Unsuccessful at getting the herb, ThunderClan arrives to take Twigpaw away. Violetpaw tries to get Twigpaw to hide, but her sister doesn't understand why as she wants to return home. She happily returns to her clan and ShadowClan is too sick to stop her. Violetpaw feels crushed and betrayed by her sister. Meanwhile the clan starts to turn on Crowfrost for letting Twigpaw go. Violetpaw keeps helping Puddleshine care for the sick cats but Kinkfur dies. Distraught over everything that has happened, and questioning her decision to leave Needletail, Violetpaw runs from camp to get some air. She makes her way towards the rogue border and runs into Needletail and Rain. Needletail treats her with contempt for abandoning her, and threatens to take he prisoner. Rain convinces Needletail to let Violetpaw go as she is no threat. Rain tells Violetpaw that she hasn't seen the last of them. Violetpaw returns to camp as the cats start to sit vigil with Kinkfur. Crowfrost is revealed to be sick as well and Violetpaw realizes that not only does ShadowClan no longer have any leadership, but the sickness might destroy the clan.
Alderpaw heads to the moonpool with everyone else. As the medicine cats gather they discuss the current problem in ShadowClan. Alderpaw speaks up, asking why the clans don't just come together and force Onestar to surrender the herb. Kestrelflight believes he has a more peaceful solution, but he must talk with StarClan first. The cats settle down and dream. Yellowfang meets with Alderpaw, but she won't give him any more information about the prophecy. Instead she tells him she is glad he is standing up for what he believes in. When the cats wake Kestrelflight is excited. StarClan has answered him. He has everyone follow him and Harespring, WindClan's deputy and his only guard, to the lungwort. Harespring had the idea of giving it to the clans behind Onestar's back and StarClan has given Kestrelflight their blessing to go through with the plan. Later on, back at camp, Jayfeather tells Alderpaw that he is proud of him and that he is ready to become a full medicine cat.
Violetpaw surveys her clan as they start to recover. Some cats accept their situation and move forward without complaining, but others are very vocal about how unhappy they are with Rowanstar and Crowfrost (who has now died). Some cats are even openly disrespectful towards Rowanstar and Violetpaw is beginning to feel like ShadowClan is no better than the rogues. Later on Rowanstar organizes who is going to the Gathering that night, but rebellion happens instead. Some of the warriors have invited in the rogues and Dartktail and Rowanstar fight. Violetpaw is horrified as none of her clanmates help Rowanstar. Eventually Tigerheart, Tawnypelt, and Dawnpelt come to his aid. Defeated, and having lost his clan, Rowanstar leaves with his mate and son. Dawnpelt stays behind as her kits have joined with Darktail and she cannot abandon them after just losing her mate, Crowfrost. Puddleshine wants to go with Rowanstar but cannot, as he cannot abandon the cats who are still sick. Rowanstar tells him he understands. Violetpaw goes to leave with them but Needlepaw calls out to her, begging her not to leave her again, saying they are kin. Violetpaw agrees to stay as she has always felt that way about Needlepaw.
Twigpaw waits impatiently for ShadowClan to come to the Gathering so she can hopefully see her sister and explain why she had to leave. But ShadowClan never comes, so the meeting starts without them. As the leaders talk Rowanstar, Tigerheart, and Tawnypelt arrive. Rowanstar takes his place and tells them his clan has recovered, no thanks to WindClan. Onestar gets angry and says they recovered without the herb just fine, and Rowanstar reveals Harespring and Kestrelflight's secret. Before Onestar can recover from this betrayal, Rowanstar tells everyone that ShadowClan has fallen willingly to the rogues after going days without leadership. Onestar blames Rowanstar for this but the other clans disagree. Even some of his own warriors start to blame him. Bramblestar offers shelter to the exiled ShadowClan cats. The nest day Twigpaw and her mentor head to the ShadowClan border. Twigpaw is worried about her sister as she might be a prisoner of the rogues, and Ivypool is worried about her sister as Tigerheart is in the camp. They find Needletail and Rain, and a reluctant Needletail goes and gets Violetpaw. But the reunion Twigpaw was hoping for doesn't happen. Violetpaw is cold to her, and tells her they have each found their own clan. Needletail tells them to leave, then attacks Twigpaw for not moving fast enough. Ivypool attacks Needletail but Twigpaw breaks up the fight and the ThunderClan cats leave.
The medicine cats gather, but Puddleshine never shows up. Jayfeather makes Alderheart a full medicine cat and they go to sleep. Alderheart dreams of the prophecy and of a fivepointed leaf and he realizes that they still must look for SkyClan.
I cannot believe Violetpaw chose the rogues over ShadowClan! I don't care that Needletail is there! After all of that hard work, going out of her way to make herself fit in, and defending Rowanstar she threw it all away, knowing how cruel Darktail is. I thought more cats would side with Rowanstar. I cannot believe only Tawnypelt and Tigerheart joined him. I understand why Puddleshine stayed behind, but I am incredibly disappointed in the rest - especially Violetpaw!
And I am glad everyone started to come to their senses about Onestar, but it is too little too late as ShadowClan has been destroyed.
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