Thursday, February 4, 2021

the apprentice's quest: part one

Jayfeather and Leafpool go to the halfmoon meeting at the Moonpool. On the way there Jayfeather wonders why Littlecloud hasn't taken on an apprentice, since the ShadowClan medicine cat is getting on in his years and currently ShadowClan has an abundance of apprentices. Everyone settles down around the pool and sleeps. When they wake Jayfeather is shocked that he can see the other cats, as he has lost the ability to enter other cats dreams with the defeat of the Dark Forest. The other medicine cats are equally as surprised. They move off to greet their ancestors and Jayfeather watches Leafpool greet her father, Firestar. Jayfeather, however, notices there are a lot of strange cats with StarClan and demands to know who they are. Instead of answering him Firestar seeks permission from the other StarClan cats to speak for them all and is granted it. He gives the medicine cats a shared prophecy, as it affects them all. Jayfeather is annoyed with how obscure the prophecy is, but before he wakes he notices another, living, cat is with them and this cat smells of ThunderClan. 

Alderkit is getting ready for his apprentice ceremony with his sister Sparkkit. He is worried he is going to mess everything up and envies Sparkkit's confidence. However the ceremony goes just fine and he is given the mentor Molewhisker while Sparkpaw is given the mentor Cherryfall. Molewhisker is so serious Alderpaw worries about being his apprentice, but he resolves to do his best. Their first task is to get ticks off of the elders, which neither he nor his sister wants to do, but they do it. As they care for the elders Alderpaw decides that maybe this isn't so bad, caring for the elders. Then he sees Jayfeather and Leafpool watching him and he worries he is messing up as an apprentice already.

The next day Cherryfall and Molewhisker take the apprentices on a tour of their territory. Alderpaw does great with listening to his mentor's questions and figuring out the answers while Sparkpaw bounces around excitedly. Then the mentors have the apprentices try to hunt. Sparkpaw gets prey on her very first try but Alderpaw overthinks everything so much he fails. Back at the camp Bramblestar asks for an update and realizes how upset his son is. He pulls Alderpaw aside and tells him a funny story about how he used to make mistakes as an apprentice. Alderpaw feels better and resolves to do better in the future.

Alderpaw and Sparkpaw go to their first Gathering. They end up meeting some ShadowClan apprentices and sit with them. The ShadowClan apprentices are nice and welcoming, but they are also very rude. They make disparaging remarks about the other clans, their mentors, their leader Rowanstar, the elders, and even StarClan. Alderpaw is shocked by their behavior. When Rowanstar speaks he mentions that two apprentices have just been made warriors - and now have apprentices of their own. Everyone cheers for the first announcement but are completely shocked by the second one. Rowanstar defends his decision and states that when a ShadowClan cat is named a warrior they are ready for anything. The ShadowClan apprentices tell Alderpaw and Sparkpaw that right now ShadowClan has so many apprentices Rowanstar doesn't know what to do with them all. The medicine cats then share their shared vision together. Lots of cats start asking questions and offering suggestions. Cloudtail asks if the prophecy is for everyone, or just Jayfeather. Jayfeather answers he believes it is for everyone. As the apprentices talk about solving the prophecy Alderpaw notices Leafpool staring at him. 

Molewhisker grows frustrated with Alderpaw as he cannot figure out hunting or fighting. Back at camp Molewhisker and Bramblestar meet with Leafpool and Jayfeather. Then, the four cats tell Alderpaw that his destiny is to be a medicine cat. Alderpaw sees this as a punishment for failing Molewhisker but everyone assures him that isn't the case. Sparkpaw is excited for him but Alderpaw worries he will fail at this just like he failed at being a warrior. The next day Jayfeather teaches Alderpaw all the herbs he has to memorize but Alderpaw can't keep them straight, further cementing his fears he will fail.

First of all I am thrilled that Jayfeather is still the grumpy, crotchety cat that I love! Second of all, the prophecy to "embrace the shadows to clear the sky" hints to me that the clans have to learn the truth about SkyClan and embrace it in order to save SkyClan. And, it was probably SkyClan cats that Jayfeather sensed.

Of course, unfortunately, I already know SkyClan will come back thanks to the Tawnypelt and Shadowstar novellas. Also, what is with ShadowClan always getting destroyed? I assume Darktail and his nefarious plot will be along any minute now. But why is is always ShadowClan? Why not WindClan or RiverClan?

And on the topic of ShadowClan what was up with those apprentices? Disrespecting everyone and everything both in their clan and not? And even going to far as to imply StarClan is a myth? That was crazy. I was hoping Alderpaw would say something to Molewhisker but no luck. All I know is this doesn't bode well.

Then, at first I was surprised that Cloudtail believed the medicine cats and actually asked questions. After all, he has said in the past that he doesn't believe in StarClan. Then I remembered he did fight alongside StarClan against the Dark Forest. I suppose that irrevocable proof is enough for anyone, even someone who has rejected StarClan his entire life.

Lastly, how is Purdy still alive?!? He was old before Sandstorm and Graystripe became elders!?! He is probably immortal or something. I certainly hope he gets to go to StarClan when he passes. I know he isn't a warrior, but ThunderClan loves him as their own since they adopted him. On that token I hope the same for MothWing. She deserves to find peace and acceptance in her afterlife - and a chance to be reborn accepting the beliefs she wishes were real.

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