Mistystar defends Peeblefoot, but Antpelt is uninterested in their excuses. Ashfoot, the WindClan deputy, defuses the situation while making it clear Mistyfoot and her cats are in the wrong. Reedwhisker is upset with how Ashfoot handled the situation but Mistystar defends the WindClan deputy. Days later it is time for the meeting at the moonpool. Mothwing sends Willowshine in her place and Mistystar realizes that Leopardstar should have realized something was wrong with Mothwing. The next day Mistystar reaches her decision. She tells Mothwing that she will retire to the elders den and Willowshine will take over all medicine cat duties. The two medicine cats are upset but they have no choice but to agree.
Mistystar decides maybe it is time to expand their territory, since food is so scarce. Before she leaves on a patrol to search for new hunting grounds Mothwing tries to talk to her about Rushpaw and Hollowpaw and how they keep disappearing, but Mistystar is dismissive of her concerns. Mistystar's patrol finds a nest of baby mice, which they bring back to the camp. Rushpaw and Hollowpaw eventually return. They are offered the mice but they turn them down, saying they are not hungry.
Beetlewhisker mentions to Mistystar that some of the big fish are coming back, but Mothwing has told them not to hunt them yet so they can lay eggs to repopulate the water. Upset, Mistystar confronts Mothwing about this even though she agrees with he logic. Mothwing accuses her of not trusting her judgement in anything and Mistystar confirms this. She leaves her and runs into Reedwhisker, who tells her Hollowpaw and Rushpaw are trapped by some dogs. Mistystar races with him to join his patrol save the apprentices. They are able to save the apprentices but Reedwhisker gets badly injured in the process.
They rescue Reedwhisker and the apprentices admit they were eating kittypet food. They felt it would help save the clan if they didn't have to eat. They get Reedwhisker back to camp. Mothwing starts to treat him when Mistystar forces her to step down. Mistystar feels Reedwhisker needs StarClan's help and Mothwing cannot offer that. Willowshine is forced to care for Reedwhisker alone while an upset clan watches on. Unable to watch, Mistystar leaves. Stonefur visits her and tries to explain to her that being a clan cat isn't just about StarClan, but also instinct. He leaves her and Mistystar watches as a moth hatches from it's cocoon and takes fight on its own, by instinct. Mistystar realizes that Stonefur is trying to tell her to let Mothwing be the medicine cat she is supposed to be.
Mistystar returns to camp and asks Mothwing to leave the elders demand return to the medicine den. She admits she was wrong in forcing Mothwing to step down. She leaves the camp to go to the moonpool. On the way she tells Beetlewhisker that RiverClan is blessed to have two medicine cats, knowing this will spread. At the moonpool Mudfur, Mothwing's mentor, comes to her. He tells her he knew Mothwing did not believe but it did not matter because she loves her clan and wishes to care for them, and that is all that matters. Mudfur leaves her and Mothwing comes, and the two cats make peace.
This story had a nice resolution, even though Mothwing was actually forced into the elders den for a few hours. I didn't realize Mothwing was that old. All too soon her time will pass... I would like to believe she will find StarClan then, but I doubt it.
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