Friday, January 29, 2021

shadowstar's life: part two

Shadowstar and Raven Pelt go to see Skystar to tell him about the territory they scouted out when they smell Quick Water. Shadowstar goes straight to the ThunderClan camp to confront Thunderstar. He refuses to kick Clear Water out and believes her over Shdaowstar. Shadowstar is furious and worries they may have to fight over this.

Shadowstar calls a gathering to tell everyone what Quick Water did. Riverstar believes Shadowstar must be mistaken. Thunderstar defends Quick Water and accuses Skystar of abandoning her. Skystar relents and tells Quick Water she can return. Windstar believes Shadowstar would not make a mistake about who tried to kill her. The gathering breaks up with the clans divided.

Everyone leaves and Shadowstar and Windstar talk in private. Shadowstar believes they must fight over this. She feels she cannot leave a murderer in the forest after she has lost her final life. The next day she goes around camp, making her final goodbyes without saying so. She tells Raven Pelt that he is ready to lead the clan if she dies. She settles down that night wondering if tomorrow will find her in StarClan.

The next day ShadowClan and WindClan go to SkyClan. Shadowstar has resolved to kill Quick Water. Thuderstar shows up with his cats to stop them and Skystar shows up with his. Skystar refuses to exile Quick Water and a fight breaks out. Shadowstar meets Quick Water on the battle field and Quick Water delivers a killing blow. Everyone looks on shocked as Shadowstar falls. Determined not to die yet, Shadowstar attacks Quick Water who collapses. As she lay dying, Quick Water confesses to her attempts on Shadowstar's life. She explains she was desperate to save SkyClan and begs everyone to forgive her. 

Shadowstar and Quick Water wake in StarClan. Quick Water is worried about her future but Shadowstar tells her she is forgiven. Sun Shadow and Gray Wing greet them. Gray Wing shows them the future - the destruction of SkyClan's land generations from now and SkyClan's exile. He tells them that eventually all of the clan cats will be driven from the forest. Then he shows them the lake, with all five clans together again around it.

This story was depressing. Quick Water resorting to murder in a misguided attempt to save SkyClan, the clans divided over the truth, Quick Water and Shadowstar killing each other in battle, then the depressing future revealed to the two dead cats... This story was just plain sad. At least Shadowstar was able to leave her clan in a better place with a good leader. 

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