Wednesday, February 10, 2021

thunder and shadow: part one

Echosong has a vision while she sleeps. A cat who has appeared to her before comes again. She hopes he will tell her how to find her clanmates but instead he tells her the same prophecy the clan cats at the lake were told. He also tells her that they are currently scattered, like leaves in the wind. While Echosong tries to figure out his vague words the vision fades, leaving her alone again.

Bramblestar summons Leafpool, Jayfeather, and Alderpaw. They arrive to find Rowanstar there. They are informed that Littlecloud is dying and ShadowClan needs their help. Leafpool volunteers to care for Littlecloud and ShadowClan for now. After everyone leave Bramblestar speaks to Alderpaw in private, telling him that Squirrelflight is leading a small patrol to look for SkyClan under the guise of searching for Twigkit's mother. Alderpaw leaves his father to go get ready and Twigkit stops him, asking if she can come along. Alderpaw sadly explains to her why she cannot. She gives Alderpaw a feather, asking him to give it to Violetkit. Alderpaw helps Leafpool carry herbs. They meet with Tawnypelt who leads the patrol that escorts them to ShadowClan's camp. Sleekpaw is a part of that patrol and she acts callous about Littlecloud's upcoming death. When they reach the camp Leafpool is horrified to see how Littlecloud is being treated. His pelt is uncared for and his nest is old. Rowanstar and Crowfrost speak with Leafpool and ask her to stay awhile and train an apprentice, Puddlekit. She is upset that the apprentice was chosen by Rowanstar and not StarClan or Littlecloud but agrees since there seems to be no other option. Needlepaw and Alderpaw are sent to gather moss for Littlecloud. Needlepaw acts disrespectful about, but helps. Alderpaw asks after Violetkit, but she has no information since she doesn't care to hang out with a kit. She does take Alderpaw to see her, though, and gives Violetkit the feather. Alderpaw realizes just how lonely and uncared for Violetkit is, so he suggests to Needlepaw that they sneak the kits out of their camps to meet in secret. Needlepaw agrees, as she loves secrets.

Violetkit is in the nursery, thinking. She overheard some of the cats implying she wasn't really a ShadowClan cat. She asks Pinenose, the queen who is caring for her, and Pinenose is dismissive of Violetkit's worries. Grassheart goes into labor and the kits are kicked out of the nursery so Leafpool can attend to her. They are sent to the apprentices den to spend the night. Other cats are outside, mourning the passing of Liddlecloud and sitting vigil with his body. Needlepaw waylays Violetkit and sneaks her out of the camp. She taker her to the ThunderClan border for a surprise - a meeting with her sister. Violetkit is thrilled to be with her sister again and the two kits play until they are exhausted. Then it is time to part and Violetkit is devastated, as she had hoped to be with her sister for good. Violetkit cries to Needlepaw that she is so lonely and no one wants her. Needlepaw sees herself in Violetkit and resolves to be her friend from this moment forward.

Squirrelflight returns with her patrol and they meet with Bramblestar and Alderpaw. They report that the gorge is empty - the rogues are gone and SkyClan has not returned. Bramblestar feels that SkyClan is lost to them. Jayfeather and Alderpaw are in the medicine den caring for the clan's cats. Twigkit in underpaw, casing Jayfeather to be sharper than usual. Briarlight takes Twigkit out of the den. Jayfeather and Alderpaw get into an argument over Twigkit, Jayfeather's attitude in general, and Alderpaw's training. Their argument is interrupted by a patrol racing in, yelling for Bramblestar. The patrol witnessed a fight between WindClan and some rogues inside of ThunderClan's border. Bramblestar takes some warriors, Jayfeather, and Alderpaw and races to the fight. They join in while Alderpaw and Jayfeather watch on, waiting to help the injured cats. Alderpaw realizes he knows some of the rogues, and Darktail recognizes him. Darktail calls a stop to the fight and warns Bramblestar that they aren't going anywhere. Jayfeather and Alderpaw tend to the seriously wounded WindClan cats. One WindClan cat, Furzepelt, is dead, much to everyone's shock and Onestar loses a life. When Onestar recovers he wants to chase after the rogues but Brambleclaw talks him out of it. He then wants to take his warriors home but Bramblestar talks him out of that as well, as the journey could kill his remaining warriors who are badly wounded. Everyone returns to ThunderClan's camp, except for Cloudtail and Rosepetal who sit with Furzepelt, protecting her body. Alderpaw helps Jayfeather tend to the wounded WindClan cats then he goes to tell Bramblestar about the rogues. He overhears Onestar tell Bramblestar that he saw the rouges and crossed into ThunderClan's territory intending to chase them away then report what had happened to Bramblestar. Alderpaw speaks with his father in private, telling him it is the same rogues as the ones at the gorge, confirming Bramblestar's fears. Bramblestar calls a clan meeting. Onestar wants to leave with his warriors but Jayfeather and Bramblestar convince him to let the warriors stay for now. Instead Bramblestar offers some of his warriors as an escort and to carry Fursepelt's body. Onewhisker unhappily agrees. Bramblestar announces that two patrols will inform ShadowClan and RiverClan of what has happened. Twigkit wants to go with the group to ShadowClan to check on her sister. Permission is denied, but it is given to Alderpaw so he can check in with Leafpool and check on Violetkit. 

The ThunderClan cats find rouge scent while they wait by the border of ShadowClan. A patrol comes by and Dovewing is happy to see Tigerheart, but he is cold to her. Tawnypelt notices the rogue smell and says they have found it all over their territory. Bramblestar asks to speak with Rowanstar. Tigerheart brings the ThunderClan cats to the camp while Tawnypelt and some others follow the rogue scent. Bramblestar tells Rowanstar about the rogues. he asks for permission to help search for them. At first Rowanstar is dismissive but his deputy, Crowfrost, is not. When Bramblestar hints that Onestar lost a life Rowanstar takes him seriously and lets them search the territory with Crowfrost and some other ShadowClan cats. After they are done Alderpaw asks to go back to the camp to speak with Leafpool. After speaking with Leafpool he checks in with Needlepaw and Violetkit, who seem to be getting along great. Needlepaw is distracted, though, and Alderpaw worries their friendship might be over.

While I only have a quick glance at ShadowClan here my fears seem to be true - but not about the warriors. They seem at their wits end with the apprentices.

Needlepaw's attitude about secrets makes me happy for the SkyClan secret, but not the rogues secret. While I think she will hold both secrets close I worry she will betray her clan to the rogues because she loves Rain. I also suspect she is sneaking out to see him... And while I am glad she is opening up to Violetkit, I worry that she will take her down the wrong path.

As for Onestar... he has always been Jayfeather levels of crotchety, but not to the point where he is willing to risk killing clanmates. He has been in a foul mood since this book series started and I wonder what is going on there.

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