Sunday, January 3, 2021

3 books & reading goals: 2021

I've decided for this year that we are just sticking to our 3 book goal. We have to finish book 8 of The Wheel of Time. I'm hoping we do that as well as read books 9, 10, & 11. If that happens, next year our goal can be 12, 13, & 14 leaving just A New Spring to be finished whenever.

I am also only going to focus on my own reading goals for this year. Currently I have a goal of 12 books. I think I am going to run with that idea and break the year (including the few weeks of last year) into five 12 week blocks. Each block the number of books I aspire to read will be different. I think this will work for me for this year. What I will do in 2022 I'm not sure. Hopefully things will be somewhat back to normal by then.

So, the 5 blocks are:

  1. Tuesday November 24, 2020 - Friday February 12, 2021
  2. Saturday February 13, 2021 - Monday May 3, 2021
  3. Tuesday May 4, 2021 - Friday July 23, 2021
  4. Saturday July 24, 2021 - Monday October 11, 2021
  5. Tuesday October 12, 2021 - Friday December 31, 2021
I am also looking forward to returning to blogging! I made the goal a couple years ago to not start any new book series, but instead finish off all the series I am currently working on. I'm almost done with Mrs Jeffries (I didn't blog about those) and I'm looking forward to putting a serious dent in the Warriors series. Apparently I'm two hexalogies behind - not counting super editions and novellas! There is also always Wings of Fire. And there are other series that I am looking to sink my teeth back into (Ranger's Apprentice and The Last Apprentice pop into my head - I started them years ago and never finished).

So, here are my tentative goals for 2021. Talk to you soon!

*(This post has been edited. I did not realize I screwed up my math and made block 2 only 8 weeks long until I went to do a post about block 2. I had to redo my math and to finish 5 blocks by the end of 2021 each block is only 11 1/2 weeks long. I'm still sticking with the "12 books in 12 weeks" theme, however. Alliteration, after all.) 

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