Saturday, February 13, 2021

thunder and shadow: part four

On the way to the Gathering Sparkpelt fills Alderpaw in on all the ShadowClan/WindClan gossip. Alderpaw only half listens, worrying about how the clans will act at the Gathering that night. The cats settle in but ShadowClan is late. With his thoughts on Onestar refusing ShadowClan the herb, Alderpaw asks Leafpool if clans have really let cats die before and Leafpool sadly tells him yes. In the end the three leaders decide to start the meeting. Bramblestar says that since Rowanstar is not there he will tell some of Rowanstar's news. He informs everyone that Violetpaw has returned to ShadowClan. RiverClan is happy with this news but Onestar accuses her of being a rogue spy. Onestar then accuses ShadowClan of sending an invasion but ThunderClan speaks in their defense, stating that the cats were just there for an herb. ShadowClan arrives then, and Crowfrost takes Rowanstar's place. He tells them that Rowanstar is sick, as are many other clanmates, and Onestar has denied them the healing herb. Onestar stands by his refusal. Mothwing asks for permission to gather the herb and Onestar gives it to her - on the condition that it not be given to ShadowClan. Arguments break out but Onestar holds his ground. He will not surrender the herb unless ShadowClan drives away the rogues. The meeting breaks up. Alderpaw begs his father to help, but Bramblestar feels there is nothing he can do.

Twigpaw is thrilled. Bramblestar has given permission for her to go on a journey to find her mother. Ivypool and Fernsong will accompany her. Alderpaw asks for permission to go as well since he knows where the nest was. They make the journey and find the nest, and Twigpaw realizes Alderpaw did not steal her from her mother, that if Alderpaw left her and Violetpaw there they would have died. They return home and Twigpaw accepts that her mother is dead.

Violetpaw is half asleep in her nest when Twigpaw shows up. She wants to talk to her sister about their mother but Violetpaw is freaking out. ShadowClan has just started to accept her and Twigpaw's appearance can destroy that. She tries to get Twigpaw out of the camp before she is discovered but Twigpaw is so wrapped up in what she is trying to tell Violetpaw that she isn't paying attention. Dawnpelt discovers them and demands to know what is going on. Twigpaw explains that she wanted to tell Violetpaw that their mother is dead. Dawnpelt is confused as this isn't new news, but Violetpaw explains it is for Twigpaw as she had never accepted their mothers death. Violetpaw asks her mentor to let Twigpaw go as no one needs to know she was ever there. But before Dawnpelt can make a decision other cats wake up and discover her. Crowfrost lectures Twigpaw, telling her she must speak to her sister at a gathering or send a message through Bramblestar. He is about to let her go when Scorchfur suggests holding her hostage so ThunderClan will get the herb for them. Crowfrost agrees. At first Violetpaw is upset with the plan but Crowfrost assures that Twigpaw will be safe. Twigpaw is upset but Violetpaw is happy to have time with her sister.

Ivypool wakes Alderpaw, looking for Twigpaw. Everyone wonders where she is when Crowfrost shows up with some warriors. He explains that Twigpaw entered their camp in the middle of the night and she will stay as their guest until ThunderClan gets some lungwort herb, as the sickness is spreading and now Snakekit is ill. Everyone argues over what should happen next and Bramblestar orders the ShadowClan cats to be escorted back to the border while he decides what to do. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight decide that Leafpool and Alderpaw should approach WindClan and speak with Kestrelflight and try to reason with Onestar. They are worried Onestar won't listen but they feel they have no other option. Leafpool and Alderpaw enter WindClan territory, find a patrol, and ask to speak with Kestrelflight. They are brought to him and ask him for the herb but he feels he cannot go against his leader. They then appeal to Onestar, explaining that now a kit is sick, but he will not listen and stands by his decision. 

ShadowClan treats Twigpaw well. She is horrified by some of their behaviors - Birchpaw and Lionpaw get into a fight with claws unsheathed and none of the warriors seem to care - but tries to make herself useful. She helps Puddleshine tend to the sick cats since she is not allowed to leave the camp and she does have a basic knowledge of herbs. Violetpaw helps her and she feels relief as she was worried her sister was just as callous as the rest of ShadowClan. When Twigpaw and Violetpaw finally settle down for the night, exhausted, they promise that being sisters will always be more important than anything else including denmates and clanmates.

I understand ShadowClan's desperation, but I don't think ThunderClan will attack WindClan for the herb. ThunderClan and ShadowClan could form an alliance to fight the rogues, but I'm not sure ShadowClan would agree because they want their clanmates to return home. Meanwhile Onestar's hatred will kill ShadowClan if something doesn't change.

Meanwhile Violetpaw needs to make up her mind about Twigpaw. She's hot then she's cold. Now she's back to liking Twigpaw but how long will that last for?

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