Thursday, February 11, 2021

thunder and shadow: part two

Violetkit is lost in her thoughts about the rogues when Needlepaw has her sneak out again. This time Sleekpaw is with Needlepaw. Sleekpaw is rude to her but Needlepaw sticks up for Violetkit. Violetkit thinks they are sneaking out to see Twigkit, which Sleekpaw mocks her for, but instead, much to Violetkit's shock and horror, they are meeting with the rogues. Viletkit is shocked by the things Needlepaw and Sleekpaw say about their clanmates, but she tries to stick up for them. However, Darktail works on her feelings of isolation and loneliness by pointing out ShadowClan doesn't really care about her.

Twigkit overhears some warriors talking about her and Violetkit, the prophecy, and how ordinary Twigkit is. Twigkit becomes upset, worrying that ThunderClan will kick her out if she isn't special. She goes to the medicine den to see Alderpaw but Jayfeather is grumpy she is there. She overhears Jayfeather mention they need to collect more watermint tomorrow. Deciding to prove to Jayfeather and all of the clan that she is special, she decides to sneak out and get the watermint herself. However, while trying to collect the watermint she falls off of a rock and almost drowns. While drowning she can hear her mothers voice speaking to her. Then, Sparkpaw rescues her. Back at the medicine den Alderpaw comforts her while Jayfeather tends to her. She confesses to Alderpaw that she was trying to collect watermint to prove she belonged in the clan. Alderpaw tells her she doesn't need to worry. Sparkpaw arrives and tells Alderpaw that because she rescued Violetkit she is going to have her warrior assessment.  

After Sparkpelt's warrior ceremony Jayfeather and Alderpaw go to the moonpool. Kestrelflight is accompanied by some warriors. He explains that since the rogue attack Onestar has been acting odd, making up new rules to keep the clan safe. Everyone is stressed out because there are so many new rules they cannot keep them straight - so they keep accidentally breaking them and getting in trouble. No one is allowed to leave the camp unaccompanied now, so Kestrelflight has a guard. Jayfeather grills Puddlepaw. He wants Puddlepaw to take over as soon as possible so Leafpool can return home. Leafpool comes to Puddlepaw's rescue and the cats settle down to talk to StarClan. But the next morning everyone wakens, and StarClan has spoken to none of them. Leafpool tells Alderpaw that she is worried about ShadowClan. She says the apprentices have no respect and the warriors cannot figure out how to make them obey the rules. She says they even talk about rejecting StarClan and Needlepaw has been sneaking Violetkit out of the camp. Alderpaw asks her why she cannot do anything and Leafpool points out she is a ThunderClan cat. Leafpool hopes that this is just a phase that the ShadowClan apprentices will outgrow and Alderpaw worried how Violetkit can become a true warrior in an environment like that.

Violetkit and Needlepaw return to camp and are caught by Tawnypelt. Needlepaw lies and says she was taking Violetkit hunting. Tawnypelt reaches her breaking point with Needlepaw and takes them to Rowanstar. But things only get worse from there as Needlepaw is rude and insolent to Rowanstar and the other apprentices take notice of her behavior. Eventually they start speaking up, much to the clan's shock. The apprentices start complaining about everything, including how weak and peace loving their clan now is. Their parents and mentors are horrified and Rowanstar decrees that clan rules have been ignored for two long. Needlepaw is told to care for the elders until further notice as punishment. Later, she convinces Violetkit to meet with Rain since she cannot and she is worried Rain will think she is no longer interested. She tells Violetkit that she will cover for her if she gets caught. Violetpaw sneaks out that night and finds the rouge camp on her own. An owl attacks her but Rain saves her. She passes on the message and Darktail insists she eats and rests before returning home. She wakes up the next morning, realizing she overslept. Darktail, Rain, and Roach take her back to camp, insisting on walking her in through the entrance. Violetkit knows she is in trouble now and hopes Needlepaw will speak up for her, but instead her friend makes a feeble excuse for why Violetkit is out of camp. The rogues arrival causes a continuation of the argument between the clan and the apprentices so the rogues leave.

Twigkit and Alderpaw sneak off to the ShadowClan border to meet up with Needlepaw and Violetkit. However, instead of their friends they run into a ShadowClan patrol with Tigerheart in it. He asks if Dovewing is there, which confuses Alderpaw. He seems disappointed when Alderpaw says no. Alderpaw explains away his and Twigkit's presence to the satisfaction of the warriors. Twigkit asks after her sister and Tigerheart assures her she is being taken care of, while also saying she and Needlepaw keep sneaking out together. The two cats return to their camp and the warriors go on their way.

For the record, I am upset to be correct about Needlepaw. And even worse she is taking along other apprentices and Violetkit. I don't see this going well. The apprentices will deflect. The question is will they leave? Or help the rogues attack? And will Needlepaw take Violetpaw with her? And Darktail had to know that escorting Violetkit into the camp would cause problems for everyone - including Violetkit. I wonder what his thought was. Gauging the clan's strength? Defense? Seeking out the mood to see if more cats are receptive to joining him? Just causing trouble? All or some of the above?

Also, I thought Dovewing was over Tigerheart. I mean, I know she is not because in Tawnypelt's story it is established that she left her clan for him, but I am surprised by the sudden interest the two of them are showing again.

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