Saturday, October 23, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 4

I read books! Okay, so it was mostly Sailor Moon so while the list is semi long it really isn't that impressive of a list. But, if you exclude Sailor Moon, it is more than 12 books. So, I guess there is that win.

We did return to the office for one day a week. This did not increase my reading time as much as I thought it would. The transition into the office via public transportation has actually been pretty stressful. Some days the bus is so packed there are no seats. And, I started getting into audio books - as in I FINALLY read (listened to) the entire Kane Chronicles!!! And since I ended up hooked on those I did that on the bus ride some days (but, this was kind of hard because the bus is loud). We also did not start a new Wheel of Time book. Between returning to work, trying to buy our house from our landlord, and now one of my twins (Vampire Kitten) has tested positive for covid... and my other two kids need to quarantine... while I am supposed to actually go to work... we have a lot going on. I am hoping to start the next Wheel of Time book soon, but even if we do I don't foresee finishing it by the end of the next 12 week block. 

Anyway, my books:

  1. Sailor Moon 1
  2. Sailor Moon 2
  3. Sailor Moon 3
  4. Sailor Moon 4
  5. Sailor Moon 5
  6. Sailor Moon 6
  7. Sailor Moon 7
  8. Sailor Moon 8
  9. Sailor Moon 9
  10. Sailor Moon 10
  11. Sailor Moon 11
  12. Sailor Moon 12
  13. Warriors: Tigerheart's Shadow
  14. The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom
  15. The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid
  16. The Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire
  17. The Kane Chronicles: The Serpent's Shadow
  18. The Green Witch
  19. Everyday Witch Book of Rituals
  20. Spellcraft for Teens
  21. The Book of Spells
  22. Witchcraft on a Shoestring
  23. The Wicca Spellbook
  24. Morgan Le Fay's Book of Spells and Wiccan Rites
  25. Pagan Rituals

Saturday, July 24, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 3

 So... I didn't make it to 12 books. 

I'm not quite sure what went wrong. I started these 12 weeks off strong, but somewhere along the way... I started feeling burned out... then I stopped reading... and things kind of fell apart... As a matter of fact, we didn't even crack open the new Wheel of Time. I guess I really just needed a break.

Plus I played both castles in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. That might have had something to do with it.

But, I did read 10 books! They are:

  1. Warriors: Crowfeather's Trail
  2. warriors: The Ultimate Guide
  3. Practical Prosperity Magick
  4. Little Guide to Protection Magic
  5. Warriors: Firestar's Quest
  6. Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery
  7. Norse Magic
  8. Warriors: Skyclan's Destiny
  9. FF Dot: The Pixel Art of Final Fantasy
  10. The Natural Psychic
So, I am bummed that I only read 10 books, but truth to tell... I am going to be returning to work soon. It is definitely happening. As of August, I will be reporting. No one knows how much - full time or part time - just that it is happening. 

I have a lot to do. I have to get back in the groove of actually reporting to work. My kids will (hopefully) be returning to school full time in the fall. Fingers crossed, no more hybrid schedule. I may or may not have a hybrid schedule when I return to work - but I will definitely be at work. All the sudden our life is changing drastically (back to what it used to be). Meal prep, meal plans, packing lunches, all major chores on the weekend - all of these things will go back to being our norm after not having to do them for over a year and a half. Family time will really just be on the weekend once again, thanks to everyone's busy schedule. Our life is suddenly shifting in a major way after a year and a half of having the freedom to sleep in and worry about things later. Plus, I've been a bit heavy into video games. After Castlevania the Final Fantasy book inspired me to play Final Fantasy 1 again. I haven't played this game since (I think) middle school! And I'm remembering that I love it!!! I'm actually thinking about making a series of posts about a walkthrough... something I have been considering for the video game The Legend of Dragoon, one of my all time favorite games. So my blog might be branching out even more in the future!

But, my reading should increase. I mean, my bus ride is 30-60 minutes to and from work each day. That is a LOT of reading time! You have seen my old lists - 20 books a month is nothing!

But for right now, as we spend the next month or two adapting, I foresee almost no reading. We shall have to see. For the moment I will aim for 12 books for my next goal. After all, I just bought the 12 Sailor Moon mangas to read and they are very easy! I am so excited!!! I've always wanted to read the entire series! I know Sailor Moon is kinda cheesy but I've always really enjoyed it. I'm hoping Sailor Moon Crystal will do the fifth arc since that was never officially released in the US.

Monday, May 3, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 2

This was a struggle. I almost didn't make it to 12 books - especially when I realized I had to bump the end date of these 12 weeks up by a week! 

So, I cheated.

When I first realized I was struggling - I had read 2 easy books in 4 weeks - I decided to "read" two reference books. You really can't read a reference book. You can, however, read the introduction, skim the couple sections you are curious about, and then move the book from your TBR pile to your Completed pile. 

Boom. 4 books in 4 weeks. 

Then it took me another 4 weeks to read 2 more easy books... So I knocked out 3 short graphic novels I was holding off on reading until I had read the 2 books that came before them.

Boom. 5 books in 4 weeks.

Yeah, those last weeks were a struggle. But I got it done just in time. The most frustrating part? They were all books that I really wanted to read and were deeply into, I just didn't *feel* like reading. But we did finish another Wheel of Time book. And, I decided to pull out my Ranger's Apprentice books (posts to follow soon) and start those up again. They are not as well written as I remember but I still enjoyed them.

So my 12 books? They are:

  1. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: Shattered Sky
  2. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: Darkest Night
  3. The Magic of Flowers
  4. The Magic of Trees
  5. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: River of Fire
  6. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: The Raging Storm
  7. Warriors SkyClan & The Stranger: The Rescue
  8. Warriors SkyClan & The Stranger: Beyond the Code
  9. Warriors SkyClan & The Stranger: After The Flood
  10. Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan
  11. Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge
  12. The Wheel of Time: Winter's Heart
  13. Warriors: Tales from the Clans
In the end, I got back in the swing of things in time for the 12 weeks ending. However, I am in no rush to increase my reading goal. I briefly considered decreasing it, but I am back in a reading mood again so I will see where these next 12 weeks will take me first.

Monday, March 8, 2021

darkest night: part two

Alderheart tries to eat but everything going on in the camp either annoys him or makes him sad that Twigpaw is gone. Hawkwing and Violetpaw arrive and Alderheart excitedly asks after Twigpaw. He is upset to learn she is still an apprentice. Hawkwing asks for help in finding their former clanmates. Bramblestar doesn't want to send a patrol but Hawkwing only wants one cat to led them to the gorge. Alderheart volunteers but is told no. Molewhisker offers his help and Alderheart is upset, as he knows Molewhisker doesn't want the SkyClan cats here. The SkyClan cats leave and Alderheart wonders how happy Twigpaw can be as a SkyClan apprentice. Later he and the medicine cats go to the moonpool. RiverClan never shows. Puddleshine says SkyClan needs help and he is needed in his clan. Alderheart volunteers but Jayfeather tells him no. It is decided Leafpool will go. The cats dream of StarClan and Alderheart sees both Purdy and Echosong among their ranks. Leafpool is thrilled to see Hollyleaf. Echosong gives them a new prophecy and the cats wake up. Alderheart wonders where Needletail is as she wasn't amongst StarClan's ranks.

Violetpaw, Hawkwing, Blossomheart, Rabbitleap, and Molewhisker go on their journey. They travel for days and one night while sleeping Violetpaw has another nightmare about Needletail. Unable to fall back asleep she leaves their shelter. While wandering the trees she sees Needletail. She runs to her friend, only to discover she is dead with no stars in her pelt and worries that Needletail is in the Dark Forest now. Needletail will not tell her why she is there, then walks away then disappears. Violetpaw cannot find her way back to their camp. She decides to settle down for the remained of the night where she is when Hawkwing finds her and brings her back to their nest. 

Twigpaw helps Dewpaw and Reedpaw work on the nests. Dewpaw is worried about Finpaw and how depressed he is. He says Finpaw will not see him, and suggests Twigpaw try. When they are done Twigpaw enters the medicine den. Leafpool isn't there and Finpaw doesn't want to see her. She tells Finpaw how upset she feels for what happened. Finpaw opens up and the two cats hang out for a bit. Leafpool arrives and changes Finpaw's bandages. Twigpaw realizes how happy she is to have found Finpaw and hopes he feels the same.

The medicine cats have a meeting to discuss the prophecy and how their leaders are reacting to it. Leafpool never shows and they wants Leafstar's opinion so they go to the SkyClan camp. While there Alderheart gets to see Twigpaw but she is distracted by Finpaw. He is sad that she is settling in so well and secretly wishes she misses ThunderClan. The medicine cats leave, leaving Leafpool behind, and go to RiverClan where they run into a patrol. However, the patrol will not let them pass and is openly hostile, refusing to let them see Mistystar, Mothwing, or Willowshine. Alderheart is shocked as at the gathering Mistystar said the borders were closed, but cats were still allowed to bring important information. Unable to convince the warriors to let them pass they leave. Alderheart is worried that none of the clan leaders care about the prophecy. Rowanstar and Harestar's response to the prophecy is to do extra border patrols, Bramblestar is indifferent until he gets more information, Leafstar is more worried about setting up a camp, and they cannot even get to Mistystar to tell her about the prophecy. 

Hawkwing has taken the lead from Molewhisker as he recognizes the territory. He brings everyone to see a loner named Barley who lives in a barn. They discover Cherrytail (Hawkwing and Blossomheart's mother) and Cloudmist (their sister). Violetpaw feels overwhelmed to have so much kin now. The cats catch up but Cherrytail doesn't want to leave. They decide to spend the night then head to the gorge, stopping back on the way to the lake to get Cherrytail's decision. 

Twigpaw really is settling into SkyClan! Maybe she did make the right decision after all.

As for Mistystar, I am surprised. I was surprised when Mothwing and Willowshine didn't appear for the meeting, but I'm even more surprised by the refusal to let the medicine cats cross the border. Even Onestar did not go to that extreme.

I am glad Purdy is in StarClan where he belongs, but Needletail clearly is not. I hope she is not in the Dark Forest like Violetpaw worries. And why did she visit Violetpaw just to refuse to tell her why? And lead her away from the SkyClan cats and get her lost for no apparent reason?

Sunday, March 7, 2021

darkest night: part one

A tom anticipates the coming change of seasons when he sees fur flash. He calls out to the cat and recognizes Needletail. He is happy to see her as it has been a while. He greets her and realizes she is sad. She tells him that she trusted the wrong cat and needs help making it right again. As the tom talks to her, he realizes Needletail is dead.

Twigpaw is out hunting with her clanmates. She listens as they argue over SkyClan. She realizes some cats are upset she has brought SkyClan to the lake. They feel there isn't enough room for a fifth clan. The argument drags in more cats when they return to the camp. Upset with what some of the cats are saying, Twigpaw leaves them. Ivypool follows her and the two cats make up. Ivypool admits she was just worried about Dovewing and Tigerheart and that she why she argued against looking for SkyClan. A new argument breaks out when Owlnose accuses ThunderClan of not feeding Mosspelt, a RiverClan elder. While most of the RiverClan cats have returned to their camp the badly wounded and elders are still with ThunderClan. Twigpaw is confused as Mosspelt had been sleeping and there is still plenty of prey. Mistystar arrives and puts an end to the argument. She thanks Bramblestar for his hospitality but says it is time for all of the RiverClan cats to leave. The leaders part peacefully. 

Alderheart tends to Tinycloud, the SkyClan queen, and tells her that her litter will be the first SkyClan kits born beside the lake. When they leave Leafpool tells him he should not have said that as not every cat believes SkyClan belongs here, and if SkyClan were to stay it means someone must sacrifice land. Alderheart is upset by her words, and becomes even more so when he realizes Sparkpelt feels this way. When he confronts Sparkpelt she tells him that StarClan only wanted SkyClan found and that they said nothing about SkyClan moving to the lake. She feels that SkyClan should return to the gorge. At the gathering Alderheart realizes there is still much hostility between the clans. The leaders take their places but Leafstar and the rest of the SkyClan cats sit with ThunderClan. Arguing breaks out and some cats feel Rowanstar should step down as clan leader. Things calm down, then Mistystar announces that RiverClan will not be coming to gatherings for a while and RiverClan's borders are closed. She then takes her cats and leaves. When Bramblestar points out they still need to discuss SkyClan she tells them to make the decision without her. Leafstar takes her place beside the other leaders and the debate begins. Sparkpelt says whatshe believes and Tigerheart counters her, suggesting to Rowanstar they should sacrifice some of their land. Rowanstar follows the advice of his deputy and land is set aside by the ThunderClan border. The next day SkyClan prepares to leave and Twigpaw has her assessment, which she passes. But before she can be given her warrior name she tells Bramblestar she wishes to join SkyClan.

Violetpaw dreams of Needletail, who is furious with her. Hawkwing wakes her from her dream and she settles back to sleep. The next day she worries about her dream while trying to settle into her new clan, as she has officially left ShadowClan. She worries about Hawkwing's relationship with Twigpaw and her own place with her kin. Hawkwing tells them of their mother, who is just like Twigpaw, making Violetpaw feel more despondent. But then Hawkwing tells Violetpaw she is just like him, making her feel wanted and accepted for the first time in her life. 

Twigpaw is off with some of the other apprentices gathering twigs for building the camp. She is struggling with fitting in and feels like an outsider. She misses the cats of ThunderClan and the new territory is strange to her - and it doesn't help that Hawkwing and Violetpaw are so alike. As she spends time with the other apprentices she realizes they are more alike than she thought and she starts to open up. On the way back to camp a branch cracks and falls. She grabs Finpaw to save him and the branch lands on his tail. She sends Dewpaw to the camp to get help while she races off to ShadowClan to get Puddleshine. When they return the warriors were unable to move the branch and Puddleshine worries that Finpaw will die from shock, so he decides to cut Finpaw's tail in half. Hawkwing takes Twigpaw away so she doesn't have to see. He brings her back to her nest to sleep. As she dozes off she listens as Hawkwing and Leafstar decide to send a patrol to find missing clanmates.

I can't help but feel Twigpaw should have stayed in ThunderClan. I hope she finds happiness with SkyClan. It is different for Violetpaw, who is a bit needier and who was never wanted in ShadowClan. Twigpaw was loved and welcomed in ThunderClan. She must miss that. However, she is starting to make friends outside of her sister, so that is good. I see Violetpaw being very happy here with her father. Twigpaw, we will have to see. And I am glad space was made for SkyClan, but I am worried about RiverClan closing their borders. 

As for Needletail, who was she meeting with? Why is Violetpaw having a nightmare about her? Is it just a nightmare, or is it a vision? Why would Needletail be hostile if it was a vision? She knew she was sacrificing her life so Violetpaw could escape. I would like to think Needletail is with StarClan now but I doubt it. I don't think she deserves the Dark Forest, though. In the end she chose the right path. But she had rejected StarClan and I don't see her walking with them after everything she did. Is there an in-between place for the clan cats?

Friday, March 5, 2021

shattered sky: part five

Violetpaw, Twigpaw, and the four deputies are sent to WindClan to tell Onestar everything that has happened. The hope is he will listen to the deputies report since they are not clan leaders. But when the party arrives on WindClan land they can hear a fight at the camp. They race there to find Darktail and his rogues fighting the WindClan cats and quickly join in the fight. Darktail and Onestar are fighting and the rogue calls a stop to the fight to publicly taunt Onestar, causing everyone to realize he knows the WindClan leader personally. Onestar tries to act like Darktail is lying but everyone realizes something is going on between the two cats. The fight breaks out again but Darktail quickly calls a retreat. Onestar announces he needs to tell everyone something, but he will wait for the other clan leaders to arrive. Squirrelflight gets Bramblestar, Rowanstar, and Leafstar while Tigerheart gets Mistystar. Onestar confesses to everyone that when he was a young, ordinary warrior he liked to show off to some kittypets claiming he was a great warrior and clan life was perfect. One of the kittypets, Smoke, he had an affair with. One day she came to the moor, pregnant with his kits, wishing to join the clan. Onestar was horrified at the thought of confessing this to Tallstar and he knew clan life was not the perfect scene he had told her it was, so he sent her away. She had her kits on the way back. Alone and with no help only one kit survived. Later, when the kit was older, she tried to give him to Onestar again, but he again turned her away. Furious and hurt, Smoke told Onestar she would raise their son to hate the clans. That kit would grow up to be Darktail. Darktail never found WindClan, but he did find SkyClan so he took his rage out on them. He later followed the ThunderClan patrol home so he could destroy the four clans. During the battle on ShadowClan territory Darktail taunted Onestar, telling him that if he killed his son he would go to the Dark Forest. Terrified, as he is on his last life, Onestar called a retreat. Onestar now agrees to help the clans destroy Darktail once and for all.  

Alderheart and the other medicine cats go to the moonpool. StarClan tells them in order to defeat Darktail they must remember their names. Back at the ThunderClan camp everyoen is getting ready for the upcoming battle but Alderheart is worried as he doesn't understand what StarClan meant. Twigpaw and Violetpaw are talking about the upcoming fight and Violetpaw makes a comment is about Darktail having a thing for water. This gives Whitewing an idea and she races to the clan leaders. Hawkwing tells his daughter that SkyClans specialty is attacking from tree limbs. Suddenly Alderheart realizes what StarClan meant and he runs to the other medicine cats.   

Twigpaw enters ShadowClan territory with everyone. Hawkwing asks his daughters if they want to fight from the trees with him. Violetpaw declines but Twigpaw takes him up on his offer. The fight breaks out with every clan playing their strength. Eventually the rouges are driven to the water where RiverClan attacks them. The fight comes down to Onestar and Darktail, eventually causing them both to drown.

Back at the ThunderClan camp, Violetpaw tells Zelda and Loki goodbye. ShadowClan leaves next and Rowanstar gives Violetpaw permission to stay behind for a bit. SkyClan will be staying with ThunderClan until they find their own territory. Tigerheart and Dovewing are off to the side when Rowanstar snaps at Tigerheart to go with his clan. Hawkwing tells his daughters that he wants them to go with SkyClan but they don't have to decide right away. Now that Needletail is gone, Violetpaw considers going with her father but she worries Rowanstar might not let her leave. Violetpaw hopes the future will be fine,but she can sense change coming.

So, Onestar's actions now make sense. I did think that Darktail might be the son of a leader, but I assumed Brokenstar or Tigerstar - I never would have guessed Onestar.

Now that Darktail has been defeated I am left wondering what the next three books will be about. How does Rowanstar end up with SkyClan? When do Tigerheart and Dovewing run away? I assumed all of this happened with the search for SkyClan, but apparently not. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

shattered sky: part four

Twigpaw wanders, completely lost. The twolegs had taken her and for a while she was sick. As soon as she was able, she ran away. But she doesn't know where she is. Exhausted and hungry, she falls asleep. While she sleeps she dreams of a cat who tells her they are running out of time, and she must follow the blood trail in the sky. Hopeful that it is a vision and not a dream, she wakes up and follows the trail in the sky. It leads to a cliff and she despairs - until she sees cats in the distance. She rushes to them, asking if they are SkyClan, telling them she is from ThunderClan and she is there to find them. She sees the cat that looks like herself and Violetpaw. He is Hawkwing, the SkyClan deputy, and she finds out he is her father. She tells the cats about Darktail worrying that they won't come, but they resolve to come and help the clans. It takes her days and some guesswork, but she is able to lead them to the lake.

Violetpaw puts the poppy seeds into the prey, then gives it to Darktail and his favorite followers. She worries Sleekwhisker saw what she did, but she is committed and has no choice but to hope the plan works. That night she goes to check on Darktail, to make sure he is asleep, but Sleekwhisker is waiting in ambush for her. Darktail arrives and tells her Sleekwhisker saw what she did and Puddleshine told him it was poppy seeds and that they make cats sleep. Violetpaw denies doing anything but Darktail is determined to punish her. He gets Needletail and starts to drown her, forcing Violetpaw to confess to giving them the poppy seeds so she could break out the prisoners. Darktail tells Needletail she can prove her loyalty by killing Violetpaw. Needletail agrees, but instead she attacks the rouges and yells at Violetpaw to run away. Violetpaw flees, with Raven in pursuit, knowing she has left her best friend to die.

Alderheart waits at the ShadowClan/RiverClan border with the warriors from the three clans. They are waiting to go and free the prisoners. They hear fighting break out in the rogue camp and realize something must have gone wrong. Bramblestar gives the order to attack and the cats invade. Alderheart gets there and realizes the prisoners and some of the rogue ShadowClan cats are fighting the rogues. With reinforcements from the three clans the rogues are quickly overrun so Darktail calls a retreat. Alderheart treats the wounded while worrying about Violetpaw and Needletail. The prisoners tell him that both cats were in trouble with Darktail and he dragged them off, but they don't know what happened after that. Most of the ShadowClan warriors return to Rowanstar, and Zelda and Loki ask to stay until Darktail is defeated. While the RiverClan territory is won, everyone returns to the ThunderClan territory because that is where the medicine cats are and the RiverClan territory is a wreck and needs to be cleaned up and rebuilt. When they get back to the ThunderClan camp Alderheart realizes Twigpaw has returned - with SkyClan. Alderheart has to break the news to Twigpaw that he doesn't know what has happened to Violetpaw. While everyone is happy SkyClan has been found the question becomes what to do with these extra cats since all of the lake territory has been claimed. Jayfeather says the medicine cats need to commune with StarClan, so they all go to the moonpool. They meet with StarClan who, tells them all the clans must be united, not just four of them.

Twigpaw is resting with Hawkwing when Violetpaw comes into camp. The sisters make up and Violetpaw gets to meet her father. Hawkwing wants his daughters to join SkyClan. Alderheart overhears him and tells him that his daughters already have loyalty to other clans. Alderheart takes Violetpaw away to care for her wounds an Twigpaw is left with the realization that she doesn't know what she wants. The four leaders announce their resolution to unite and defeat Darktail for good and Alderheart tells them they need WindClan.

I wonder what Twigpaw and Violetpaw will choose? Twigpaw might wish to stay with ThunderClan, but I could see Violetpaw leaving ShadowClan. She never really felt welcomed there and she did betray Rowanstar for Needletail in the end. And she is so desperate for kin, I could see her choosing her father over everyone else. 

I'm a little confused with how the story will progress. This is the problem with accidentally reading ahead. In Tawnypelt's story she talks about Rowanstar living in SkyClan in exile and giving up his nine lives to be a regular warrior. I always assumed that Rowanstar found SkyClan and lived with them. But SkyClan is here now. Maybe it wasn't that SkyClan was in exile, but that Rowanstar was in exile. But somehow Dovewing has to go away with Tigerheart and have kits. If they defeat Darktail in this book I'm not sure how the story will progress.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

shattered sky: part three

Alderheart and Mothwing sneak away under the guise to see if they can collect Mothwing's herbs from the RiverClan camp, but in actuality they want to find out about the RiverClan prisoners. Mistystar had already led an unsuccessful raid to take back the clan territory and Darktail told her if she ever did that again he would kill his prisoners. They run into a WindClan patrol that is hostile, but lets them pass. They discuss Dawnpelt. Strikestone and Juniperclaw arrived in camp. Dawnpelt was supposed to follow but never did. They meet a rogue patrol that consists of Needletail, Raven, and Violetpaw. Needletail agrees to let them collect the herbs so long as they give Puddleshine a lesson in the herbs he doesn't know yet. Alderheart is confused since Puddleshine knows his herbs, but they agree. Violetpaw quiestly asks him about Twigpaw. Unsure what to say Alderheart lies and tells her that her sister is doing fine. When they reach Puddleshine he is confused at first with Mothwing's offer for lessons, but he catches on quick. Alderheart can tell Needletail is really upset, despite her insistence that everything is fine. She asks after Dawnpelt and Alderheart tells her she never showed in the ThunderClan camp. Needletail looks both terrified and like she has finally figured something out.

Violetpaw is eating with Loki and Zelda. The two kittypets have come to realize they will never be allowed to leave. Beeryheart and Beenose have also left the camp, but when Violetpaw tries to ask Needletail about it her friend changed the subject. Darktail has the prisoners brought before them so they can swear the oath. So far they all have except for Reedwhisker. Violetpaw holds out hope that the RiverClan deputy will still refuse, but he finally breaks and makes the oath. Darktail then corners Violetpaw and makes her tell him about the herbs. However, he doesn't blame Violetpaw for the loss of the herbs, but Needletail. He confronts Needletail, telling her if she wants she can leave like Dawnpelt. Violetpaw sees the terror in her friend's eyes and realizes Dawnpelt isn't at the ThunderClan camp because she is dead. Darktail orders Needletail placed with the RiverClan prisoners until she proves her loyalty, then sets off to punish Puddleshine.

Alderheart cares for Stormcloud, who is depressed. The ThunderClan camp is overflowing with cats now that some ShadowClan cats are leaving Darktail and RiverClan has arrived. There is no room in the camp, resources are stretched thin with all the wounded, and everyone is worried the clans are being destroyed. The patrol returns with news that they believe Twigpaw is dead. They found her blood and fur next to the thunderpath where her scent trail ended, but there was no sign of her body. The clans sit vigil for her, believing her to be dead. The next day a ThunderClan patrol was driven away by the rogues when they were doing a border patrol. The rogues taunted ThunderClan, saying they were next. Everyone argues over what to do. Some cats want to attack, Mistystar wants her cats to continue healing, other cats wants to purse the prophecy, Sparkpelt offers the idea of rescuing cats from the rogues. Bramblestar decrees everyone should sleep on these ideas. Alderheart and the other medicine cats go to the moonpool for the medicine cat meeting. Mothwing asks Alderheart if Needletail will help them but he isn't sure. Neither Puddleshine or Kestrelflight appears. Everyone shares dreams with StarClan. Alderheart sees SkyClan, no longer in the barn. He searches for Twigpaw among them but she isn't there, forcing him to accept her probable death.

Violetpaw is eating when Scorchfur challenges how Darktail is treating the prisoners. Violetpaw silently begs him not to, as Snowbird has just given birth to a litter with him. He backs down under Darktail's threatening gaze. Darktail punishes Scorchfur by making him clean up after the prisoners, his favorite form of punishment. Violetpaw sneaks away with some prey and convinces the prisoner's guards, Yarrowleaf and Zelda, to go get something to eat. She then gives the prey to Needletail. Needletail, however, gives it away to the RiverClan cats. This selfless act shocks Violetpaw and she wonders if her friend is finally changing. The guards return and Zleda quietly confesses to Violetpaw that she wants to go home, but is afraid Darktail won't let her. Violetpaw wishes she could trust Zelda, but she cannot risk it. Darktail sends her hunting a Violetpaw sees her chance. She sneaks away to ThunderClan, finds a patrol, and goes to their camp. Alderheart confides in her that they want to rescue the prisoners. They hatch and plan and before she returns to the rogue camp Alderheart tells her that her sister is dead ad she might have kin in SkyClan. Violetpaw holds out hope that Twigpaw will return. That night she sneaks away to see Needletail and tell her the plan.

Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Lionblaze, and Ivypool wait between the ShadowClan and RiverClan border. Violetpaw arrives with the ShadowClan elders then leaves. After a short rest and some food the ThunderClan cats lead the elders away. They almost run into a patrol but the warriors attack them, giving Alderheart and the elders a chance to escape. The warriors return safely, reporting that they told the rogues they accidentally crossed the border and the rogues accepted that explanation. A few nights later Violetpaw sneaks out Snowbird and her kits. A clans meeting is called to discuss how to get the prisoners away and Snowbird says Darktail needs to be incapacitated. Alderheart and Mothwing meet with Violetpaw and give her poppy seeds to make the rogues sleep.

I'm glad Violetpaw is finally waking up and taking a stand. Hopefully she is done switching sides. Needletail too, in her own way. She had to know giving the herbs to Mothwing would get her in trouble. And she gave away the prey Violetpaw brought her to the RiverClan cats.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

shattered sky: part two

Twigpaw is still upset over her sister attacking her when Bramblestar calls a clan meeting to discuss Alderheart's latest vision. Alderheart believes it is SkyClan and potentially Twigpaw's kin. Twigpaw is thrilled that she might have other kin, but she is upset with how every cat is treating this vision. No one wants to help SkyClan right now as ThunderClan has too many problems of their own. Even Ivypool, her mentor, doesn't want to find out if the cats are Twigpaw's kin. Twigpaw speaks up, asking if she has the right to answers. Lilyheart, her foster mother, tries to comfort her and explain that while she does deserve answers the clan must come first. The meeting breaks up and Ivypool tries to talk to Twigpaw but she turns away feeling betrayed by Violetpaw, Ivypool, and Lilyheart.

While out hunting, Needletail grills Violetpaw for the details of Rain's death. Needletail is worried Darktail might see her as a traitor now. They collect their prey and head back to camp. They get there to find some of the rogues escorting in three kittypets named Max, Zelda, and Loki. Violetpaw is shocked to see Darktail greet the kittypets warmly and knows he must be up to something. Darktail insists they are guests and has them take a blood oath of loyalty. Then he assigns a cat to escort each of them around, assigning Violetpaw and Zelda together. That evening the kittypets are ready to leave after a day of fun with the "wild" cats and Violetpaw is relieved since she doesn't want them caught up in Darktail's schemes. But Darktail overhears them and pressures them into staying longer.

Alderpaw goes to check on Twigpaw and discovers she has placed moss and leaves in her nest to make it look like she was sleeping. He rushes around the camp, looking for her. Unable to find her anywhere, and knowing she must have left to find SkyClan, he heads to Bramblestar. But before he can reach his leader Purdy collapses and while he tries to help the elder, Purdy dies. The cats sit vigil around his body and Alderheart worries that Purdy will not be allowed to join StarClan since he was not a warrior, but Bramblestar assures him that is not the case. Then Alderheart tells his father that Twigpaw is missing. Bramblestar asks for volunteers and Dovewing and Tigerheart step forward. Molewhisker is asked to go with them since he knows where the barn is.

Twigpaw heads towards the thunderpath when some dogs chase her. She climbs up a tree to get away from them. While in the tree she decides to climb higher to see if she can see the barn. Unable to see the barn she tries to head back down, but gets dizzy and falls from the tree onto the thunderpath, and in the path of a monster. She blacks out.

Violetpaw tries to sleep beside Needletail, who cries in her sleep because she is brokenhearted over Rain, and Zelda, who Darktail won't let leave. She finally dozes off but Dawnpelt wakes her. The ShadowClan cat wants to leave. She has already sent two of her kits, Juiperclaw and Strikestone, ahead. Her other kit, Sleekwhisker, she hasn't invited along because she is too loyal to Darktail. Violetpaw is puzzled why Dawnpelt feels the need to sneak around, when Darktail has let other ShadowClan cats leave, like Lioneye, but Dawnpelt doesn't trust Darktail. Violetpaw wants to go with her but feels she cannot as she has destroyed her relationship with Twigpaw and she cannot abandon Needletail. Dawnpelt leaves her and Violetpaw hears Darktail confront her former mentor. She worries while they argue, but then Darktail tells Dawnpelt she can leave so Violetpaw goes back to sleep. The next day Darktail leads everyone to the RiverClan border. He has the kittypets and elder attack the RiverClan cats. The attack is weak and the RiverClan cats are confused. During the confusion Darktail orders his warriors to attack. Violetpaw doesn't want to fight and hovers on the edge, but then she realizes Max has been killed. Upset, she throws herself into the fight and the Kin wins. Darktail lets the RiverClan warriors leave but demands they leave their seriously wounded behind. Mistystar doesn't want to, but RiverClan is badly defeated and they are in no position to fight Darktail over prisoners. Reedwhisker, the deputy, tells Mistystar to leave them. She then wants to take their dead for proper burial, but Darktail denies her this as well. Violetpaw watches as the RiverClan cats leave their home and head through ShadowClan towards ThunderClan.

I already know from Tawnypelt's story that Dawnpelt is dead by Darktail's paws, but I don't know when. I am willing to bet this is it, and that the other ShadowClan cats, like Lioneye, who openly left are also dead. She was probably right to send her two kits on ahead.

As for Purdy, I never really cared for his scatterbrained character but I am sad to see him go. He did become a fixture in the camp. But he should have died long ago, so it is not too surprising. He was an elder when Firestar and Graystripe were middle aged.

And I understand that Violetpaw is upset that Max died - especially because he is just a kittypet and not a warrior - but while RiverClan might have killed him it is Dartkstripe who sent him to his death. An untrained kittypet verses a seasoned RiverClan warrior is not a fair fight, and it could have even been an accident that killed Max. Though it probably was a death blow. Clan cats are allowed to kill rogues. The kittypets should never have been in that fight.

Monday, March 1, 2021

shattered sky: part one

Alderheart dreams of SkyClan. Many of the cats have found their way to each other now, but they are still ragged and lost. Alderheart watches, unable to help, as their medicine cat, Echosong, dies.

The four clans have gathered at the ShadowClan border and Twigpaw waits for the battle to start. The cats start to sneak in but a passing patrol of rogues spots them and raises the alarm. The rogues arrive and the fight starts. Twigpaw joins in the battle and at first everything is going fine. She sees Onestar and Darktail fighting. Onestar's fury makes it seem as if he is winning the fight, but suddenly Darktail whispers something to Onestar. Onestar looks horrified at what Darktail has said and calls a retreat for his clan. Everyone is shocked as he and his warriors leave a war they were clearly winning. The tides turn and they start to lose. Things get complicated further when Tigerheart prevents Twigpaw from attacking a former ShadowClan cat, Yarrowleaf. Mistystar falls under a bunch of rogues and RiverClan rush to save her. Twigpaw finds herself facing Violetpaw. She hesitates and Needletail and Rain goad Violetpaw into attacking. Twigpaw gets injured dodging her sister's attack. Lionblaze saves Twigpaw but she doesn't care as her sister just tried to kill her.

Alderheart and the other medicine cats tend to the wounded after the battle. On the way to the Gathering Purdy complains of his stomach hurting and asks Alderheart for help. Alderheart tells him to see Leafpool as she is staying behind with the wounded, but Purdy doesn't want to bother her when so many cats are seriously injured. They reach the gathering and everyone is furious with Onestar, whose cats are barely injured. Onestar seems indifferent to how his retreat hurt the other clans. Mistystar threatens to close her border. An argument breaks out over the prophecy. Clouds cover the moon and Bramblestar calls the gathering to an end. On the walk back Alderheart convinces his father to finally tell the other leaders about SkyClan. The next day Bramblestar tells everyone at the ThunderClan camp, then the RiverClan camp. He tries to approach the WindClan camp but a patrol led by Crowfeather stops them. Another patrol, led by Gorsetail comes by and lets them pass against Crowfeather's objections. Onestar is angry they are there, but he listens. He becomes horrified by Alderheart's story, but then quickly becomes angry again, throwing them off of his land and forbidding them from ever returning. The ThunderClan cats are shocked, and Alderheart is convinced Onestar is hiding something.

Violetpaw cares for the elders until Needletail catches her and tells her to stop. Violetpaw confesses her worries for Twigpaw to Needletail. Needletail assures her Twigpaw should be fine by now and reminds her she is loyal to the Kin now. Violetpaw takes a mouse to Puddleshine, who is caring for a badly injured Darktail. Rain comes in to give a report and they talk about the loyalty of the ShadowClan cats. Rain feels Dawnpelt needs to be watched and Violetpaw worries they talk about her that way. Puddleshine leaves to care for the rest of the wounded and Rain offers to stay and watch over Darktail. Violetpaw leaves the medicine den then decides to bring prey to Darktail. She catches Rain smothering Darktail. After Rain has killed him he realizes Violetpaw saw everything and walks towards her. But Darktail is not dead. A horrified Violetpaw watches as Darktail leaps up and kills Rain.

Alderheart tends to Twigpaw, who is still recovering from her injury and is deeply depressed. He leaves the medicine den to get some sleep and passes Purdy, offering to get him something for his stomach. Purdy turns him down. An argument breaks out between Bramblestar and Rowanstar, which everyone is clearly eavesdropping on. Alderheart notices Ivypool glaring at Dovewing and Tigerheart, who are sitting together. Alderheart goes to sleep and dreams of SkyClan. He realizes they are in the twoleg barn that he and Needletail slept in when they were returning from the gorge. And, he also believes one of the male cat looks just like Tigpaw and Violetpaw.

Clearly this is how Dovewing ends up leaving her clan. She and Tigerheart seem inseparable since he has come to camp, and Ivypool realizes it.

And what is up with Onestar? Did Darktail offer to leave WindClan alone if Onestar called a retreat? Onestar cannot possible be foolish enough to believe that. Or did something else happen the first time Darktail and Onestar clashed? Something that Darktail is now holding over the WindClan leader? 

As for Violetpaw, she frustrates me the most! She knows Darktail is evil but yet she stays. I know she feels loyalty to Needletail, but how can that outweigh everything else?

Saturday, February 27, 2021

cloudstar's journey: part two

Cloudstar stands with the other leaders on the Great Rock. He lies, and tells them things are going great in his clan. He says the twolegs and their monsters are on the edge of his territory, but they will leave. As the gathering breaks up Fawnstep tells him that the other medicine cats have had visions of SkyClan's destruction. 

Cloudstar lay with the elder Petalfall, who is dying. He leaves to go survey the damage that the twolegs have done, only to discover they are building nests. He returns to camp to find out Petalfall has died while he was gone. Later on Buzzardtail sends out a hunting patrol near the twoleg border. Oakpaw fell into a hole while chasing a squirrel. Cloudstar tells Buzzardtail they must not risk hunting there anymore as it is no longer safe for the SkyClan cats. 

Cloudstar has Buzzardtail focus on fighting instead of hunting. He has decided they must take the territory back from ThunderClan or they will all starve to death. After a day spent training they attack ThunderClan, but they are so weak from hunger that ThunderClan easily overpowers them. Cloudstar is forced to call a retreat.

Back at camp Cloudstar tells his warriors that ThunderClan wanted the land more than they did and next time they must try harder. He feels guilty for laying the blame on his starving clan, but he hopes that by doing this next time they will win. That night while he sleeps Fawnstep wakes him. She has had a dream that at the next gathering their territory will be completely destroyed and the other clans will drive them from the forest.

Birdflight gives birth to their kits. Cloudstar feels this should be the happiest day of his life, but it is not. Their territory is completely destroyed. All that is left is their camp. He dreams of StarClan but no cat will speak to him. He takes his entire clan to the next Gathering, to the shock of everyone as even kits and sickly elders show up. He begs the leaders for territory but they turn him away. Redstar and Swiftstar (the WindClan leader) tell them to leave, and even Molepelt (ShadowClan's medicine cat) sides with them. Other medicine cats speak out against this, but since the leaders will not change their stance Cloudstar has no choice. Birdflight tells Cloudstar that their kits will not make the journey. Cloudstar feels despair as Kestrelwing, the ThunderClan medicine cat, says his clan will take them. Cloudstar realizes that if he wasn't the leader he could abandon his clan to be with Birdflight as loners. Having lost his home, his mate, and his kits Cloudstar leads the remained of his clan away. Redstar calls out for StarClan to go with them, but Cloudstar feels StarClan and the warrior code has betrayed them, and vows his cats will have nothing to do with StarClan anymore.

Even though I knew how this story would end it was still so sad. Cloudstar lost everything, even his faith in the warrior code and StarClan. The only thing he has left is being leader of a dying clan. Reading his story it is easy to see why the other clans were ashamed of their part in this story and chose to pretend that SkyClan never existed. 

I feel like I already read this story, but the other stories were not familiar to me. I did find an excerpt from it in Battles of the Clans, so maybe it is that. But I wonder if maybe when I bought the book over a year ago if I skimmed the ending. Short of rereading the field guides I guess I won't know.

Friday, February 26, 2021

cloudstar's journey: part one

Cloudstar and Buzzardtail, his deputy, are out patrolling the SkyClan/ThunderClan border. Seedpelt, ThunderClan's deputy, catches them and mocks Cloudstar for doing the patrol himself. Buzzardtail is upset with the way Seedpelt is talking to his leader, but Cloudstar smooths things over. Buzzardtail bemoans how Duskstar gave away part of their territory to ThunderClan. Cloudstar stands by their former leaders decision, stating he had his reasons and ThunderClan might have starved if Duskstar had not done it - and there needs to be five clans. Back at the camp the hunting patrol returns with only one squirrel. They are upset, blaming the twolegs and their monsters on the edge of the territory for scaring away the prey. Stoatfur tells Cloudstar that he thinks they shouldn't hunt by the monsters anymore. Cloudstar assures them it was just a bad hunt and things will be better tomorrow.

Cloudstar dreams of StarClan and three SkyClan leaders who have passed over - Maplestar, Rowanstar, and Duskstar. He questions Duskstar's decision to give away the land. Duskstar states he could not let ThunderClan starve, and it is the duty of a leader to preserve the five clans. The cats tell him that SkyClan will endure forever. Fawnstep wakes Cloudstar, wishing to speak with him in private. The medicine cat tells him of signs she has read, speaking of problems for their clan. Cloudstar tells her not to worry, that StarClan visited him in his dreams, assuring him that the clan is going to be fine. 

Cloudstar takes the apprentices out to train them on climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch. They move through the trees and find themselves by the twolegs and their monsters. Cloudstar orders them to turn back but before they can the tree they are in is attacked and falls down. Cloudstar protects the apprentices then helps pull them from the rubble. Mintpaw is injured. Cloudstar carries her as everyone runs back to camp. 

Back at camp Cloudstar tells everyone what happened while Fawnstep treats everyone. Buzzardtail asks if they have lost that border and Cloudstar tells him they have. Everyone is panicking over the future of their clan. Cloudstar calms them down and that night he takes a patrol to assess the damage, which is extensive. The warriors in the patrol are afraid of what will happen next. Cloudstar insists that everything will be fine and stays to watch the border during the night.

Cloudstar returns to camp the next day, informing everyone that the twolegs are now dragging the trees away. He asks Fawnstep if she has had any more omens, finally acknowledging that there might be a problem, but she has had none. Later he has to go on a patrol along the ThunderClan border with Stoatfur. Redstar, the ThunderClan leader, sees Cloudstar and tries to get information out of him about the monsters and why Cloudstar is leading a patrol, but Cloudstar gives the rude leader nothing. When they leave Redstar, Stoatfur suggests asking for their territory back but Cloudstar feels that would be disrespectful to Duskstar. He assures his cats everything will go back to normal soon. However, when they get back to camp Cloudstar sees how little prey there is. He goes out hunting by himself but isn't able to catch much. He decrees that cats can only eat once a day now, as prey is too scarce. Buzzardtail is upset with this decision as it means the cats might starve. Upset, Cloudstar snaps at his deputy then retreats to his den.

Poor Cloudstar. He has such faith in StarClan to solve their problems but it isn't going to work. On the other hand it is interesting to see ThunderClan as the bad guys for once. Redstar and Seedpelt are pretty disrespectful towards Cloudstar, who just wants to keep the peace. They seem the vultures waiting to pounce the moment SkyClan falls. I suppose they know SkyClan's territory will become their own. One would think, however, that they would fear being the next to be driven away. After all, why stop with just SkyClan's territory? ThunderClan is right next door. It doesn't work out that way, though. ThunderClan will get to expand.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

mistystar's omen: part two

Mistystar defends Peeblefoot, but Antpelt is uninterested in their excuses. Ashfoot, the WindClan deputy, defuses the situation while making it clear Mistyfoot and her cats are in the wrong. Reedwhisker is upset with how Ashfoot handled the situation but Mistystar defends the WindClan deputy. Days later it is time for the meeting at the moonpool. Mothwing sends Willowshine in her place and Mistystar realizes that Leopardstar should have realized something was wrong with Mothwing. The next day Mistystar reaches her decision. She tells Mothwing that she will retire to the elders den and Willowshine will take over all medicine cat duties. The two medicine cats are upset but they have no choice but to agree.

Mistystar decides maybe it is time to expand their territory, since food is so scarce. Before she leaves on a patrol to search for new hunting grounds Mothwing tries to talk to her about Rushpaw and Hollowpaw and how they keep disappearing, but Mistystar is dismissive of her concerns. Mistystar's patrol finds a nest of baby mice, which they bring back to the camp. Rushpaw and Hollowpaw eventually return. They are offered the mice but they turn them down, saying they are not hungry.

Beetlewhisker mentions to Mistystar that some of the big fish are coming back, but Mothwing has told them not to hunt them yet so they can lay eggs to repopulate the water. Upset, Mistystar confronts Mothwing about this even though she agrees with he logic. Mothwing accuses her of not trusting her judgement in anything and Mistystar confirms this. She leaves her and runs into Reedwhisker, who tells her Hollowpaw and Rushpaw are trapped by some dogs. Mistystar races with him to join his patrol save the apprentices. They are able to save the apprentices but Reedwhisker gets badly injured in the process.

They rescue Reedwhisker and the apprentices admit they were eating kittypet food. They felt it would help save the clan if they didn't have to eat. They get Reedwhisker back to camp. Mothwing starts to treat him when Mistystar forces her to step down. Mistystar feels Reedwhisker needs StarClan's help and Mothwing cannot offer that. Willowshine is forced to care for Reedwhisker alone while an upset clan watches on. Unable to watch, Mistystar leaves. Stonefur visits her and tries to explain to her that being a clan cat isn't just about StarClan, but also instinct. He leaves her and Mistystar watches as a moth hatches from it's cocoon and takes fight on its own, by instinct. Mistystar realizes that Stonefur is trying to tell her to let Mothwing be the medicine cat she is supposed to be.

Mistystar returns to camp and asks Mothwing to leave the elders demand return to the medicine den. She admits she was wrong in forcing Mothwing to step down. She leaves the camp to go to the moonpool. On the way she tells Beetlewhisker that RiverClan is blessed to have two medicine cats, knowing this will spread. At the moonpool Mudfur, Mothwing's mentor, comes to her. He tells her he knew Mothwing did not believe but it did not matter because she loves her clan and wishes to care for them, and that is all that matters. Mudfur leaves her and Mothwing comes, and the two cats make peace.

This story had a nice resolution, even though Mothwing was actually forced into the elders den for a few hours. I didn't realize Mothwing was that old. All too soon her time will pass... I would like to believe she will find StarClan then, but I doubt it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

mistystar's omen: part one

Mistyfoot watches the water. The damn has been destroyed, but the fish have not returned. Leopardstar joins her, upset that the danger has passed but nothing has changed. They return to camp, but Leopardstar collapses on the way. Mistyfoot gets Mothwing. They get warriors to help Leopardstar return to her den. Mistyfoot says with her leader, who tells her this is her last life and she is dying. She apologized to Mistyfoot for what she did to her when she aligned herself with Tigerstar. Mistyfoot tells her that she blames Tigerstar and Blackfoot, not Leopardstar. Leopardstar tells Mistyfoot she wishes she had children, and that she views Mistyfoot as a daughter. Mistyfoot lays down with her her leader and tells her to sleep.

When Mistyfoot wakes Leopardstar is dead. She goes to the shore to think and Mothwing joins her. Mistyfoot is scared of the future and Mothwing comforts her. They return to the camp to let everyone know and plan for the future. Mistyfoot realizes she will have to pick a deputy. Willowshine offers to come to the moonpool with Mistyfoot and Mothwing, but Mistyfoot tells her that is not necessary. That night Mistyfoot names Reedwhisker as her deputy. As Mistyfoot sits vigil with Leopardstar her brother, Stonefur, comes to her. He tells her she will need courage for what lies ahead. Afraid, Mistyfoot wakes Mothwing and insists they go to the moonpool now instead of after Leopardstar is buried.

At the moonpool Mistyfoot dreams and receives her nine lives. When she wakes she realizes Mothwing wasn't there. She confronts her friend who admits she doesn't believe in StarClan.

Mistystar is upset, but Mothwing insists she can heal her clan and care for them without a belief in StarClan. They leave the moonpool and visit ThunderClan so Mistystar can tell Firestar what has happened. Mothwing gets some herbs from Jayfeather and they leave. Mistystar asks Mothwing is Jayfeather knows the truth about her lack of belief in StarClan and Mothwing tells her yes. Mistystar is upset with ho calm Mothwing is and privately she questions how good of a medicine cat can she be if she cannot interpret signs from StarClan. They pass a WindClan border and let them know what has happened. Back at camp Reedwhisker offers to take the news to Blackstar and Mistystar agrees. They bury Leopardstar. The next days she confronts Willowshine about Mothwing. Willowshine admits the truth but says it does not matter as Mothwing is a great medicine cat and Willowshine herself has received training from Leafpool on listening to StarClan. Mistystar feels this isn't enough, though, and confronts Mothwing, telling her she must step down as medicine cat.

Mothwing is upset with Mistystar's decision but she is unable to convince her friend not to do this. Mistystar tells Mothwing she needs time to think on this and joins a hunting patrol. While out hunting Pebblefoot accidentally crosses the WindClan border while chasing a squirrel and is caught by a passing WindClan patrol.

I know in the end Mothwing does not step down, but this story is very sad. Mothwing has had such a hard life. Her mother abandoned her and her brother because she thought is was the best for them. Then she thought she found acceptance and destiny inside the clan as a medicine cat just for her brother to destroy it and her belief in StarClan. The other medicine cats know the truth but treat her as an equal, but now her friend and clan leader is taking her place away from her. What will Mothwing's place be now? Will Mistystar force her back to being a warrior? Truth be told I'm surprised this hasn't come out sooner. Everyone knows how Cloudtail feels about StarClan. But I am surprised Mothwing hasn't found any faith. She knows clan leaders have nine lives. Where does she think that comes from? Then again, Cloudtail was able to justify that somehow so maybe it isn't so odd.    

Sunday, February 21, 2021

hollyleaf's story: part two

Hollyleaf longs to be outside. Fallen Leaves catches her watching the woods from the tunnels. She wants him to leave the tunnels with her but he refuses. They argue and Fallen Leaves tells her to go if she wishes to. She says she will, feeling upset that he doesn't ask her to stay with him. On her own she makes a nest and hunts. She tries not to think about her clan but it is all she can think of. She comes across the fox kit she rescued and approaches him, thinking he will remember her. But he only sees prey and attacks. She escapes to a tree and sleeps. When she wakes, injured, she returns to the tunnels looking for Fallen Leaves.

Fallen Leaves cares for her again. When she is better she tells him about finding the fox and it attacking her. Fallen Leaves is both amused and upset with her story. She tells him she was just so lonely and wanted a friend. Fallen Leaves tells her that he is her friend. Later she asks him if he misses his family and he says yes, but he can barely remember them. Hollyleaf is shocked as she has forgotten nothing. Fallen Leaves tells her about his mother and Hollyleaf finds herself confessing that she has two mothers. She stops short of confessing to Ashfur's murder. Fallen Leaves realizes she misses her clan and tells her she should check on them.

Hollyleaf spies on her clan and leaves when she realizes Brambleclaw suspects someone is spying on the camp. She rushes back to Fallen Leaves and tells him everything she saw and heard. She ends up confessing to Fallen Leaves that she killed Ashfur. Fallen Leaves hints that maybe she should return, but Hollyleaf insists she cannot. Time passes and she spies again, hearing that the clan is running out of yarrow and Cherrykit needs it. Hollyleaf remembered where some yarrow is growing, not on any clan territory. She gathers it and leaves it by the camp entrance and runs away. 

Hollyleaf excitedly tells Fallen Leaves all about how Cherrykit is now cured, but he doesn't care about the news. Hollyleaf realizes he is probably jealous. She goes hunting for special prey to share with him, wondering if why he never eats is because he doesn't like any of the prey she tries to share. After eating half of a squirrel she leaves half of it for him (he will never eat it) and sleeps. He wakes her because two of her clanmates (Ivypool and Blossomfall) are trapped in the tunnels and he wants them gone. She finds them, and keeping to the shadows leads them about by an incredibly complicated route that doubles back on itself. She hopes by doing this they will never come into the tunnels again. Time passes and Hollyleaf tries to keep away from her clan. She knows her constant visits to watch her clanmates upsets Fallen Leaves. But she cannot keep away. She rescues some marigold from a hungry rabbit and saves Cherrypaw and Molepaw from a fox.

She confesses to Fallen Leaves that she wants to return home. He tells her that he wished she would stay but understands she cannot. She does not leave right away, unsure when the right time is. One day Fallen Leaves finds WindClan cats in the tunnels and realizes something bad is happening. Ivypool and Dovewing are also in the tunnel and Fallen Leaves tells her she must get her clanmates out and warn her clan. She approaches Ivypool and Dovewing, offering to lead them out so ThunderClan can be warned. But the two cats do not trust her and suspect her to be with the WindClan cats. Hollyleaf reveals herself to be Hollyleaf so she can gain their trust.

Poor Fallen Leaves. I wish he would find peace. At least Hollyleaf finds it in the end. She will return to her clan, fight against the Dark Forest, and die having made peace with Leafpool. I wonder if she goes to StarClan? Or back to the tunnels to wander them with Fallen Leaves? I imagine StarClan is the answer. I just wish Fallen Leaves would not be so alone.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

hollyleaf's story: part one

Hollyleaf lies in the tunnels under some stones. As she slowly crawls her way out she remembers what happened - Ashfur trying to murder them, Squirrelflight revealing the truth that she wasn't their mother, murdering Ashfur, revealing the truth about everything at the Gathering. Hollyleaf tries to justify her actions while feeling distraught over them. Out from under the rocks, she tries to stand up. Her leg buckles beneath her and she passes out. 

Hollyleaf comes to and finds herself in the care of Fallen Leaves. He recognizes her as Hollypaw, not realizing her name has changed. She tells him she is now Hollyleaf. He tells her once she gets better she can return to her friends, but Hollyleaf rejects that idea, knowing she can never return home. As Hollyleaf heals she tries to question Fallen Leaves, believing him to possibly be a tribe cat, but he is evasive in his answers and insists the caves are his home now. 

Hollyleaf's leg mends, and she starts to build a friendship with Fallen Leaves. She finds it odd that he never seems to eat or sleep and how she cannot track his scent or feel any warmth from his body, but she enjoys his company. He teaches her how to maneuver around the tunnels and find her way in the dark.

Time passes and they settle into their new life, even having mock patrols, though they never go near the tunnels that lead to ThunderClan. Fallen Leaves speaks a bit more about his past and his training to be a sharpclaw. Hollyleaf tries to convince him to return to his kin but Fallen Leaves rejects that idea. He runs from Hollyleaf and she realizes she might not be the only one with a terrible secret. She leaves Fallen Leaves be and walks through the tunnels. She scents fox and finds a fox kit trapped in the tunnel, unable to leave because a dog is at the entrance, blocking it. She becomes trapped by the fox kit until a twoleg comes and takes the dog away.

Hollyleaf tries to sleep but cannot. The fox kit is lost in the tunnels and the noise he makes is keeping her awake. She finds the kit and it takes her a while but she is able to lead him out. she watches him run to his mother, who has been looking for him, and she feels sad, missing her family.

I wonder if Hollyleaf will puzzle together that Fallen Leaves is dead? He never eats, he never sleeps, he has no scent... Then again, why would she think she is living with a ghost cat? Poor Fallen Leaves. He is such a tragic character. Trapped in the tunnels until his kin returns, but they left and went to the mountains to become the Tribe of Rushing Water. Jayfeather knows his secret, but Jayfeather has moved on. He is no longer an adventurous kit or apprentice but a medicine cat now. His focus is on caring for his tribe not chasing ghost cat mysteries.  

Thursday, February 18, 2021

secrets of the clans

This was a quick read, like the rest of the field guides. It was also a bit of a combination of Cats of the Clans and Code of the Clans. Or, maybe, Cats of the Clans and Code of the Clans was a more specialized version of this book. You visit the four clans and both of their territories, as well as StarClan. This book gives a deeper look into the leaders and medicine cats, which I thought was great. There are also sections on their important ceremonies and prophecies. Lastly, it tells a bit about the mythological clans - LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan. All of the sections give a little story or interview of relevant events, which was nice (and also seems to be a theme for these books). My favorite part of this book was the full map that showed how to get from the old territory (the forest) to the new (the lake)! That was exciting to see. My biggest complaint is there is zero mention of SkyClan. I assume they were already established when this book was published, but maybe not. But when they spoke of the clans being formed they talked of Shadow, Thunder, Wind, and River but there was no mention of Sky. Meanwhile, the Tribe of Rushing Water and Rock made a brief appearance. But, like I said, maybe this book was written before the SkyClan story line was thought of.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 1

So I mentioned in this post that for 2021 I'm breaking the year into five sections of 12 weeks. Friday February 12th marked the end of the first 12 week block which means block 2 started on Saturday. My goal for block 1 was to read 12 books. How did I do? I did awesome, with 20 books!!! Considering I didn't even think I would make 12 books I see this as a major win! I did, briefly, consider setting my block 2 goal at 18 (50% more than block 1) or 20 (at least meeting my block 1 end number) but I've decided to keep it at 12. If I do awesome again this block then maybe I will change my goal number. The main goal here is to try and set aside some of the stress of 2020-2021 and get back into reading, not get back into reading then make reading stressful. I would love to make the goal of 100 books for 2021 but I'm worried if I set the bar too high (or, in this case, just below my normal amount) I won't make it. So what 20 books did I read?  

Block 1:

  1. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: 9 From the Nine Worlds
  2. Mrs Jeffries Turns the Tide
  3. Mrs Jeffries Rights a Wrong
  4. Mrs Jeffries Delivers the Goods
  5. The Witch's Book of Self-Care
  6. Little Guide to Love Magic
  7. Mrs Jeffries and the Alms of the Angel
  8. Falling Kingdoms
  9. The House Witch
  10. You Are Magical
  11. The Nameless City: The Stone Heart
  12. The Adventure Zone: Petals to the Metal
  13. The Nameless City: The Divided Earth
  14. Mrs Jeffries Demands Justice
  15. Warriors: Path of a Warrior
  16. The Wheel of Time: The Path of Daggers
  17. Warriors A Vision of Shadows: The Apprentice's Quest
  18. Warriors A Vision of Shadows: Thunder and Shadow
  19. Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans *
  20. Warriors: The Untold Stories * 
Now, I'm pretty sure I have mentioned before that I have decided to shelve buying a new book series until I complete (or abandon, like I did with Goddess Girls) all the ones I am currently reading. If I didn't mention this before, I think I made that goal 3 years ago? I was looking at my pile of unread books, which numbered in the hundreds. And I don't mean hundreds as in 201, I mean hundreds as in over 500. I had just bought about a dozen new books for myself over the previous few weeks. It was a treat. I hadn't really bought myself a new book in probably four years at that point. There was just too much going on in my life with my marriage falling apart, moving across the country, finding a job, helping my kids adapt to school (from homeschooling), etc. I wanted to treat myself, and I usually treat myself with books. I bought a bunch. And since I don't really care for standalone books, the new ones I bought were all book 1 in a series.

Well, looking at my new purchases next to the 500+ books I had been sitting on for quite a few years, I realized I had a book buying problem. 

Part of it was I was focusing on too many series at once. So many, as a matter of fact, that I set some aside to come back to "later" - then never did. Good examples of this are The Ranger's Apprentice, The Last Apprentice, How to Train Your Dragon, and Warriors. I would read the first couple of books, go "I really like this series - but I'm reading too many series right now. I will come back to this later," then I would never come back to it. I had to accept I had too many. Some, I donated - like How to Train Your Dragon. Some I started back up - like Warriors. Some, The Ranger's Apprentice and The Last Apprentice, are still sitting in my TBR pile and I am okay with that.

Another part of the problem was my kids wanted to share their favorite books with me. Suddenly new series like Wings of Fire as well as hundreds of graphic novels were added to my TBR pile. 

And since I had so many series going on at once and I was shelving them for years at a time that when I finally came back to them, I completely forgot what was going on. So I'm skimming through previous books to figure out the plot, like with The Mortal Instruments/The Dark Artifices. 

It was all too much. I donated most of the books and started working on others. I'm probably down to 150 right now and that number really doesn't change. For every Warriors book I read I buy a new one. I'm making a dent in that series, though. 

So, why am I getting into all of this right now? Because the day I sat down and did a book purge, I made a list of series I own, then split that list up even further into different categories of what I wanted to focus on. And, I am happy to say, it has worked. I'm moving seriously along that list by focusing on just a couple of series at a time.

As of right now, with this post, I have FINISHED the Mrs Jeffries series. Now, more books will come out. The series is not done yet. But, I am completely caught up on a series I really enjoy. To me, this is a major accomplishment! Also, as of this post, I'm now at the point in the Warrior series where I have more books in my finished pile than my TBR pile. That might change when the newest hexalogy (The Broken Code) is released as a box set, but I hope not. With my Mrs Jeffries accomplishment out there now I need to pick out a new secondary series to focus on.  

So, I just wanted to take a moment to shine on a major reading accomplishment for me. I was pretty excited when I realized I could officially cross a book series off of my list! It was not the first, of course. Percy Jackson was on that list, as was Magnus Chase. But I wasn't looking at 20+ books to read in each of those series, whereas I was with Mrs Jeffries and still am with Warriors. 

I'm off to pick out book #1 for Block 2 now!

* Posts are written and will be posted soon

**(This post has been edited to reflect the new ending date of block 1 and beginning date of block 2.)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

thunder and shadow: part five

Unsuccessful at getting the herb, ThunderClan arrives to take Twigpaw away. Violetpaw tries to get Twigpaw to hide, but her sister doesn't understand why as she wants to return home. She happily returns to her clan and ShadowClan is too sick to stop her. Violetpaw feels crushed and betrayed by her sister. Meanwhile the clan starts to turn on Crowfrost for letting Twigpaw go. Violetpaw keeps helping Puddleshine care for the sick cats but Kinkfur dies. Distraught over everything that has happened, and questioning her decision to leave Needletail, Violetpaw runs from camp to get some air. She makes her way towards the rogue border and runs into Needletail and Rain. Needletail treats her with contempt for abandoning her, and threatens to take he prisoner. Rain convinces Needletail to let Violetpaw go as she is no threat. Rain tells Violetpaw that she hasn't seen the last of them. Violetpaw returns to camp as the cats start to sit vigil with Kinkfur. Crowfrost is revealed to be sick as well and Violetpaw realizes that not only does ShadowClan no longer have any leadership, but the sickness might destroy the clan.

Alderpaw heads to the moonpool with everyone else. As the medicine cats gather they discuss the current problem in ShadowClan. Alderpaw speaks up, asking why the clans don't just come together and force Onestar to surrender the herb. Kestrelflight believes he has a more peaceful solution, but he must talk with StarClan first. The cats settle down and dream. Yellowfang meets with Alderpaw, but she won't give him any more information about the prophecy. Instead she tells him she is glad he is standing up for what he believes in. When the cats wake Kestrelflight is excited. StarClan has answered him. He has everyone follow him and Harespring, WindClan's deputy and his only guard, to the lungwort. Harespring had the idea of giving it to the clans behind Onestar's back and StarClan has given Kestrelflight their blessing to go through with the plan. Later on, back at camp, Jayfeather tells Alderpaw that he is proud of him and that he is ready to become a full medicine cat.

Violetpaw surveys her clan as they start to recover. Some cats accept their situation and move forward without complaining, but others are very vocal about how unhappy they are with Rowanstar and Crowfrost (who has now died). Some cats are even openly disrespectful towards Rowanstar and Violetpaw is beginning to feel like ShadowClan is no better than the rogues. Later on Rowanstar organizes who is going to the Gathering that night, but rebellion happens instead. Some of the warriors have invited in the rogues and Dartktail and Rowanstar fight. Violetpaw is horrified as none of her clanmates help Rowanstar. Eventually Tigerheart, Tawnypelt, and Dawnpelt come to his aid. Defeated, and having lost his clan, Rowanstar leaves with his mate and son. Dawnpelt stays behind as her kits have joined with Darktail and she cannot abandon them after just losing her mate, Crowfrost. Puddleshine wants to go with Rowanstar but cannot, as he cannot abandon the cats who are still sick. Rowanstar tells him he understands. Violetpaw goes to leave with them but Needlepaw calls out to her, begging her not to leave her again, saying they are kin. Violetpaw agrees to stay as she has always felt that way about Needlepaw.

Twigpaw waits impatiently for ShadowClan to come to the Gathering so she can hopefully see her sister and explain why she had to leave. But ShadowClan never comes, so the meeting starts without them. As the leaders talk Rowanstar, Tigerheart, and Tawnypelt arrive. Rowanstar takes his place and tells them his clan has recovered, no thanks to WindClan. Onestar gets angry and says they recovered without the herb just fine, and Rowanstar reveals Harespring and Kestrelflight's secret. Before Onestar can recover from this betrayal, Rowanstar tells everyone that ShadowClan has fallen willingly to the rogues after going days without leadership. Onestar blames Rowanstar for this but the other clans disagree. Even some of his own warriors start to blame him. Bramblestar offers shelter to the exiled ShadowClan cats. The nest day Twigpaw and her mentor head to the ShadowClan border. Twigpaw is worried about her sister as she might be a prisoner of the rogues, and Ivypool is worried about her sister as Tigerheart is in the camp. They find Needletail and Rain, and a reluctant Needletail goes and gets Violetpaw. But the reunion Twigpaw was hoping for doesn't happen. Violetpaw is cold to her, and tells her they have each found their own clan. Needletail tells them to leave, then attacks Twigpaw for not moving fast enough. Ivypool attacks Needletail but Twigpaw breaks up the fight and the ThunderClan cats leave.

The medicine cats gather, but Puddleshine never shows up. Jayfeather makes Alderheart a full medicine cat and they go to sleep. Alderheart dreams of the prophecy and of a fivepointed leaf and he realizes that they still must look for SkyClan.

I cannot believe Violetpaw chose the rogues over ShadowClan! I don't care that Needletail is there! After all of that hard work, going out of her way to make herself fit in, and defending Rowanstar she threw it all away, knowing how cruel Darktail is. I thought more cats would side with Rowanstar. I cannot believe only Tawnypelt and Tigerheart joined him. I understand why Puddleshine stayed behind, but I am incredibly disappointed in the rest - especially Violetpaw!

And I am glad everyone started to come to their senses about Onestar, but it is too little too late as ShadowClan has been destroyed.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

thunder and shadow: part four

On the way to the Gathering Sparkpelt fills Alderpaw in on all the ShadowClan/WindClan gossip. Alderpaw only half listens, worrying about how the clans will act at the Gathering that night. The cats settle in but ShadowClan is late. With his thoughts on Onestar refusing ShadowClan the herb, Alderpaw asks Leafpool if clans have really let cats die before and Leafpool sadly tells him yes. In the end the three leaders decide to start the meeting. Bramblestar says that since Rowanstar is not there he will tell some of Rowanstar's news. He informs everyone that Violetpaw has returned to ShadowClan. RiverClan is happy with this news but Onestar accuses her of being a rogue spy. Onestar then accuses ShadowClan of sending an invasion but ThunderClan speaks in their defense, stating that the cats were just there for an herb. ShadowClan arrives then, and Crowfrost takes Rowanstar's place. He tells them that Rowanstar is sick, as are many other clanmates, and Onestar has denied them the healing herb. Onestar stands by his refusal. Mothwing asks for permission to gather the herb and Onestar gives it to her - on the condition that it not be given to ShadowClan. Arguments break out but Onestar holds his ground. He will not surrender the herb unless ShadowClan drives away the rogues. The meeting breaks up. Alderpaw begs his father to help, but Bramblestar feels there is nothing he can do.

Twigpaw is thrilled. Bramblestar has given permission for her to go on a journey to find her mother. Ivypool and Fernsong will accompany her. Alderpaw asks for permission to go as well since he knows where the nest was. They make the journey and find the nest, and Twigpaw realizes Alderpaw did not steal her from her mother, that if Alderpaw left her and Violetpaw there they would have died. They return home and Twigpaw accepts that her mother is dead.

Violetpaw is half asleep in her nest when Twigpaw shows up. She wants to talk to her sister about their mother but Violetpaw is freaking out. ShadowClan has just started to accept her and Twigpaw's appearance can destroy that. She tries to get Twigpaw out of the camp before she is discovered but Twigpaw is so wrapped up in what she is trying to tell Violetpaw that she isn't paying attention. Dawnpelt discovers them and demands to know what is going on. Twigpaw explains that she wanted to tell Violetpaw that their mother is dead. Dawnpelt is confused as this isn't new news, but Violetpaw explains it is for Twigpaw as she had never accepted their mothers death. Violetpaw asks her mentor to let Twigpaw go as no one needs to know she was ever there. But before Dawnpelt can make a decision other cats wake up and discover her. Crowfrost lectures Twigpaw, telling her she must speak to her sister at a gathering or send a message through Bramblestar. He is about to let her go when Scorchfur suggests holding her hostage so ThunderClan will get the herb for them. Crowfrost agrees. At first Violetpaw is upset with the plan but Crowfrost assures that Twigpaw will be safe. Twigpaw is upset but Violetpaw is happy to have time with her sister.

Ivypool wakes Alderpaw, looking for Twigpaw. Everyone wonders where she is when Crowfrost shows up with some warriors. He explains that Twigpaw entered their camp in the middle of the night and she will stay as their guest until ThunderClan gets some lungwort herb, as the sickness is spreading and now Snakekit is ill. Everyone argues over what should happen next and Bramblestar orders the ShadowClan cats to be escorted back to the border while he decides what to do. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight decide that Leafpool and Alderpaw should approach WindClan and speak with Kestrelflight and try to reason with Onestar. They are worried Onestar won't listen but they feel they have no other option. Leafpool and Alderpaw enter WindClan territory, find a patrol, and ask to speak with Kestrelflight. They are brought to him and ask him for the herb but he feels he cannot go against his leader. They then appeal to Onestar, explaining that now a kit is sick, but he will not listen and stands by his decision. 

ShadowClan treats Twigpaw well. She is horrified by some of their behaviors - Birchpaw and Lionpaw get into a fight with claws unsheathed and none of the warriors seem to care - but tries to make herself useful. She helps Puddleshine tend to the sick cats since she is not allowed to leave the camp and she does have a basic knowledge of herbs. Violetpaw helps her and she feels relief as she was worried her sister was just as callous as the rest of ShadowClan. When Twigpaw and Violetpaw finally settle down for the night, exhausted, they promise that being sisters will always be more important than anything else including denmates and clanmates.

I understand ShadowClan's desperation, but I don't think ThunderClan will attack WindClan for the herb. ThunderClan and ShadowClan could form an alliance to fight the rogues, but I'm not sure ShadowClan would agree because they want their clanmates to return home. Meanwhile Onestar's hatred will kill ShadowClan if something doesn't change.

Meanwhile Violetpaw needs to make up her mind about Twigpaw. She's hot then she's cold. Now she's back to liking Twigpaw but how long will that last for?

Friday, February 12, 2021

thunder and shadow: part three

Violetkit sits outside the nursery, wishing she could actually leave it. She's upset Darktail actually walked into the camp, getting her in trouble with ShadowClan. However, some of the apprentices and younger warriors now view her differently since she knows the rogues. Suddenly Rain, Raven, and Flame walk into the camp with fresh kill. They offer it as a gift, stating they want to join the clan. Rowanstar rejects their offer and is furious they hunted on ShadowClan land. Crowfrost tells the rogues to leave, with their prey, when Needlepaw speaks up, challenging Rowanstar and Crowfrost. She argues they should keep the prey and show no loyalty to WindClan. The rogues are escorted out of the camp but Needlepaw doesn't stop. She starts arguing about how ShadowClan used to be great, but now it is weak due to its alliance with the other clans and because ThunderClan has forced them to be peaceful. Other apprentices start agreeing with her. Rowanstar says they don't know what loses a real battle and bring and tells them he is now going to be strict about them following the warrior code. Needlepaw rejects this, and says she is leaving with the rogues. Other apprentices state they will follow her, much to the clans shock.  Violetkit asks Needlepaw not to leave, and Needlepaw says she is taking her with her. Leafpool begs her not to do this, as Needlepaw has a destiny with the clans but Rowanstar tells her to take the kit, as he feels Needlepaw and Violetkit are nothing but trouble.

Alderpaw is at the Gathering wondering where ShadowClan is when they finally arrive, clearly having been in a fight. Leafpool joins the other medicine cats but refuses to tell Alderpaw what is going on with ShadowClan. The leaders start naming their new warriors, and as everyone cheers Alderpaw notices that some of ShadowClan's new warriors' littermates are missing from the list. Rowanstar then makes the announcement that some of the rogues asked to join his clan and he turned them away - but some of the apprentices left with them and they took Violetkit. Everyone is furious that Rowanstar let Violetkit be taken, but he argues that she isn't the special cat of the prophecy and she is Needlepaw's problem anyway. Everyone wants to go rescue Violetkit but then Rowanstar tells them that they attacked the rogues and lost - and another apprentice and two warriors left the clan to join the rogues. Everyone is shocked by this news. Rowanstar insists his cats will realize their mistake and come back, but the other leaders aren't as sure. A decision is reached that it is too dangerous to rescue Violetkit now, as the rogues might kill her rather than let her be taken. Onestar wants to attack the rogues but Rowanstar cannot bear to attack his clanmates. It is decided for now to wait and see what happens and the gathering is brought to an end.

Moons have passed and Twigpaw is now Ivypool's apprentice. As they train Ivypool realizes that Twigpaw doesn't feel like the clan is her kin. She tells her it is a pity that Squirrelflight's patrol never found her mother. Twigpaw knows nothing of this, and after she gets away she asks Alderpaw. Alderpaw confesses that Squirrelflight wasn't actually looking for Twigpaw's mother but he cannot tell her what she was really doing. Twigpaw feels betrayed and feels that Alderpaw stole her from her mother. She races away to the edge of the territory where she runs into Violetkit, now Violetpaw. She is happy to see her sister finally but Violetpaw does not return the feeling. Twigpaw tries to talk to her about their mother and how she might still be alive but Violetpaw feels she is dead so there is no point in dwelling on this. Needletail shows up and says the rogues are Violetpaw's family now. Twigpaw wants Violetpaw to help her look for their mother but Violetpaw refuses. She and Needlepaw leave, so Twigpaw unhappily returns home. 

Violetpaw feels guilty for leaving her sister as she follows Needletail. They run into Rain and Sleekwhisker, who were out hunting. Violetpaw can't help but feel the rogues are disorganized, as much as they try to act like a clan. The borders change daily based upon who marks them and the hunting patrols are more interested in napping than feeding the group. When they return to camp Darktail is furious over how little prey Rain has been bringing back lately and refuses to let him eat. The two cats fight and Darktail wins. Rain surrenders and Darktail blinds him in one eye so he can never challenge his authority again. Needlepaw is devastated and Violetpaw is horrified. That night Needlepaw tends to Rain with the help of Nettle, who knows a little about herbs but not enough. Violetpaw realizes she cannot stay here any longer. She feels bad for betraying Needlepaw, but she sneaks out of the camp and leaves. She decides to return to ShadowClan and see if they will take her in. She catches prey and enters the camp, asking to return. Some of the cats are angry that she has come back, others are sympathetic as she was just a kit and Rowanstar did throw her out. Rowanstar is upset that only Violetpaw has returned - he was hoping everyone would come back - but he lets her stay and names Dawnpelt as her mentor.

Violetpaw becomes determined to be the best apprentice ever and helps the clan in any way she can. One day she tries to help Puddleshine with some sick ShadowClan cats by offering to collect herbs, but he tells her the herbs are not working. Later he has a dream. Runningnose came to him and told him how to cure the sickness. Rowanstar has fallen ill as well so Crowfrost sends them on a mission to find the herb, which only grows on WindClan land. Violetpaw is thrilled that she is trusted enough to join the cats. They pass a ThunderClan patrol. Dovewing calls out to them but Tigerheart deliberately looks away. Puddleshine wants to stop and talk to them, to warn them of this new illness, and Violetpaw is happy as her sister is with Dovewing, but Twigpaw ignores her. Tigerheart and Dovewing act cold towards each other. After relaying the news they rush on to WindClan land where they run into a hostile patrol. They are brought to WindClan's camp where Onestar denies them the herb. Kestrelflight pleads on their behalf but Onestar will not listen and the ShadowClan cats are sent away with the threat of an attack.

Onestar has always been grumpy but this is extreme, even for him. Condemning cats to potentially die and threatening a medicine cat is really taking things too far. I wonder if he is going senile? I think he is older than Firestar. If nothing else he is the same age and Firestar is dead while Graystripe is an elder.

As for the rogues, I do not understand them at all - or their appeal. They mock the clan cats yet they try to act like a clan anyway. Granted a more vicious clan, but still. Border patrols, hunting patrols, etc - these are things the clan cats do. And how can Needletail prefer this to ShadowClan?!? Darktail just blinded Rain!!! I am glad Violetpaw left - and that ShadowClan took her back in. I think she would be happier with ThunderClan. RiverClan and WindClan always struck me as different, but ShadowClan is really just a prouder, darker version of ThunderClan. They are what ThunderClan would be if ThunderClan was more worried about being warriors than peacekeepers. I am glad Violetpaw is finding acceptance in her clan but she would have found peace alongside acceptance in ThunderClan, and I think she needs that more.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

thunder and shadow: part two

Violetkit is lost in her thoughts about the rogues when Needlepaw has her sneak out again. This time Sleekpaw is with Needlepaw. Sleekpaw is rude to her but Needlepaw sticks up for Violetkit. Violetkit thinks they are sneaking out to see Twigkit, which Sleekpaw mocks her for, but instead, much to Violetkit's shock and horror, they are meeting with the rogues. Viletkit is shocked by the things Needlepaw and Sleekpaw say about their clanmates, but she tries to stick up for them. However, Darktail works on her feelings of isolation and loneliness by pointing out ShadowClan doesn't really care about her.

Twigkit overhears some warriors talking about her and Violetkit, the prophecy, and how ordinary Twigkit is. Twigkit becomes upset, worrying that ThunderClan will kick her out if she isn't special. She goes to the medicine den to see Alderpaw but Jayfeather is grumpy she is there. She overhears Jayfeather mention they need to collect more watermint tomorrow. Deciding to prove to Jayfeather and all of the clan that she is special, she decides to sneak out and get the watermint herself. However, while trying to collect the watermint she falls off of a rock and almost drowns. While drowning she can hear her mothers voice speaking to her. Then, Sparkpaw rescues her. Back at the medicine den Alderpaw comforts her while Jayfeather tends to her. She confesses to Alderpaw that she was trying to collect watermint to prove she belonged in the clan. Alderpaw tells her she doesn't need to worry. Sparkpaw arrives and tells Alderpaw that because she rescued Violetkit she is going to have her warrior assessment.  

After Sparkpelt's warrior ceremony Jayfeather and Alderpaw go to the moonpool. Kestrelflight is accompanied by some warriors. He explains that since the rogue attack Onestar has been acting odd, making up new rules to keep the clan safe. Everyone is stressed out because there are so many new rules they cannot keep them straight - so they keep accidentally breaking them and getting in trouble. No one is allowed to leave the camp unaccompanied now, so Kestrelflight has a guard. Jayfeather grills Puddlepaw. He wants Puddlepaw to take over as soon as possible so Leafpool can return home. Leafpool comes to Puddlepaw's rescue and the cats settle down to talk to StarClan. But the next morning everyone wakens, and StarClan has spoken to none of them. Leafpool tells Alderpaw that she is worried about ShadowClan. She says the apprentices have no respect and the warriors cannot figure out how to make them obey the rules. She says they even talk about rejecting StarClan and Needlepaw has been sneaking Violetkit out of the camp. Alderpaw asks her why she cannot do anything and Leafpool points out she is a ThunderClan cat. Leafpool hopes that this is just a phase that the ShadowClan apprentices will outgrow and Alderpaw worried how Violetkit can become a true warrior in an environment like that.

Violetkit and Needlepaw return to camp and are caught by Tawnypelt. Needlepaw lies and says she was taking Violetkit hunting. Tawnypelt reaches her breaking point with Needlepaw and takes them to Rowanstar. But things only get worse from there as Needlepaw is rude and insolent to Rowanstar and the other apprentices take notice of her behavior. Eventually they start speaking up, much to the clan's shock. The apprentices start complaining about everything, including how weak and peace loving their clan now is. Their parents and mentors are horrified and Rowanstar decrees that clan rules have been ignored for two long. Needlepaw is told to care for the elders until further notice as punishment. Later, she convinces Violetkit to meet with Rain since she cannot and she is worried Rain will think she is no longer interested. She tells Violetkit that she will cover for her if she gets caught. Violetpaw sneaks out that night and finds the rouge camp on her own. An owl attacks her but Rain saves her. She passes on the message and Darktail insists she eats and rests before returning home. She wakes up the next morning, realizing she overslept. Darktail, Rain, and Roach take her back to camp, insisting on walking her in through the entrance. Violetkit knows she is in trouble now and hopes Needlepaw will speak up for her, but instead her friend makes a feeble excuse for why Violetkit is out of camp. The rogues arrival causes a continuation of the argument between the clan and the apprentices so the rogues leave.

Twigkit and Alderpaw sneak off to the ShadowClan border to meet up with Needlepaw and Violetkit. However, instead of their friends they run into a ShadowClan patrol with Tigerheart in it. He asks if Dovewing is there, which confuses Alderpaw. He seems disappointed when Alderpaw says no. Alderpaw explains away his and Twigkit's presence to the satisfaction of the warriors. Twigkit asks after her sister and Tigerheart assures her she is being taken care of, while also saying she and Needlepaw keep sneaking out together. The two cats return to their camp and the warriors go on their way.

For the record, I am upset to be correct about Needlepaw. And even worse she is taking along other apprentices and Violetkit. I don't see this going well. The apprentices will deflect. The question is will they leave? Or help the rogues attack? And will Needlepaw take Violetpaw with her? And Darktail had to know that escorting Violetkit into the camp would cause problems for everyone - including Violetkit. I wonder what his thought was. Gauging the clan's strength? Defense? Seeking out the mood to see if more cats are receptive to joining him? Just causing trouble? All or some of the above?

Also, I thought Dovewing was over Tigerheart. I mean, I know she is not because in Tawnypelt's story it is established that she left her clan for him, but I am surprised by the sudden interest the two of them are showing again.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

thunder and shadow: part one

Echosong has a vision while she sleeps. A cat who has appeared to her before comes again. She hopes he will tell her how to find her clanmates but instead he tells her the same prophecy the clan cats at the lake were told. He also tells her that they are currently scattered, like leaves in the wind. While Echosong tries to figure out his vague words the vision fades, leaving her alone again.

Bramblestar summons Leafpool, Jayfeather, and Alderpaw. They arrive to find Rowanstar there. They are informed that Littlecloud is dying and ShadowClan needs their help. Leafpool volunteers to care for Littlecloud and ShadowClan for now. After everyone leave Bramblestar speaks to Alderpaw in private, telling him that Squirrelflight is leading a small patrol to look for SkyClan under the guise of searching for Twigkit's mother. Alderpaw leaves his father to go get ready and Twigkit stops him, asking if she can come along. Alderpaw sadly explains to her why she cannot. She gives Alderpaw a feather, asking him to give it to Violetkit. Alderpaw helps Leafpool carry herbs. They meet with Tawnypelt who leads the patrol that escorts them to ShadowClan's camp. Sleekpaw is a part of that patrol and she acts callous about Littlecloud's upcoming death. When they reach the camp Leafpool is horrified to see how Littlecloud is being treated. His pelt is uncared for and his nest is old. Rowanstar and Crowfrost speak with Leafpool and ask her to stay awhile and train an apprentice, Puddlekit. She is upset that the apprentice was chosen by Rowanstar and not StarClan or Littlecloud but agrees since there seems to be no other option. Needlepaw and Alderpaw are sent to gather moss for Littlecloud. Needlepaw acts disrespectful about, but helps. Alderpaw asks after Violetkit, but she has no information since she doesn't care to hang out with a kit. She does take Alderpaw to see her, though, and gives Violetkit the feather. Alderpaw realizes just how lonely and uncared for Violetkit is, so he suggests to Needlepaw that they sneak the kits out of their camps to meet in secret. Needlepaw agrees, as she loves secrets.

Violetkit is in the nursery, thinking. She overheard some of the cats implying she wasn't really a ShadowClan cat. She asks Pinenose, the queen who is caring for her, and Pinenose is dismissive of Violetkit's worries. Grassheart goes into labor and the kits are kicked out of the nursery so Leafpool can attend to her. They are sent to the apprentices den to spend the night. Other cats are outside, mourning the passing of Liddlecloud and sitting vigil with his body. Needlepaw waylays Violetkit and sneaks her out of the camp. She taker her to the ThunderClan border for a surprise - a meeting with her sister. Violetkit is thrilled to be with her sister again and the two kits play until they are exhausted. Then it is time to part and Violetkit is devastated, as she had hoped to be with her sister for good. Violetkit cries to Needlepaw that she is so lonely and no one wants her. Needlepaw sees herself in Violetkit and resolves to be her friend from this moment forward.

Squirrelflight returns with her patrol and they meet with Bramblestar and Alderpaw. They report that the gorge is empty - the rogues are gone and SkyClan has not returned. Bramblestar feels that SkyClan is lost to them. Jayfeather and Alderpaw are in the medicine den caring for the clan's cats. Twigkit in underpaw, casing Jayfeather to be sharper than usual. Briarlight takes Twigkit out of the den. Jayfeather and Alderpaw get into an argument over Twigkit, Jayfeather's attitude in general, and Alderpaw's training. Their argument is interrupted by a patrol racing in, yelling for Bramblestar. The patrol witnessed a fight between WindClan and some rogues inside of ThunderClan's border. Bramblestar takes some warriors, Jayfeather, and Alderpaw and races to the fight. They join in while Alderpaw and Jayfeather watch on, waiting to help the injured cats. Alderpaw realizes he knows some of the rogues, and Darktail recognizes him. Darktail calls a stop to the fight and warns Bramblestar that they aren't going anywhere. Jayfeather and Alderpaw tend to the seriously wounded WindClan cats. One WindClan cat, Furzepelt, is dead, much to everyone's shock and Onestar loses a life. When Onestar recovers he wants to chase after the rogues but Brambleclaw talks him out of it. He then wants to take his warriors home but Bramblestar talks him out of that as well, as the journey could kill his remaining warriors who are badly wounded. Everyone returns to ThunderClan's camp, except for Cloudtail and Rosepetal who sit with Furzepelt, protecting her body. Alderpaw helps Jayfeather tend to the wounded WindClan cats then he goes to tell Bramblestar about the rogues. He overhears Onestar tell Bramblestar that he saw the rouges and crossed into ThunderClan's territory intending to chase them away then report what had happened to Bramblestar. Alderpaw speaks with his father in private, telling him it is the same rogues as the ones at the gorge, confirming Bramblestar's fears. Bramblestar calls a clan meeting. Onestar wants to leave with his warriors but Jayfeather and Bramblestar convince him to let the warriors stay for now. Instead Bramblestar offers some of his warriors as an escort and to carry Fursepelt's body. Onewhisker unhappily agrees. Bramblestar announces that two patrols will inform ShadowClan and RiverClan of what has happened. Twigkit wants to go with the group to ShadowClan to check on her sister. Permission is denied, but it is given to Alderpaw so he can check in with Leafpool and check on Violetkit. 

The ThunderClan cats find rouge scent while they wait by the border of ShadowClan. A patrol comes by and Dovewing is happy to see Tigerheart, but he is cold to her. Tawnypelt notices the rogue smell and says they have found it all over their territory. Bramblestar asks to speak with Rowanstar. Tigerheart brings the ThunderClan cats to the camp while Tawnypelt and some others follow the rogue scent. Bramblestar tells Rowanstar about the rogues. he asks for permission to help search for them. At first Rowanstar is dismissive but his deputy, Crowfrost, is not. When Bramblestar hints that Onestar lost a life Rowanstar takes him seriously and lets them search the territory with Crowfrost and some other ShadowClan cats. After they are done Alderpaw asks to go back to the camp to speak with Leafpool. After speaking with Leafpool he checks in with Needlepaw and Violetkit, who seem to be getting along great. Needlepaw is distracted, though, and Alderpaw worries their friendship might be over.

While I only have a quick glance at ShadowClan here my fears seem to be true - but not about the warriors. They seem at their wits end with the apprentices.

Needlepaw's attitude about secrets makes me happy for the SkyClan secret, but not the rogues secret. While I think she will hold both secrets close I worry she will betray her clan to the rogues because she loves Rain. I also suspect she is sneaking out to see him... And while I am glad she is opening up to Violetkit, I worry that she will take her down the wrong path.

As for Onestar... he has always been Jayfeather levels of crotchety, but not to the point where he is willing to risk killing clanmates. He has been in a foul mood since this book series started and I wonder what is going on there.