three discuss what to do since it is only a matter of time before Ashfur tells their secret. For now they decide to return to camp, help to rebuild, and keep quiet.

Lionblaze tells his siblings they need to talk. Hollyleaf is determined to find out who their parents are but Lionblaze is more worried about Ashfur talking. Lionblaze feels this news will destroy Squirrelflight and even though she lied to them she did raise them and love them. Hollyleaf doesn't care about Squirrelflight. She is more worried about what will happen if their parents turn out to be rogues or kittypets. She is terrified that they might not be clan cats after all. Jaypaw points out that if Squirrelflight is not their mother then maybe the prophecy isn't about them after all. Hollyleaf freaks out and Lionblaze questions how that can be true - and what Tigerstar will do when he finds out they are not kin. The time for the next Gathering approaches and Lionblaze overhears Ashfur ask Firestar if he can go to the next Gathering. Realizing what he intends, Lionblaze talks to his siblings. They decide they must speak to Squirrelflight. At first when she sees them approaching she is hopeful that they have forgiven her but she quickly realizes that is not the case. They tell her what Ashfur intends and she promises to speak to him. When Hollyleaf speaks of her fear that they will be driven from the clan Squirrelflight tries to assure her that Firestar would never do that but Hollyleaf does not believe her. Jaypaw is unconvinced that Squirrelflight will be able to reason with Ashfur so Lionblaze speaks to him as well. But Jaypaw was right. Neither Squirrelflight's or Lionblaze's words have any effect on Ashfur and Lionblaze wonder what to do next.

Okay, holy cow, so much stuff makes sense now. So two things bugged me. One, was Leafpool naming Jaypaw. I really thought she was going to name him Jaywing up until she said Jayfeather. I was shocked and thought to myself that she really needed to let Crowfeather go and should not give Jaypaw that name. The other was what I assumed was poor writing involving the birth of Squirrelflight's kits. Squirrelflight's milk didn't come in but she gave birth outside the clan and didn't come back for days? In a snow storm? The kits should have died. I assumed that was poor writing but now I realize that is not the case.

Leafpool and Crowfeather are so obviously the parents. Leafpool, forbidden to have kits, would of course turn to her sister for help. And of course Squirrelflight would lie for her since they are best friends. This also explains how deeply Leafpool loves Jayfeather. I'm not saying you can't love your sister's (or brother's) children just as deeply as your own, but Jayfeather constantly remarks on how strong - and suffocating - Leafpool's feelings for him are. Jayfeather is her one kit that she gets to keep, in a way. And since Jayfeather is the one kit she gets to name she names him for Crowfeather. And of course Squirrelflight's milk never came in because she was never pregnant. Leafpool must have been with her so the kits could eat. And there is no way Leafpool could have had kits in secret in the camp so she and Squirrelflight had to go away for a few days. All of this makes so much sense right now.

Right now my mind is blown by this plot twist that I never saw coming so I need to process this. But I do want to say that Hollyleaf's obsession with the warrior code is bad, just like I said. It is now broken for her since she doesn't even know if she is clan born or not. And of course Firestar is not going to kick her out! Daisy and her kits were adopted into the clan. Leaving aside the Leafpool part, Firestar would never kick out three cats who were raised believing themselves to be full blooded ThunderClan cats. He would never kick out any cat period (except for Darkstripe) but he certainly would not kick out loyal cats no matter who their parents are. And lastly, I am pretty sad about this Ashfur development. All along I was envisioning another Darkstripe. Instead he was a Longtail, only Ashfur was driven insane by grief. I do not see this ending well.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

long shadows: part four

Jaypaw emerges from the tunnel and is greeted as Jay's Wing, a new sharpclaw. He is confused since these cats are not clan cats. He tries to ask them where ThunderClan is but they don't know what he is talking about. All his interactions with these cats are confusing and he slowly starts to realize he is in the past when his clanmates show him twoleg monsters in the distance. He realizes they are there to build the horse place between WindClan and RiverClan. Jaypaw is led to his nest and sleeps.

Jaypaw tries to hunt and live with the cats but he keeps making mistakes. A she cat named Half Moon is friendly towards him and helps him out. As he interacts with her and the other cats he realizes that as much as they are like the clan cats they are also very different. They don't have a warrior code that tells them to care for their sick cats or elders. Half Moon speaks of how Stone Song talks of how they should leave - and she tells Jaypaw that he feels the same. He wonders where these cats will go to since it is now his cats who live there.

Half Moon shows him the mountains in the distance and tells him Stone Song thinks they should move there. Jaypaw tells Half Moon about the mountains and Stone Song overhears and asks Jaypaw how he knows. Jaypaw tells Stone Song that he dreamt of it. Half Moon asks Jaypaw if he would find a new home for them and as they talk he realizes Half Moon is in love with him. Stone Song tells others about Jaypaw's dreams and Stone Song asks Jaypaw to guide them to their new home. Jaypaw is shocked at how quickly everything is happening. Furled Bracken, their leader of sorts, calls a meeting and everyone votes on whether to stay or go. The vote is tied and it is Jaypaw's turn. He votes to leave so these cats can go to the mountains and become the Tribe of Rushing Water.

With the vote cast Stone Song becomes their new leader. As the cats get ready to leave Stone Song pulls Jaypaw aside to speak to him. He asks about Jaypaw's dreams and as they talk Jaypaw realizes the tribe doesn't just need a new home, they need a medicine cat too. He tells Stone Song about how their ancestors watch over them and how they wish to guide the cats that are still alive. He tells Stone Song that he must be willing to listen in order to hear them. The cats eat and then head out. Rock calls Jaypaw over to him. Jaypaw feels sad to leave Half Moon but he follows Rock home. Rock tells him that Jay's Wing never made it to the new home, that he disappeared at the start if their journey. Jaypaw emerges from the tunnels, blind again, wondering if Lionblaze and Hollyleaf lived in the past as well. He knows that he is Jay's Wing and he has come home.

In the warrior's den Lionblaze listens to Spiderleg cough. Brambleclaw makes him go see Leafpool and has Lionblaze escort him. Daisy is upset to find out that Spiderleg is sick. She tries to bring him food but he is rude to her. She tells him he should pay more attention to his kits but he won't listen. Daisy leaves upset. Lionblaze is embarrassed to have just witnessed that and goes to leave but Leafpool blocks the entrance. She tells Spiderleg that kits are a gift and he should know his children. He tells Leafpool that things did not work out between him and Daisy. She says that is fine, but the kits should not have to suffer for it. Lionblaze thinks that if Spiderleg is not careful he and his kits will end up like Crowfeather and Breezepaw. It has been a couple of days since Spiderleg became sick and Lionblaze is out hunting for the sick cats. When he drops off fresh kill he realizes they have not been eating. Worried he goes to the nest where Brightheart tells him that Firestar is losing a life. Upset, Lionblaze rushes in and watches Firestar die then come back. The cats want Firestar to return to camp now so Leafpool can take care of him but he refuses to leave them, looking to Millie and saying that some cats need more help then him. Lionblaze looks to Millie. She is almost dead and Briarkit is crying because she wants her mother. Upset Lionblaze leaves. Back at camp he reports Firestar's death to Brambleclaw then goes to Jaypaw to tell him he will go get the catmint.

It was nice to see the origin of the Tribe of Rushing Water, but it was a bit randomly thrown in. I know these cats can reincarnate and that somehow they are all tied together, but it was a shock to find out that Jaypaw once lived as a tribe cat! But I also wonder how long ago this was since the humans were using machines. I always assumed the tribe left hundreds of years ago but now I see it cannot be more then 100.

I feel bad for Daisy. She left her mate for her kits and she has no real place in the clan. When she had new kits by Spiderleg I was excited but now that has fallen apart. She seems to just be there, not contributing. And what's worse is she knows this and feels this. She does help the queens but I wish she had an actual place in the clan.

Lastly, I am nervous about Lionblaze going to get the catmint! He has had the nightmare about Heatherpaw so many times I am worried what might happen!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

long shadows: part three

Hollyleaf and Lionblaze hunt while Jaypaw collects herbs. They head back to camp and Lionblaze wants to talk to Tawnypelt but Hollyleaf points out they don't know what to say yet and Jaypaw has to return to the medicine den. But before they can decide what to do Brichfall's patrol returns with Littlecloud, who wishes to speak to Tawnypelt. Sandstorm talks to Littlecloud while Squirrelflight goes to get Firestar. Firestar, Brambleclaw, and Tawnypelt come over and Tawnypelt insists she wants nothing to do with ShadowClan. Littlecloud tells her that things have changed and her kits have already returned. After receiving assurance that Sol is gone and the warrior code is back in place Tawnypelt leaves with him. The ThunderClan cats speculate what really happened since they don't believe Sol would just leave. Hollyleaf suggests that perhaps losing some cats made Blackstar realize he needed to get rid of Sol. Mousefur and Dustpelt worry about what trouble Sol will cause next. Hollyleaf is glad Sol is gone but Lionblaze hopes that he will come back and mentor them. Hollyleaf feels that Sol is nothing but trouble and that their destiny will happen no matter what but she is not sure her words convince Lionblaze. While out she runs into Sol. He tries to convince her that she needs him, but Hollyleaf will not listen. She tells him she and her brothers will find their destiny on their own. Sol hints that they might not be the cats of the prophecy and leaves. Back at camp Dustpelt is now sick. Hollyleaf assures Leafpool that she will cure all the sick cats and all will be well. As she settles down to eat she feels good - Sol is gone, ShadowClan has returned to the warrior code, Leafpool will cure the sick cats. She is ready to accept her destiny.

Leafpool confesses to Jaypaw that they are losing the battle against the sickness spreading through their clan. They have almost no herbs left, there is no catmint, they cannot go collect any by the island because hostility is too high between clans right now, and they cannot ask another clan for some without showing their weakness. As Jaypaw changes the bedding and then helps Millie and her kit into the clean nest he has a vision of StarClan. Bluestar, Whitestorm, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, and Silverstream all fret for ThunderClan. They know so many cats are about to join their ranks that it might destroy the clan - but they also know there is nothing they can do because there is no more catmint. Jaypaw wonders why he is there when StarClan has no answers and doesn't even seem to notice that he is there. Suddenly a new cat appears, Brightspirit, and is greeted by Bluestar who says it has been a long time since seeing her. Two more cats, Shiningheart and Braveheart also appear. Jaypaw wonders who they are since he has never heard of them before. They smell faintly of StarClan and of something else far away. As the other two cats talk to Bluestar and her friends, Brightspirit comes over to talk to Jaypaw. He can sense she is no ordinary StarClan cat and confesses to her just how desperate ThunderClan is right now. She tells him to seek the wind and then the vision is over with and he is back to helping Millie settle into her clean nest. Sandstorm bursts into the den with the news that Firestar is sick.

Jaypaw and Leafpool race to Firestar's den. After giving Firestar some herbs Jaypaw leaves and Graystripe seeks him out asking after Millie. Unable to lie, Jaypaw tells him it is bad. He also tells Graystripe that Silverstream is watching over Millie. While happy. Graystripe takes no real comfort from Jaypaw's words since he knows that there is nothing StarClan can do to help. Frustrated, Jaypaw tries to figure out what Brightspirit was telling him. As he goes around the camp checking on sick cats he is short with everyone while also trying to assure them that things will be fine. Realizing that Brightspirit meant there was catmint on WindClan territory Jaypaw settles down to dream. He finds Krestlepaw and talks to him, choosing his words carefully so he can find out where his supply of catmint is. He finds it in a tunnel right as Leafpool wakes him to take care of Millie. After taking care of Millie and assuring Briarkit that they are taking the best care of her mother he seeks out Lionblaze. He tells him that he knows where catmint is and Lionblaze is eager to go get it until Jaypaw tells him it is on WindClan land. Lionblaze insists he will never go to WindClan and refuses to help Jaypaw.

As Lionblaze hunts all he can think of is his vision of killing Heatherpaw. He wants to help Jaypaw but knows he cannot go to WindClan territory. He wishes he could confide in his brother but knows he cannot show his weakness to Jaypaw when Jaypaw depends in him to be so strong. Back at camp he asks Jaypaw how the sick cats are doing but Jaypaw is furious with him for refusing to get the catmint. Lionblaze suggests asking Hollyleaf to get it but Jaypaw won't because it involves stealing from another clan and that goes against the warrior code so their sister will never agree. Squirrelflight tells Brambleclaw to get some rest and Lionblaze is worried to hear a rasp in Brambleclaw's voice. He worries what will happen if both their leader and their deputy become ill. As time goes by the cats get sicker and soon half the clan is ill. Firestar decides that all sick cats must leave for the abandoned twoleg nest to prevent the rest from getting sick. Leafpool tells some cats that Millie will die without catmint and Lionblaze feels guilty but he still won't go. All the healthy cats turn the twoleg nest into a home for the sick cats. They have to watch as the sick cats walk by them to their new home. They are forbidden to help and it is a hard sight to watch. Jaypaw and Leafpool come by, supporting Millie, who is barely breathing, between them. Graystripe is devastated and wants to go to Millie and Lionblaze has to help Hollyleaf hold him back. Mousefur tries to get permission from Brambleclaw to go with the sick cats to care for them but he refuses and tells her he knows that Firestar has already refused her request. The healthy cats go back to camp and Leafpool has everyone get the old bedding out and replace it with fresh, in the hopes that no new cat will fall sick. That night Lionblaze sleeps, exhausted, and dreams of collecting catmint at the WindClan border - only the stream is a river of Heatherpaw's blood. Horrified he backs away and Tigerstar speaks to him, taunting him for being afraid.

Leafpool tells Jaypaw to get some rest. He goes first to the stick to speak with Rock, but Rock won't come. He falls asleep and sees Fallen Leaves. Fallen Leaves asks if Jaypaw will stay with him this time but Jaypaw tells him he must know what happened to the cats. He races through the tunnels and hears the voices of cats ahead. He doesn't recognize the voices as belonging to WindClan or ThunderClan and slows down. The voices call out to him, calling him Jay's Wing.

So, Sol hinting that they might not be the three struck me. I think Jaypaw and Lionblaze are part of it, but Hollyleaf doesn't seem to. She alone has no special powers (beyond obsessing over the warrior code). I know Sol was just saying this to get under her skin (which, good for her for telling him to leave) but part of it rings true.

As for Brightspirit and the two other cats, I wonder who on earth they are. I know I haven't read the SkyClan books so I wonder if they are tied into that? Or is it something different? I did also notice this book that there is another series called "Omen of the Stars" after this series. I wonder if they tie into that? Or maybe those books will finally reveal what Hollyleaf's power is or why she and her brothers have this special power? I always thought there were only three warriors series (because that is all we owned). After I read book six I will have to look into just how many more books there are. I thought I was almost done with these books, but maybe not?

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

long shadows: part two

Jaypaw heads to the Moonpool. He meets up with Barkface and Willowshine. Jaypaw senses that Barkface wants to apologize for his clan's actions but cannot. Willowshine is jealous that Jaypaw gets to go on his own. Jaypaw thinks to himself that there is now no reason for Mothwing to come to the Moonpool now that Willowshine is a full medicine cat but he says nothing. Littlecloud never shows and Barkface is upset because he hoped that Littlecloud would keep faith even if his clan didn't. Jaypaw knows that Littlecloud probably wishes to come but knows he cannot say so without explaining spying on ShadowClan. The three cats head to the Moonpool together. When Jaypaw dreams Rock comes to him bringing Midnight. Midnight admits to Jaypaw that she is the one who gave Sol his information. She tells Jaypaw that there is more then one way to be a friend, and that knowledge does not always bring power. Jaypaw is annoyed with her cryptic answers and even more annoyed when she disappears. Next Raggedstar and Runningnose come to him and ask him to bring their clan back to the warrior code. Jaypaw is surprised that they have come to him but Raggedstar says he feels Jaypaw is the only one who can help. Annoyed, Jaypaw agrees. Raggedstar starts to say something else but Jaypaw suddenly wakes up. On the walk home Jaypaw mulls over Ragedstar's request. He thinks of Stoneteller lying to his tribe and gets an idea. Back at the camp he talks to Hollyleaf and Lionblaze in private and tells them his idea to fake a sign from StarClan. Lionblaze is unsure but Hollyleaf is so determined to bring the ShadowClan cats back to the warrior code she agrees. Looking at her Jaypaw realizes that nothing really does matter to his sister more then the warrior code.

Hollyleaf wakes up early. Thornclaw is coughing and might be sick too. Outside the warrior's den she speaks to Sandstorm who tells her not to try and take on too much responsibility. Hollyleaf thinks to herself that Sandstorm has no clue. Seeing her, Ashfur invites her to come with his patrol. While out they scent a fresh ShadowClan scent. Hollyleaf worries that Sol has convinced the cats to invade but instead it is Tawnypelt with her kits. Ashfur is hostile to them but Cloudtail is welcoming and tells Ashfur that what to do with them is Firestar's decision to make. The cats escort them back to their camp. As Brambleclaw takes Tawnypelt to see Firestar, Hollyleaf talks to Tawnypelt's kits. They want to go home to ShadowClan but they want to go home to their clan as it used to be before Sol came.

Firestar calls a meeting and Lionblaze heads over with everyone else. Despite some protests, Firestar tells the cats that for now Tawnypelt and her kits will be welcome in the clan. Tawnypelt will join patrols and the kits will be given new mentors. Lionblaze wonders if any of the kits are being visited by Tigerstar. He wants to warn them but he knows if he does that then he will have to admit that he used to speak to Tigerstar. Hollyleaf and Lionblaze go out on a hunting patrol. Hollyleaf tells Lionblaze of her idea to use the ShadowClan apprentices to fake a sign from StarClan. Lionblaze thinks it is a great idea and later back at camp he passes Hollyleaf's idea onto Jaypaw. At first Jaypaw is unsure but as Lionblaze explains Jaypaw comes around. Hollyleaf and Lionblaze round up the kits and take them behind the warrior's den. Jaypaw arrives and tells them of his plan to fake a sign from StarClan. At first the apprentices are unsure, fearing they will anger StarClan but Jaypaw tells them that StarClan asked him for his help. After some silly ideas are recommended and shot down an area is picked for the sign. The cats decide it is best to head there immediately.

They reach the marshy area the young cats picked out and Jaypaw quickly devises a plan to dig up some of the trees and make it look like the forest is falling down around ShadowClan. Tigerpaw is sent back to the camp to summon Littlecloud and Blackfoot and Hollyleaf follows him to make sure he is safe. Hollypaw watches as Tigerpaw reaches the camp and talks to Littlecloud. He tells Littlecloud that he and his siblings want to return to the camp but they are worried Blackfoot is angry with them. He asks Littlecloud to meet with his siblings in the marshy area and to bring Blackfoot. He also asks that Sol not know what is going on. Littlecloud agrees.

Lionblaze and the other cats wait for Tigerpaw to return with Littlecloud and Blackfoot. Toadfoot almost destroys everything by showing up. They quickly capture him and hold him down, unsure what to do with him. Blackfoot and Littlecloud arrive and they set their plan into motion. They knock down the trees they dug up and Jaypaw starts chanting a warning that the forest will fall if the cats do not return to StarClan. Blackfoot does not believe it is really StarClan speaking to them. Lionblaze starts to despair when more voices join Jaypaw's. Runningnose and Raggedstar appear and join in Jaypaw's chant. They tell Blackfoot that Sol is a darkness that must pass. They disappear and Blackfoot declares himself Blackstar again. The leader and medicine cat head back to camp. Toadfoot is shocked that StarClan warriors really appeared. He is upset that the ThunderClan cats faked a sign but agrees to keep their secret. After all the ShadowClan cats leave the ThunderClan cats worry what to tell Tawnypelt. They cannot tell her the truth and they don't want Firestar finding out the truth either. They also wonder why StarClan needed them to fake a sign. Lionblaze suggests that they appeared because the apprentices showed how badly they wanted to save their clan. Privately, Lionblaze wonders if Sol will return to them now and mentor them.

So, I don't really have much to say here except that I cannot believe these cats still want Sol to mentor them! Really, I feel like Sol is incredibly manipulative and almost evil. I think the sooner Sol leaves the better - except I fear he isn't going anywhere and he is going to make things much worse before they can get better.

Monday, November 12, 2018

long shadows: part one

Thunder, Shadow, River, and Wind call Midnight before them, demanding to know why she shared secrets with Sol. Midnight stands by her decision and the warriors fade away. Rock appears and tells Midnight that she had no choice, that she had to do it to prepare the clans.

Hollyleaf dreams of Sol blocking out StarClan, and of cats screaming out in terror. She is woken by Birchfall for a hunting patrol by the ShadowClan border. As they leave Lionblaze comes back from a patrol by the WindClan border. She runs over to confide in him that she is worried about seeing Sol and that he will speak of the prophecy. Lionblaze tells her that he is probably too busy lying around the ShadowClan camp stuffing himself with fresh kill. But he agrees with her that he wishes they never confided in the strange cat. On the hunting patrol Hazeltail almost crosses the border but Hollyleaf stops her just in time. A ShadowClan patrol approaches and accuses the cats of stealing prey. Brambleclaw comes over and Hazeltail admits her mistake but insists she never crossed the border. Brambleclaw tries to point out that the ShadowClan cats are right on the border but no one is accusing them of crossing it but the cats won't listen. They mock ThunderClan and their belief in the warrior code, much to Hollyleaf's dismay. Hollyleaf decides she needs to save them from Sol. ShadowClan's taunts lead to Birchfall actually attacking them. After the fight breaks up they head back to their camp, Hollyleaf afraid that Sol is going to destroy the clans.

Jaypaw checks on Millie and her cough. Now one of her kits might be sick too. He reports this to Leafpool who has him check on the elders. Jaypaw resents his apprentice duties. He is happy for his siblings but he wishes he could be a medicine cat. Even then he knows that Leafpool will still be his mentor. He doesn't wish her dead, he just wishes to be his own cat. After checking the elders Hollyleaf catches him and tells him they need to talk later. He meets Hollyleaf and Lionblaze behind the warrior's den to discuss ShadowClan and Sol. Hollyleaf is upset that Sol is brainwashing all of ShadowClan while Lionblaze is upset that Sol promised to help them and then didn't. Jaypaw is surprised at the anger coming off of both of his siblings. He suggests they should go over and talk to Sol. Hollyleaf is shocked at the idea and insists it is breaking the warrior code. Jaypaw tells her that sometimes you have to break the warrior code to do the right thing, and reminds her that Firestar has done it in the past. She is unconvinced but when Lionblaze agrees she does as well, feeling that if it saves ShadowClan then it is the right thing. Jaypaw doesn't care about that and instead is thinking of the prophecy but figures if his sister needs that to justify what she is agreeing to do then he won't argue. That night the three siblings sneak out to ShadowClan territory. They roll in the ShadowClan scent markers to help them sneak around. As they work their way towards the camp they are worried that they haven't seen a single patrol. When they get to the camp they hear Sol speaking to the assembled cats. He is telling them that StarClan is just a group of dead cats with no power and they should not listen to them. Jaypaw is disturbed. He feels that he and his siblings stand above this but other cats should listen to StarClan. Littlecloud objects to what Sol is saying and asks if everything he has experienced has been a lie. Sol tells him that StarClan is good at deceiving and uses their lack of knowledge about the eclipse to drive his point home. Blackstar speaks up for Sol, talking about how difficult life has been here in the forest. Tawnypelt points out that life was difficult in the old forest too, but Blackstar uses that to further his argument that StarClan really cannot help them. Lionblaze and Hollyleaf are worried that Blackstar might actually be thinking of taking his clan away. As they listen Jaypaw has a vision of a badger. He tells his siblings that they need to leave now, that they are in danger. The next morning Leafpool wakes him to help her. Noises startle Jaypaw and he acts jumpy causing Leafpool to ask him what is wrong. He tells her he had a dream of a badger and worries it could be a bad thing. After pressing him for details Leafpool determines it could be Midnight. Jaypaw wants to visit Midnight but Leafpool tells him that is impossible right now.

Ashfur leads a patrol along the WindClan border. Lionblaze is in it. As they walk along Lionblaze asks Ashfur if he will give him extra battle training. Ashfur is surprised by Lionblaze's request and tells him he is a warrior now, a great fighter, and he does no need any more training. Lionblaze is pleased by his former mentor's praise since he sometimes felt like he couldn't do anything right, but he tells Ashfur that he feels there is always more to learn and he wants the extra training to help stay sharp. Ashfur agrees and leaves to tell Brightheart to head back to camp without them. Lionblaze goes to the training hollow and thinks of how foolish he was to accept Tigerstar's help as he practices his moves. Ashfur complements him and then attacks him. The two cats fight and Firestar comes across them and breaks them up. He is furious with them and isn't really interested in their answer that Lionblaze asked for extra help. He feels that Lionblaze is now a warrior and no longer needs extra help. Plus, he felt like the fight was too real. He sends Lionblaze on a hunting patrol and takes Ashfur back to camp with him. That night he dreams of Heatherpaw dead by his paws with Tigerstar congratulating him. He wakes up terrified that he is turning into a cat who will murder.

Worried that Millie's whitecough might turn into greencough, Leafpool sends Jaypaw to get catmint. He takes Poppyfrost with him but they find almost all the catmint destroyed. They bring back what little they can but it is not enough. Leafpool is upset since Briarkit is sick too and Millie now has greencough. That night they are supposed to meet at the Moonpool and Leafpool is worried about leaving Millie. Jaypaw asks to go alone. Worried, Leafpool agrees.

It was interesting to meet what I assume was the original four clan leaders. I'm not sure how they really fit in to this story, though. I have nothing else to really talk about. I am still convinced Sol is a bad guy. I think Jaypaw, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf are too obsessed with him - and with the prophecy and their power. Of course, I am also obsessed with it. When on earth will we find out why they have these powers? Like I said before, usually people (or in this case, cats) are only born with this type of power because it is needed for some reason. And, Ashfur and Lionblaze fighting really only drives home the point that Ashfur is bad as well. So when is that going to happen?!? What can I say. I am way too impatient for some of these story lines to wrap up. I will say that this series was better then the last but it is hard to sit through six books when you know something is going to happen but you don't know where or when!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

100 books: october 2018

We had another light month of reading. We managed to read over 20 books, but not much over 20. Plus, to top it off, I think I forgot to record a couple of books. I'm worried we are going to fall just short of 300. We shall have to see. One thing I do know for sure is I'm shelving any epic novels for the time being... But one thing that shocked me is how I broke 100 books this month! I was pretty impressed with that accomplishment considering my goal was only 25! I do blame our low books count partly on me this month. I decided to read true ghost stories for the month of October, thinking I would enjoy it. Yeah, I didn't. I mostly spent the time rolling my eyes. I had a really hard time getting into the books I picked, which meant I only read five. I allowed myself to read the Warriors books partly because I was already in the middle of blog posts about them and partly because I was so bored. Hopefully I will do better in November since I will only be reading books that interest me...

October's books:

  1. Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir - Lone Wolf
  2. The Walking Dead: Miles Behind Us - Lone Wolf
  3. The Walking Dead: Safety Behind Bars - Lone Wolf
  4. Dungeons and Dragons: Escape the Underdark - Lone Wolf
  5. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Volume 2 - Lone Wolf
  6. Foiled Again - Vampire Kitten
  7. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Volume 2 - Vampire Kitten
  8. The Walking Dead: Miles Behind Us - Vampire Kitten
  9. The Time Museum - Vampire Kitten
  10. Trayaurus and the Enchanted Crystal - Vampire Kitten
  11. Scooby Apocalypse: Volume One - Vampire Kitten
  12. The Lightning Thief The Graphic Novel - Vampire Kitten
  13. Warriors the Power of Three: The Sight - Wandering Falcon
  14. Warriors the Power of Three: Dark River - Wandering Falcon
  15. Warriors the Power of Three: Outcast - Wandering Falcon
  16. Warriors: The Lost Warrior - Wandering Falcon
  17. Warriors: Warrior's Refuge - Wandering Falcon
  18. Warriors: Warrior's Return - Wandering Falcon
  19. The Awful Thing in the Attic - Wandering Falcon
  20. Encounter with Hell - Wandering Falcon
  21. Devil in the Delta - Wandering Falcon
  22. House of Spirits and Whispers - Wandering Falcon
  23. Spirits Out of Time - Wandering Falcon

The breakdown:

Little Legs: 0
Lone Wolf: 5
Vampire Kitten: 7
Wandering Falcon: 11

The stats:

Total Books Read: 263

Little Legs: 7.75
Lone Wolf: 68.75
Vampire Kitten: 85.75
Wandering Falcon: 100.75

Friday, November 9, 2018

eclipse: part six

Cinderpaw comes to wake up Hollypaw to help her clean out the bedding in the nursery but Lionpaw tells her to let her sleep. As he helps Cinderpaw instead he hears Millie coughing. He goes to tell Jaypaw and Leafpool and while there he tries to find out if Jaypaw has spoken to StarClan but Jaypaw snaps at him. When he leaves the medicine cat den Hollypaw snaps at him for letting her sleep. He goes to eat and Poppyfrost talks about the battle. Ashfur and Dustpelt tell her about the battle with BloodClan in the old forest. She says she hopes to never see another battle like this one and comments on how well Lionpaw fought. Ashfur agrees, saying it is time for Lionpaw to be made a warrior since there is nothing else he can teach him. Ashfur takes Lionpaw and some other cats on patrol. Tigerstar comes to Lionpaw. Lionpaw talks of the battle and being made a warrior soon. Tigerstar speaks of still training Lionpaw but Lionpaw asks what the point is when no cat can beat him. Furious, Tigerstar attacks Lionpaw and mocks him for his belief in the prophecy. He leaves telling Lionpaw that he still needs him and this isn't over. Lionpaw wonders just what Tigerstar wants with him if he doesn't believe in the prophecy.

Jaypaw and his siblings get ready for the Gathering. Millie is sick with whitecough and Daisy and her kits have moved to the apprentice's den to avoid getting sick as well. Lionpaw hopes WindClan will be there so he can show them they are just as strong as ever. When they arrive Jaypaw feels hatred coming off of Lionpaw directed at Heatherpaw and is shocked that his brother now feels this way. The three clans wait for ShadowClan but just Blackstar arrives with Sol. He announces that ShadowClan no longer believes in StarClan and that they will no longer attend the Gatherings. He then leaves much to the shock of everyone. Yellowfang appears to Jaypaw and he asks her what StarClan intends to do about this. She sadly tells him that StarClan must pick their battles and leaves. Jaypaw sees this as an end to StarClan's reign and the beginning of he and his siblings fulfilling the prophecy.

Lionpaw dreams of blood and Heatherpaw's broken body. In his dream he is happy she is dead but when he wakes up he is horrified. Firestar calls a clan meeting to tell everyone the news about ShadowClan. He tells everyone that he is sure ShadowClan will return to StarClan. He reminds them of the sun disappearing and coming back. Lionpaw thinks of Sol's words, and how they would be the light. Thinking back on his dream of Heatherpaw he wonders if he deserves that kind of power.

Jaypaw listens to Firestar speak and realizes that Firestar is comforting himself as much as his clanmates. Firestar reminds everyone to think of the warrior code and Hollypaw clutches to that. Jaypaw envies his sister's faith but also feels she is ignorant to the truth around her. Firestar names Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Cinderpaw as warriors. While Jaypaw is sad that he will never be a warrior he is happy for his siblings and Cinderpaw. As Firestar does the ceremony Jaypaw thinks the time of the clans is coming to an end and they are one step closer to the prophecy.

So, good question on Lionpaw's part. If Tigerstar is not interested in him because of the prophecy, then just why is he interested? My bet is to corrupt Firestar's kin. That would be the ultimate win for Tigerstar, knowing that his blood won out over Firestar's. I feel like Lionpaw is a fool here. Brambleclaw realized his mistake in the end but Lionpaw and Jaypaw are so obsessed with power they can't see something bad when it is starting them in the face - both with Tigerstar and Sol.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

eclipse: part five

Firestar sends Leafpool to rest. He tries to send Lionpaw to rest too but he is too wound up. Firestar invites him to come talk with him and the warriors about what to do next. The cats talk of the sun disappearing and how soon Leafpool can speak to StarClan. Lionpaw feels impatient, feeling that WindClan is the problem. Brambleclaw notices Lionpaw's distress and asks him what is wrong, but when Lionpaw speaks of attacking WindClan Brambleclaw tells him no one wants any more blood spilled. Lionpaw goes to Jaypaw to ask after Squirrelflight. Jaypaw says he thinks she will live but they need to find Sol. Lionpaw doesn't understand why but Jaypaw insists they must. He feels since StarClan knew nothing of the battle or the sun, but Sol knew, then Sol must have some extra knowledge and maybe he can even help the siblings with the prophecy.

As Jaypaw and Lionpaw speak Squirrelflight wakes up. She is still badly wounded and needs rest, though. Hollypaw wakes up too and the siblings discuss what to do next. Jaypaw insists they have to find Sol. He figures since he was already on WindClan territory and ThunderClan territory he will go to ShadowClan next. The cats sneak out to find him and follow his path towards the ShadowClan border. Jaypaw wants to follow it but his siblings insist they cannot anger ShadowClan right now. Staying within their own territory they try to find his path. It leads to an old abandoned twoleg nest and inside they find Sol.

Hollypaw feels uneasy as Jaypaw asks Sol for answers involving the prophecy. She realizes that Jaypaw really believe Sol has the answers that StarClan won't - or can't - give him. She feels sick as she realizes StarClan might not be able to see everything, that there might be something beyond StarClan and the warrior code. As Sol asks them about their powers Hollypaw wonders what her own are. All she knows is she must defend the warrior code. Sol tells the cats that they will be more powerful then StarClan and that they will be the light for the clans. When Hollypaw asks him about the warrior code he tells her it will be up to them to defend it or destroy it. She is appalled at the though of destroying it. Jaypaw begs Sol to come with them and be their warrior. He and Lionpaw offers to hide Sol from Firestar, build him a nest, and hunt for him. Sol agrees and Hollypaw feels a mixture of fear and excitement. As they travel back they come close to the ShadowClan border again. Russetfur catches them and accuses them of spying. She brings all the cats back to Blackstar. Blackstar wants to know why the apprentices were so interested in Sol and Jaypaw tells him it is because Sol predicted the sun would disappear. Littlecloud asks if Sol spoke to StarClan but Sol tells him the darkness had nothing to do with StarClan, but with a change that was coming. Hollypaw wonders if she and her brothers will be part of that change. When Blackstar presses him, Sol says that change is not a bad thing and that there is more then one way to do something. Hollypaw is shocked. Sol offers to stay with Blackstar and Russetfur kicks the apprentices out with an escort since Blackstar confessing his lack of faith in StarClan. Jaypaw is upset since Sol promised to come with them, but the cats leave.

When they get back to their camp Jaypaw makes his siblings promise they won't say anything about Sol. Hollypaw and Lionpaw get picked for a hunting patrol. Jaypaw checks on Squirrelflight. She tells Jaypaw to make sure he eats. Leafpool snaps at Squirrelflight that she knows how to take care of her apprentice and Jaypaw is surprised. He settles down to sleep and dreams of Yellowfang who tells him to stop looking for answers, they will come in time.

So I just want to take this moment to say that I really do not like Sol. Something about him just brushes me the wrong way. Maybe it is the way he claims to know everything without ever actually offering anything. Or maybe it's the way he will only share his knowledge with the cats if they offer to do everything for him. I mean, really. He can't hunt for himself? That was just disturbing. I feel like this cat is poison. And now he is with Blackstar telling him who knows what. Some knowledge is not worth the price you pay for it and I feel like no knowledge Sol has is worth what he will demand or do.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

eclipse: part four

At the camp everyone is impatient. Cinderpaw insists on sitting on the Highledge to guard the elders and kits. Jaypaw wonders if part of her determination is because a part of her knows she died saving them in her last life. Ferncloud asks what StarClan has said and Jaypaw admits nothing. Against Leafpool's wishes Jaypaw gets permission to go out and start rounding up the wounded warriors. He heads to the lake first where Dustpelt's patrol is. He scents RiverClan cats and helps attack them, driving them off. He then takes Sorreltail, who is injured, back to camp. He reports to Graystripe that RiverClan has joined the fight too. Graystripe tells him to go to Firestar's patrol next and pass the news onto him. As he heads towards Firestar's group he hears four RiverClan cats. He knows he has to make it to his clan mates first before they are ambushed. He runs into Lionpaw and tells him about the cats. Lionpaw says he will deal with them himself, much to Jaypaw's shock since Lionpaw will be greatly outnumbered. He then finds Firestar to tell him about the RiverClan cats. Firestar says they are too outnumbered and may need to retreat. Jaypaw knows if they retreat they will no longer be fighting for their territory but instead their lives. He heads to Brambleclaw's patrol to warn him about RiverClan but it is too late. He finds ShadowClan there too and thinks all three clans have ganged up against them. He attacks Tawnypelt but she tells him ShadowClan is there to help. He tells her that Firestar is outnumbered and she promises to send help. She sends Mousewhisker with him back to camp and Jaypaw wonders where StarClan is.

Firestar stops Lionpaw from attacking a RiverClan cat. She runs off and Lionpaw is upset that Firestar stopped him. Firestar says the cat knew she was beaten and at at the look of wariness in Firestar's eyes Lionpaw wonders just what he has done. The cats they were fighting defeated, Firestar says it is time to return to camp. Lionpaw wants to help the other patrols but Firestar insists he return to camp first. Lionpaw thinks Firestar is looking at him with fear in his eyes. They get to camp and Firestar is shocked to find out that Blackstar sent warriors to help them. A WindClan patrol approaches and Firestar takes his cats with him. Lionpaw scents Heatherpaw and races ahead. He attacks her, furious that she told her clan about the tunnels. She insists she didn't, that it was Sedgekit, but Lionpaw does not believe her and says they will always be enemies for this. He releases Heatherpaw and Crowfeather appears, demanding to know where she is. Lionpaw attacks him and almost kills him, stopping only when Heatherpaw begs him to. He is shocked that he almost killed the warrior since killing goes against the warrior code. Suddenly the light goes out and WindClan screams that StarClan has killed the sun. Terrified, the WindClan cats run away.

In the camp Jaypaw is helping the injured cats while listening to battle plans around him. Suddenly terror breaks out as the sun is hidden in the sky. ThunderClan cats start returning and everyone wants to know what is going on. Leafpool admits she has had no sign from StarClan and Jaypaw thinks to himself that Sol predicted the sun disappearing and implied that StarClan would be powerless to stop it. Everyone wonders if StarClan is displeased with the fighting and fears they will have to live in darkness forever. Slowly the sun starts to return.

The battle over, Hollypaw helps her clan mates clean up. Mousefur asks her if Jaypaw received a sign from StarClan but she and Lionpaw tell her that Jaypaw doesn't always share everything. Privately Hollypaw thinks Jaypaw should know what it means if they are more powerful then StarClan and she wonders if Lionpaw thinks the same. Cinderpaw helps with the medicine cat duties, knowing what to do. Hollypaw is shocked that her friend has this knowledge but Leafpool tells her it is because Cinderpaw has spent so much time in the medicine den. Hollypaw calls out to Squirrelflight and realizes she is wounded. She rushes to her mother and sees that the wound is bad. Leafpool and Jaypaw run over to help her but it is unsure if she will survive or not, especially since she has passed out from the blood loss. After tending to her wound Leafpool says she is too badly hurt to move to the medicine cat den. Instead she has Hollypaw and Lionpaw build a nest around Squirrelflight. When they are done Hollypaw curls up next to her mother to sleep.

Okay, so why on earth is RiverClan fighting too? Leopardstar used to hate ThunderClan but after Tigerstar's reign she has always liked them. Why is she suddenly allowing her warriors to attack ThunderClan - without even giving a reason? This makes no sense.

Lionpaw's power really does seem to be tied in to his warrior skills. So much so that even Firestar is looking at him warily. And he almost killed Crowfeather. I imagine he just killed any relationship between himself and Heatherpaw over his actions. Between his accusation towards her and almost killing her mentor she is probably really hurt right now. But, this does lead to me ask again just what is Hollypaw's special power? Being devoted to the warrior code can't be a power. And just when will we see them use these powers they have? Something must be coming that entails the use of these powers, otherwise they never would have been born with them. So just what is coming and when will it get here? This book is almost done and there are only two left...

And, on a final note, I don't think I like Sol. And I don't like Jaypaw thinking of him. Sol comes across as one of those people who manipulates you into revealing things by pretending to know more then he does - and then use that information against you. He hasn't really offered anything beyond a darkness coming - and yes, it came, but "darkness coming" could mean anything. It does not necessarily mean literal darkness. Anyone can make a prophecy like that because it is so broad anything can fill it. I am uneasy of Jaypaw thinking of Sol right now. I am worried that Sol is going to be the one to bring the very darkness he is speaking about - especially with his implied feelings about StarClan.

Monday, November 5, 2018

eclipse: part three

Hollypaw dreams of the tunnels. She scents a fox up ahead of as it comes closer she realizes it is not a fox, but Lionpaw. Brackenfur wakes her for a predawn patrol. They head to the WindClan border but see nothing. As Hollypaw looks out over WindClan she thinks she sees a lion. At her announcement Sorreltail comes running over, but it is just a cat. But Sorreltail does concede that the cat looked different. When they get back to camp Cinderpaw is leaving to go swimming. Hollypaw offers to join her. As they walk they laugh and talk about clan gossip. Hollypaw feels sad knowing just how different she really is from Cinderpaw and how different their lives will be.

Millie is going to have her kits soon and Jaypaw is restless waiting for it to happen. When it is time to go into the nursery Graystripe way lays him, begging him to save Millie if he has to choose. Jaypaw gets swept up in a vision of Silverstream's death, and then it is gone. Millie gives birth to three kits and everything goes well. As Jaypaw and Leafpool leave Jaypaw notices Leafpool is not as happy as he is. He wonders if it is because Leafpool has helped so many cats give birth, or if it is because she herself can never have kits. The next day everyone talks of the new kits. Spiderleg is with his kits and clearly does not get along with them. He tells Graystripe he does not envy him. Brambleclaw asks where the patrol is since they should have been back by now and Jaypaw feels guilt come from Firestar because he hadn't noticed. Jaypaw tries to reach his mind out to find the patrol, but instead of finding them he finds darkness. He comes to finding Leafpool and Hollypaw worried for him. He tells Leafpool that something dark is coming. Suddenly the patrol returns. They have brought a strange cat with them. Jaypaw cannot read the cat and when Firestar asks why his warriors brought the cat to their home Jaypaw senses confusion. Hollypaw realizes the cat is the lion she saw the other day. The cats name is Sol and he seems to know a lot about their clan which disturbs the cats. Firestar can not get any straight answers out of the strange loner. Leafpool and Jaypaw take him into the woods to question him. Sol says darkness is coming and hints to Leafpool that maybe her faith in StarClan is misplaced. Leafpool is uninterested in what Sol has to say. She brings him back to Firestar who informs Sol that a group of warriors will escort him away.

Lionpaw is trying to sleep but Icepaw and Foxpaw keep whispering. He keeps snapping at them to be quiet. The next time they tell him it wasn't them. Lionpaw realizes if it isn't them then there must be cats sneaking around. Lionpaw yells out that they are being attacked. The camp breaks out into chaos. As he tries to bring Longtail and Mousefur to Highledge Firestar comes out and demands to know what is going on. Onestar speaks out, having led the attack himself, saying that they are true warriors here to teach ThunderClan a lesson in what it really means to be a warrior - which is not helping the tribe or taking in strays but instead fighting for what is needed. He also mocks Firestar, claiming he thinks he is StarClan because he makes cats beg for his help but Onestar refuses to beg but instead will take. Firestar tells Onestar if he wants a battle then he can have one. Onestar and his warriors leave, much to Dustpelt's confusion since WindClan clearly had the advantage. Firestar asks why the entrance was not guarded and Brambleclaw tells him it is because every cat is too tired. Firestar says the entrance needs to be guarded and sets up patrols to make sure the WindClan cats are gone and that the ShadowClan border is quiet. Lionpaw head with the patrol to check the WindClan border. Cloudtail tells the cats that WindClan split up into three groups and went in three different directions, all still within their territory. They race back to the camp to report to Firestar. The ShadowClan border patrol reports all is quiet but every cat is upset when they hear the WindClan border patrols news. Firestar splits the cats into four groups. The ones lead by himself, Brambleclaw, and Dustpelt will follow the WindClan cats and the one led by Graystripe will guard the camp. Lionpaw is in Firestar's group. They go to where Lionpaw knows where the tunnel is, but he hasn't told his clan mates about it. They discover the tunnel and Firestar wedges a large branch in it to prevent any more WindClan cats from coming in that way. He leaves Lionpaw and Poppyfrost in guard of the tunnel and takes the warriors to look for WindClan cats. Lionpaw spots Nightcloud and calls out a warning as she attacks.

Hollypaw is with Brambleclaw's patrol. They head to the old twoleg nest and are ambushed by WindClan cats. Horribly outnumbered, Brambleclaw orders Hollypaw to go ask Blackstar for help. She reaches the ShadowClan camp where Ivytail, who is on guard, stops her. She begs Ivytail to speak to Blackstar but Ivytail does not believe that an apprentice was sent to ShadowClan territory alone and suspects an attack. She darts around Ivytail and runs into the camp asking for Blackstar. Tawnypelt tells her to calm down and tell her what is wrong. Hollypaw tells her that WindClan has invaded, they are outnumbered, and Brambleclaw sent her for help. Tawnypelt brings her to Blackstar. Russetfur is impressed with the invasion. She feels there must be four clans but isn't sure that they should help. Blackstar decides they should help and has Russetfur pick out who she wishes to bring. Tawnypelt goes with Hollypaw and they race to the twoleg nest and into battle.

So, there is a LOT to cover here. First we will start with Onestar and my question of what the fuck. He accuses Firestar of wanting to be like StarClan and only helping clans after they beg, yet Firestar sent a patrol to make sure nothing was wrong and it was sent away. You can't accuse someone of making you beg for help when they offer you help first and then you spit on it. That doesn't even make any sense. And his argument that they are warriors and will take what they need makes no sense either and even goes against the warrior code! Yes, the warrior code says it is a fight to survive but driving a clan away goes against everything the clans believe in which is why it was such a big deal when ShadowClan did it to WindClan. Their entire way of life and belief system is built on four clans living in peace but as rivals. And yes, there are territory disputes, but overall the clans live in peace and fight to prove that they can do it on their own. I get that Onestar's clan is starving and doesn't want to appear weak and ask for help, but throwing out your entire belief system to attack a clan that offered you help, while claiming they want you to beg, makes zero sense. And to say that the warrior code only says to take and not help makes no sense either since the clans have always helped each other in the past as well as fought. Onestar seems to both want Firestar's help and resents it at the same time, which is very confusing. And when ThunderClan previously found the stolen prey it was observed that WindClan ate it there instead of taking it back for their kits and elders, which again goes against the warrior code. I don't understand Onestar's actions or his justifications.

On to more logical things, I am glad to see that things really are resolved between Firestar and Dustpelt. Dustpelt certainly grumbles a lot but he really is loyal to Firestar - so loyal that Firestar trusts him with leading one of the patrols. And while I understand some of the tension involving Graystripe and how he used to be deputy, it must be nice for the clan to almost have two deputies. Brambleclaw is clearly deputy but Graystripe is always there to step up when another cat is needed and it seems to cause no resentment between him and Brambleclaw. The clan benefits from not only a clear chain of command but also from having an extra someone who actually knows how a deputy should act and think.

Lastly I was surprised that Blackstar agreed to help. He and Firestar are such rivals always, such opposites, that I would not be surprised if he were to turn Hollypaw away. But he did the right thing in the end. And for a clan that has long been known as the devious and covetous clan to step up and say this is wrong is a pretty big deal.