Friday, February 5, 2021

the apprentice's quest: part two

 Alderpaw is doing much better with his training, and Jayfeather even praises him. Jayfeather leaves to go speak with Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, and Leafpool is out seeing Littlecloud, so Alderpaw is left behind with Briarlight. Sparkpaw bursts in looking for Jayfeather. Cherryfall has fallen and her leg is cut. Alderpaw freezes, not knowing what to do. Briarlight directs Sparkpaw to Brambleclaw's den. Jayfeather gathers Alderpaw and they head to Cherryfall. Alderpaw keeps freezing while Jayfeather tries to treat the injured cat. They get Cherryfall back to the medicine cat den and treat her. Jayfeather dismisses Alderpaw for the day. Upset, he sits with is sister, who tells him he just needs more confidence in himself.

Since they are almost out of catmint, Leafpool and Alderpaw go out to get some. They run into a ShadowClan patrol led by Tigerheart. Tigerheart is rude to them but escorts them to where they are going. Alderpaw talks with one of the ShadowClan apprentices, needlepaw, from the Gathering and starts to confide an odd dream he had when Leafpool cuts him off. Later, they go to the Moonpool where Leafpool officially introduces him to StarClan. Alderpaw dreams of Firestar, who shows him a vision of a group of cats. Alderpaw doesn't know the cats, but they are clearly doing a warrior ceremony. When he wakes up he is excited to have had a vision and wants to confide in the other medicine cats. But when no one else speaks up, stating they have had a vision he doubts himself and decides to keep his dream to himself for now.

Alderpaw is left in the medicine cat den while Jayfeather and Leafpool tend to other matters. Cherryfall comes in, her paw hurting again. Alderpaw checks it for infection then gives her more poultice for her paw. He feels proud of himself for knowing what to do, but when Jayfeather finds out he is angry. He reminds Alderpaw that he is just an apprentice and shouldn't do things like that without himself or Leafpool there. Then he sends Alderpaw to go check the elders for ticks. Only Sandstorm is there and she can see something is wrong. She convinces Alderpaw to open up to her. He tells her about the dream he had and Sandstorm becomes excited, as she recognizes the cats as being SkyClan cats. She tells Alderpaw to go tell Leafpool and Jayfeather about his vision. Alderpaw is worried they will be upset but instead they are pleased. Alderpaw is thrilled to have had his first vision - until Jayfeather tells him it is not his first, as Jayfeather saw him there when Firestar gave the vision to all of the medicine cats. Leafpool and Jayfeather go to tell Bramblestar about the vision.

While Jayfeather and Leafpool are with Bramblestar, Cherryfall goes to the medicine den as Sparkpaw is hurt. Worried and without thinking, Alderpaw leaves the camp with Cherryfall to see his sister. He realizes her leg is dislocated and instructs the other cats on how to help him. They are dubious but help and Alderpaw is able to fix his sister's leg, impressing everyone. Elated, Alderpaw races back to camp until he realizes he left without the permission of his mentors. When he gets there he sees Bramblestar looking for him and assumes he is in trouble. But the opposite is true. Bramblestar wants Alderpaw to go on a quest to find the cats from his vision. He tells Alderpaw all about SkyClan, but also warns him that he cannot tell anyone else the truth about their clan.

Bramblestar and Sandstorm argue about Alderpaw's quest. Sandstorm wants to go, Bramblestar forbids it as she is now an elder. In the end Sandstorm wins the argument, much to Squirrelflight's dismay. Bramblestar announces to the clan that Alderpaw is going on a quest and Sandstorm will be accompanying him. He looks for volunteers amongst the cats. Sparkpaw wishes to go so Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight discuss it among themselves. Bramblestar agrees, and assigns Cherryfall and Molewhisker to accompany them. The cats take their traveling herbs and leave. They pass WindClan territory unnoticed and actually leave the lake area. They make a good distance and stop to eat. While eating Alderpaw feels he is being watched, but he does not see or scent anything.

I wonder who is watching them? Because I do believe Alderpaw is correct. He doubts himself too much. I also worry Sandstorm will die on the journey. After all, she is an elder now.

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