Saturday, February 6, 2021

the apprentice's quest: part three

The cats travel more then stop to hunt as night approaches. Molewhisker tries to help Alderpaw hunt but it is a disaster again. After they eat Sandstorm tries to help them cross the thunderpath, but things are thrown out the monsters at them. terrified, the cats run away and hide, making a quick den for the night and sleeping. The next day they cross the thunderpath and Alderpaw no longer feels as if someone is watching them. They make good progress and start to make a camp for the night when Alderpaw and Sandstorm both hear something. Sandstorm goes to investigate when Sparkpaw sees a fox.

The fox attacks Sandstorm, so Alderpaw attacks the fox. He wonders why his clanmates are not helping him when he sees them fighting a second fox. Suddenly another cat comes to Alderpaw's rescue and they fight off the fox together. Everyone checks for injuries and the strange cat is revealed to be Needlepaw. The older ThunderClan cats are upset to find a ShadowClan apprentice off on her own, following them, but Needlepaw is unperturbed and defiant. She wishes to go along so the cats go off to the side so Alderpaw can check their wounds and they can discuss Needlepaw's involvement. In the end it is decided that Needlepaw can come along since she did help them and she could just ignore them and follow them anyway. Needlepaw is pleased to be included, and a bit arrogant about it. Alderpaw feels there is an air of loneliness about her.

The next day Alderpaw tends to everyone's wounds again. Then the cats go hunting. Needlepaw returns with a bunch of prey but Sparkpaw is outraged, as Needlepaw ate prey before bringing some back for the others. Exhausted, everyone goes right back to sleep. While sleeping, Alderpaw has another vision about SkyClan. They are calling out, begging someone to save them. Alderpaw tries to talk to them, to tell them they are coming, but the other cats don't hear him. He wakes up disturbed. He talks to his clanmates, telling them they need to leave immediately but they don't see any reason to rush. He finds Sandstorm and tells her he had another vision. Sandstorm understands his urgency and agrees they need to leave. He checks her wound and realizes it is beginning to show signs of an infection. He wants them to stay so she can rest but she refuses. As they leave to tell everyone to get ready Alderpaw realizes Nedlepaw was eavesdropping.  

They travel and Needlepaw tries to get information out of Alderpaw about the quest without any real success. They come to a fence around a farm and cannot find a way around it or under it. The decision is made to climb it. Everyone does well but Sandstorm, who falls and hurts herself on the way down. They make their way through the farm and Alderpaw can see Sandstorm is unwell. He wants to stop for the night but she insists they leave the farm first. They go over the fence again and Sandstorm does worse than before. Alderpaw insists they stop for the night so he can help Sandstorm, who is bleeding badly. They nest for the night and when they wake up Alderpaw can see that Sandstorm is even sicker. Everyone goes to look for herbs for him and Needlepaw brings Sandstorm some water. Sandstorm passes back out again.

Alderpaw dreams of Sandstorm, who is with StarClan now. Alderpaw feels he has failed Sandstorm, but she assures him this is the way it was meant to be and tells Alderpaw how to reach SkyClan. When Alderpaw wakes he hopes it was just a dream but he finds Sandstorm's lifeless body. Alderpaw's grief wakes the other cats and everyone mourns Sandstorm's passing, while wondering if they should continue the quest or turn back. After the vigil Molewhisker, Cherryfall, and Sparkpaw bury Sandstorm while Alderpaw wonders what to do and how to convince his clanmates to go on. Needlepaw confronts him and tells him he must tell the others the truth of the quest so they will follow him. At first he is upset with her advice but then he hears the wisdom of it. They go hunting together and he helps Needlepaw catch a rabbit. While he didn't catch the rabbit himself he is proud that he helped. They bring the prey back and after everyone has eaten he tells them the truth of his quest and SkyClan. Needlepaw is right and the cats unite behind him.

So Sandstorm did die... I thought she would at least make it to the SkyClan camp first and see her old friends. Hopefully Alderpaw is able to bring everyone there in time to help them. 

As for Needlepaw... she is a bit complex. She clearly is indifferent and even disrespectful at times to the warrior code and her clan, yet at the same time she does come through with wisdom and her own version of loyalty.

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